These are objectively the most overrated games ever
These are objectively the most overrated games ever
I unironically played and liked them all
Why "overrated" is a useless critique
Overrated means, just like the words says, that something is rated, or valued, higher than it deserves. Deserves, huh? This should throw up a flag right away, because how are you supposed to measure how much praise something deserves? To do this, you would have to objectively quantify how good an artist or a piece of art is, which is already impossible. You can argue that there are many qualities that could be quantified objectively, but it still falls apart because everyone values these qualities differently. Someone might agree with Schenkerian analysis that harmony is the most important thing in music, while someone else will definitely argue that innovation is.
You can't measure how 'good' a piece of art or an artist is, and as such it's impossible to measure how much praise it deserves, and how highly it deserves to be valued. Therefore it's idiotic to use a phrase such as "They are overrated". You are still free to say something like "I believe the critics overrated the historical importance of X", because not only are you specifying which aspect you think has been overrated, but you're also specifying who you think is overrating it, and that there's no objectivism at play here - you're simply stating that it is your subjective evaluation that differs from that of someone else's.
What you're actually saying when you use a term like "X are overrated" is really nothing other than "Others like X more than I do".
remove DaS and P5, the only real overrated titles are R* bullshit and Witcher 3. only reason GoW is so popular is because it's a PS4 exclusive and goty
You are objectively seething fag
>no Ocarina of Time
Nah mate
Case in Point
what's your point?
buy labo OR ELSE
What's Yea Forums's consensus on The Witcher (2007) tho?
I've played GTAV, Dark Souls and Skyrim. Currently in the middle of Half Life.
only dork souls
The undeniable truth
>not a single nintendo game
Gee, I wonder who could have made this image...
git gud
breath is the wild is without a DOUBT the most overrated game ever made
you are an obvious seething nintenpedo
There are overrated Nintendo games (half of the popular GCN games) but none come even close to the levels of undeserved praise as any of OPs games.
>X is overrated
Who gives a shit? If you really cared about enlightening the public then you would post about the games that are underrated, but you just want to get as many (you)s as possible.
Planescape is like a bad JRPG with decent writing. I think it deserves that poll.
Actually, rdr2 is overrated, mainlybecause of its cliche and stereotypical characters and outdated control scheme. It's 8/10 at best
The Last of us and Skyrim, yeah, the rest is pretty good and enjoyable though and you are just being a contrarian fagget
art, music ect is judged objectively all the fucking time. get an education
seeing how only one of those games released prior to 2010, that 3x3 is objectively zoomer tier trash
I am 90% sure that none of you fags who voted for planescape torment ever even played the game for more than an hour. I don't even like RPGs but that game is undeniably a masterpiece.
Based and redpilled
I can probably think of a bunch of much more overrated games, beginning with bioshock.
Objective: in a way that is not influenced by personal feelings or opinions.
you can say you're critiquing it through some sort of objective framework? But then again, those are still subjective.
>GTA V higher rated than IV
lol. also it worked on my machine. eat a dick you fag enablers.
Art critique is based off of hundreds of years of art. Videogames havent even existed more than 50 years, calm down,
Nintendo games recieve so much backlash from contrarians on every website that it's impossible for them to be overrated. None of these games recieve any critisism outside Yea Forums, because NPC faggots blindly suck their dick 24/7, whereas if you mention BOTW there were will be 100s of comments of people saying it's inferior to Witcher 3
I can't think of a better singeplayer shooter than Half Life 2.
Call of duty: Modern warfare 2. You're embarrassing yourself user
Your prerogative, my dude.
Half-Life 1 is a million times better.
You forgot Final Fantasy VII
RDR2 is such a hard game to rank because everything in it is either 10/10 or 1/10. There's almost no in-between.
I understand what you're trying to say here, but here's the reasons why I don't really mind it all that much when someone argues that "X is overrated". You say there's no way to measure the quality of art. That's technically true, but these days it really isn't hard to see the general public concensus on a piece of art, and most of these critiques are using this as a basis. This, in combination with things such as popularity, which is measurable, can lead one to believe something is overrated. It's more an argument of why something should be valued less in popular culture. If explained properly, I'm willing to give these arguments a bit of attention.
The strongest argument against the word overrated is to point out the influence X had within the time-frame X was created in.
Is God of War overrated? I don't even see anyone talk about it nowadays outside of the occasional "BOY" meme.
Half Life 1 is much better. F.E.A.R. is great. Half Life 2 definitely isn't the greatest. I can see why it was considered so innovative back in the day, but there are several parts that just feel tedious to play today.
>no mario games
>no zelda games
>no memetroid games
>no pokemon games
>no bloodborne
>no halo
great bait op, well done
now this is a much better and objective list of overrated games
>I base the quality of a game on its memes
>Witcher 3
A little bit
>Half Life 2
No comment really, fun game
Not a game, a movie. Overrated
>God of War
Not a game, a movie. Incredibly overrated
Below average quality GTA game. Overrated
A little bit, the game isn't bad, modding is cancerous tho.
>Persona 5
>Dark Souls
Very overrated but not a bad game
>The last of us
Not a game, a movie. Incredibly overrated
Here, take my upvote!
Many of those aren't even "games", OP. They're cutsceneshit, which is closer to a Movie.
T. Snoy
Ocarina isn't even overrated at this point. It's joined FFVII in the "games people used to think were good but now realize were always bad".
The entire time I played RDR2 I was expecting Dutch's lies to be revealed to the entire camp and the last chapter to be Arthur helping everyone escape and start new lives while ruining Dutch's reputation to the point where even Bill and Javier wouldn't be willing to blindly follow him. Instead everyone ran away off-screen and the only thing Arthur calls out is Micah instead of just stealing Dutch's cash and running out of the back of the cave before anyone could notice he was gone.
Where the fuck did I say that?
OOT & FF7 are incredibly underrated now, contrarians have been so obsessed with hating them that they never actually get credit for being good games due to Zoomers only viewing them as "Those games that are insanely overrated"
Yeah, OOT was so bad that it directly influenced the next decade of videogame making, loooooooool
>no BotW
Weak bait
overrated is an opinion, not a critique you fucking moron
>What you're actually saying when you use a term like "X are overrated" is really nothing other than "Others like X more than I do".
The insinuation is that others enjoy X because they have entry level opinions and have not explored greater art, and are pushing a game up without knowledge of other, better art.
Based retard though, everyone who agrees with you is a fucking fool.