These are the in-game versions of the songs, we're not gonna do the full versions since an official instrumental for the full song doesn't exist.
Rules and other shit: >no vocaroos, please Only use vocaroos as a last resort, they have a shit bitrate. If you need to upload it using a file sharing site, I would recommend picosong instead. >no background instrumentals and noise to a minimum I just need your voice and voice alone, any background static or noise should be eliminated at your end. >stay in sync and follow the beat For Rouge of Love and Judgement, stay in sync with the song as best as you can. For Judgement, try not to sing Kiryu and Nishiki's lines in the same submission, separate them into separate takes and files. If you can't sing for shit, try going silly or full retard. I'll see if I can make this any more 'fun'. >deadline? Depending on submission count and quality, it could be as early as the end of August. Otherwise TBA. >where do we send it? Via email, [email protected] But if you prefer to just drop it in the thread, using a file sharing service like picosong. >have you done anything else? I did Yea Forums sings - Baka Mitai As well as numerous Yea Forums projects on my channel. Feel free to check them out.
Ian Bailey
Besides the recent Yea Forums sings Persona, I'm not quite too sure if Yea Forums has the same spirit for these projects compared to a couple years ago. Though every once in a while we do these, shit like Devil Trigger blows up and sounds fucking amazing.
I'll play the waiting game with this though.
Mason Wilson
Devil trigger was bound to happen man remember all those never ever threads every year during e3 9 years of disappointment then bam
the yakuza fanbase is a small family of the Yea Forums clan even after all the pc ports so I guess you have to wait
I ain't salty. Big and small projects each have their own charm. Thanks for the pep talk though, it beats the newfags mistaking these for Yea Forums musicals.