I pirate all AAA games
I pirate all AAA games
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I pirate all games.
I want to shit on piracy but I can't since I downloaded so many brand new NDS games as a teenager. You'll grow out of it
Man, why did they have to ruin the original aesthetic of the first game? It was perfect. Instead they felt the need to put in this shitty generic cyberpunk setting and also everything else that's shitty about it.
I pirate all singleplayer games, G2A for multiplayer
Because it's cheaper and they can write it off as an "artstyle"
I only pirate console games and games with DRM. Being able to easily redownload games from GOG and have cloud saves is worth a few bucks
You're pretty bad at mirror's edge
Because AAA companies are soulless entities that look at the boat with the most passengers in them and hop on that, while trying to retain the family name in spite of becoming irrelevant as soon as they dilute themselves with the trendy aesthetic/theme. Fuck AAA industry, it won't push against status quo and try new and interesting things. Everything has to be (((safe))).
Just look at Cyberpunk 2077, Everyone was expecting a CRPG and now it's an action adventure
I don't even pirate them
It was meant to showcase the AI
Whats with the influx of threads of people saying they pirate?
Who cares?
I only pirate indie games
>Being able to recognise "trends" on Yea Forums
Get out more
It's summer and all the kids have just realised they can just download games for free instead of having to beg mom for her credit card
more like everyone was expecting the second coming of christ but it's actually a video game
>adulthood is buying things when you don't have to
huh, and here i thought you grew wiser with age
Every game I pirate is a $60 loss to the company
Take that, big vidya
>chaotic evil
I'll always pirate games from EA and Activision. Especially Activision. Since their effective tax rate is -51%. Meaning on top of not paying ANYTHING in the form of taxes, they are actually profiting from tax rebates and are taking money from us.
Remember that you are morally right in pirating Activision/Blizzard games if you are in the United States. You have already paid for their products with your taxes.
>adulthood is buying things when you don't have to
This, I've had so much buyers remorese with games I only buy indie now after watching a lot of reviews, game play videos etc and then only when it's cheap
Is Mirror's Edge 2 even worth pirating? The original is one of my favorite games of all time but what I've seen from the sequel really turned me off.
>Everyone was expecting a CRPG
Even you sycophants have began to lose grip with reality from all the slander.
Stealing is wrong
I pirated it and no, it's really not
it's okay user, tim sweaty will refund them, remember?
It's more to do with having less free time so not needing a new game every other day
>want to pirate
>don't want Theresa May's Big Brother porn banning governent to cuck me
is paying for a VPN my only option?
It was teased and initially pitched as a CRPG. Brainlet.
Its "ok"
Imagine being in the UK.
Cheers to you anons. Don't forget to seed!
I started pirating all my games when developers and reviewers decided that blacks and faggots were better customers than me. They don't want white male money so they won't get it?
Or dont be a bitch
I don't even play games anymore
If you live in an apartment building the excuse of "somebody else was using my wifi" can get people to fuck off.
I remember getting chased by those black people. Scary af
torguard if you're paranoid
Why are you here then? You should leave Yea Forums if you don't play video games.
It has a few moments but most of the time you'll just wish you were playing the first game instead
I come here to make political posts to rile up you soiboi nerds and there's nothing you can do to stop me
This is why I hate realistic art styles, makes something like this look even more ridiculous.
I derail political threads by posting lewds.
I have bad news and you're not going to like this
>american studying abroad in russia
>steam prices across the board are permanently halved to accommodate lower wages
>can pirate all I want without fear on blazing fast $10 a month internet
Being a foreigner in a poor country that gives no fucks about copyright law is awesome.
Goddamn Mirror's Edge was so great but so short. I have to play that game again.
aren't you scared of being attacked by a bunch of cheeki breekis who just want $10 though?
Shit gave me major motion sickness.
I do the same, but with western games only.
My money is better used on japanese games. Even now that I have a job, I refuse to buy AAA western trash. Give then money would be a disservice to gaming.
I was expecting Witcher 3, but in a cyberpunk setting. Now we have just some shitty first person RPG that manages to have less options than VtMB2 and Outer Worlds.
Very cringe coping mechanism, just say you want to steal the game. Why make some gay reason like its not on steam so you pirate
It's not stealing. Tim Sweeney bought the game for us.
When you were younger and your mom bought you a game and gave it to you would that be stealing? Of course not retard.
Excuse me, but it is neither coping nor stealing. Sweenie is mah nigga, and he paid for my copy.
the real mvp here
>he paid publishing rights so he bought for me!
Weird cope but ok, I highly doubt you would of bought it if it was on steam anyways. No one can be that much of a loyalist
Combat was the worst part of ME and dumbing down the AI in Catalyst was a wise decision. Didn't fix the problem but at least it was a band-aid solution.
I don't pirate games I don't want to play
>Buying something for other people is stealing
>Literally the only good looking part of the game
>Also the only part of the E3 demo and beta
Am I the only one who feels giddiness while playing the first Mirror's Edge?
I have 352 games on Steam, some were free, but most of then were bought with my own money. There are games I paid full price and haven't even downloaded.
I have 12 games on Uplay, 2 games on GOG, 1 in Origin, and 1 in Epic, all acquired for free. Never bought anything in game as well.
I have a PS2, PS3, Switch, and PSP, all hacked. I had never owned an original console game in my whole life.
So yeah, I guess you could call me a loyalist.
Lol except they made combat in Catalyst MANDATORY in empty, unparkourable arenas, apart from 1 fight it was always optional in the first
I thought I was the only one.
The game is great but I'm too weak.
Thats pretty sad, especially for a company that fought legal battles to prevent having a refund system
Goddamn we have a time traveler on Yea Forums, can you upload the games somewhere, we want to play them too
The clean, sharp artstyle and believable dystopian future angle really sets it apart.
The people who recognize trends are usually the ones that don't frequent a board for a while and see new stuff they don't like while everybody else has already adapted to it
>i-i-it wasnt suppose to be an rpg
nice damage control cdrp shill. kill yourself
Is that rendered in Google SketchUp?