>Game has a strong start but gets worse over time and the final boss doesn't even use any gameplay mechanic you learned
Game has a strong start but gets worse over time and the final boss doesn't even use any gameplay mechanic you learned
>Final boss is foreshadowed throughout the game and only shows up in the final hour. It is then swiftly defeated
>game has cross dressing option
>game appeals to white women, homosexuals and trannies
>it's poorly produced, poorly written and poorly voice acted
>the music is shit
>the themes are degenerate and corruptive
>it's obnoxious to look at
>none of the visual style is original or appealing
>the creator is a nonbinary creatura
>somehow Yea Forums still finds a way to fap to the show and to the creator
What other games are like this?
Persona 3?
>The fanbase of the game Threatens to kill you for misunderstanding characters
I still enjoyed it
>Game delivers a satisfying climax wrapping up all major plot threads
>there's actually a second half
>it drags on forever and squeezes all enjoyment and likability out of all the characters and storylines
Hate when games do this
The final was better than I expected actually,
thats pretty much fable 2
I also enjoyed this as well
Do you guys really watch these garbage westcuck cartoons?
What the fuck? what's the context of this lmao
imagine being that woman and having to deal with this
>discover qt tomboy character
>actually has a penis
>first three games in a series are awesome
>full of imagination
>fun fights
>not afraid to be immature
>original developer leaves
>new creators hate what the old games represented
>change it totally to shit on the old stuff
>when the last game comes out it isn't even about the original protagonist
Imagine watching children's cartoons.
Forgot pic.
But Steven did use something he learned in the pilot episode
>sequel features another games' protagonist as the villain
It's really fucking Uncanny.
But the Voice actor for XJ-9 isnt voicing her so its not intentional
>Steven Universe has bad animati-
What the fuck why does Steven have a neck?
Is this one of those "you either love it or you hate it" kind of things?
To show the passing of time
Imagine Blue Diamond stepped on you with her huge qt feet haha
>SU doesn't have any good action sce-
watch the episode nigga
It doesn't.
SU is trash.
>game dares to have a Chaotic Evil female antagonist in a world where both female characters and CE characters are subpar at best and dogshit at worst
>they're actually good
Nah. Cause I just "like" it. It's not a masterpiece, but it's not total shit.
Why is XJ9 a baddie?
Oh man I remember quite liking SU at first when it was just about the gem creatures and steven messing with the townfolk by accident. Fucking hated when every ep had someone start crying for no reason and it started to feel like a shitty drama written by a 4yr old.
That episode with the fries shop costume coming alive and attacking people was pretty good and the hologram Pearl episode was a good watch. Shame SU went to complete shit. Had a good start.
thats actually kinda cool
This never gets old
Season 1 had none of these issues.
she wants her show back
Stop posting rocks with tits, I just masturbated
>doesn't post the blue diamond fight scene
he's a big boy
dang, what is that thing? Cool design.
The one fandom more cancer than MLP, but at least that one is dying.
SU is one of the worst cartoons to ever exist but I'll give props to that webm. That's one of the best ways I've seen someone pull out a sword.
>action scene
>posts one character slowly gearing up with no action
why don't they call cosplays like this crosplay
>the exception that proves the rule
It still feels like this entire thing basically boils Stevens universe down to Pink Diamond decided to identify as a Human Male child one day and now her identity is the most important thing no mater how many it may hurt.
Basically a more literal gender swap version of this.
>straight up copies avatar of khaine's design scheme
what did SU mean by this?
I have to assume all of you are underage right? The last cartoon that I thought was any good was Spongebob S1-3
they do
>like this
not like this
To be fair, that's James fucking Baxter's work. That's practically cheating.
By the end I was only watching because I had already sunk years into it.
Though thats more than I can say for Adventure Time. Steven Universe got tiring, but it never got so bad that I actually got just said fuck it and never watched again.
Bit of a shame because I heard Adventure Time got good again, and I do kinda want to find out the whole mystery behind the humans but its been too long for me to care again.
>Game delivers a satisfying climax wrapping up all major plot threads
Season 2?
Better than
>Final boss is just boss rush and QTEs
>Actually liking Dito
What the fuck
Because there is nothing to cross you stupid moron. How the fuck are you gonna "crossdress" if you don't cross any genders, because they believe that genders are fluid and constantly changing.
pink diamond is literally the villain, yes. a spoiled child of power that raged war because that was the only method they could think of and when that didnt work they forgo'd all responsibility and mindwiped themselves and hid in a human babbo
That was 16 years ago. Before Avatar even.
The entirety of the storyline is Legend of Mana's Jumi storyline, complete with jewel people that are actually a "core" projecting a shape, to rampant female homosexuality and feelings-based polygamy.
Not weird that they stole other shit.
Adventure Time's ending is such a travesty. It's a shame they kept butchering Finn's character to the very end, and make it so the power of singing saves the day while all he does is use a plot device to end a war that didn't even need to happen. To this day I just treat it like Spongebob, where the first few seasons were good and ignore most of the other seasons minus a few episodes.
when will people realise the only good cartoon show of this era was Gumball
MLP is better than SU.
So wait is the show actually over?
>all these zoomers circlejerking over an ugly nu-cartoon network bean mouth academy sjw show
The state of this board
the first story arc at the very least is over. it has a movie coming out and then its too be determined
>steven universe
go back to Yea Forumsmblr, trannies.
>joke character ends up as the best character of the game
Any other games like this?
That's because Western cartoons suck besides Avatar, and that's only because Avatar is practically an anime.
Even Pokemon has much better writing and animation than most Western cartoons
No not yet. Theres still a movie and another season
But as far as plot and story goes, its pretty much over.
SU is /trash/ material as discussing it isn't permitted on Yea Forums
SU is shit but at least it gave us Peridot.
Well actually...
This show is so fucking gay
>Barney and Friends
>at all
Please fucking jump off a bridge as soon as possible. China's gonna leak the last episode in four weeks from now anyway, you might as well get it over with.
So they didn’t actually beat the diamonds they just talk no jutsu all of them?
Jesus, not even Yea Forumsmblr want SU trannies.
And Connie's milf mom.
Adventure Time ended at season 2. Finn is still goofing off with loliPB.
You can't tell me otherwise.
Calm down Lee.
>White diamond: No fun allowed, ever, everyone gets crushed because of a temper tantrum and family drama!
>Steven: Uhm could you not
>White diamond: Fair enough
>Credits roll
That's it.
Post good Midna art instead of the sameass impshit trash.
pretty much yes, power of family etc etc whatever. Since steven is pink diamond talking actually worked, which is probably why they wrote that in
The only fappable characters from that shitshow are Lapis, Jasper and Pink Diamond.
The buildup in the last half of Season 2 was the peak of quality but the conclusion of the Toffee storyline at the very start of Season 3 was a good stopping point. It felt like that's what they had planned for from the start and the rest of the series was just extra stuff with no focus that they had to pad out because they could.
Hessonite was cool and had a great theme.
Yeah. Well they put up a good fight against the diamonds for a bit at one point but lost anyway and then they get talk jutsued
Well that’s retarded
not in that case
Imp Midna > Adult Midna, that's a fact.
Sure is bad taste in here, I guess that's expected from a Yea Forums thread
>It turns out you and the final boss had the same exact goals
>But you still have to fight to the death
A bunch of tumblrites harassed some artist for making an originally fat character from the show skinny. So reasonably enough she killed herself.
>that's a fact.
It's a fact that Midna hates that form and for good reason.
>game is gay and only gay people enjoy it
>game is not a game but is actually tumblr cartoon
how many times do I have to say this? Pink Diamond is the deadest character in all of Steven Universe.
Her identity has been erased and Pink Steven is just 1/2 Steven. STEVEN IS NOT THE PINK DIAMOND. HE IS A PINK DIAMOND