what the fuck bros, you told me kiddinity was lowbrow reddit garbage but this was legitimately the best rpg of the decade
What the fuck bros...
Deadfire is much better
As is Kingmaker
And Underrail
And the last two Shadowrun games
They humor is pretty reddit but the gameplay is kino af.
dropped it, setting was terribly boring
yeah im enjoying so far. bought it on a whim during the steam sale
im stuck on bishop alexander though.
>gameplay is kino af
It's the most unbalanced shit I've ever seen in any rpg. You can exploit from the first minute and become overpowered before even leaving the fucking prison.
It's legitimately trash for story, combat, and character building.
Garbage combat, autistic inventory management.
9.7/10 game
take Yea Forums w a grain of salt
retard-tier opinions but it's ok, not everyone was blessed with an average iq
how do I into turn based games anons?
I just can't deal with the cringy narrator.
what's wrong with him? he has a nice soothing voice
Divinity is better simply because Larian is the only one who actually tried to make a modern game.
>combat reduced to stunnig enemies and combining 2 elements is considered modern.
Magicka had more depth than this.
RPG Codex gave the ruleset a good ass whooping. It's straight embarrasing. I'm legitimately happy Larian is working with 5e now since their own systems are shiiit.
OS2 is still better than either Pillars of Eternity games but Underrail or Kingmaker blow it the fuck out.
>that armor system
it's trash
NEVER discourage diverse parties like that, it's game design 101.
I can't deal with your cringy opinion either. He's perfect, even when narrating romance scenes. Especially when narrating romance scenes.
by modern you mean braindead and uninteresting with magic armor and round robin turns
Is the first one worth playing?
Bought it on the steam sale but I still haven't played it because i still have some games on my backlog.
It's not just diverse parties.
Armor system makes every fight schematic beyond reason. Strip armor and disable. Repeat again and again. 90% of your crowd control is effectively useless before that point and most forms of area crowd control is just straight useless aside from those few that actually go through the armor.
Why couldn't they just nerf the crowd control to some extent to stop the infinite stunlocking of the first game is beyond me.
>round robin bad
>real time with pause good
There were like 100 threads about this game like these all saying "you guys told me" except it was all something else
It's almost like people have different opinions, some people like the people who dislike this game just have the wrong ones.
Yes it is
yes, larian's combat system is so bad it makes rtwp seem appealing
nice selfie
Yea Forums has shit tier opinions
It was actually originally meant to encourage it, as most encounter were designed with multiple mobs, some having low magic resistance, some low physical armor, meaning a diverse party coumd split to easily crowd control several mobs quickly, which is a staple for an easy win. Unfortunately, as the game ramp up the number, it becomes obvious that tje easiest tactic is just to focus and burn through one of the armor type as fast as you can, and the cheesiest way to do it is to have a party with all the same damage type
wrong opinion, stupid post
Are any of the mods that change the armor system good? If there is more than 1
Dead fire is not much better lmao
>listening to Yea Forums post gamergate
u dun goofed son
>RPGCodex dislikes an RPG from after 2001
Someone stop the presses, this is the scoop of the century!
You have terrible taste
Oh god he's back. That must be a deep burn... Even after all this time, he still smarting from that buttfucking and he's not taking to well at all, bros.
Let em fight the worm then beat em after that
not me
Compared to OS' terrible ruleset? Yes. Even Divine Divinity is better.
RTWP vs turn based holywars are retarded and Kingmaker, an RTWP game, has a fantastic turn based mod as well as Deadfire. I predict that in the future ability to switch between two will become common.
What is important is that Original Sin has a GARBAGE rpg system. Their loot system and itemization is atrocious since it's random and level based. Their stat and skill system is horrifyingly homogenized, primitive and broken (like with Warfare giving boost to ALL phys damage). Talents are shallow. Initiative system is probably the worst i've ever seen in RPG.
Is that you Ederposter?
based Ederposter
He was right, too. Deadfire was much better.
atleast it's a make narrator and not she trash like the female in deadfire
at least they didn't try to recreate exactly the same combat as the infinity engine games which are almost 2 decades old.
comparably with kingmaker and deadfire, OS games actually had more modern combat.
who's ederposter?
I played PoE 1 recently and really liked eder desu. although I still prefer the OS games to rtwp.
The hunters go a-stalking in the night...
By the needles of the Million-bleeder, they'll end it all!
neither of those two games play like the infinity engine games
yes they do
kek, they literally marketed their games as spiritual successors to the infinity engine games, PoE moreso.
poe is its own weird retarded ruleset and kingmaker is based on pathfinder which is completely different from adnd 2e
>different ruleset means the gameplay is completely different
Jesus Christ, it's not even funny how retarded you are.
kek based idiot
when the ruleset is completely different, yes
ederposter, gayfish kun, kiddinity kun are the same person
Found the /lgbt/ creep.
obaidion themselves exclusively mentions planescape torment, baldurs gate games and Icewind dale games as what they based PoE on, do your research is the same exact combat but the under the hood calculations are slightly different.
I refuse to believe this.
It's not that Yea Forums is always wrong. You should get better at sorting through opinions. There are people who are shitters who want to mislead or piss people off. There are autists who fixate on some trivial or even imagined detail and spam about it. There are zealous fanboys and insane rival fanboys. Not every opinion is equal. Most opinions aren't worth taking seriously.
Instead consider opinions from people that show they have knowledge about the game and other games in that genre. Think about the reasons and evidence they give for these opinions.
he's autistic enough, he's also the cyberpunk sunfag
? How
Wut, even PoE 1 is better than deadfire
So? FF tactics lets you get game breakingly OP on the first map
Mods confirmed it forever ago when he was making PoE 2 threads every 2-3 hours every day.
well it's single player, so you're in control of whats op or not.
I bought this game on a sale but still haven't started playing because the fucking second I heard that dreadful dialogue I was immediately put off and closed the game.
based good taste haver
Edér is based and a bro
PoE 1 is better than OS 2 too.
Is that game any good?
Looks like a budget Fallout game, but I keep seeing good things about it. Tempting, but I've been tricked by this before.
>Play D:OS1
>Hear a weird voice commenting on my fuckups seemingly out of nowhere but it is apparently coming from my character
>Put if off as bug
>Learn halfway through that it's my underwear talking to me that I put on right at the beginning
it doesn't matter what old games they namedropped, if poe had 2E rules it might actually have been fun
Once I used that armor and health scaling mod with the DnD settings, I had a damn good time.
Wait, what?
Why has it always got to be one or the other with you fags? Can't you just be happy we're getting RPGs again? All these games that get bickered over are all at least decent and good for a variety of different reasons when weighed against each other.
user, we need to argue about who's opinion is better than others.
Otherwise, we all die. We don't want what happened "last time", okay?
If you don’t go with a certain specific build to the Tee you’ll be unable to beat the game because the balance is Fucking retarded.
It’s one of those janky games where if you wander off the path of the main story, even in the beginning, you’ll get fuckin rekt.
Kinda like ELEX
Neat. Thanks!
You're welcome. I hope it improves the game as much for you as it did for me.
Noice, downloading this already for my next PT at some point
Early game Elex was kino. Everything slapped you, so you couldn't fight to get experience. You had to do quests for enough xp to get you going, so you end up sprinting and jetpacking through the world trying to dodge all the monsters that will tear you apart. That game was great.
It's not a kiddinity kun unless he throws "mongoloid" around at anyone he is arguing with.
Oh shit wait this is outdated and doesn't work on DE
Divinity 2 is the best of the new-wave of RPGs because it does something absolutely none of the others do.It doesn't tell, it just does. Someone executes someone else during a dialogue? That person gets killed. Someone steals something? You see them take it. Because of it dialogue takes second place to actual fucking actions. Its only as few words as possible, anything that can be shown is shown, everything else is minimalist dialogue. It also ties into the whole player controlled part of the game as well, as you're able to manipulate people/objects in the world to a level barely any other RPGs lets you.
Every single other fucking RPG absolutely fails to grasp the simplest of concepts, these are video games. Not novels, not D&D rulebooks, its a fucking video game, you can SHOW people whats happening.
The single greatest RPG of all time will be one where not a single word is spoken, but every single action is shown.
>Deadfire is much better
Underrail is awesome. Pretty much the best non-party based CRPG released in at least a decade. Huge interconnected world with fairly interesting setting that has everything from megacorporations and oligarchs up to remnants of godlike aliums. Fantastic quests like the one where you're drugged by an insane yandere and thrown into her rape dungeon. Really good build variety (and unless you're an absolute mouthbreather it's hard to fuck up your build, one of the early game areas serves specifically as a build test). One of the best casting systems past IE games with pure psi being easily the coolest build in whole game.
it really is
haters are just brainlets who can't into turn based
For every new thing OS does, it fucks up 3 things on fundamental level.
I'm sorry user but it just has a horrid ruleset. There's no way around it.
This so much. I cannot deal how outdate the others are just trying to appeal to nostalgia. I used to love Baldur Gate but I swear I cannot return to how was played before. I can deal with the isometric view part but fuck at least try something new with the combat
That sounds fucking awful.
>”The game is so good because you can’t even play it!”
God I wish people like you would perish.
>Someone executes someone else during a dialogue? That person gets killed. Someone steals something? You see them take it.
Both of those things are as fucking ancient as the genre itself you absolute newfag.
>T. Underrail Dev
>Got a Transformation Class over Monk
The game has regular threads that hit bump limits. Do everyone a favour and crawl back into whatever shithole you came from.
Gameplay is excellent but the characters are distilled cringe.
Divinity 2 gets a fuckton wrong. But every other modern RPG gets more wrong. So by default its better.
Fucking lol no. First line of Pillars
>It was a dark and star filled night blah blah blah the wagons groped to the narrow path blah blah blah
ITS A FUCKING VIDEO GAME SHOW IT DONT SAY IT. This is a problem every single new RPG has and literally only Divinity actually shows whats happening rather than just slapping you with text.
Imagine going to the movies and having to watch the first 30 minutes by text on the screen, rather than by actually showing you. Thats how stupid this modern text obsession is in RPGs. And before you retard newfags think older RPGs were text heavy they were fucking not. They were choice heavy, giving lots of options with each option having a line or two, sometimes less. That necessitates a wall of text appearing on your screen, it isnt the same as literally just describing everything like a fucking novel.
>But every other modern RPG gets more wrong.
Kingmaker, Underrail, Atom, even the fucking indieshit like Serpent in Staglands does things way better on the most fundamental level. OS is a complete fucking mess.
>Kingmaker, Underrail, Atom, even the fucking indieshit like Serpent in Staglands
Unfortunately all of those games are the blandest shit RPGs every made. Try again.
BG1 literally starts the same way with scrolling text telling you about Candlekeep and does it at the start of each new chapter.
Who was talking about Pillars you retarded zoomer fuck? If you think that actual stealing mechanics or NPCs killing other NPCs in dialogues are something new you don't even belong to the generation that witnessed the fucking Gothic.
>Kingmaker, Underrail, Atom, even the fucking indieshit like Serpent in Staglands does things way better on the most fundamental level.
Nope. They fail to show anything, too much reliance on being novels rather than video games.
And? BG1 is 21 years old, the game was limited by technology and skill at the time which modern games are not.
>Whose talking about one of the modern RPGs in a thread about modern RPGs
Lol fuck off zoomer
It's hard to be more bland piece of uninspired trash than OS2 when it comes to setting, user.
Even among Larian games it's by far the worst and bastardizes actually good Divinity 2 for no reason.
>does things way better on the most fundamental level
>posts a list of games based on D&D where there would be a game master
>i-its fundamentally the same!
Technically Divinity 2 is the best D&D game because it has a game master mode which lets you do literally anything. You lose cuck.
Everything told to you in Bg1s intro is stuff told to you by characters in the area you spawn in, it’s completelt unnecessary but still present. Weird.
>They fail to show anything
None of those RPGs are wordy and all of them employ envionmental storytelling far better than OS. OS doesn't have a single moment comparable to the Oculus ship reveal in Underrail.
are u playing it on a toaster?
looks god awful
I am
You also need to grow up and stop this BG1 is the only good RPG ever meme you took from Yea Forums. The fact is its outdated as fuck now. It is also so old comparing it to modern game design is pure stupidity, which is why I guess you still do it.
None of the listed games are based on dnd except for Kingmaker.
Do something with your brain damage.
What exactly does OS2 fuck up? Elaborate
I’m just not a dumb zoomer that has a meltdown over paragraphs.
>None of those RPGs are wordy
Fucking lol, yeah im sure the rampant copying of its features are totally coincidental!
Let's all just call down and discuss the best divinity game instead
>Avatar of Frost
Not him but OS2 and OS1 are both hopelessly broken on a mechanical level with stupidly exploitable systems that offer no difficulty.
Because this place is populated by obsidiots who hate it because it was more successful than Pillars.
>humor is pretty reddit
No? That's deadfire like you could take a few jokes from deadfire and put them in borderlands. nobody would notice. Im sick of this fucking crpg writing/humor bad meme even tho you fucks never state when or what exactly.
divinty 2 humor is 90% dark
>rampant copying of its features
Show me dnd features in Atom
yeah it was a bullshit game. seemed like it had real promise but Im not playin action RPGs to avoid the action.
stop larping faggot, div 2 is p hard. div 1 gets easy once you have aoe master spells
tactician requires you to cheese in half of the fights just to get though
I literally repsec all of my characters to hajve ambidextrous just so i can spam res scrolls/level 3 source spells just to BARELY beat braccus
>no fun allowed
>no freedom allowed
>muh balance
>Throws a box at you
Nothin personnel kid
Armour system is the biggest no fun allowed outside of Sawyer-balanced games.
If you're looking for actual unbalanced fun you might like Pathfinder. OS2 is just broken and non-functional with initiative being the worst example.
naw most rpgs they die in dialog or something
i like the moment when ifan found out he nuked the elves and it summons his wolf so they can cry in agony together
its a nice touch, way better than the narrator just talking about it
Why do you post like a 12 years old retard? Your mumbling is incomprehensible.
the armor system isnt even that bad in enchanted edition since they gave every enemy type one armor loser than the other insetivising mix parties
initiative, constitution(expect on tactian for surviving rogue/ranger bursts)/most spells and talents being worthless is a problem tho
>If you're looking for actual unbalanced fun you might like Pathfinder.
really? i assumed it was typical no-fun-allowed-core. maybe i might give it a try. i'll give it a try just because of this post. consider yourself proud that you actually unironically managed to change a person's mind over the internet
Stop Deflecting faggot literally.
No problem. Go and turn your entire party into screen sized dragons or something.
>not sebille
Yikes unironically user
I can't deflect anything when i can't even understand what your underage ass is trying to say.
Can someone tell me why i get bored of this game ALWAYS around midway thru act 2?
i lost count of how many times i have restarted the game, i have beat fort joy so many times but iv never been to act 4 a single time.
>Larian games
Even the first act in Kingmaker on Challenging is harder than anything Larian managed to come up with.
It kinda is, but the core systems are still MUCH more balanced (and fun) than both D:OS games despite that.
Playing on Tactician blind its been a challenge, but kinda fun.
I think the armor system is retarded, as I'm reading in this thread that other people feel the same feels like a common complaint.
History is absolutely meh, and I simply cannot tolerate the redhead girl and the dwarf, but the rest of the characters are ok. The narrator is not that big of a deal since its barely present.
>Even the first act in Kingmaker on Challenging is harder than anything Larian managed to come up with.
Dude you have to literally cheat on tactian to finish it. What are you talking about
Kingmaker is just spam your best spells to win the game
>Kingmaker is just spam your best spells to win the game
A good way to get fucked by enemy resistances and die like a complete bitch.
naw your in full deflect mode. prob cause i called you a faggot and that upsets you to the very core for some reason?
How is that a problem ? If a strategy make the game too easy, then be a real man and don't abuse it
Because the game loses any and all of its steam by the time you're done with one of the main quests in Act 2.
In Act 2 you also get all the absurdly broken tools like Terrain Transmutation or Skin Graft, you are aware there aren't any actual soil mechanics other than Necrofire, you are going to get fed up with the level gated progression, the completely uninteresting writing and the fact that none of your decisions matter one bit, and if that wasn't enough the game only gets worse from Act 2 onwards.
>just spam your other best spell that isn't resistant
God you guys are right. this game is hard.
Pathfinder is just boring and plays like every other bg wanna be. Divinty is cool since its the first crpg since fallout 1 that tried to do something new
>Dude you have to literally cheat on tactian to finish it.
Abusing a gorillion broken ass spells, dubious stat systems and abilities is cheating for you?
>Kingmaker is just spam your best spells to win the game
We're talking about Kingmaker, not D:OS games, you can't even spam in Kingmaker since you have Vancian magic and pretty strict restriction on rests, not to mention that spellcasters are all made of paper, unlike D:OS and especially D:OS 2 where you can make a legit HP tank spellcaster thanks to how broken the game is.
Spamming spells in general is a good way to ensure you will miss every deadline from excessive resting. Without solid grasp on build making and spell mechanics you will get fucked sideways, no wonder you needed to cheat on Challenging since you're an actual mouthbreather.
>do something new
Ah yes, making shit initiative and armour system, awful level scaling loot, making downright pathetic stat systems simplified so even total retards could brutheforce through the game, all those things are new and really cool.
Gothic 1 and 2 did it better.
Stats do jackshit and the only thing that matters in Elex is a good weapon.
>Divinty is cool since its the first crpg since fallout 1 that tried to do something new
What is that "something new"?
Being an extremely watered down D&D homebrew for the mentally impaired? Yeah, it takes balls to do that I must admit, when you have a CRPG that is even more braindead than a Dragon Quest game you know you're dealing with someone special.
You're part of a hivemind of morons.
its based because i can be a skeleton and i can kill every npc i see. all these gay ass boomer d&d ripoff rpgs have the same gay races, the same gay stories, and dont let you murder every npc that you come across.
when i met that one lizard bitch who was supposed to be my mentor i just murdered her because she was annoying. if it was pillars of gayternity of fagfinder gaymaker she would have been an unkillable story npc.
This thread proves Yea Forums cant muster a legit argument against this game and the only reason fatties here hate it is because its popular
whats wrong with initiative?
>Abusing a gorillion broken ass spells, dubious stat systems and abilities is cheating for you?
clearly hyperbolic retard . when your at the point of using every single spell+min/max+getting good positioning at the start just to win trash fights. Its hard. period
Literally just know how to manage what spells to use and you will have more than enough even with rest amounts to win
Kingmaker isn't even the best bg wannabe on the market. you kids just love contradictory everything, and ignore all of its boring as fuck dungeon/samey fights/forgettable generic companions.
Literally rather just play deadfire again
witcher 3 and divinty 2 are some of the best rpgs of all time, and in 10 years when its not cool to nitpick everything/while ignoring the problems of smaller shit like kingmaker anymore
everyone will agree. Deal with it
There's a fucking RPG Codex review in this thread and i dare you to adress any of its complains because you will break your underage brain from thinking too hard.
>rpg cuckdicks
no. give me a REAL answer.
What, too wordy for you?
I'm sorry. Come back when you're over 18 years old.
still rather play that then shitty bg wannabe# 352
are you retarded? 90% of the game is *action* bullshit with voiced narration
>divinty 2
What is it about divinty, that makes you retards cope so much?
Nameless isle is just so meh.
Also i think its because you are kind of invested on the story during the first 2 acts, escaping the prison sounds fun, searching for powerful masters sounds great, then the story goes full on divinity moral grey area fuckery that no one cares about, coupled with the combat getting repetitive by that point...
The only person to recommend Deadfire to me is my literal tranny friend
Kingmaker is the single best video game pnp adaptation period. Out of everything you could pick naming it a "bg wannabe" is literally the dumbest shit you could've pulled out of your ass because both the gameplay and story progression structure are considerably more different.
As a female RPG player, I agree.
what was new about d:os2? the awful dialogue system or the retarded magic armor? the game sucks balls.
>its based because i can be a skeleton and i can kill every npc
then you realize the really key one just come back to life lmao.
you cant kill malady either
Legitimately the worst character i've seen in RPG in a long fucking time. She rivals some Deadfire NPCs and she is ten times more instrumental for the story. Feels like she is someone's OC donut steel
>looks like a bg wannabe
>plays like a bg wannabe
>generic party members
>generic dungeon crawling
>not a bg wannabe
yep. This is cope
>when your at the point of using every single spell+min/max+getting good positioning at the start just to win trash fights. Its hard.
You don't though, not even on tactician.
There's maybe five or six fights in the entire game that can't be walked over in dozen of ways from making something as simple as a statistically maximized build to abuse all those absurdly overpowered and spammable spells like Living on the Edge, Shackles of Pain, Terrain Transmutation and whatever else.
And that is without going into your martial abilities, summon, necro, Terrain Trasmutation giving you free One Man One Turn wipes for most of the game, this is also without considering how the game just gives up any pretense of actual balance or challenge in act 4 by giving you some fucking Tea OR trying really hard to ignore basic design deficiencies like the fact that 90% of fights in the game are initiated after dialogues which you can exploit by switching characters to stack buffs, abuse teleports, abuse stealth and whatever else, AND this is also without considering ridiculous stuff like orangemancers.
>witcher 3 and divinty 2 are some of the best rpgs of all time
Ah, so it's bait then, nevermind.
Too many characters in both OS games are obnoxiously smug or trying too hard to be funny or both.
based tranny with good rpg taste
>western rp"g"s (movies)
yikes, cringe! why can't people admit that the west is incapable of making good games?
every dialogue line in divinity games is reddit tier, you can almost hear the laugh track after every quip and the game loves to force its awful writing down your gullet
the combat encounters are awful with tons of enemies appearing out of the ground as soon as the encounter starts so you can't plan ahead and the round robin turn system makes initiative worthless
the magic armor system negates the one interesting gimmick of the first game and makes it all about trying to do the same damage type so that you can break the armor
Shut up, Edér poster. God, I hate Obsidian cucks so much. Our game is fucking perfect. Deal with it.
>not even on tactician.
Your entire post reads like somebody who played at most 5 hours and watched a few videos.
i've never played pillars of eternity
>every dialogue line in divinity games is reddit tier
Post examples
>combat encounters are awful with tons of enemies appearing out of the ground as soon as the encounter starts
How is that a problem?
>magic armor
isn't even that bad in enchanted edition, mix party is extreamly viable you faggots just can't adapt cause it scares you
Oh no no no no no...
honestly, i liked nameless isle. After the act 2 where you spend 80% of your time trying to find a quest that won't massacre you because lvl 11 area is 50 meters away of the lvl 14 area, an entire more linear act focused on battles was a nice change of pace
I played the game five or so times, I also gave you many in-depth points about how D:OS 2 is fundamentally broken and I can give you many, many more, with many specific examples too.
It is precisely because I did play through it so many times that I can say it's garbage, I desperately tried to find something that could redeem the game because I did want to like it, but beyond the fancy presentation and the good premise of an actual turn based system (that was ultimately squandered in the worst possible way), there's not much to the game at all.
Miles better than Bethesda, Bioware or Obsidian's trash for sure, but none of those ever made good games to begin with so it's hard to make Larian's stuff look better than it actually is.
Do I need to play the first one to understand this, or is it more standalone?
>having taste this shit
it's a complete standalone
There's three characters from the first game (one of which is an antagonist) that show up and that's it, it's set one thousand years after the events of the first game.
I really liked Divine Divinity but I haven't tried the new ones yet
Is the OST still as comfy?
All the Divinity games up to OS1 have the same composer. He died before 2 began production.
You dont need to play the first one at all, i could argue that playing it would hinder your enjoyment of second one
>post examples
all the talking animals, cheese merchant, red prince, sebille
all larian games have great music
no he's dead
Damn, RIP. I could listen to those tunes for hours with the eventual orc croaks here and there.
>talking animals
most of the talking animals are dark humor?
>cheese merchant
Cheese merchant is div1 which is far sillier and whats wrong with merchants trying to sell things?
>red prince
explain whats wrong with red prince, he literally tries to enslave you in 5 mins. Very reddit tier humor
sebielle doesn't make jokes.
Stop being so fucking jaded, and parroting false information cause any humor makes you le epic cringe, but div2 is consistently a funny game without trying to hard.
Well that's why OS1 was great. The soundtrack is all over the place and rarely fitting, but that's because it has some music from every Divinity game playing in it. Even those obscure tracks from Ego Draconis.
there's nothing dark about flowery word vomit then they die
crap reddit humor that is predictable the whole way through
>flowery word vomit then they die
the animals don't say anything when they die
What the fuck are you even going on about at this point? Like being edgy and cringing at everything stop being cool in 06 dude
Funny, since Original Sin 2 is nothing but reddit humor followed by retarded edge
>Pillars of Diversity: Gayfire
>Crying about gays when everyone is bisexual in Original Sin 2
It's ok when Larian does it
Div was pretty cool but What the fuck is wrong with you? Did you even reach Arx?
>a fucking crate is the most powerful weapon
i know right, it's awesome.
your first mistake was listening to Yea Forums at all, these faggots don’t actually like anything
t. no self control fatso
yes, first 1 has a pretty short play through anyway
4 super obsessed anons that post in every DOS2 thread told you that.
It's a traditional RPG and you're complaining that you have go out of your way to play a role?
>its a traditional RPG
no its not
>no class system
>MMO style stats where things can go to 0 value for a character
>easy respec
>arguably non-vancian casting
>very few social skills available
>RPG Codex review
Into the trash it goes.
RPG codex gives garbage reviews to each and every game out there and the more you enjoy rpgs the less attention you should pay to their reviews.
Not that user but what kingmaker really highlighted is how bad other crpgs are. You don't need to make a break out game to make a fun game - Owlcat's competition just failed so spectacularly at even checking off the most basic crpg requirements or interposing their own garbage no one asked for nor wanted.
ahh your just coping
Its too silly with reddit humor but the mass grave in act 4 was a little too much
make up ur mind
Please don't post here again.
Waffling between two dumb extremes is not a good thing
>OS games actually had more modern combat.
The OS games have slower combat than fucking Fallout 1 and 2. It was so boring that I quit after a few hours.
Funny, i never read a rule that said otherwise. ever played a dnd campaign?
fucked up shit happing in whimsical adventures is exciting and actually hits harder than if its edgy all of the time
Cringe reddit humor is shit
Overly edgy bullshit is shit
Waffling between two shits doesn't make it not shit
>its shit
>heres some examples
>none of these examples are remotely good ones, and your just being jaded
>its shit still
why are you so intent on hating div2 is the real question? and mass grave/slaves is far better edge then typical racism that literally every other game pulls
its a better game story/writing/gameplay wise than most other crpgs and games in general
literally stop being a baby and get over it already. bg3 being made by larian is the most exciting thing to happen this year
Figuring out how to break RPG games is part of the fun though. It's not a competitive multiplayer game.
I'll agree with everything you said EXCEPT deadfire. PoE is dogshit
Div is too easy to break, the process of figuring it out isn't enjoyable.
million players say otherwise
nobody gives a shit about your bg generic real time shit.
>Ywn be Madora's Comrade with benefits
Why live?
>redditors like it!
not an argument
deflecting isnt 1 either