Did you ever cry over the death of a fictional character?
Did you ever cry over the death of a fictional character?
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I know what you're referencing to
>pewdiepie literally got away with saying nigger on live stream without his audience getting angry
>kills a Minecraft sheep
>fans literally calling for his death
poor jeb_ fuck you felix
what the fuck happened now?
he killed a sheep in minecraft
more deaths than a got episode
>#1 trending in gaming
fucking hell, I don't watch his videos for suffering. Fuck you pewds you Swedish cuck
you forgot that he lynched a nigger sheep and tried to give an enderman a melon
this shit gave me PTSD
that's the power of autism
He didn't think this one out through, didn't he?
Why is he so based?
Is not even black but fucking gray, is people legit angry because of that?
what a fucking nigger
they are angry because he killed one of his Minecraft pets. We reached peak autism
pewds u nigger
Too soon
Sven almost dying was more tramatic than fucking Water Cuck finally being put out of his misery
what did he think would happen if he killed off one of the fan favorite characters from his play through?
go to bed, felix
this shit is too funny, holy fuck
>actually went to pewdiepies *eddit
>his entire fanbase wants his head
>incels sperging about water sheep is going to kill minecraft for him
was a good run
water sheep did literally nothing wrong, fuck the eternal swede
>recruits a BLACK sheep as watersheep 2
>proceeds to hang him from a rope
it hurts
This. Was kinda nice to see Felix play video games again in a wholesome way, but now people will take this meme too far and it'ls fucking done.
holy kek
Yep, people are taking fucking minecraft of all things too serious. this is why we can't have nice things
That sheep has been his scapegoat for a while, it was bound to die whether by accident or on purpose.
Water sheep didn’t need death
The various deaths caused by water sheeps demonic magic where because the iron golems forced him to do so
Its a joke
I wish he'd do more Papers, Please. I love him doing that stupid accent and fake spitting at refugees
>white man lynching a black to death
i fucking love that game
For you maybe, i think you over estimate the reddit users he listens to
Best part was when he realized how fucked up it was that he had to run away, only to do one last turn look.
Not really, but one got my attention
>Npc`s young pet dog got killed
>After revenge npc request bury the pet
>Suddenly flashback when I was young and it was my job bury my own first dog
Still miss my buddy after 20 years.
huh, that explains that
>Swedes call turtles 'shieldtoads'
oh my fug
Fuck swedish as a language. Take a good look at the word. Try and say it in your head. If you didnt say it as Schold padda im afraid you're wrong
I'm happy he's having fun.
You okay buddy?
>watching pewdiepie playing minecraft
>posting reddit memes in this thread
>unironically posting sad face emojis and spamming F
you all need to go back
>seriously, actually, earnestly, sincerely, all joking aside, for real, in all seriousness, purposefully, soberly solemnly, with a straight face, zealously, genuinely, truly, without shitposting having a pewdiepie thread
When i played AOE2 when i was young i accidently killed a sheep. I build a temple as fast as i could to get priest to heal him but it didnt do anything and I started crying for 3 minutes straight bro. Shit hurted