Why does Yea Forums not care if it's Japan the one who adds LGB representation to their games? I'm playing Danganronpa and Teruteru can't stop talking about how much he likes both dicks and vaginas, Ibuki makes lesbian comments all the time, etc. I was playing Automata recently and suddenly one of the operators turns out to be gay in a random conversation and I don't undertand why nobody cares yet I have seen the kiss from TLOU thousands of times in bait threads. wtf is up with this?
Why does Yea Forums not care if it's Japan the one who adds LGB representation to their games...
Yea Forums operates under the "it's okay when Japan does it" law. Just accept it, you can't change the nature of the beast.
Weebtards are hypocrites.
The sky is blue.
Japanese game have had a bunch of gayshit for a long time.
it isn't even new and nobody ever complained about it.
Considering that, western devs are fucking noobs and simply shit at making good characters and stories.
I love Ibuki!
Japanese games don't market themselves with how gay they are, so not enough people know about the gayness to get each other angry enough to form an outrage mob.
Because Japan adds cute gay characters, not LGBT representation.
Japanese games don’t try and act that de gay is a feature
Because when Japs do it, they do it for comedic or sometimes even for moral proposes.
While wests does it for prapaganda and empowerment of certain group.
Stop pretending to be retarded.
Moral proposes?
All reference to sexuality from those characters is comic relief
The game does not draw special attention to their sexuality, either in the game itself or in its marketing
Their sexuality is not presented as an inherently virtuous or otherwise positive quality of their character
None of those characters are defined by their sexuality and have plenty of other characterization to endear them to the player
People who take issue with LGBT shit in media mostly do not actually hate gays in principle, they're just sick of gay representation being constantly pushed and hamfisted into everything so the creators can morally posture themselves and use the "representation" to deflect criticism. Much more often than not in Western media, especially mainstream titles, the gays are just shallow tokens or play a much smaller role than advertised, if they're even actually gay at all and not just a wishy-washy creator teasing the media with a suggestion for free advertising, eg. the new Lion King movie is bombing so hard with critics that today an interview came out that says "maybe Timone and Pumba are gay? haha who knows ;)"
>Lion King movie is bombing so hard with critics that today an interview came out that says "maybe Timone and Pumba are gay? haha who knows ;)"
Oh man, I can't wait for anyone who criticised it being branded retroactively homophobic. I sure do love current year.
>People are actually mad about the lack of gay characters in a Disney movie about non-anthro animals
Cool time we are living in.
danganronpa has 1 guy character, and he dies horribly
Because the nips don't design their characters as revolting beasts.
He sure does!
Nagito was hopesexual
They gayshit in jp games isnt used as a fucking selling point.
Idk how LGBT folks havent seen the blatant fucking pandering to their community to get them to buy their shitty games.
fuck off.
>all that chromatic aberration
most jp devs have gay characters with purpose.
most western devs have gay characters for the sake of having a gay character in their game
It's funny to me that Japan gets every -ism under the sun thrown at it by "woke" xenophobes so they can't see that Japan has been ahead of the West in this kind of representation for decades
It's because Japan doesn't bend the knee to their ideology.
I'm shocked on how I didn't see how gay this anime was when I first watched it
Because japan makes the gays cute enough to masturbate to
Weebs have been gradually turned into trannies the past 10 years, Western studios just started doing this and their fans immediately took issue.
This 100%
It's more about how, often, games use having a gay or trans character to push an agenda or to signal virtue. You never see people complaining about how Arcade Gannon or Veronica are gay, because there is more to their character than that. And they weren't used as some advertising tool either.
have sex, incel
Because Japan does it as part of the character, the West does it solely for inclusion even if it hinders previously established characters, world-building, etc.
Why do you type like a retarded southerner?
Yeah, he was especially attracted to Chiaki to in the side materials like the Chiaki manga and the dangaropa 3 series (he sings about Chiaki for the ED). Not sure why they keep saying Nagito is homo when he's obviously a very special kind of sexuality.
>makes cute characters do gay shit to each other without actually making them in relationships with the same sex
>writers are women and men who like cute things
>Gruffy male character needs help with his husband and ethnic characters are scattered about the cast, yet act and speak exactly the same as the white cast despite being from a different culture
>writers are white guys being instructed by corporate to do this
Because he was a fucking creep who doesn't deserve her, so obviously he'd have to be a closeted fag.
Yea Forums doesn't know about any of that shit because Yea Forums doesn't play video games.
>doesn't deserve her
Butthurt waifufag detected
American media has been so politicized and pozzed with Jewish subversiveness. It's no suprise people are finding the things Japan makes better. It may be industrial grade trash at times, but at least they aren't trying to force a fucking political message into fucking video games.
Fucking this. The west makes a story and then starts dumping blacks, muslims, gays, and trannies into it whether it makes sense are not in order to try and get more money out of this recent social trend.
Japan just thinks its cute or a funny joke and doesn't actually give a fuck.
He's definitely right. Nagito didn't deserve shit and was a grade A asshole. Chiaki may have been a weirdo autist, but she deserved better.
It's fine when it makes my penis the big penis
You don’t honestly believe this right?
>make the most traditional values girls flirty with each other
What did Kodaka mean by this?
It's also the cultural differences with east vs west.
Some of the blame comes from the america's corporate overly bampering customer service where it's norm to bend over backwards even if the customer is an outright cunt.
>animated cutscene shown on a trailer that literally anyone is gonna watch
check my zero to prove that Ibuki is worst girl.
Its just a bunch of cogs and circuits shaped as a woman
Because no one on Yea Forums is well adjusted and they like to be inflammatory for the sake of it?
intention and target audience matters.
Danganronpa is peak progressive
It's not forced when they do it. It's a nature outcome of the story/development. Also Japanese representations tend to be stereotypes. Western devs/writers/ set out to make sure to include represention before even thinking if and when it's natural/appropriate for the story. Making players aware of it at all times and it all comes across more forced & pandering. All those virtue signally people with a saviour complex, who deep down don't actually care but pretend too. Just to demonstrate their fake sense of moral superiority.