Why do food pokemon like Farfetch'd, Vanilluxe and Alcremie even exist? They'd be good as dead in any ecosystem.
Why do food pokemon like Farfetch'd, Vanilluxe and Alcremie even exist? They'd be good as dead in any ecosystem
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how is farfetch'd a food pokemon? you realize his leak isn't a part of his body right? or are you such a fatass that the monet you see a duck you think food?
Wow shadman comics are truly terrible without the edgy porn shit
Why the fuck do people even like him anymore, he barely draws porn
>Makes a joke so basic, it'd fit into the later seasons of the show
>This creature's existence is ridiculous because other animals would eat it
it's a duck holding a leek
>he doesn't read his pokedex
this reads like a fucking cutaway gag they would actually use in the show
in 50 years maybe
they're still barely aware of gen 1 pokémon, let alone any pokémon from gen 5 and up
Looks like you're the one who doesn't read his pokedex, faggot
Vanilluxe isn't actual food, it is just snow and ice.
Damn look at the brapper on that pikachu
How do I nuzlocke? Gonna play Pkmn White for the very first time and thought I give this nuzlocke thing a try
what even happened here
Yeah so are snocones with no syrup
A shiny Ponyta showed up and that guy sperged out.
now post the next part where he fucks it up and loses it
What even happened?
*sigh* if you actually followed shadman's lore you would know that's actually a transformed ditto
Challenge starts once you have pokeballs.
You must catch (or attempt to catch) the first pokemon you encounter in each route, they are the only pokemon you are allowed to use for the whole game.
If one of your pokemon faints you have to treat them like they're dead and put them in a pc graveyard box.
There are many optional rules like the duplicate rule which is if you already own the first pokemon you encounter on a route you don't have to catch it, catch the next new one.
The horse that shows up in the top right with blue fire is a shiny. Shinies are an alternate colour version of the standard Pokemon that has a reasonably low appearance rate (without boosts, around 1/4000 in modern games, though in LGPE you can boost your shiny encounter rate to 1/300~).You can see the Dodrio he's riding is also shiny, notice how it's green rather than the naturally brown coloured Dodrio nearby.
A lot of people collect/hunt for these shiny Pokemon and finding one is considered exciting, so there are a variety of "shiny reaction" videos. People also stream themselves shiny hunting too. He's reacting to the shiny showing up.
sounds fun, thanks
>zoomer doesn’t remember when the Simpsons did a joke about the banned Pokemon episode with the seizure lights
You have to be 18 to post here, just FYI.
Shadman died 2 years ago
sorry I don't remember every god damn joke from the show I watched like 20 years ago
I just didn't see the shiny, I didn't know how pokemon spawning worked in this game
imagine caring this much about a palette swapped pokemon
In Pokémon, ice cream was designed after the Vanillite line, not the other way around. They’re snow-covered icicles.
I suppose Alcremie could have been adapted similar to a cicada in that they basically flood the ecosystem with so much of themselves that no matter how good they taste the animals all get sick of eating them
Farfetch’d is just based on shitty Japanese wordplay or something
>Crossovers between American shit, Weeb shit, and shitty porn
This is fucking Sonichu levels of cringe autism. What's next, family guy jokes?
That comic unironically gave me a vore fetish or some shit. Imagine a world where animals exist that you can eat like berries that taste like a good ass cake and exerting so much power over them that at will you just devour them on the spot.
already happened user
What happened here, why did it turn into a rattata?
alcreamie is a fairy, candy fairy, its better than vanishit, waifus always win, GF only kniw create waifus,
Alot of his comic contain pornographic stuff and his recent Mew2 and Dito is great.
I've been a shad supporter since 2011 and have a hard time being objective when it comes to him
okay, this is eBic
Ratatta are fucking tiny and one was hiding in the grass between him and the blue horse.
What’s better, cream pie waifu or cream puff dog
It didn't there was a rattata in the grass right in front of it that he couldn't see lol
You can see it if you search for it and squint
And going into a battle despawns the other pokemon I'm guessing
friggen sweet
imagine being at pokedex
so fat you look and see food
Could see this actually happening in Family Guy
just a reminder that he took down the belle delphine picture because he was getting threatened to be sued
what's the song in the background?
Turns out it was the anime pokedex and only alluded to in the game pokedex.
Either way, suck it.
picture's still up famalam
I was very disappointed with the way he drew her balls.
Also, he needs to stop drawing real people and then wimping out. He should do more original shit and video game characters.
Wasn’t a evo for Farfetch’d leaked called Sirfetch’d
this pokeman shit is getting old shad
>Banjoker's bitch
>They'd be good as dead in any ecosystem.
Every animal in an ecosystem is a food animal, user. All animals are made out of food. But to specifically answer your question:
The onion isn't a part of it's body, but an item it finds and uses as a weapon. Farfetch'd being delicious only backfired with Humans finding out that you can cook them with their sword and their delicious, for every other creature Farfetch'd is a dangerous, territorial, water fowl with a sword.
Vannilluxe isn't made out of food. They're an ice body covered in snow.
The creme Alcremie makes doesn't make up the entirity of her body and is more like a secretion they make in order to defend themselves. The website says if an Alcremie feels threatened by a predator they'll throw globs of cream at the attacker and run off while they're distracted. The cream is rich, delicious, and fragrant, but it's also poisoned with some sort of tranquilizer hormone that makes a creature docile and sluggish. Humans, again, domestic and tame these creatures because they want to eat that cream and get high.
real talk, why is shad doing gay shit now
seems like a weird transition from lolis
A sneedman comic?