Just fucked my hand up, recommend me a pc game for handicaps pls.
Just fucked my hand up, recommend me a pc game for handicaps pls
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Evil Dead on the PS1
the hospital
is that your fapping hand, op?
Damn dude your hand is growing an eye.
Nice cut, you might need stitches for that, otherwise keep it closed. You are going to have a good scar on your hand.
Oh boy story time
op is infected with some demonic shit
You can probs play most mouse+keyboard games, might have to click your mouse with your middle or ring finger for a little while though while that scrape heals up.
Don't forget to disinfect, and change your bandages often. Nothing's a bigger bummer than when a flesh wound becomes something much more serious because it wasn't taken care of properly.
Poor guy at my old job lost his leg to gangrene on his toe.
Maybe it's the G-Virus.
How can someone be so negligent? He deserved to lose that leg.
>ops hand grows a vagina
Trannys seething
You need to see a doctor for this, if you don't you could lose your hand. Be smart, stop posting on Yea Forums. Go to a fucking emergency room.
It was likely the beetus
Its a small cut you bitch nigger, stop crying.
I fail to see how I would ever have trouble playing games with that.
Maybe you play shooter garbage and that's why you're having an issue.
nice ghoul hand, go back to whatever crypt you crawled out of
you need stitches
Maybe he was diabetic, they get foot infections easy as hell and lose their legs to them especially the ones who dont take care of themselves.
next time don't eat weird things incased in bakelite
i know who's responsible
Memes aside, go to the hospital now if you don't wanna regret losing some functionality In your hand.
What the fuck were you thinking?
Our orders were to post video games.
Evenicle can be played with one hand
did you do this?
Hey Op, how is life in Umbrella laboratories.
A buddy of mine had cut his arm while doing yard work and didn't think much of it. Slowly got worse, infected, he started feeling awful, developed a horrible fever and finally went to the doc. Go get it looked at ASAP
I don't
It's not that hard to understand you retarded facebook tourist, have you ever prepared an avocado before? Probably not you fat fuck.
reminds me of the movie slc punk
Typing of the dead
considering it's not really hard to understand, i guess that makes you very liable to this happening to you
Gotta avacado..mmm
cuttin dis thing...yeea...cutting real good.
ah....dammit, this dumb pitt here.
this dumb ass stupid pitt.
fuck this....god damn pit.
im gonna stab it...heheh..
yeah lets stab it haeha!!
I assume user means how is anyone retarded enough to depit an avocado by jabbing a knife directly into it
>got curious of gangrene since I never seen it, decide to google image it
>huh, it looks like frostbite with the blackened part
>wait, what's this Fournier’s gangrene?
NOPE. Make's OP pic look like a scratch.
avocados have a lot of calories you fatty
Wally-world only covered so much of his medical leave after the pallet-jack ran over his foot, it was maybe 4 or 5 months after he went back to work that the infection got serious. I was on my way out,so I never really heard how it ended, but I hope they had to pay him out the ass for that, Walmart for forcing him to go back to work before fully recovering, and/or his doctor for telling him he could go back to work, whoever was at fault.
you're supposed to just slap the pit with the length of the sharp end... twist a bit and remove
I mean he’s not wrong tho
I lost feeling in my entire right hand from the wrist down to the fingertips from an accident about 10 years ago now. Was carrying a new fridge up to my 2nd floor kitchen and the strap broke. Ended up smashing my hand and it turned a nice purple/black for a week. That entire time,it felt like my hand was on fire or it was extremely itchy. After it turned back to normal color,I couldn't feel anything. I do have most range in motion in said hand but it's kind of annoying that I have to actively pay attention to it all the time regardless of whatever I'm doing.
you fucking retard this is how you remove the seed, you don't fucking stab it like you're motherfucking OJ midnight saturday
this but unironically
Hand simulator
be glad your nerve damage led to numbness, nerve damage can also give pain FOREVER
Try cumming on it, see if it helps.
Op go to hospital before it gets infected.
Clean it and put a new bandage on it.
If it does then they will have to amputate which is bad unless you want a robot hand but it will be painful.
Also how the fuck did you do this?
Your girlfriend's on her period
God Hand
Souls, come on to me!
Fits amazingly well bravo
You should play House of the Dead, Ninja Gaiden II or Donkey Kong Jungle Beat - either the Gamecube or Wii version.
Resident Evil 2 Classic
Any movie game would do. I dont know which ones are on PC so I couldnt help you. Dont dilate that wound.
slightly enhanced
anyone here ever read the short story called "the gateway" or "I am the gate" where small golden eyes begin to pop up over this ex-astronauts body after his mission back from space. the guy claims that they're being that are using him as a "gate" but they feel almost nothing but contempt,disgust and hate towards all the living beings in our world so they use telepathic powers and pyrokinesis to murder the everliving fuck out of anything they see? the book mentions that the guy uses bandages and lots of clothing to cover them up and "blind" them but that it wont work for long because each day he feels more and more of them "crossing over"?
I wish I could find it again. was pretty good read
wa laa
To be fair, you can pretty much change OP's hand vagina to any pics that have eyes (with proper orientation).
He can't eat the avocado if you disable his hand.
couldn't be assed to open gimp, thanks user
I'd like to know more
I think you're growing an eye out of your hand bro, sick.
waste of an avocado
That sounds familiar. Do you remember if the astronaut was on or around jupiter or a saturn?
god hand
How did that happen OP
make a Yea Forums thread, im interested
>Fournier’s gangrene
fuck me for googling stuff.
Gaping wound, go to hospital and have it cleaned and stitched also check if you didn't lose any motor movement of your hand.
There goes my sides
Metroid Prime 1
Spice and Wolf VR. You can only pet Korbo with one hand so you can keep the other one on your di.. I mean in bandages.
Anyone have that webm of that one movie scene (human centipede 3?) where they stab a guy in the abdomen and an inmate fucks the wound?
I am the doorway.
they're also keto.
i HATE when that happens
user please
found it.
it was part of the night-shift horror anthology by Stephen King I read in middle school
cool, i got some reading to do tonight
Thanks. Guess I'll reread some Stephen King now.
this is oddly original for a hack like him