Which one is the one that literally just rapes people? I think they have a spikey penis too.
The one that enjoys manifesting as female and who also enjoys have sex with mortals. Lovingly, not rape either. And they would be willing to marry me once I entered their place of oblivion.
I have a fetish for copulation with angels/hot demons, bite me
Molag Bal
>hates undead
>loves the living
>cares for the living
>dropped a city in Molag Bal's plane of Oblivion just to make him angry
Does she have a penchant for copulating with mortals? If so, I'm sold.
This, she's the only one that (probably) won't fuck you over in some way
Namira would be maybe ok too if you're already at your lowest
None that I know of.
She might give you her beacon so you can touch her long-distance though.
Azura is nice too, unless you get caught in her cat fights with Vivec.
Dunno man she seems like a petty, arrogant bitch
Sanguine is for hedonism
She is a petty arrogant bitch but she's nice if you indulge her prophesy fetish
Sheogorath, easy
My boi Hermaeus Mora.
>turns your blood into cheese because he was bored
>not joining nocturnal and literally becoming the shadows after you pass
plebs, all of you
Meridia and I lick her thighs forever
>peryite used to be based, like a daedric version of akatosh
>shivering isles took his gimmick and created some gay crystal faggot because it lined up with the opposite of sheogorath
>then skyrim established that he was just the prince of sickness, pestilence and decay, aka nurgle
>namira used to be this but now she's just all about pariahs and outcasts of society for any reason, not just being ugly wretched and physically disgusting
i wonder what damage 6 is going to do
Cause she was such an easy bitch to swipe. Thanks loser. You just made me the greatest thief in history.
He only manifests as a male. no homo
Clavicus Vile
none, gods are all fags
t. dwemer
Hail Sithis.
All choices except for Jyggalag will be purged.
I choose the tribunal.
do you think almalexia would let me suck on her breasts while she gives me a handjob?
Hircine, hunting with my bros sounds like a wicked time.
Not the fake tribunal faggot.
mommy Meridia
based and Orderpilled
Friendly reminder that Molag Bal had a sportsman's double with Serana and Valerica, while their father and husband was forced to watch. Molag Bal is a legend.
my question still stands haha
>daedric princes
what are you, fags? they just want to mess around with mortal because they're bored
Serana is my waifu
and that's why she needs a loving and caring partner
>waifuing Molag Bal's sloppy seconds
why tho
Malacath is really the only choice
none of them
FUCK daedra
Azura is pretty decent as long you don't fuck with her.
>worshiping shit
because I fucked a girl who has been raped
she was cute and loving and a even if it took a while, she was a beast in bed
they just want to be loved, and when they know they can trust you they take that d with the force of a thousand suns
>Forced to watch
Nigger that cuck offered his wife and daughter to Molag on a silver platter, just so he could be a Vampire.
hell i'd do it too if it made me a vampire