Has there even been a successful boycott in the vidya industry?
Has there even been a successful boycott in the vidya industry?
Mighty No 9
Boycotts do literally nothing except annoy people that don't give a shit. Same with petitions.
Companies these days are too big to fail and too big to give a shit, since they know their consumers will buy their shit anyway.
No, its why you should always mock all the retards who bitch about censorship, or epics store, or lootboxes or anything else because they're all mindless consumer slaves and deep down they know it.
Official boycott? Not really. However, plenty of games have sold worse or died quickly due to people being mad about them being shit.
I didn't buy L4D2 until it was on sale for 5 bucks.
Boycotts don't work but it's better if publishers think that consumers have any kind of power or self-control.
there was never any successful boycot in history
>Companies these days are too big to fail and too big to give a shit
Brands change shit all the time, especially in the day and age of social media
has there even been a successful boycott in any industry?
On steam when Valve and Bugthesda tried to push paid mods into Skyrim caused so much nerd rage that even Valve and Bugthesda withdrew it. Too bad Bugthesda went on to make the Creation club like the inhuman faggots they are.
So the only successful boycott ended up doing jackshit in the long run?
It's almost like these companies are so fucking large that it'd take like 30 boycotts for them to truly be affected.
The Montgomery bus boycott was successful. I don't know of any recent ones.
Well at least Valve has not reinstated it on their end.
Quick rundown
Boycot of what for what reason?
d-delete that, it contradicts the meme
These faggots are the same as the Nosgoth retards, they won't get anything done like this
Ah ok then.
Boycotts never work. Especially Nintendo or EA boycotts.
People publicly boycotting Nintendo games for censorship probably helped make them change their policies.
heroes of might and magic 3's armageddon's blade campaign received so much negative feedback after art of it was leaked, including gay death threats, that it was hastily rewritten, redesigned, redrawn and ended up quite shitty. also changed the overarcing storyline of the might and magic/heroes of might and magic series (changed the canonical ending of might and magic 7 to accomodate changes to armageddon's blade, which was its story sequel). this wasn't an organised boycott and happened before social media and all that faggotry, but the gay fans whined hard enough and everything changed.
In video games or videogame related? If related, Sonic the movie comes to mind.
>steam chat groups
Who the fuck are these people and why should I care, I'm not looking at all that shit.
Wasn't there a laughable boycott when Valve announced L4D2?
too long, didn't read, don't care, not funny, didn't laugh
>EA boycotts
How's Vaginafield doing these days?