talk me out of it
Talk me out of it
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fuck niggers
It will be epig store exclusive soon if it matters to you.
hehe ars dollars
Tipico de kuka
You don't matter enough for anyone to give a fuck what you do.
Steam is DRM.
devs keep trying to force it as an esport but that's never kicking off
the game competitively is already dying
and now it's going to be an epic game store exclusive so the playerbase will just drop even more
just a few reasons
that was a misquote i think. Its still gonna be on Steam
Dead game.
It's free some places.
It's stupid. You just chase a ball around with a car.
whew... I will buy it at 80% off sale
>ARS dollaredoos
Where the fuck is this monopoly money from
>35k daily is dead
I ain't stopping you. You're prerogative, my dude.
Car Polo with modern graphics.
Its fun for a couple of matches, but then you'll realize there's nothing more.
Somebody learned a new word today
Now, that's a picture I've not seen in a long time
You mean Steamwork, yeah
Community is r*ddit tier unfunny
no, its your money dude idgaf
It looks like it's a total casual romp. I mean it's cars playing sports! In reality it is however fiercely competitive and people who play it will bully the shit out of you for every fuckup. You will also flame them back of course, but more than that you'll hate yourself for all the the mistakes you notice yourself doing (and there will be a lot). It's fun but it's also very stressful so consider if that's for you.