This is one of the 5 yuri options in the new Fire Emblem game. What are you thoughts Yea Forums?
This is one of the 5 yuri options in the new Fire Emblem game. What are you thoughts Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Im gonna FUCK Annette's dad with my boipucci
There needs to be way more /ll/
They are merely playersexual.
I think I'm going to plow that dragon pussy
Why would a straight man play as a woman in a game with romance?
Dragon loli /ll/ is something I've wanted in FE for a long time now.
because Cunny-lingus my dude
>straight man
>What are you thoughts Yea Forums?
Green haired girls are so ugly, in Japan they have a saying 緑色は不人気を意味します
who are the yuri options?
All of those are bi
until they get with your same gendered character.
Calm down sperg.
based Mya-nee
I don't like yuri and I have no interest in characters that have the body of a child so I don't care.
and here it is, the biggest faggot on this entire site
made for dick
Confirmed or just shitposting?
She is the only good thing about this new game.
Everything else looks like bland shit. Everyone should stick to the fan art and porn on twitter. Anyone who buys this is a faggot.
confirmed by literal screenshots of the support menu
None of the options have been confirmed. Nintendo isn't saying anything, don't take the b8.
mai waifu
>literal screenshots of the support screens showing which types of supports are allowed for each character isn't confirmation
spotted the seething claudefag
I was with you before E3
What's side-ponytail girls deal?
What's the point of loli yuri?
>Was gonna go Edelgard or Sothis
>both are bi so I can go with titty MC too
Fuck yes
To achieve orgasm with someone they're attracted to?
Is this a copypasta thread?
I swear I've seen literally every post in this thread months in advance.
this only makes her even more perfect for me
a depressed piece of shit
Alois a cute
No such thing since the all others girls are a old hag.
Sothis talks like a grandma ingame, she's the least childlike character in the game why do people get so mad?
reminder these are bernadetta fans
im so glad it seems like this game isnt going all in waifu
gr8 voicepasta
It couldn't possibly have gotten stupider or more pandering than the Baby Dimension
Dragons are for human dicks, not yuri.
>he doesn't want to see an older woman give tender lickings to loli dragon cunny
Age gap is trash. Older women should die alone and unwanted.
Fixed her face.
loli babas are pure kino
Cakes are for /ss/.
Stop spreading that meme. The only one that is truly bi would be Gilbert and Dora(can't remember the name). In what context did Edgelard show she was interested in men?
>Age gap is trash
Sothis is a few thousand years old
Woah, where can I get a copy of the game like you did?
>yuri options
>What are you thoughts
People have been posting the gay s link screenshots non-stop for the past day or so, but I haven't seen any confirming the yuri ones yet.
Same guy who leaked the three gay dudes leaked the yuri options too. Which was before those screenshots.
This, if you still want that you have a 3-way with your daughter
>Loli Oyakodon
I did not know I wanted this so much until now.
Dimitri, you've finally passed my class. Kill them all, my boy.
Original reddit leak:
-Mentioned Edelgard, Dorothea, Mercedes, and Linhardt. 2 "spoiler" options, did NOT name them but everyone assumed they were Sothis and Rhea, the two did get mentions about them being non playable but romancable, but this was changed(says nothing about their sexuality, and if they're playable but not romancable at all or not)
Twitter leak:
-Mentions the same girls as original leak and brings up the existence of 2 "spoiler" options, so same as before. Same as before, everyone assumes Rhea and Sothis, there are still no screencaps or someone putting their word out there(likely embargo).
-Linhardt is mentioned as well just like older leak, although this time "spoiler" options are mentioned.
-Hours later, it's implied this twitter leaker had talked to their source and figured the other bi male options weren't as crucial as the other bi female options, and mentioned they were Gilbert and Alois, proving that they are spoilery as they indicate character development direciton, especially in the later. Some twinks and fujos that were replying to them got pissy and thought they were bullshitting, and that's when the leaker dumped the screencaps.
-Said leaker specifically mentioned they can't show the screencaps for F!Byleth due to that being their main playthrough and thus that would involve spoilers even through the extras menu
And that is where we are at. The students are a plain as day safe bet, Rhea and Sothis are questionable, but it seems like everyone is dancing around them so hard(as well as the timeskip in general) they're more or less confirmed, a different scenario to Claude.
>Sothis and Rhea, the two did get mentions about them being non playable but romancable, but this was changed(says nothing about their sexuality, and if they're playable but not romancable at all or not)
Wait so this means we don't get them as units or what?
They were saying that Sothis and Rhea were originally non playable characters that you could romance, something completely unique. But that was changed in development.
Think of it like Awakening having en expanded Valm route, something they planned but just didn't implement for whatever reason.
As for how they are in the game currently, that's [REDACTED].
>5 yuri options
where is proofs?
So quick info for anyone who gives a flying fuck about resolution and battery life. The game runs at native 720p in handheld and battery as you would imagine, can go up to 3 hours if not a bit more, depending on brightness and volume. Frame rate as everyone could have also guessed, 30 fps with some dips in combat. Doesn't happen all the time but it's there.
Pretty sure Sothis will be playabe since there was a sidequest involving her that had her as a deployment requirement.
Read nigga READ
>that was changed in development
I saw that part too, so yes she's playable now. We don't know for certain if she is a romance option at all however. It is likely but not CERTAIN.
Why would they matter in a rpg?
Frame rate and resolution is one thing but battery life is important information.
does the game also include straight characters?
Everyone else is straight. Hell the gay options aren't even exclusively gay, they're bi, so you can still dick them if you're a guy or get dicked by them if you're a girl.
I'm honestly surprised nintendo is allowing gay options in one of their big games
>one of their big games
>big games
Need a sauce my good man.
Guess when you're actually 1000 years old you're down for a lot of things to spice it up.
smile definitely makes her more attractive.
Add Morgan and make it a 4-way.
nvm found it
>want to choose Blue Lions first
>want to play through the game as Female Byleth atleast once, but play Male first time
>don't want to be a lesbian
>only male worth of Femleth's bosom is Dimitri
What do I do? Do I have to play the game 5 times now?
No thanks, I'd rather male Byleth mating press her tight cunny instead.
You are going to choose the Fourth Reich, aren't you?
What does Yea Forums think about this game that is kinda similar to FE?
>rated M
>strong sexual content
What's the source on this?
>mfw she changes to adult form after timeskip
Does this mean I can't marry the leftmost girl?
they're all bisexual
Replacing Urushihara art is bullshit.
The time for friendship is over
absolutely based
You can switch between new school and old school art.
I am surprised the PS4/Switch version will have nudity. I can see the Steam version having nudity but I doubt either the Switch nor the PS4 will.
That's good news about choosing art. I'm happy with that.
Nudity is probably just bare ass.
The Saturn version has tits and pubic hair, but nothing beyond that. The PSX version was heavily censored, I don't think the PS4/Switch will get the Saturn version.
Hopefully Switch does, I want to play this in handheld mode in bed.
Do I have to fucking buy this game, Yea Forums? I haven't even bought a Switch.
Are there such things as female lolicons
You just want some Chinese cartoon recs don't you
Yes, unfortunately.
Some of the best loli artists are female.
No, I don't know of any hentai that involves milfs fucking lolis.
They aren't really lolicons/pedos though, they self insert as the loli.
Or in the bathroom.
I do, but it is futa.
So is switch emulation enough of a thing for me to play this on launch, haven't been keeping up since I haven't been interested in any games for it until now.
This. My gf says she likes loli doujins cause their body type is more similar to her own.
purest form of love
Reddit says weapon durability makes no sense, is dumb and isn't realistic - therefore shouldn't be in these games.
Is Reddit right?
Reddit is always right.
Weapon durability is just half-assed resource management. It makes sense on something like a rapier or functional equivalent where Marth can just use that to shit on everything since 80% of the shit in his games took extra damage from that, but the generic Walmart iron and steel weaponry that you're kitting your entire army out with?
The other argument is silver weaponry since it's either make it die eventually or make it just debuff you(Fates). Just make it expensive enough that it's basically you acknowledging that this is the endgame, these are the guys you'll be bringing into the final battles, no more babying people with bronze weaponry, but that not everybody can get magic plot weapons. A good use for the "this is the end, time to spend all your money" event.
Honestly, best compromise would be something like FE4 where there's the big initial investment, and then you can just pay a smaller fee for upkeep, repair and maintenance. That way it feels more like an investment and not just you paying the monthly water, electricity, and weapons bills.
Can you fuck them as the male too though?
I need her to step on me and call me a worthless lolicon pig.
Haven’t been paying attention, anyone got a list of who can waifu/husbando who?
>Claude was supposed to be the LGBT lord according to faggots
>he's the straightest guy in the game from the straightest house in the game from the straightest country in the game
Leichester is truly the chad country.
SJWs aren't complaining that you can't change skin color, they're all racists.
Onee-san wa Joshi Shougakusei ni Kyoumi ga arimasu
>tfw was iffy on Claude at first
>but timeskip Claude is fashionable as fuck
>and all the dialogue we have seen from him is pure gold, and he jokingly asserts his dominance on Byleth in front of the whole school and even in front of Dimitri and Edelgard
>even male Byleth just to irritate the girls
this made me laugh hard
Every time
>Mark has a thing for tribal savages
>Kris and Robin have a fetish for already married Blue-haired men with Pegasus Knight wives
>Corrin has an incest fetish
>Byleth has a daddy fetish
Who has the best taste?
Hopefully Claude doesn't turn out to be a snake, or at least a cool asshole if he must.
>Mark has a thing for tribal savages
It was the other way around- the tribal savage had a thing for him
>tfw it turns out he's been manipulating things behind the scenes in a way that prevents conflicts
I like shady guys that do good with their craftiness.
do i also get to fuck my students if i become a teacher irl
yes but you go to jail after
You need to look like this at the bare minimum
Only if you play as a female character, unless you don't mind getting banned
fags are seething that male byleth can't s support him
i don't think they can comprehend that some characters are just written straight
How sad is it that being in a relationship, especially a lovely romantic relationship, with a manakete FE Dragon is bound to be tragic. Asides from the obvious fact that the Manakete you're spending time with will outlive you and he/she will be super depressed and grieve about losing someone dear and close. But depending on the individual Manakete and their
own goals, ambitions and ideas, spending time with a Manakete has good chance of turning a person completely batshit insane. Or said person who's spent time with a Manakete might end up not being themselves ever again.
Like one day a dragon Loli or literally fucking Naga visits some upstart Lord who rules over a small land, decides to have a chat with the ruler and be friends with them. And decides to preach and share some messages on about some peace and harmony blah-blah-blah.
But then years later the Lord has now become a dictator and evil overlord because it turns out the dragon Loli is evil and or manipulating the guy. Or the guy misinterpreted Naga's words and is now leading a holy jihad against all of "enemies of the dragon empress."
In short being with a Manakete could lead to an interesting life but there's the huge risk of tragedy with being around a Manakete.
They're bisexual. You can romance every girl in there as a guy.
Yes, but real life becomes a stealth game
They don’t understand a character can be attractive and well groomed and not be gay. So much for their fight against stereotypes. Some people, not as many as with Claude, are mad about Dimitri too.
Don't forget that you also have a non-trivial chance of going insane if your Manakete spouse dies for whatever reason
>modern buildings
what? where?
The timeskip reveal did wonders for the hype. Thought this shit looked like complete garbage before e3. It still looks like garbage visually, but the story and characters seem cool.
It literally says "opening cutscene" and it's when time fuckery is happening so presumably it's just a brief glimpse at a future far beyond the setting.
Either that or Ancient Thabes was more advanced than previously indicated.
Or it's a Tokyo about to have some Mirage Sessions.
>Or it's a Tokyo about to have some Mirage Sessions.
Or it's a gilmpse at Advance Wars
Or Mars Emblem
I'm okay with this.
I think a lot of people are just salty F!Byleth gets the absolute best choices (including the two "main heroines") while M!Byleth gets randos but they can't say it out loud without outing themselves as rabid fujos.
So what do you guys think about the Persona of the Fire Emblem series?
more like the timeskip gave fags something to bounce more metal gear memes off of
>The Loli has a fat ass and some good hips
>Or it's a gilmpse at Advance Wars
Which Advance Wars timeline though?
OG Wars World, as in Andy, Sami, Nell, Lash, Hawke and friends?
Or the edgy and gritty Days of Ruin timeline where and those modern day looking buildings are Rubinelle and or Lazuria before the meteors?
post ass
>Like one day a dragon Loli or literally fucking Naga visits some upstart Lord who rules over a small land, decides to have a chat with the ruler and be friends with them. And decides to preach and share some messages on about some peace and harmony blah-blah-blah.
>But then years later the Lord has now become a dictator and evil overlord because it turns out the dragon Loli is evil and or manipulating the guy. Or the guy misinterpreted Naga's words and is now leading a holy jihad against all of "enemies of the dragon empress."
I take it that has literally happened in previous FE games and is the plot of said previous games aswell?
Especially the part where Naga would just visit some politician one day, talk about better policies that benefit everyone. But said politician misinterprets what she says and goes "ALL HAIL DRAGON EMPRESS!" mode?
Is there a way to read up on what each of the three houses has to offer, and what the ideologies are for each of the three? I know Claude wants everyone to be friends but Edelgard's fraction is hostile and Dimitri's wants to be free of Edelgard's faction, right?
Anyone else not doing any of the romance? I didn't like it in the 3DS ones, but I felt like I would be missing out on content because of all the shitty child characters so I ended up doing it anyway. Since kids are gone I have no incentive to do the romance shit anymore, which is great in my book.
You're at school attending a parent teacher conference and this guy comes up and slaps your dad's ass. What do you do?
I actually like the English version more
what the fuck
So how many of these people can I get killed thanks to permadeath?
Sothis is a nigger...
But in a way they kinda lucked out, you can get the gay male choices in all three houses, none are exclusive. I don’t know. It’s kinda a glass half full, half empty situation.
I don't think we have anything about that yet. I hope we get some more info because I can't decide on a house. We might need to wait for closer to release or maybe even until some people get to that part of the game to see how each story will go.
she cute
>Likes: Tactical scheming
>Dislikes: Blind reliance on gods, leaving things to chance, being bound by common sense
Student teacher relationships are wrong
One of these is not like the others
says who?
When you're inevitably going to be able to stick your cock into her when you choose to be a male
Welcome new mom (male) with open arms
Edelgard can't resist my dick
>everyone actually believing there's 5 yuri options even though nobody has posted supports
>before someone posted supports people were saying Hanneman and Claude were gay like it was confirmed
>The Saturn version has tits and pubic hair
Can you post proof of this?
I can't believe /u/ made out so well, the artstyle seemed to pander to fujos so hard.
Why do all these artists draw claude darker to full on black.
In official stuff his tone is white with a tan or southern Euro.
Will she ever achieve her dream of fucking your dad?
Didn't people post the support logs? Someone posted the support log with Linhardt and the daddies at C-B-A-S.
>Leonie wants to fuck your dad
>(you) want to fuck other people's dads
>the Empire puts gay juice in the water supply
Will be possible to get multiple S ranks in one playthrough?
No because only Byleth can S rank others and your dad is most likely the character that dies no matter what path your on
hey wait a minute...
>I don't think we have anything about that yet
and here I thought I was out of the loop because I didn't know that, thanks for letting me know user.
She will shut up with a cock in her mouth
They literally made a scheming jew character
>Annette hates lazyness
I guess Hilda is my wife now.
>Claude is Kaiba pretending to be Yugi.
Slap his ass, I must assert dominance before it's too late
Absolutely based, I'm really warming up to Claude.
Yeah, they posted male supports. Nobody has posted any female supports.
I'd sooner trust Byleth with my dad then this guy
No, but she can have the next best thing.
She lools like a child Grimes LMAO
The dick destroying dyke trio.
God bless them all.
Why is she hiding her candy in her hair? That isn't going to stop me.
Remove Sully and this image will be perfection itself.
that's Kowashitai my guy
there was literally a show about one recently
She was so perfect. It still hurts, bros...
This game is pretty much the anti-Fates and I love it.
>Sully got chromd
>Scarlet got Ryomad
Pls not again
>Sothis ends up being an advance version of Tiki from #FE but her deal is that she can time travel
that would explain the casual tone she has with Byleth when they die
I like the English one more because it sounds softer at the start and then grows pretty well throughout.
Sully's lips are gross. She's gross
I'm going to ask for some fucking SOURCE. If they did this then I'm going /ll/ and never looking back.
Itou Hachi is a woman who does older woman on loli yuri and she said she self-inserts as the older partner.
Scarlet gets HANSED if you play Conquest but in this case, he publicly executes her rather than impregnating
Go crazy
So it just has mediocre gameplay all the time due to average difficulty?
>Scarlet dies
>Ryoma: oh no maroon died that's so sad. ah well never mind let's move on, we don't want to let burgandy's death be in vain
The English one is more musical and the singer really takes it from beginning to end masterfully. Nintendo has been on point with English vocalists lately.
That was a very cute show.
All the better to suck your penis with, my dear.
At the very least its doing the whole "Separate Story campaigns" without you having to buy three fucking games
I only ever played Birthright and thought it was okay buy FUCK that.
what are you doing
>You marry Scarlet
>Recruit your children
>She fucking dies
>You say nothing really important about it
>Your girl doesn't give a fuck
>You fight her undead version
>Your character doesn't even give her an "I'll always love you"
>Your kid straight up doesn't give a fuck and just slays her mom for easy exp
Fates was a mistake.
She needs a dick inside, so you should play as a male
Conquest was the overall best path if you can look past the fact that your avatar character is retarded... also Mozu x Xander is canon
Posting completely SFW pictures of a recent show I liked?
It's good
Weeds don't bloom, they get plucked
thank you for your service user O7
>3ds game
Just hack it already
When did the FE fanbase become so faggot infested?
>implying it hasn't always been
We were always degenerates.
You already know the answer.
Ike games invited the fujos in and we could never get rid of them.
What about Raven and Lucius?
Right when Lucius and Raven got a paired ending.
Fujos have been fans of the series since the first game, see all the gay Ogma x Navarre art for reference. Ike's games let the tumblr cancerous faggots in, which is way worse.
What's the reason for the nudidty? Just ecchi or do the characters have pg sex?
Maybe they dodged a bullet. Claude could easily be the most irredeemable of the 3 lords
Roy, who has a TILF fetish
God I want to fuck Sothis so hard, nothing makes me more errect than a lolibaba with her kinds of quirks. She’s continuing the legacy of manaketes always being best girl. Except Fae, ADD chickens are cute but not waifu material.
Ecchi, Urushihara may have drawn porn but the games themselves never had it.
That being said there's a lot of shit there such as rape implications, a girl being mindwiped to the point of being a drooling retard just to be a guy's sex slave, tons of mind control and corruption in general, and tummies
>that spoiler
Shit, I've been missing out, buying this game when it comes out.
I really hope the leak of her dying isn't true, most have been spot on so far.....
well the main leak about the game is the fact that each house's story is literally about killing the other houses post timeskip. So she's most likely dying, as are 66% of the cast in each playthrough
It's a bit exaggerated to be fair, and don't expect detailed CGs, but the content is there. Do note it can be fairly long if you're going through all scenarios(think of chapters in an FE game).
It's probably either her epilogue at the very end of the game OR a nameswap to cover up the death of another character. I'm personally betting on the latter.
Based IS
Buy the true ending DLC and you can save her
Best part of Fates was murdering and raping Scarlet.
>Gay Baby Jail
>ripping off a Simpleflips joke and using it out of context for your "LOL LOLIS BAD FBI XDDD" shit
Whoever drew this is a huge faggot, but I'm not surprised given the context.
Jeez she's tiny
Perfect size for
>tags: stomach_deformation, lolicon, ahegao, femdom
Remember the leaker said they added some bullshit in the leaks to throw off the Nintendo ninjas so that's probably fake.
That was fake, the leak said she didnt survive the time skip
where is the leak reeeeeeeeeeeee
Can you ironic weeaboos fucking kill yourselves?
Western lgtbq+ whatever freaks are nothing like Japanese female otaku.
I don't understand
People are complaining about the selection of men when if the selection of women were comparable in terms of archetypes it would be perfectly acceptable.
i.e. a milf, a cake, and a tomboy are a decent lineup of girls, but people are acting like it's the end of the world because they aren't specifically getting to fuck Korra or something
Arios or whatever is 45 years old and literally a dad
Most of the complaining is coming from actual fujos false-flagging as leftists because they don't get to make their male MC have sex with the brown pretty boy.
When she faded into Byleth I got a little sad, I really hope she gets a permanent physical form so you can properly embrace her and hold her hand later.
>Big hands holding/compared to tiny hand
That's my shit right there.
I still don't fully understand but it sounds gay so I don't care anymore
tumblr is just western fujos, that's why m/m pairings far outweigh everything else on the site
>haven't bought a nintendo console since the gamecube
>decide to buy a switch
>never played a fire emblem game
>hear about three houses for the switch sounds like a fantasy turn based thing which sounds cool and preorder
>only ever see threads about who you can fuck
Can I atleast expect a decent strategy game?
She's not a full on sadist, more of the regal and slightly playful dom type.
Men age better than women and gay attraction especially has a higher age tolerance. The "MILF" in that image is 32.
>play entire game just to hold hands with a loli
How do you like your new game goyim?
Kawakami is in her 20s, it's a retarded comparison
I'm talking about the guy on the left
>Can I atleast expect a decent strategy game?
Depends on your standards for strategy games.
Without hesitation. I also want to touch her hair.
What's wrong with her left arm wtf
That sounds like a perfectly sound reason to me.
that's only one arm with a weird ribbon
what's the golden lions orange haired tomboy/short hair girl called?
is she a dyke or can she S link for male byleth?
The core gameplay and flow of FE games is relatively solid and consistent thoughout the series, but the other part of the draw is being able to make your units as you need or see fit and then using that to come up with a way to clear the map/objective. 3H is mixing it up quite a bit though but the main idea should still be around.
Still, the main draw of Fire Emblem is its focus and interactions with your unique units that make up your army and permadeath, the draw of possibly losing a favourite character of yours. Map design is also a pretty big deal too, which has been kinda spotty for the last 2.6 games so hopefully the maps are pretty good in 3H, at least the story centric ones.
So yeah, I guess it depends on what you're looking for in a strategy game.
she is 100% straight.
She's 100% straight.
they've always been there since FE old "fans" suck Kaga's dick
gonna be tapping that ass most definitely
There are no dykes in the game, only bis
you're picking this chad's house and going on a crusade against all heretics and degenerates, righ, Yea Forums?
me too bro
Of course.
Ignore the faggots that latched onto the game, they don't even play the game itself. The very same people that praise Fates for having a gay character bitch about how hard the game is and shit on it for being too mechanically complex. Give the game a go, at it's core it's a fantasy strategy game about item management and stats and classes.
I'm tempted to pick him because I thought hi route was fighting for the weak, now I'm not too sure anymore.
There's two degenerates in his house though
basesb bluechads
who else /alreadyredeemedthevoucher/ here
of course I will be picking Dimitri "Counts the days until he can flay the gays" Blaiddyd
I think they're setting up all routes to be fighting for the weak, just not the same weaks
I like SRPGs and Fire Emblem has my favorite core gameplay out of em all. Expect more gameplay discussion when the game actually comes out.
Romance, well... "romance", plays such a small part in these games, but people only talk about who they want to fuck before release. I have no idea why so many are obsessed with the feature, it was really bad in the 3DS games, all you got in these were less than 50 lines of (very bad) dialogue for the entire relationship, from the first hi to having children, and nothing changes in the main story so the fact you're married is only brought back for a line of text during the ending
>likes: hot teachurs with big boobys who sleep with their students
>dislikes: claude from school fuck you claude, silver haired gurls who talk about justice
God I love Coldsteel edits so much.
I know you're talking about the guy on the left, retard. Read what I said again.
Besides which, a 45-year old man can occupy the same archetype as a girl in her 20s. A tomboy doesn't just stop being a tomboy if she's 50 years old with children.
Does anyone have that picture of all the currently revealed characters and the factions they're in?
Have you narrowed down your list yet? The timeskip designs are going to be important.
so how bad do you think we're gonna be disappointed when the game wasn't anything like we were expecting but was just okay
It's a bad time right now for the game's publicity because reddit and resetera and twitter and tumblr are going on one of their stupid gay pride crusades so a lot of people in the threads are filthy crossboarders.
As long as dimitri is even half as "absolute madman" as I am expecting then I will be satisfied.
Realistically, what would be the worst design decision they can make with Timeskip Leonie?
For me personally it would be a sidecut.
Can someone post the post time skip design of some characters please, there was a picture around and i forgot to save it.
Oh I wish I could stay
Here in cherished halls
In peaceful days
I fear the edge of dawn
Knowing time betrays
Yet still I hide
Behind this mask that I have become
My blackened heart
Scorched by flames of force I can't run from
Poor Edelgard sounds broken.
this is a jap game, nobody is getting a sidecut.
Ingrid, Lysithea, Edelgard.
I have a type.
You posted it.
I like even the "bad" Fire Emblem games so eh.
What's happening bros?
Why are gays ruining my vidya franchise now?
Now every thread about FE3H is about gays and shit, and I-I don't like it bros...
Can't we just go back to discussing about which house to join instead?
Is this a foreshadowing?
Even the worst Fire Emblem games aren't even that bad. Awakening isn't great but it's comfy, Fates has retarded writing but one of the best gameplay campaigns in the franchise, Echoes has awful gameplay but looks amazing.
So Calm and Ablaze are confirmed to be back, right?
>filthy commoner trying to flirt with muh kween
She needs to learn her place.
lysithea, leonie, ingrid
are the homo options strictly homo, or are the bi/playersexual?
Who's dad is this anyways?
Honestly the only good Faggot, Gonna do a lesbian file for the hat girl
that's me on the right.
big tiddies
big tiddies
Edelgard is a mommyfags confirmed
>Black Eagles have the female leader plus the two biggest pairs of tits in the game.
I feel like this is some intentional lure to perhaps their most fleshed-out story path, so reviewers and first impressions are based on it.
Playersexual like everyone else, given that it seems like nobody else has supports at all besides Byleth
FUCK as a dumb faggot i am
I forgot the pic
Bi. There'd be a huge shitstorm if devs ever actually removed content from straight people. FE's got a pretty big fujo fanbase, but the male otakus have them fucking demolished by comparison.
>tfw Marianne, Leonie and Hilda are all Golden Deer
How can one house be so great? Lionbros have Ingrid, Annette and Mercedes which is a damn good contender too. Imagine being a Bl*ck E*gl* though.
It's funny how much Leonie's stock has gone up since people realized she has a good body
>There'd be a huge shitstorm if devs ever actually removed content from straight people.
There was no shitstorm in Fates when they cut you out of a kid for straight males unless you married a Corrinsexual or 2nd gen
Day one, baby.
Torn between Ingrid or Flayn for a first run. Probably gonna pick Marianne for a Golden Deer playthrough.
I actually didn't give a fuck about Hilda initially, but thinking about it now she was one of the first few characters introduced yet we know next to nothing about her aside from the fact that she's lazy and a brat and likes to lead guys around, and yet everyone feels like she's gonna be important to Claude's story for whatever reason.
As for Annette, honestly I just feel bad for her and will probably pick her for one playthrough just so that someone likes her and not her dad/best friend.
So far this is how it looks. Put Anna in High Tier.
>Edelgard is a mommyfags confirmed
She had a good taste
>SS symbol
Edelgard fucking wins
If we get sent to a fucking modern day city for the fucking final battle in an FE game I will forgive Three Houses for any other flaw for the sheer rawness that will eminate from such an occurance.
All their hair just makes me think of candy.
So far my list is Hilda, Lysithea, Manuela and Sothis.
I wonder if time skip redesigns have portraits. We haven't seen any.
Surprise crossover with Wolfenstein
What classes will the SS even get?
Can we recruit an SS officer? What is going on
I think the bigger implications is that whatever universe Three Houses takes place in is essentially the distant past of an alternate universe Earth.
so are the houses essentially SMT alignments?
>edelgard = law
>claude = neutral
>dimitri = chaos
Japan love hitler, it's a known fact
The whole outcry about this shit is a prime example of why you should never pander to the people crying about lack of gay options/tranny options/made up pronouns that sound like enochian incantations. They will bitch and bitch no matter what the fuck you do and the people that were going to buy it are going to buy it anyway.
Choosing Blue Lions first playthrough.
Sothis, Ingrid, Mercedes and Shamir are my top picks at the moment. Time skip designs and how good/shit their supports are will ultimately make the final decision for me.
We'd need to see more to know well but so far
>Dimitri: Law
>Edelgard: Chaos
>Claude: Neutral
It's a distant past of Advance Wars universe.
I'm not sure the SS exists in Advance Wars. Never played one, though.
from the very little i've seen, interested in mercedes and marianne. likely going with claude so marianne is probably best
Where are the SS officers?
is Kronie EvilLeonie?
do you think that fits more? i thought edelgard's group wanted to conquer everyone so they could rule, and dimitri wanted to basically kill hers/everyone. seemed like edelgard fit the whole "god of control" kinda stuff more, and dimitri was more the "raw strength wins" thing, but i admittedly havent looked at much for the game
4 of the 5 best girls can munch carpet. I guess I do need to buy this game after all.
Fujos aren't that bad. They tend to force the creative team to make competent, good looking men instead of a circus ensemble of zany male characters and old men that you don't really want near any of the girls, who all dress really ridiculously.
Personally I'm fine with fujos in my fanbase as long as one of the gay characters is a girly looking trap.
Living proof anyone can make it. And one of the reasons I’m going Deer first and Lions second.
>the average Conquest Lunatic player
Why aren't there romance options with the youkai you exterminate in 2hu?
He was already 188cm. Of course he was going to make it
Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong board. /jp/'s two blocks down that-a-way.
>force the creative team to make competent, good looking men
>a circus ensemble of zany male characters and old men
>girls, who all dress really ridiculously.
Lol, how i know that you're a fujo
Fuck you.
Is /feg/ still just filled with gachashit?
not on gelbooru
replaying Genealogy again and forgot, can Gen 1 units still get married in Chapter 5 or is 4 the cutoff point?
The english Echoes vocal theme was really incredible.
I'm not gay though, I just really dislike how a lot of male japanese characters are either pathetic beta males for the player to self insert into as if I identify with that shit, or are a bunch of really over the top variety types while the girls are all normal. At least be consistent.
Give me more guys like Marx and Leo so I can have my crew of chads stomping katana wielding weeaboos left and right, not some gay bald 50 year old monk or guy who's like 8 feet tall, gay, and black, or secretly a robot, I mean come on man
Just let me roll out with the boys
Filled with cunnyposting at the moment
go play ffxv and pretend it is good you fucking homo
Time to pay that hellhole a visit.
Holy shit, all female characters have the same fucking face.
/feg/ here I come.
t. homo / fujoshit, you're not fooling anyone
But I wanted Beru and the white haired golden deer girl to munch femblyats carpet...
Be right back
>All the guys improve
>All the girls get worse
>lolis trigger the tripfag
Somehow this doesn't surprise me in the slightest.
I prefer Hilda's new look, but the other two look worse.
I have two see Hilda from another angle, I can't tell if she has one big puffy ponytail or if she has one of those impossible "one ponytail that somehow splits in two"
it's filled with one autist who's been seething over loli for like the last hour and everyone trying to ignore him
I think Hilda looks better, but Berny and Lys look worse, as does Edelgard. But this wouldn't surprise me, given that it is an otome artist and as such it would seem in their nature to do such a thing.
People are surprised Claude can't be bromanced? What else would you expect from a straight arrow?
triple based
You can marry a dilf?! Nice
When does this come out? Does it have a better story than fates did? Conquest was emotionally draining.
>Does it have a better story than fates did?
We have a name for the continent it takes place on.
I can't imagine how it'd have a worse story than Fates. I'm guessing the writing will be better while the gameplay will be worse. The characters, or at least the girls, are also less attractive.
can I fuck her as a dragon?
In about two weeks.
So far everyone's been saying it's much better. At the very least it can't be worse than Fates.
That's natural since all women peak at the age 16 after all.
Oh yeah....fates never did actually name what continent hoshido and nohr were on
A lot of the people complaining are fucking western fujos who have been using progressive lingo for years only to seem woke and not like horny cunts.
How's Anna gotten. i need my favorite red head who suddenly has pink hair
To be fair, there could have actually been a reason for that. Did the Indians have a name for America? Problem is that they just never established any sort of thing.
So what happened to his wife? This is so damn weird
>Does it have a better story than fates did?
Yup, for one it has an actual continent name, and locations have actual names.
>Did the Indians have a name for America?
Fuck crests
Fuck the church
Fuck everyone
Scientifically they actually peak at 23
Anyone else extremely disappointed Annette isn't petite and doesn't have DFC?
Finally, a reason to drop by.
Should I get Three Houses if I'm a fan of Tactics Ogre and nu-XCOM?
I'm only vaguely familiar with the GBA games.
It just hit me. Any beast units around?
Cant really tell you because we have seen fuck all gameplay
No, beast units are fucking trash.
I'm not buying this game because FIRST the art is fujogarbage instead of Kozakino, SECOND the gameplay is personashit instead of just chapters with traditional TRPG battles of the franchise. What were they thinking?
but I liked the foxes and wolves. The bunnies were better in every other class except their original
>SECOND the gameplay is personashit instead of just chapters with traditional TRPG battles of the franchise.
It plays exactly the same except ther is a small gap between chapters for school shit.
And dragons are ok because?
They're cute and funny.
They aren't, dragons are trash units too
Fates beast units were pretty alright if you put aside they're never affected by the triangle, and no one else but squishy ass mages have 1-2 range. They're practically guaranteed to be good units
>Onee-san wa Joshi Shougakusei ni Kyoumi ga arimasu
thanks, sorry for late reply
can someone post that one screenshot of support convos that shows Dimitri is straight ? I believe Mercedes is on it too with an S support possibility to M!Byleth if I remember well which should mean all yuri/fujo choices are all bisexual
This man is one hell of a heart breaker. People spent over a year wanting to romance him as a dude.
yeah that's it thanks
This is your daddy for this entrance to the series.
Say something nice about him!
just go steal a switch then start pirating then
>left the empire because she's deeply religious and against homos
>dragons in FE
>just have pointy ears
>beast units in FE
>degenerate tails, ears, and other features
>rabbit girl that just leaves her bush unshaven instead of wearing pants
We're talking biologically, user. Science by itself gets things wrong most of the time.
>We're talking biologically, user.
Biology is a science you retard.
Can you fuck both Dimitri and Claude at the same time
does sothis stop being a little girl after the timeskip?
She becomes even littler.
Imagine getting bullied by a toddler haha wouldn't that be embarrassing???
Am I the only one who isn't fan of same hair color = same eye color combo thing that some of the characters have here?
No, it actually looks pretty bad when it's the exact same hue and it reeks of extreme laziness.
Can't believe /ll/ is finally a thing in FE. May the Yurigods bless IS.
She is straight, but terrified of getting pregnant as she has "that" hairstyle and doesnt want to be put down after giving birth to an anime protagonist.
I love my perfect racist wife.
That is Dimitri's wife. They need to produce Aryan children together.
>Tries to convince Dimitri to kick Deude out of the house
How old is Cyril before the time skip?
>inb4 she's Cordelia/Sumia 2.0 that is too busy dreaming about being fucked by Dimitri (Chrom) instead of you and only reason why she married you was because she can't have her lord, yet she will still daydream about him even if you marry her
If that ends up being the case, I swear that I'm going to roll a female and NTR her hard.
>Has a wife
>Leaves her to be a faggot
Honestly the worst character in the series yet
Mercedes and Annette are cuter anyway
Mercedes is a dyke
I think Ingrid being racist is based as fuck. Black Eagles seem like the only shitty house.
Not after I S Rank her
I really want to know what decisions led to Annette's father (who abandoned her) be made into one of the fag options.
>implying they won't be glued to DImitri's dick as well
This is FE, user. Rule of the FE games are that females cast tends to be glued to their main lord's dick and that you're just a second option, unless you are Kamui, who is main lord for his own series.
Why do you think he abandoned her? He cheated on his wife with a man and got caught so he left town. Then when Annette went to magic school, she met Mercedes who is bisexual too, and befriended her to try to understand her father.
What was her name again?
I hope Hard being easy isn't true, or there is a Lunatic mode (that isn't shit like Awakenings)
Why did Dimitri allow Mercedes to join him again? Considering he describes Ingrid as something he considers as an ideal of what he expects of the rest, then how did he every allow Mercedes of Black Fags to join him? Was he drunk or something when he allowed it?
Ingrid "Duscur genocide best day of my life" Galatea
>I hope Hard being easy isn't true
Zero reviewers have played hard, and those that have played normal have grinded to the point they complained about grinding
No Lunatic mode, fampi. Normal (piss easy because even journos called it like it) and hard only.
He needed canon fodder and girl with dead mom's hair seemed as perfect for it.
It shouldn't be the case. She is more concerned with eating and not starving, as well as being a knight.
Hell, she even wanted to accept a marriage proposal from a noble to save her house.
He's a very fragile man. He must have not been in his right state of mind. It is up to us to ensure that we kill every single one of them.
Ingrid "Duscoons" Galatea
What baffles me is that no one in those social circles thinks it might be a little bit offensive assuming someone is gay because they like to take care of their appearance. You'd think gays of all people wouldn't judge with gay stereotypes.
>5 trannies
>3 faggots
Honestly hope the game fails desu
I don’t think you know what that word even means, as expected of a dumb frogposter.
Which Crest do you like?
sure, just like the others right ?
He wanted to do a good deed and have his teacher make her straight for him. Problem is that most of the anons who wish to roll his house want to do it as a female in order to rape him instead.
Mercedes is in the closet. Only Annette knows.
Would anons' boner for him be killed if he got healed way too fast?
If he wasn't as edgy or psychotic as trailer made it seem?
If he wasn't /ourfurher/ like we thought he would be?
Stop being dumb.
Yes to all 3.
Just pair her with Sylvain. But the person who revealed the bi options said that only Byleth can S rank the characters
Absolutely. I want him to be full the edgelord. To give me the Conquest experience that Fates never gave me. I have no use for a sane fag. I need a murder fag that just wants to kill every last one of them.
Hopefully it's just that S ranks between other characters is locked behind the time skip. It won't make or break it for me but I much prefer shipping to self inserting.
>Nintendo decided not to comment when someone asked if characters other than Byleth could have S-supports
What did they mean by this?
>Ingrid is the Jill of Three Houses
It means there are no S supports for other characters. It's not that hard to figure out.
Ingrid profile
Ingrid Brandl Galatea is one of the Characters of Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
A student of the Blue Lions House at Garreg Mach Monastery, Ingrid is another childhood friend of Dimitri, as well as Sylvain and Felix, and aspires to be a true knight. Despite her noble birth, her family has fallen on hard times, placing pressure on her to restore its wealth by passing down her bloodline.
Birthday: 1/4 - Guardian Moon
Starting Class: Noble
Starting Weapon: Iron Lance
Personal Ability: Lady Knight - Grants Mt +3 and Hit +5 with Gambits
Crest: Minor Crest of Daphnel - Sometimes raises Mt when using Combat Arts.
Likes: Reading, eating, food samples, meaty meals, looking after horses, tales of chivalry, virtuous knights
Dislikes: Extravagance, hunger, the people of Duscur.
>Alois is the Titania of Three Houses
>tfw the game has an early leak 3(?) days before release like dragon quest builders 2
The dick can cure her.
>tfw we share same birthday
Instead of wasting time trying to make S supports for literally every combination of characters, they will flesh out the ones they already have.
Leak? The press preview embargo lifted.
What do you think? My dick didn't get hard for nice noodles man, but furher in making.
Leak as in pirated and available for download
>they're still going with the "wub-wub" sounding shit
This is the first thread about three houses I've entered since the initial first trailer. I have also avoided every other trailer and tidbit thats been revealed. I have no fucking idea what is going on with this game now. Are people mad about it for some reason?
Gays are mad you cannot faggot romance the brown prettyboi and the blonde ptettyboi murderhobo.
Game seems good and pretty promising although we don't know how solid the gameplay is quite yet. Gays and fujos mad that Claude(golden deer guy) doesn't swing their way.
When the game lets you dick her as a boy
If you butter them up you can get other people onto your faction pre-timeskip which will affect the future timeline. Its actually a pretty central game mechanic.
True ending is Byleth undoing his time rewind shenanigan from the prologue and dying for good.
Just go lions later. You're going to play and likely replay all of them either way.
Only fujos are seething.
So does the game actually have gay romance in it otherwise? Thats new for the series isnt it, why does it matter if one guy in particular doesnt like the penis?
That's so embarassing.
I doubt these obnoxious fucks actually care about representation and just wants to satisfy their homo fantasies. I have gay friends but they were never this repulsive and entitled
Is the trailer the only source for the post-timeskip designs?
Fates already had two, but faggots were really hyping this game to be some sort of gay orgy and instead they got two old farts and a sleepy sissy.
That foolish gay better stay away from my boy V.
It does. We've had homosexuals as early as 7 at least. People are being insane because their particular favored characters aren't gay. It's especially silly because they decided these characters should be gay despite no hints of it because they thought they looked gay, which is incredibly offensive to a lot of gay people.
In their defense though the homosexual options confirmed ARE pretty baffling.
I want to have Ferdinand's babies!
>In their defense though the homosexual options confirmed ARE pretty baffling.
The speculation about them was posted earlier, right? Kind of disappointing, I was interested in couple of the girls, atleast appearance wise. I guess I can just always go for the teacher.
Some "FE fans" only like to play the game to ship their favorite fantasy pairs and feel entitled that the game should just give them what they want despite the fact they're lucky IS even gives enough of a shit to give them multiple options in the first place.
So they want to pair up their favorite characters, NOT pair those characters with themselves? Thats weird, why would you care about other couples expect yourself. I guess you could care if the game had child making mechanic again but doesnt seem like it.
Either the characters shown are bi or not gay at all, if you think otherwise you've been deluded by western media.
You know people are just gonna specifically make Male characters fuck the chicks above to spite you fags for this right? Why do you do this to yourselves, you know they won't make them 100% gay if it happens at all.
Can't wait.
Some people don't self insert. I've always just gone with default MU since they started being added and paired them with the most obvious love interest in hopes of unlocking extra cut scenes.
It's funny because there's one actual gay man that got banned in resetera because he called people like these annoying fucks "entitled" and called them out for assuming people's gender by just the way they look
All LGBT characters are confirmed to be bi like in Fates. There is no pure homo/lesbo at all.
I've got to wonder what sorts of eldritch genders exist in the stygian madness beyond the visible wavelengths.
How many of them acually owned a switch? i bet less than 50%
Ingrid "13 but 50" Galatea
I've seen plenty of people talk about how they're looking forward to this game and then later see them type that they don't even own a switch. How does that even work? Do these people just sit around watching Youtube Playthroughs?