What happened to the horror elements of Zelda?
What happened to the horror elements of Zelda?
You grew up and now you dont have any nostalgia for the newer games so all you do is shitpost on Yea Forums like the worthless trash you are.
so new parents can feel safe buying a bing bing wahoo machine for their children
People mocked Twilight Princess for trying too hard and suck Wind Waker's dick despite being the worst 3D Zelda besides Skyward Sword so the devs have stuck with a solely upbeat tone to Zelda with no breaks. BOTW took a little bit of a shift from that though and BOTW 2 is promised to bring some of the dark elements back so here's hoping
Whatever happened to Zelda being good
WWis better than TP
BOTW2 will bring it back.
>muh prime
>muh windwaker
The world would be 10 times better if all gamecube babbies vanished
>WWis better than TP
If you have brain damage, yes it is
prime? what? and TP is a gamecube game you realize. it was worse than ww though.
Nintendo themselves think Wind Waker is the 4th best Zelda game, only BOTW, ALTTP & OOT rated higher
Twilight princess tried to do it, but it was in different ways. Mainly went for gentle body horror and mild astral horror stuff.
OOT and MM were more spooky. BoTW had some frightening stuff in the story but not much horror in the actual game. But based on how the BoTW2 trailer set up the mood, the next game might be much more frightening. I kind of hope so, the more survival based gameplay of BoTW could be made so much better with frightening enemies and more risk.
Fuck you nostalgiafaggot op
>Nintendo themselves think Wind Waker is the 4th best Zelda game
Who's "Nintendo"? Based on what metric? And why should I care when a majority of their IPs are being drained of their identity under modern Nintendo? Appeal to authority is a logical fallacy, by the way.
Nintendo rebranded in the Wii era as an ultra kid (not "family", KID) friendly company. That meant rounding off all the edges.
Nintendo America
It's better paced, has a better art style, has better characters, has a better story, has better music, has better gameplay mechanics, and it was better received.
TP is only better when it comes to dungeon difficulty I guess.
I don't recall TP having any horror segments. There was that edgelord stuff but it wasn't "horror" like OOT/MM. It wasn't trying to scare, it was just weird.
The fog in the forest could have been spooky but TP was just overall lacking something so the whole game felt dry or boring.
They were only scary if you were a bitch ass fag that gets his lunch money stolen every day.
I meant more in the monster design. Shit like the Twilight Enemies being horribly mutated version of both normal enemies and twilight natives was a sort of body horror. But once again, very gentle. Most of the twilight realm was sort of similar to astral horrors and whatnot. Once again, incredibly softcore stuff though.
OoT and MM had more simple horror but it was much more apparent.
There is no metric in which TP is considered a better game than WW
I think all of the 3D Zeldas are great except SS which is hot garbage
>It's better paced
>has a better art style
It did age better
>has better characters
Extremely debatable
>has a better story
>has better music
No way in hell
>has better gameplay mechanics
Absolutely does not
>and it was better received
Who cares
The truth is there was a lawless time in video games where soulless corporations didn't bind the hands of game creators, and that led to flavorful moments we'd never see in modern games like pools of blood and walls of skulls in Zelda, or a noose in a public square in a Mario game.
ww is up there w oot u dumb fuck. actually play the game
WW is nowhere near OOT you retarded little faggot who started playing games during the 6th gen
WW's soundtrack is rated higher than TP's
>is rated higher than TP's
You keep saying this. WHO rates it higher? And who the fuck cares? This is not an argument, it doesn't make you objectively right you dumb fucking retard. Might as well say Twilight is one of the greatest literary works ever, that's your argument
>This 3D bullshit is considered greater then Twilight Princess
Holy fuck
damn yo. this is the only zelda i rlly missed out on and wanted to play for the lore. is it that bad?
ww opening theme + dragon roost island music are the most memorable zelda musics besides classic zelda/oot
Yes, I'm sure it's just nostalgia and BotW isn't actually missing any of this.
SS was this, but every room in the entire game. The most miserable gaming experience of my life.
In your opinion. This is the problem with WW fags, they never argue from any honest or objective standpoint. They just make grand sweeping claims like everybody is going to automatically agree and get mad when you don't. Fuck off you roaches I'm done attempting to hold conversation with you
>BOTW2 gets released and it's the darkest game in the series as expected
>retard like OP makes a similar thread with WW asking "What happened to the light-hearted, campy Zelda?"
screencap it
>goddamn wikipedia
WW fags are truly, utterly braindead. Hey by the way friend, it looks like WW and TP have the same critic score on Metacritic but TP has 9.0 user score while WW has 8.9. UH OH, I GUESS TP IS OBJECTIVELY BETTER NOW
where's the horror element in BOTW? never finished it
> TP Fags seething as usual
Not even surprised
They won't go back to the gritty artstyle and horror doesn't work with a cartoon aesthetic (at least not in a way nintendo is smart enough to do)
Zelda kinda lost its edge after TP. OoT and MM were able to be realistic with their darker parts, WW enveloped its darkness behind the veneer of its artstyle, and TP made no attempt to hide its darkness, but I guess Nintendo realized that it would be a lot easier to just make adventure games for the kiddies, so starting with the DS Nintendo kinda gave up on what made Zelda Zelda.
Zelda was never meant to be a horror series
You're incapable of arguing. All WW fags ever do is go "LOOK AT WHO AGREES WITH ME", like you just did. Very compelling. Extremely good-faith argument. Not room temp IQ at all
The reason is literally that Aonuma started making Zelda for his son who was around 8 when he made SS. His son is ltierally the reason you have the stupid red bird.
>ww opening theme + dragon roost island music
lmao fuck off, could have at least said the sailing theme if you're trying to argue for memorable WW music.
>Giving Link the ability to turn into a werewolf added nothing to the gameplay
I'm of the opinion that Wolf-Link was an undercooked idea, but even I have to admit that's bullshit.
Cool. But that has nothing to do with what I said.
No one said Zelda was meant to be a horror series, but it used to take itself seriously as a medieval epic. As much as I don't like BotW, I actually have to give it credit for kind of returning to that form (KIND OF).
But for the most part, modern Zelda is just another cute Nintendo series.
wait a minute that candle...
u fuckers are rlly gonna make me go back and play ww and tp. how to be most objective- micro d shrooms or adderal?
>it used to take itself seriously as a medieval epic
You mean when elf boy was beating up on the blue cartoon pig?
It's more like a hindsight kind of horror, as it only settles in once you realize what BotW ubishit sandbox meme means for the rest of the franchise.
based retard
You were saying?
That's not even remotely true. For the most part, Fi left you alone in the dungeons. SS actually had great dungeons, better than those in TP and certainly WW.
Macaroni of tim is the exception, not the rule. This was the case even when it was new. Stay seething, $0yboy
>Can't grasp the tone because the art style is cartoonish
>SS actually had great dungeons,
The sand ship isn't every dungeon user and even then it got boring quick.
>sonic 3
>Michael Jackson
Who keeps the gravekeeper's grave?
He helped on the soundtrack but left because that's when the media pushed the pedo shit.
do you think he had anything to do with this comic?
>get dunked on
>resort to ad hom
Did you seriously not know? Some of Sonic 3's tracks were produced by Michael Jackson. Others were Brad Buxer's unused work for the Jetzons
His brothers maybe, but that doesn't seem like MJ.
That wasn't adhom, this is adhom: you are a retard. You seriously think that because the characters don't look realistic that the tone is lighthearted
So tell me what's the creepiest part about BoTW?
I think both games are guilty of some pretty braindead dungeon puzzles
>TP made no attempt to hide its darkness
TP was just a poser with WACKY NPCS.
>medieval epic
What the FUCK are you smoking? You realize this is the exact same game where you incubate a chicken to wake up a fat man so you can jump over a moat and peep on the princess? Zeldafags are ridiculous.
That's just a Japanese thing. FFVII is the same way.
Keep seething zoomie
I completely forgot about the birds in Skyward Sword
Nintendo decided it wanted to be ubisoft but worst with their game design philosophy
What is this, a picture for Minish?
That's just a small part of the game though.
The overall story is in line with many European and Japanese stories that take place during the medieval times.
I know you weren't alive, but this game came out BEFORE the age of "LOL WUT IF THIS CARTOONY THING HAD GORE/SWEARING/DRUGS XD".
Well memed
Nobody is saying it is. A game can have ominous elements without being horror. Zelda just had a perfect amount of it contrasted with some lighthearted moments but it's gone now.
>ant picture vs. antless picture
To play devil's advocate, Fritz the Cat came out in 1972.
Twilight Princess was trash, and did try way too hard.
Mate this is the game where the Gerudo get ethically cleansed and had their temple desecrated and turned into a prison/execution chamber.
that's... not what user was getting at?
Yeah sorry I messed up
>Inb4 the faggot that claims grottos are anything equivalent to mini dungeons comes in
LttP, OoT, MM, WW, TP...
It used to be the rule.
What the fuck are you talking about? Can you honestly look at any concept art for Zelda 1 and genuinely claim it doesn't look like a classic fantasy tale? The world is in ruins and people hide underground and Link makes trades with thieves and smugglers while being tasked with piecing together a holy relic that might as well be the fabric of a kingdom. It's not wacky and silly and lighthearted you stupid fuck
>basedlets are now afraid of game meant for kids
Unfortunately I'm predicting TP 2.0 with the "mature" elements. What they REALLY need to do is bring back Yoshiaki Koizumi as director.
What the fuck is a basedlet?
Someone who is based.
No one even makes webms of TP because it's such a boring game.
>collectnig bugs
Worse than collecting the Triforce and you have to do it how many times again?
It's a lot easier to reply to posts when they aren't laid out like you're writing notes you know.
Everything I said was fact though user sorry.
>he saved a thumbnail
>Twilight Princess was trash, and did try way too hard.
It wasn't and it didn't overstep the line as the others did.
The problem is that everything not directly Ganon-related has to be balanced out by something wacky. So whenever you have something that could be creepy it gets mercilessly drowned out by funny antics designed to make GameFAQs users force memes.
>a serene with a dark, creepy undergound area
>a cabal of Sheikah outcasts who want to resurrect Ganon and use their ninja powers for evil
okay, Yea Forumsroseph
>Can you honestly look at any concept art for Zelda 1 and genuinely claim it doesn't look like a classic fantasy tale?
>The world is in ruins
Just like in BOTW, but apparently, according to you, it's "babby ggoogoogaga poopee toddler" game. Nice double standard, you hypocritical douchenigger.
>Worse than collecting the Triforce and you have to do it how many times again?
It really isn't considering it's done early on and never again after those three times and the rest of the game makes up for it by opening up. Meanwhile The WW's Triforce Quest is the final big quest before Ganon. A fucking treasure hunt is our big test and there's nothing afterwards to make up for it and Aonuma knows that, which is why he had to come out and apologize for it.
I too am outraged that they gave people a personality!
it's polarizing. i thought it was pretty good personally. a major improvement over Twilight princess, but it does have some jank and some straight up retarded design mistakes that would need to be addressed if it was ever remade. Like Fi feeling the need to describe the skull necklace you picked up each and every time you start the game up after turning it off.
That's nu-Zelda for you.
>according to you, it's "babby ggoogoogaga poopee toddler" game
Literally never ever once said that you down syndrome faggot. In my original post I explicitly said "BOTW took a tonal shift and BOTW 2 looks like it will go further in that direction"
>10 minutes of collecting bugs three times is worse than 1/4 of the game being a fetch quest
Times have changed. Pre-2002 Japan were initially all for the dark and twisted elements in anime and games, even the ones meant for kids, but then changes to laws and CERO came about and severely hindered all that.
>a shitty time padding fetch quest is better than exploring an expansive ocean searching for and reading maps
the state of TP fags
have you not seen the botw 2 trailer?
Yet another ad hom. Just admit you're wrong and stop bullying your intellectual superiors.
Where was the ad hominem?
>explore a flat layer of blue with nothing on it to visit copy pasted islands over and over again
Great game, remember when they skipped the water dungeon and just gave you the pearl for free?
>Where was the ad hominem?
>down syndrome faggot.
Gee, I wonder!
stay seething. Your game is the second most overrated game in existence.
They didn't give it to you for free. First you had to get bombs, then you had to save your grandma, then you had to bomb the cave.
>actually defending the game strong arming the player into exploring and buying Tingle's maps
The absolute state of WWcucks.
>bug catching is a time-padding fetch quest
>traversing am empty ocean to get into repetitive eye island for half of the game duration is somehow not
WW babbies have no self-awareness
That's not an ad hominem. He wasn't calling you a downie as an argument, he was just insulting you.
im just gonna wait for a remake or see if there's a pc port. i don't wanna be stuck w wii motion controls
First of all
You aren't fooling anyone
Second, that doesn't change the fact that """""""""""""""""""""""""""""he""""""""""""" (read: you) has no intellecutal argument, only nostalgia and name calling
>empty ocean
That genuinely is another guy, you're just a pompous faggot who thinks nobody else could possibly disagree with him despite having no argument. The objective and obvious fact is that Zelda has had plenty of dark elements since the very first game, and Zelda games without them are the exception rather than the rule.
Nintendo franchises are mainly directed at children/young teens. Over the years it has become less acceptable to have mature/adult elements when the primary demographic is supposed to be kids.
Kids entertainment was generally just way darker back in the day.
>you're just a pompous faggot who thinks nobody else could possibly disagree with him despite having no argument
No, chief, that's you
>he objective and obvious fact is that Zelda has had plenty of dark elements since the very first game, and Zelda games without them are the exception rather than the rule.
This is objectively WRONG, and so are you. Get dunked on.
Thread is a shithole but did anyone else like the Ice Dungeon in TP?
Felt like a breath of fresh air, dungeon wise.
Also I thought the dungeon boss was pretty creepy.
Why are you so angry?
Serious question but do you have fucking autism or a social disorder?
Why the fuck do you type like that
The writer and designer for Majoras Mask declared it his magnum opus and retired.
>but did anyone else like the Ice Dungeon in TP?
I did. Ir was the only temple I think to have a little safe haven that the player could return to and it was comfy since it contrasted in color and atmosphere against the harsh blue world outside.
you're not "dunking on" anyone, nerd.
I honestly don't know how anybody can hate TP with its god-tier atmosphere that's nearly unrivaled by any other Zelda.
It wasn't just good, it was the best in the game. It and the Temple of Time were the only good dungeons in the game. Other ones had good bosses paired with bad dungeons. The Temple of Time was a good dungeon paired with a boring Boss. That Ice Dungeon had both a great dungeon and a great boss, and one of the game's only saving graces.
Wind Waker has the second best Zelda soundtrack after MM, with OoT being a close 3rd because child zone music wasnt as good
Left is overblown, while right merely gives you a feeling of dread which foreshadows Ganondorf's evil intentions.
Pop quiz: Which movie is scarier, Saw or Alien?
You're right, but you should remember that you're comparing a teaser trailer to actual game footage. We'll have to wait and see how it actually turns out
>Other ones had good bosses paired with bad dungeons.
Are you seriously implying the Fyrus and Morpheel fights are better than their dungeons?
>Pop quiz: Which movie is scarier, Saw or Alien?
I'm guessing the answer you're fishing for is Alien but I think you'll find many people who were more frightened by saw, despite it being the far worse movie.
lmao fake oldfag saves thumbnail
>many people
Zoomers aren't people.
What is the black skeleton in the red drapes? I’ve never seen that thing in the original OoT.
This, the Goron Mines had excellent ambiance thanks to the machinery and the bubbling magma.
Jump scares are startling, not frightening. I don't blame you for mistaking them, most of Hollywood does.
I think it's the front of the boat in the Shadow temple.
First of all, these scenes are trying to convey completely different moods. Ignoring that fact, left is caked with bloom and is overdramaticized cinematic bullshit while the right has just the perfect lighting for what it was trying to convey: Ganon is trying to act normal, only Zelda sees through his act. If this scene were to be portrayed in nu-Zelda, it would have overly dramaticized villain music, cheesy bad dialogue (and acting) on Ganon's part, and some direct unnecessary 10 minute flashback of Zelda confronting the king, basically spoonfeeding the player with every single thing that happens.
Saw had jumpscares? I thought people just though it was scary because torture and shit.
Are you talking about Alien or Saw?
Almost all horror movies use jumpscares, including Alien. But what separates good horror jumpscares from bad ones is the ways in which they're used. A good horror movie uses jumpscares sparingly.
The Shining has only two jumpscares in it, but it's widely considered one of the scariest movies of all time. Meanwhile, modern horror movies like Annabelle and Sinister just use jumpscare after jumpscare, and it gets old really quick.
Jumpscares are a good way to get an audience going, but they should be used very few times throughout the course of the movie.
>If this scene were to be portrayed in nu-Zelda, it would have overly dramaticized villain music, cheesy bad dialogue (and acting) on Ganon's part, and some direct unnecessary 10 minute flashback of Zelda confronting the king, basically spoonfeeding the player with every single thing that happens.
Have sex
I miss the days when a dungeon could feel legitimately creepy.