Why did Overwatch start out so popular yet now it seems to be dying?

Why did Overwatch start out so popular yet now it seems to be dying?

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Other urls found in this thread:

rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=webm overwatch

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The characters & concept seemed interested but the actual gameplay was incredibly shallow & repetitive.

If not for the qt waifus, the game would've been DOA or petered out after a few months.

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I tried many times to fap to 2D I just couldn't do it. The though that it wasn't real kept ruining it. Well, there was one and only one exception. Bayonetta was the only character I could successfully fap to. What does that all mean?

The game hardly resembles what it was on launch. They didn't stop adding characters and patched the game to oblivion in the name of esports.

Now that the dust has settled, we can agree that Mercy was the worst part of this game, right?

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you are attracted to librarians

why does she have a queen of spade tatoo

Actually.... you are not wrong.

Instead of pandering to the casual audience it built it tried to push the esports side.

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unique at the time (yes even compared to tf2) but nothing of substance has been added since release

Because Doomfist leaves a strong impression on people.

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made for BBC
step aside, wh*te boi

"Overwatch is dying" says interestingly nervous man for the 10000th time this decade

>made for BBC

every girl is, particularly those with a little bit of chub

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People bought the game expecting a quake like FPS with everyone jumping on the bandwagon and it being a grand ol' time.

What we got instead was a tf2 clone full of even more homosexuals and a rigged MMR system dependent on distances from blizzard events so they could milk these homosexuals on streaming platforms.

>People bought the game expecting a quake like FPS
Literally no one except you.

>expecting a quake like FPS
Did I miss this? I remember waiting for it to release and hearing nothing but comparisons to TF2 and League of Legends.

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Blizzard sucks ass at balance and at adding new content. There are no subtle changes, only insane nerfs followed by building back up over 2-3 patches. New content didn't address problems with the game and in fact made many of them worse (choke points and shields, anyone?).

you weren't around for overwatch's launch

pharah was specifically advertised as "the hero for quake lovers!!"

why does mercy awaken such desperate feminine desires to submit to stronger males inside me? more than any other character ever I just want to BE her

Forced esports
walking is slow as FUCK

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Every single girl on the Overwatch cast is made to bear black children.

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I was around for launch, I was in the beta. The game was always marketed as a casual hero shooter that anybody could play. How is that anything like Quake? Just because Pharah has rockets?

The sfm is pretty subpar

the word you're looking for is "increasingly"

Because its forced design-by-committee "esports" trash

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whats the deal with sfmfags and horses? horses and dogs/wolves. fucking animal fuckers, this is why we aren't colonizing space

I've been playing with this turd since pre release and this is my first time hearing any comparisons to Quake.

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How fucking normal can you be


Anyone have a Bayonetta webM? Asking for a friend.

>dependent on distances from blizzard events

I didn't hear about that, care to explain?

I'm a phone poster and I'm proud

I really want to kick your ass, but I think you might enjoy that so I'm just gonna find you and pop some lead into your diseased brain

>ywn fuck the gay out of tracer

Because when Overwatch released the public opinion was still that Blizzard could do no wrong and would support it in all the right ways. That quickly began to change around that time.

>People bought the game expecting a quake like FPS
>What we got instead was a tf2 clone
There was nonstop shitposting about how Overwatch would be the TF2 killer. Nobody expected it to be like Quake.

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you hit the mark, good sir.

blizzard refuses to add fat sweaty futa cocks to the in game models and make maps that aren't straight lines with chokepoints.
that's why the game is terrible.

>drawn by white male

t. low test

Not a bad hair cut.

You might of missed this if you are a young pup. You cannot name on one hand names of any $60 price tag competitive FPS since the history of the glory boys such as unreal tournament and quake.

Call of doody and all that horseshit don't count. Overwatch was literally announced as nuquake, they lied. Not only that as I said.

When you win 8/10 ranked placement matches scoring gold's in every category and carry the team and then your friend wins one and does nothing but place a turret as torb and you get bronzed and he gets silvered.

Something isn't right there.

MMR is regionally based.

Everyone is placed into these micro matchmaking categories thesedays so the developer can cherry pick their poster boys and exploit them for capital gain and sex.

Personally I prefer aliens/monsters/ mythological creatures/black dudes fucking my porn waifus

It's the blue hair and lipstick that really makes it work.

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it was never good normal fags have short attention spans

because just like fapping to the game's porn, you got horny (trailers), reached orgasm (game before ranked was added), and then stop caring (game post ranked addition)

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it was fun for like the first two years and then you come to the realization that it was always rinse and repeat shallow garbage and uninstall it.

in 4 years they released 9 characters, if thats not definition of dead idk why you play games. Even paladins releases faster

blizzard is pandering to feminazis, sjws and basically people who don't care about games

people will fall for this bait

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its shit
porn is all the game has going for it

Why do people like this shit? They would fucking die if they took in a horse cock

I actually really want a source on this

Horse dicks are just so great. It's also not real.

Easy edit for talentless losers.

Because the only thing overwatch has going for it is it's fucking porn.

It's about the female degeneracy fetish, which is why there's so much rape hentai and western porn. Having sex with animals are just the lowest of the low. There's also the fascination people have with larger or different shaped genitals being forced into vaginas. Remember tentacle porn?

It’s several years old dingus

but its still very popular?

it just gets worse and worse

battle royale happened
activision fortress never recovered
the only reason anyone still pays attention is because of how much money is being dumped into OWL

>literally announced as nuquake
You're literally retarded. You'd have to be braindead to confuse Overwatch with Quake.

everything in this game was designed to appleal to casuals, mechanics are dumbed down, skill floor non existant, constant meta shifts, despite game being made for casuals, blizz pushed esport on it and then tried to fight with game's very nature by appealing to pros rather than general public

you can't really have fun in this game, maps feel like on rails, you have pre-determined areas on which devs want you to play - sliding off the areas that are not "designed" for players really fucks with immersion and antumatically makes maps less fun

Rather than focusing on existing cast of characters, they keep introducing new ones.. there is simply too many.. noone wants to keep track of it all

I remember genji/widow memes, how everyone who plays them goes full try hard.. can you blame them? almost no hero in OW takes an actual skill to play, genji/widow and mccree are heroes that actually take skill and reward player for mastering them. Their kits are subtle but really synergize well together

Forcing character's sexuality onto players so they can appeal to every fucking crowd imaginable.. no good dev would go out of their way to let everyone know that someone is fucking gay unless it ties directly to the game's narrative

Another thing is lack of mods, mods would make this game so much better but nahhhh! blizz wants to have control over where and how players play because lootboxes

TF2 is truly a better game..

>Cool characters
>Edgy characters
>Teasing story abou heroes reuniting to save the world
>looked like a good game
>finally something similar to tf2 after a fucking decade

>slow updates
>no new maps
>no story
>new characters keep getting worse than the last
>the characters you were playing all this time were actuallya sjw!!! while not affecting the actual game drives people away
> new waifus aren't as good
> no new cool characters

Because normalfags and kids dropped it for Fortnite. What does that leave you? Pretty much autists and trannies. Oh, and koreans I guess.

They honestly could've kept it popular just by releasing appealing characters. There's a reason why people are still jacking off over the original roster. But they went full retard and gave us ugly shit like moira, the hamster, and some black guy that looks so fucking generic I keep forgetting he was even added to the game.

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I think it's partly that but not mostly. Ashe has gotten little to no SFM animations but had some good fanart of her. I think SFM in general is just getting boring for animators and it's mostly just the small amount of pros who got big from it that continue.

>some black guy that looks so fucking generic I keep forgetting he was even added to the game
I can't tell if you're talking about Doomfist or Baptiste

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Yeah but Ashe still got a decent amount of r34, and she came in when OW was already dying off. And even then her design doesn't really hold a candle to the launch roster. She's a second cowboy. But even she managed to get more r34 and fanart than Moira, Doomfist, the hamster, and the new black guy. Those designs were shit and no one cared about them. Everyone was even shitting on Sombra's design before she got some good alternates.

The game would still be shit even if they had kept making good, attractive character designs but at least people would still be playing it.

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shouldn't BLEACHED underwear be white?

post face user

sooo no one has a good bayonetta webm? my friend will be very disappointed.

>and she came in when OW was already dying off.
That's my point though. I think it's half the newer "girls" being trashy and half the game being too far gone for people to care enough, which is why a good design like Ashe didn't hit hard with SFM.

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DF is a cool design and nothing will change my mind on that, he might be turbo aids to play against given how much CC he has but he's easily one of the coolest looking characters I've seen in a FPS.

Still hit harder than everything else that came after Sombra.


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Same reason TF2 died

It came out at the height of blizzard fanboyism, but at its core the game is not good.

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This porn literally turns you into a sissy.

Me behind her making her a mother after marriage.

Cuck fetish.

What are you talking about OP?
The porn started out popular and still is.
Nobody gives a shit about the game though nor should they.

This is easily her best skin.

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sauce please

>That look
>Those lips


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WIdow is quite literally made from the ground up to worship BBC.

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Breathtakingly slow development times, a team that seems more interested in addressing players being mean to each other (and failing to find a workable solution thereto) than actually working on the game proper, and balancing issues resulting in a fairly stale and repetitive metagame that is held to be the only way to play it.

Proof that blacked/ bleached fetish is more about seeing women and thinking of dick.

it's really sad that nazi chicks in real life are fat inbreeds that smell like dog food so anglo mutts have to draw fan art of women who would canonically reject their ideology to feel represented

How do I play healer without turning into a healslut?

If they're careful and take it up the ass they'd not die. Don't ask me how I know this

I was invited to the alpha of the game by a friend that worked at blizzard. It was fun, but I thought it was a little light on content, not surprising considering it was an alpha. The thing was though, that my friend said they never had any plans to release any real game modes and were only going to make skins for the game, essentially they were just going to copy league of legends to try and take back the esports scene.

I said this in a thread at the games release, and people didn't believe me, yet here we are, with developers that work at blizzard now saying their relentless pursuit of esports has ruined the company and pointed at overwatch as a major example. Needless to say I never wasted money on this bullshit and my friend went to work for riot not long after the games release.

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The skill ceiling is way too low.

You can never, NEVER 1v6 the other team just because of how limited and counter-heavy the characters are. It's anti-fun.

Big Beautiful Caucasians.

Riot's having their own troubles now, aren't they?

play baptiste and zen
the alpha male healers
but not lucio, lucio is a fag

just here to fap

>Why did [insert every game made after 2010] start out so popular yet now it seems to be dying?

You know how nuclear radiation tainted steel after the first nukes were dropped?

Its like that, but for fictional content.

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This. It's just as bad as NTR, seriously just fap to the damn women, it's not like anybody here will get an irl qt like her.

*appears in your play of the game*

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Just go rule34 it's so easy to find

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Olivia is quite literally made from the ground up to be my perfect wife and the mother of my children.

That faggot Tigole ruining yet another game.

I want Pharah to rub her sweaty butt on my face!

LITERALLY made for big black cock

>QOS shop
Kill yourself, cuck.

I just want an Overwaifu thread without racebaiting garbage from /trash/

>married to a white guy
>gets "kidnapped" by Doomfist, a 7'0 jacked black alpha male
>kills her white incel husband & voluntarily chooses to stay with Talon

The most based hero

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You can just say you're a little white guy with a very little dick. No need to skirt the issue.

They literally cannot stop sexually assaulting their employees

That was hot

I love my wife Ashe!

Sauce? I need to know if that's what I think it is.

yeah, they are a group of frat boys that made a stupid dota clone and their company exploded over night but didn't seem to care about getting professional, they just pretended to care about social issues online for good boy points. I really don't get why people think they were all about political correctness and virtue when every champ that comes out has a giant pair of tits and artwork / skins that accentuate these assets.

they killed roadhog the only fun hero

pls gib more

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>never got Terry Crews to voice DOOM FIST
>made him boring, one-note serious kang instead

The end of the beginning of the end. What were they thinking.

I can only jerk off to the same characters so many times

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You are a psycho, not even joking.

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>Devs pushing shitty artificial esports scene
>Sterilizing and resterilizing the community
>STILL pushing an artificial esports scene

Actually starting to be this. Baptiste while mechanically interesting on paper, looked kind of bland.

This is supposedly coming from the team that gave us tesla-gun wielding gorilla from the moon.

>no sfm of a higher res model of this

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Is this the mobile version of Paladins?

Waifus can only do so much over a shallow experience

It was developed and curated by retarded soi boys and trannies

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Why doesnt overwatch sfm porn have any good creampie stuff?

I want to breed like bunnies with Angela!

Esports shit killed it.

white women dont have good butts, i challenge any user to prove me wrong.

tfw like censored stuff but don't really care about feet and most of it focuses on feet

hard to animate cum.

What do mercy's farts smell like

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Do people actually get off to these short few second loops with no endings? I cant.

I love her so much


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The balance team seems braindead. Wouldn't be surprised if it was just a shit AI balancing it desu.
They dunno who to pander to.

>Tesla-gun wielding gorilla from the moon
Winston is the most bland of them all. He doesn't even have any unique character quirks, just "I am a scientist!" Blizzard gave him peak milquetoast Disney-esque "it's a talking animal with an inoffensive, 'charming' appearance" lack of personality out of the entire cast.

That's the problem with nearly all of the characters as well. Nearly all of them are completely devoid of any standout characteristics, both in character and in gameplay. Those that might have an inkling of personality or interesting gameplay... suck or get nerfed until they suck. The entire fucking game is watered down in every aspect.

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Looks uncanny with no blinking.

Fucking love fishnets.

>that clipping
Boner ruined

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Can someone explain to me what those tattoos are about? If its funny I will start putting them on my drawing as well.

Popular start because marketing.
Poor staying power because, as they admitted themselves, spent more money on e-sports and banning people than rolling out new content at a reasonable pace.

just a laugh mate, like sneaking in a little joke on a different color spectrum for when you tilt your laptop screen a certain way.

Because Blizzard started making random characters gay.

Fucking love Angela

Lucio isnt nigger

Please love Orisa

>not enough maps
>extremely slow content pipeline
>esports bullshit means everything has to be homogenized and boring
>despite this the balance is still shit
>slow gameplay that revolves around ults

I think it's weird how the characters really don't seem to have any rapport between them. I can recite like every TF2 domination line, but I don't even know if Torbjorn acknowledges the presence of his fucking daughter. Seriously, does he have any unique dialogue?

I think there must have been some bizarre attempt at anti-toxicity to make sure that none of the characters in this game never say anything unless it's totally upbeat and positive. I think Tracer has like one line of dialogue where she says she doesn't like Sombra. Come on man, tell Junkrat to go back to his kangaroo wife or something...

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Roadhog is stronger today than he has ever been in the game's history. What are you even talking about?

Are... are you joking?

I played it again recently and there were quite a few new maps. The problem really is that you can't play them. I'd honestly be a lot more into the game if I could just log onto a server that was one map or one gamemode. Sometimes I just want to push a cart.

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Who are the best 3D animators to follow for this shit?
I'm tired of looking in pornhub and only finding low quality uploads or behind paywall.

Why is she so perfect?

>That's the problem with nearly all of the characters as well. Nearly all of them are completely devoid of any standout characteristics, both in character and in gameplay. Those that might have an inkling of personality or interesting gameplay... suck or get nerfed until they suck.
because "muh representation". you can't make a character that's gay or a tranny or black and have them exhibit any negative qualities or "that's bad representation!!!!" so all the characters are just really fucking bland because they're going to retroactively make all of them, even the white males (who you can usually do whatever you want with) gay or whatever.

Ana and Widowmaker snipe (lol) at each other a little but yeah it's almost entirely really boring "positivity".

they still get old after about a week or two and then you're stuck waiting 4 months for another one. and they're just reskins, none of these maps really have any unique, defining features. payload maps always revolve around chokepoints, koth maps are always symmetrical, etc.

I think Mr. Hands would disagree with you on that one
if he wasn't dead from a perforated colon

That's called autogynephilia

The problem with the SFM/Blender community is that there is no real hub to find all the artists and/or their works. The go-to places right now are the booru sites where you just search the 3D and WEBM tags to find the good shit and then look for the artist tagged under them.

My personal Favorite: rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=webm overwatch

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NPCs saw another shiny thing.

is this the new chastity thread?

Because people realized it's fucking awful.

Because it's practically impossible in real life.

fapbait can only carry you for a time

hope so

Design wise, yes. There's no reason to not have a character that can turn a 5v5 into a 6v5 on your team.

I'm kind of ruined by TF2, so I don't really mind the map design. I practically lived on 24/7 pl_badwater_basin back then.

But to talk about representation, I think Overwatch does a really good job of this stuff. Most of the bad guys are in this game aren't white. I also know this might be getting into headcannon territory, but I kind of get the feeling they're going to drop "moira is trans" on us sooner or later and I think it'd fit nicely into her character. I think Overwatch actually did make the best job of doing the whole representation thing in a way that almost everyone liked. I think the worst shitstorm I heard about it was everyone calling Zarya a tumblr character but then everyone realized she was pretty cool.

Man, I feel like all these characters are designed pretty well and they're fun to play, they're just stuck in a shitty game.

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It was always bad. It just took a while for it to sink into you morons because you were still impressed by ultimates. But now that you're no longer impressed by ultimates you see the game as vapid and boring as it is.

Intelligent people knew it'd be bad before the game was even released once the ultimate shit got revealed.

I like her purely because she got girls interested in the game


Fucking animals is illegal and outright impossible with large animals.

>start out with characters like Tracer, Widow, Mercy, D.Va, Mei, who are obviously cock teasers
>drop the ball hard by introducing garbage like stupid looking robots, men and hamsters

They literally shot themselves on the foot for whatever reason.
All they had to do was design more semen demons but nope.

Black on white interracial fetishism. Women witht those tattoos are purported to be "owned" by blacks and to have sworn off white men for sex. Basically, ever since tumblr banned NSFW material, a lot of it has come here. It's basically why /trash/ has any posting activity on it at all. The reason why tumblr did that was because there was an epidemic of decentralized pedophiles posting literal child porn, so if you were wondering why there has been an upsurge of pedo content here and on 2x4ch@n, that's why. The issue is that the interracial-fetishists also came with the pedos, but it's not bannable like CP is, hence the issue. If you've been wondering why there have been more SJWs and trannies here too, that is also the reason. They also organize their groups on discord to post here as well, so when you see a bunch of them flood a thread at once, that's why.

The more you know.

>I'm kind of ruined by TF2, so I don't really mind the map design. I practically lived on 24/7 pl_badwater_basin back then.

tf2 had better gameplay and characters though, badwater would be a fucking nightmare in OW

>But to talk about representation, I think Overwatch does a really good job of this stuff.

none of that shit matters in a video game, kill yourself

Built for BBC
Coping queen of hearts fags need not apply

You telling me Tumblr started a racist trend?
The fuck, I thought it was a Yea Forums only thing cuz I literally only see these tattoos and "blacked/bleached" edits here.

Started as a fun shooter with team comp dynamics from MOBAs to keep it fresh
Turned into a first person MOBA with occasional gun usage

Baptiste doesn't look mechanically interesting at all he's literally other heroes copy pasted together. He's Anna and 76's gay black love child

OW has been dying since like month 3/4.
It dissapeared from the map after being the biggest game in the world for a couple months.

The game lack of depth makes it excruciatingly boring after like 2 matches.
They could've offset this by having constant content being put out, so the average normie will have a constant carrot on a stick of new shit.

Instead they did the stupidest possible move and went full esports for a game that is horrible to watch and has no depth or competitive aspect to it.
The only thing keeping overwatch somewhat relevant on some degenerate minds are waifus and characters.
That lack of depth is amplified in every single part of the game, the balance, for example is an utter shitshow because you can tell at a glance which heroes are utterly overpowered because everything is so simple.

And what's worse is that it won't ever be changed because it would require a change in philosophy and actual work.

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Because fictional animal fucking girls is hot but real animals fucking girls is pig disgusting.

It's not even illegal in every state.

Activision shot OW in the foot, and blizzard shot it in the other. The former had to be greedy with the lootbox bullshit, going as far as to kill the "grind for what you want" argument by cutting dupe rates and making every new skin legendary. The latter is just a group of onionboys that believe time and resources are better spent on anti-bullying chat AI than new heroes.

Mercy is a strong, independant woman!

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Full link?

>It's basically why /trash/ has any posting activity on it at all.
Nah, that's because it's the new /fur/. Most of the boards are already fit for tumblrites to post withing the rulesets. You're right otherwise.

Leftists are very racist, the difference is that they obscure it or turn it on its head, directing towards people they can morally justify it against while calling it something else, like "social justice".

It's on Yea Forums because the people who participate in it try to get more people into it to harm them. There's an entire subculture based on "sissyfication", where they get mentally vulnable people into the porn so they become transexuals and commit acts of self harm, all in the pursuit of destroying racism, toxic masculinity, and white people. They call it "pink-pilling", as a reference to "red-pilling" others.

>plugging your shitty POTG
pure cringe and newfaggotry and enjoy the mass reports you're gonna get on your OW account now, retard.

It could be a really fun game if blizzard decided to put some effort into actually making new maps and games modes and fun stuff instead of esports.

best place to view overwatch sfm?

It's not racist if it's black people, only white people can be racist :^)

Depends on what you're looking at. The actual practice and ownership of materials is illegal in nearly every state, but seeing that shit on some extreme site is the weird legal till it isn't anymore deal.

The only thing worse the "play of the game" garbage is when people include their shitty intro

imgbrd grabber + rule34.xxx is what I use
overwatch animated score:>=50

if one group of people is trying to defend and talk for another group they don't belong to, that's pretty fucking racist. Let them fight their own battles.

>outright impossible with large animals
did you discover the internet today ? the first thing people did with the internet was upload kittens, the second thing they did was upload bestiality

They never really struck while the iron was hot. For better or worse they've nearly stuck to the same release schedule since launch. The game is also very frustrating and most players just seem completely apathetic at this point. Not to mention they've actually gotten worse at map design as they've gone on and the next hero is delayed.

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Where are you getting these censored collage webm's. I need more.

Realistically, what are my chances of ever actually pleasing a woman sexually? I'm a 32 year old virgin with ED.

>Why do things not remain consistently popular forever?
What a stupid question, fuck you.

Probably makes them himself. The better question is which program he uses to make it easier to make.

This. Blizzard is pretty obviously dying, but it still amazes me how poorly they handle the whole game for how much obvious potential it had.

0. become a cuck, trust me my life is way easier and my wife is 100% happier.

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t. mad hon

>become a cuck
>not a cute twink bottom slut for your rein daddy
I fucking hate cucks

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realistically hes probably fat and ugly, like you, who is also posting here. im fat and ugly too

That D.va on the left makes me the big PP

This but unironically

Sauce please.

just control your portions and get a manual labor job user

shut the fuck up you fat fuck

Like heaven

That depends. Do you look cute and have feminine body?
If so become a trap.
Believe it or not you will get both man and woman that way.
The shitty part is getting used to your butthole dicked, but eventually it feels good.

imagine being so fat and miserable and unable to help yourself that you can only imagine every other person you talk to has to be the same as you

this is u.

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I legit dont understand how fat people stay fat. How are you not disgusted with yourself? Its a problem you can fix. All you need to do is work out for two weeks so your dumb monkey brain accepts it as a habit and you wont even have to force yourself to do it anymore

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food good

food as a coping mechanism
appetite destroyed through constant snacking

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>mfw I can't stop eating
food makes the pain go away. It's not like I'm going to be happier as a stick anyway. Might as well clog my artillery.

I have weak will power and sugar tastes good
t. fatty fat fattie

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Projectionist zoomer.

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Like I said, if you're careful and only let the horse penetrate to the medial ring, you're not going to have a perforated colon. That's why women only dare to get on with ponies instead of stallions.

Bleached is the biggest cope I have ever seen

Exercise is not the answer to being fat. I sit on my ass 12 hours per day playing video games, have done this for 24 years, and I am thin - muscular, even. Just eat properly. That is ALL you have to do. Stop drinking sodas, cut out sugary processed bullshit, eat good food.

Im 25, go through a 12 pack of soda in a week, primarily eat red meats and carbohydrates and never exercise

Im underweight.

Sometimes life just be like that.

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I used to think that.

You'll find things changing soon.

You don't eat a lot. There was a nutrition who lost like 50lbs eating exclusively twinkies to prove weight loss is all about caloric intake.

The fact that Yea Forums has daily threads about Overwatch and I can still get a match in under a minute means it isn't dying just on that alone. /aco/ literally exists for Overwatch porn, just go there and stop shitting this place up

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Dude must have been miserable. I imagine the amount of twinkies you need to eat to feel full is more than the amount you need to lose weight

>and I can still get a match in under a minute
Maybe in plat, lol.

>there was an epidemic of decentralized pedophiles posting literal child porn

I fucking knew it, there was some questionable shit on there and you couldn't report it. I think there is a overlap between interracial-fetishists and pedos though.

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I only play 5 matches of Overwatch a week when my friends need someone to fill in for Gold or Quickplay. I wish people would stop making "Overwatch is Dead" so they can post cropped porn and nothing else

Wait until you're 30 and you're gonna have one hell of a surprise.

>white character

I don't understand

objectively untrue as demonstrated by the prevalence of genji solo 6k clips

>It's basically why /trash/ has any posting activity on it at all
>implying furshit isn't what's sustaing trash at all
You're fucking delusional dude. 90% of threads are furshit and 5% is that blacked/bleached shit.

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There is always one blacked thread, one bleached thread and one ntr thread but the majority of trash is just ERP, furries and ERP'ing furries

Anyone who thought it was gonna be like quake regardless of what was said is absolutely brain dead. Could see from a mile away it was just tf2 with flashy abilities

I don't know if you people are aware or not, but 99% of Overwatch threads are just porn threads basically. I know this should be obvious, but for some reason I feel like it isn't obvious to you people. When someone makes an Overwatch thread they're probably horny and lazy and just are hoping people will post lewd images for them.

People who try to get others into this disgusting fetish are pure evil.

>see top notch piece of art
>somebodies gone and covered it in cuck shit

I don't give two shits if that's what gets you going, but for fucks sakes don't go foisting it on everybody by flooding perfectly good threads with it.

It's just to make cuckposters seethe, and judging by your post the mission was a complete success

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But you're the only one mad though. I'm just stating what I see.

Tbh, i hate interrracial/blacked shit and bleached still comes off as pathetic.

Especially because they put it on white girls which doesnt make any sense.

its funny how that works, women want to be pretty, sexualized supports

It can go on forever if they stick to the formula.
I'm still baffled by how a company can screw up so easily and how often all the other game devs fell for the Wii meme.

Both are pathetic, it's an incel-tier fetish


Great skin, but this hurts.

Why, because of the cancellation?

Cause there's a better version that gets straight to the point of what you really want out of it.

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>feet are censored

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I hope you die by having your brains stomped out by a cute girls feet and I hope they're censored so you cant even see them you evil man

I work out and I am still fat. By fat I mean a little chubby but still fat. I gave up after swimming like a madman for 4 years and having a steady diet. I still consume almost no sugar a little to no carbs and I still have a little fat pouch, fuck that shit.

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I hate both of you.

Surprised this thread is still up.

Oppressive marketing

I recently started playing this again after dropping shortly after launch. Shit's still a frustrating mess to play; every single game people insta-lock Hanzo, Widow, or Ashe and half the time your up against a bunker comp because it takes no effort and . I pretty much only have fun when my team is actually winning, the rest of the time it's just frustrating. I'm suprised people stuck with it for so long, but I guess Blizzard's cult of losers will eat up anything.

>runs around reloading instead of hitting the dva

nice replay shitter

I want D.Va to grind her big butt all over my lap while beating me in vidya

This but without the autism please

>that little tuft of bush peeking out

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TF2 lol

I wasn't the one who censored them. I honestly had this pic on my comp for a while and never realized they were censored until someone pointed them out in this thread. I was admiring the top half of her body.

Ive actually picked it up again and play it very casually, it's fun for an hour or so every now and then.

>People bought the game expecting a quake like FPS
In what fucking universe? Most people brushed it off as a TF2 clone in the beginning.


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>dmg numbers are fucked
>too much healing
>too much shileding
>head-shots on non precision weapons
creates a game in which your either immortal or instantly dead.

>not enough hp on dps
>too much hp on tanks
>heals are too good still
Creates a game that forces half of your team to be tanks/healers when its not fun to play them in large doses. I don't get why they don't balance around the fun part of the game which is shooting people.

>ult cds are too small and do too much
>too low of respawn
>capture zones are too big
creates a game where you either wipe at least 4+ enemies or it doesn't matter since they can re-spawn and throw there body at the big ass objective anyways. So you have to go on ults since its the only thing that can wipe easy

every new character is either female or black even tho Asians/white males are the main audience.

the porn/woman arn't even good, and overrated cause you faggots have poor tastes

Overwatch is for fags, trannies and cucks
Play a game for real men like TF2
Or play a game with better titties like Paladins
Or play the game that wins in the other timeline: Battleborn

*spends most of his time dressing up the characters and dancing*

food is literally the only consistent source of pleasure in my life and the idea of dying in my 30s doesn't sound too bad

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>All you need to do is work out for two weeks
Telling people to exercise isn't good advice when dealing with weight loss. Extra weight can be lost entirely through fixing your diet. Exercise is good for getting in shape and it can help lose extra weight a little faster, but you need to fix your diet first. Otherwise you end up with people thinking they can still binge eat and go on a treadmill for 30 minutes then not understanding why they're still overweight.

how do i get someone to do this to me

Lmao fag

if you're female just breathe, if you're male good luck.

Literally none of the characters aren't these flat boring inoffensive characters. Seriously all of there lines are cringy trash.

I think it's because of the lack of fanservicey characters and skins.

>medic with revive skill from mvm but you can use it whenever
>don't have to medicjump, just float around for as much as you like as long as your soldier bf floats around with their passive
>>specifically had another character created because she can't be the evil one who created reaper
I'm still seething over the last one.

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