Why switch can't have this game?
Why switch can't have this game?
Why switch can't have games?
not enough processing power, it can only run gimmicky kids games and bing bing wahoo
I’m guessing because Atlus doesn’t have that many devs who know Switch architecture to have them port over P5 while also trying to make progress on SMTV
True, thankfully I have enough processing power to run a train on your mom's virgin asshole
You don’t know what processing power actually means or what determines a game’s requirements
Enjoy your P5S
Switch has these games instead.
Sony gets P5.
Nintendo gets SMTV.
It’s only fair.
>has to call it platform/console exclusive, otherwise left with 1 game
Kudos to P5 stageplay user, you were only 2-3 months off.
It ran fine for me on PS3, and Bayonetta, the only game I've played on both PS3 and Switch performed a bit better on Switch.
No games lmao
Fuck atlus I hope they fucking die right after smt V comes out.
>a bit
>from unplayable to perfect is a bit
Why are consolewar shitpost OPs always in broken English?
Bayo on PS3 dipped into the low 30s. On switch it only drops a few frames every now and then from 60fps. How is that "a bit"?
The only region with PS majority is Europe
>MK8DX and Tetris 99 in God tier
>Xenoblade 2 not in Great
>Dragon Marked For Death in Shit Tier
ok retard
There's literally one zelda game on there, you doofus
you fucking morron.
I guess MvC3 counts as a resident evil game
Who cares about high school virgin harem fantasy when Switch is going to get SMTV?
Do Hyrule Warriors and Cadence of Hyrule not count?
And it's not even an exclusive
Nice ad hom. Now go dilate
Just play on the platform of your choice, console wars are for idiots who can't think by themselves... Do you have stocks for Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft? Do you work for them? (Some directors have consoles from the competition you know)
Dont you have more serious matter in your life instead of caring about who the best vidya company is?!!
Nintendo is the only company who cares about video games.
I'm from the USA and I've never met someone with a switch
Imagine being this wrong
t.Nintendo fag
>not enough processing power
you are fucking clueless. at least just say the engine or some shit, because that's a legitimate reason. the switch would be able to run P5 just fine if it were already compatible
t. snoy faggot
I have all consoles, user. I'm only loyal to good video games
why ps4 can't have this game?
The switch can't have any games because, to be frank, none of us played games. We just went to the theater and got a drink or ate dinner.
"The Switch is definitely better than the PlayStation 4. It has a good controller but it feels a bit different. It's not as comfortable to play. You can use some things but you have no control."
because console-war shitposters are brazilians posting from their favelas.
Not all devs are cancer
Don't get mad at truth you don't like.
Switch's GPU is from 2015.
portbegging should result in permaban
so more recent than the ps4 one
Which happens to be ten whole years younger than the PS3.
I'm not saying a PS4 is any better either.
But, it's pretty sad that you have to compare your machine to a 6 year old machine just to make yourself feel better.
And it's REALLY sad to compare your machine with 13 year old machine just to make yourself feel better.
P5 is a ps3 game
It's obviously a tranny falsflaging
that's a lot of transistors. Can someone give me a rundown on transistors? How do we make so many? how do we use so many?
Not that user, but you're moving the goal post. First you say the switch cant run it, then when somebody proves you wrong by saying the ps3 can run it and the switch has a better GPU than the ps3 you pull out the
>w-well it should! The ps3 is oldz!!!
Just admit you were wrong and call it a day.