Why release a console without a Ethernet port in 2017 while competitors have been having them since 2006?
That's like releasing a handheld without a charger.
Why release a console without a Ethernet port in 2017 while competitors have been having them since 2006?
That's like releasing a handheld without a charger.
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Because Nintendo's consumer base will defend anything they do.
It reduces the size and cost of the dock/system if you make it external/optional. This matters considering the system's intended use.
Not everyone needs an ethernet port either, many players will be content to use a wifi signal.
Because it's 90% a handheld. Hence why they released Switch Mini first instead of Switch Pro which is dock-only.
reminds me of the xbox 360 releasing with that shitty av scart lead thing shit i don't know
it was too chunky to be used with the elite or the slim one
but you took a knife to it and crack it open and you were good to go, it worked fine
also $80 for a wireless adaptor lol
>That's like releasing a handheld without a charger.
>he doesn't know
Kinda off topic but anyone know if this lan adapter will work on my switch? I don't wanna buy the official one.
I've used three different adapters for my switch. The usb tech should be near universal and I imagine this one would be no different.
Alright thanks user
Because you'll buy it anyway and then buy their solution to the problem they created, too.
Why is OP retarded in 2019? He literally has a trillion google searches at the palm of his hands but he's still retarded.
They actually released the 3DS XL without a charger
A 5 dollar adapter works exactly the same. Usb to ethernet adapters have been around for a long time.
*In Europe
Dreamcast had one back in 2000 or 2001. Not sure if it was available at launch, though.
The dock is mostly empty, though.
>It reduces the size and cost of the dock
my new 3ds xl in NA didn't come with a charger
Why do people like you love to defend Nintendo so much? You can be a fan and not have to support every decision they make, you know
The more you disagree with a company the harder the buyer's remorse hits you. It's all or nothing, user.
Why include an ethernet port when you can sell it separately and get more money?
They released the Sun/Moon 3DS without a charger...
Why is nintendo so cruel?
Because it hides the true price of the system. See also Vita memory cards.
The switch is a handheld most and foremost, features like this are left for die hard fans of non portable machines that still want to enjoy the switch
tldr it's a niche accessory so they sell it as such
It’s a Ethernet adapter. Not big at all kid. I love nintendo to but fuck they are stubborn.
2001, the year DC was announced to be axed. Not a lot of them were made and it was hard to find back then. Now they're going 100-150ish loose.
My 3DS XL in NA came with a charger. Bought it from Target. Maybe you just bought from jews.
I hope you feel embarresed with what you said. It's literally just the scummy tactic of selling problem solvers for problems you yourself created. re-evaluate your blind loyalist ideals for a company that doesn't give a shit about you. fucking shill.
>many players will be content to use a wifi signal
I played Splatoon 2 at a friends and it seemed pretty alright online. I'd imagine shit like fighting games are awful on wifi since that's usually the case on other platforms (where some devs now include icons to show wired/wireless on your opponent's connection type).
Imagine being such a seething faggot that you have to complain about a handheld not having an ethernet port.
You're willing to pay $399 + $60 for online + tip for a gimped PC with no software but God forbid paying $7 for a generic USB ethernet adapter on a console whose gimmick is that it's not tethered to a TV or wall at all times.
The things I would do for her to sit on my face
98 JPN/99 West. They were also removable.
Turns out most people used it in handheld mode
They could have easily included it in the console itself from the start. This is just a way to sell a piece of equipment to you for a problem they created. You are literally retarded if you don't see this.
some chipsets have better latency than others, I'm too lazy to look it up
>ask question
>get answer
>"s-s-stop it!"
Black women have such gross bodies.
Mine came with a charge, don't know what to tell you chief.
You were objectively wrong because that's not why Nintendo did it. It's just blind shilling.
I mean, it does. Typically you'd be spending $400 on a console these days. But the switch is $100 cheaper and goes on sale pretty often.
t. low test
Was it a 3DS XL or a (((NEW))) 3DS XL? Because only the latter excluded the charger.
>many players will be content to use a wifi signal.
I want you to burn at the cross
>This matters considering the system's intended use.
The system is intended to be a fully functional home console.
Fully functional home console do not skimp on such important and basic features. Stop defending this.
Was yours a regular 3DS XL or a New 3DS XL. It's the New ones that didn't have one.
Dreamcast ethernet adapter is a separate accessory because nobody had high speed net back then. It came with a phone line adapter.
Only the xbox had one standard, game cube and ps2 were extras. The ps3 and 360 had them standard while the wii can use the adapter.
Funny thing is that if you got a wii ethernet adapter, you could use it on Wii u and Switch. That's a one time purchase carrying over to three generations of hardware and no proprietary garbage like the 360 wireless adapter.
Except the LAN adapter is like $40 and you know that's even after it's been marked up. It'd cost them far loss if it was integrated.
PS2 slim had a built-in ethernet port.
Nah it's exactly why they did it. You can count on three fingers the amount of games that even benefit from ethernet, most people play in handheld, and a large number of people don't even use Nintendo's online subscription
>my Japanese N3DS came with one
>my Japanese 2DS came with one
>the first 3DSXL I got came with one
>by the time I got a N3DS I had 4 chargers, because I also had a DSi
>bought a Wii remote battery kit, it came with another one
People who complain about this shit don't play video games.
>there are people who use wifi in competitive online games
wish I could round all of you up and drop you off on some remote island far far away
PS2 had it you dummy. Xbox and PS2 really were the only 2 consoles that mattered at the time.
It's $40 if you're a fucking dumb ass. The wii, wii u, and switch can all use any USB 2.0 adapter which you can get on ebay or amazon for $5.
Switch is plagued by the need to buy a bunch of add ons to properly enjoy the console. Once I was willing to pay the price for a Switch I also had to buy a non terrible controller along with the ethernet adaptor. You can spend almost half of the switch itself because of that along with $60 games. It's fucking gross
A USB to lan 2.0 is like $7.50
3DS XL, but the exact same claims were made for the 3DS XL as well. I remember those threads when I bought my 3DS XL.
t. irish
Are you sue you didn't need to buy the LAN adapter?
Wouldn't 3.0 have better speeds or does that even matter in this case?
>friend complains about online being shit in games like fighting ones
>talks about his PS4 having slow speeds
>finally come over
>he's on wifi from a router across the house
To be fair, she went from being fat to petite in that gif.
It's literally worth less than a dollar worth of parts on alibaba. Considering the scale at which Switchs are produced it probably would an extra 50c to production costs.
i use 3.0 and i still get only a quarter of my actual internet speeds on the switch with a lan cable.
It would but the 3.0 doesn't work on Wii/Wii U and the Switch dock has its 3.0 USB locked to 2.0 by software.
Besides that, it wouldn't matter how fast your Internet is because the Switch, like all consoles, can only download so much before it has to write to its SD card or memory.
3.0 is literary if you're transferring fat stacks of data between hard drives and memory storage.
If the switch is so heavily marketed as mobile why doesn't it have sim support?
Even the vita tried that with the 3G model.
That's the slim, you zoomer fuck.
>top loading
We need to bring this back. Fuck auto feed slots.
Really paid off for the vita, huh?
The PS2 fats had a separate adapter.
The PS2 slim has built in lan but the fat had to have an adapter.
Didn't you hear that obesity is the hot new thing, user? Being healthy is so 20th century. If you don't like disgusting fatties then you're a low test beta irishman.
Because WiFi is available in hot spots by most ISPs and if you're smart you'd just tether the switch to your phone which already has 4G.
>. I'd imagine shit like fighting games are awful on wifi
That's a retarded statement, if your router isn't garbage (and miles away) Wifi is perfectly fine, just use proper networking tools to ping local machines in wifi through your local network and you'll notice that latency is ~1ms anyway. Anyone complaining about latency through wifi in multiplayer is either just bad, either has a shit router or their router is not in the same room / far away.
>a tiny console released in the year 2000 had a built in one but the switch can't because ???
Because Sony is an electronics manufacturer. Look at he slim. It even has optical audio. Literally nobody but rich people with gay as fuck 5.1 sound systems used that.
Sony is all about seeming cutting edge but they never had the software to take advantage of any of that shit.
Even when they were touting "were the kings of HD, look at our Blu-Ray and HDMI console" literally no game on PS3 even hit 1080p 60fps unless it was Katamari or a racing sim shit demo.
Nintendo just wants you to play some games.
Because the geometry of the switch prevents a USB from being on the Switch itself. It's too small.
Most mobile carriers in the US prevent tethering to a phone.
Wifi wasn't as good back then, likewise for routers. Also Sony mostly cared about Japanese people anyway with that Ethernet port, I bet 90% of users were just FF XI players. With room configuration in Japan Ethernet just makes sense, most Japanese people don't have massive place so their router is likely to be close to their console and can easily just be plugged with a cable. Also it makes sense to use Ethernet when most of the country had already access to ultrafast broadband.
Meanwhile in the West in 2004? People were just mostly getting access to basic DSL with Sub-8Mbps speed anyway.
It's a handheld with a plug-in-to-your-tv gimmick and is less powerful than some cell phones. How many handhelds and cell phones have you seen with ethernet ports?
>WiFi is available in hot spots by most ISPs
Maybe if you live in a big city, but not in most normal places.
I think people have just let memes take over their entire personalities.
>defending a company for not putting in an ethernet port into their video game console knowing full well they will have competitive online game titles like splatoon for example which Nintendo themselves hosted an e-sports event for
Look I know you try really hard to defend a company that doesn't care about you. But at the very least can you admit that them not including this cheap ethernet port, even though there is a ton of space to put it in, is just a tactic to sell their Nintendo Switch ethernet adapters separately to blind loyal retards like yourself?
HOLY FUCk. Thanks for reminding me that I had to buy a LAN adapter for my PS2. I completely forgot.
>Just a tactic to sell their Nintendo Switch ethernet adapters
Other ehternet adapters are compatible, so no. Checkmate atheist.
because nintendo knows they can sell adapters to their fans and they will defend it. i mean the proof is in this thread alone
You don't have to buy their LAN adapter.
Unless it's standard in your plan. And even then you can just find apps to do it. Stop making excuses.
Neokiketrashitpisstendo knows Nintendicksuckers are still going to gobble it up and they have never been proven wrong yet.
Nintendickintheasstakers would buy $70 cardboard if MUH NINTENDO is stamped on it.
>competitive gaming
Look if Nintendo really cared they wouldn't have made it possible to play smash and splatoon in handheld mode.
This. I already had a an adapter. And I play rocket league on comfy handheld WiFi all the time.
The people who complain about this shit just don't play video games or know about technology.
Do you honestly believe that the majority of people who went out and bought their console either for themselves or their kid didn't just pick up the official adapter for their brand new console? Of course they did. They aren't going to take a chance on some random adapter which the store didn't even carry in 2017 because it's not 2002 anymore.
>didn't just pick up the official adapter for their brand new console
Yes, I absolutely believe most of them didn't pick it up because they connected it to their wifi. Hell I have it connected to my wifi nigger. But I like how your argument is based upon nothing but conjecture.
You're assuming people don't online shop.
You're also assuming most of these people have their modem/router close to their TV. You're a dummy if you think the majority of kids playing fortnite on PS4 and Xbone aren't on Wifi.
I think you're lost on your way to Reddit.
You don't know how normies buy their shit. I've worked in Best Buy on launch days before. People pick up a ton of extra bullshit all the fucking time with their console. Now I wasn't there for the Switch launch but I guarantee it wasn't any different.
>You don't know how normies buy their shit
I know how normalfags buy their shit. You give them a wifi option and they won't have a second thought about connecting shit via LAN. I even see this in my work environment for remote users.
>I've worked in best buy on launch days before
Congratulations, all of us have worked retail one point or another.
why is this an issue. Seriously, I've never heard of it until AFTER this whole external adapter thingie.
because playing with some faggot who is teleporting around because they think their wifi is so good is annoying
General rule of thumb, if their wifi isn't good their LAN isn't going to be much better. The people teleporting are either on satellite connections or are across the world from you.
because back then most userbase didn't use online. Now they do. So online costs extra. Extra, extra if you want to be pro™
Read the reviews to see if anyone has used it for the switch yet. All of them should work but either some of them interfere with the dock so you need to leave the door open or others have bad network connections.
I've been doing that for years, never has been an issue before. WHY?
It's a portable system, dumbass. Why the fuck would you want to carry a stupid Ethernet cable when the point of the system is to take it outside?
Never heard a single complain, never happened on my end with server-side shit happening I would notice.
The hunk of plastic is just to make the console presentable as a home system. Making it more like a cradle like third-parties have already done surely seems like a fun thing to do if you want your piece of shit to become a garden of dust. When I first read the Eurogamer rumor-turned-leak, I thought it was going to be a cradle, so I fucking hated it. Thankfully it looks like it does.
Because for Nintendo, saving 8 or 10 cents each system manufactured to add a valued feature is better for them and forcing their customer's who want that feature to spend the extra ten dollars is worth it. They are that cheap.
For consoles outside of software downloading you need to care more about latency/connection quality and not speeds. A good 2.0 10/100 will do just as well as a 3.0 10/100/1000 for online play.
>Wow everything lags like shit on my Nintendo™ Switch™
>Must be because I'm using Wi-Fi even though everything else works just fucking fine
>Better buy the official Nintendo™ Ethernet to USB adapter.
>Wow everything lags like shit anyway
>Must be because all the other people are using WiFi
>At least I'm fighting the good fight
>Now to play Splatoon against all those Japanese players even though I'm in Europe.
To be completely fair, Nintendo's online is so bad to begin with that it hardly makes a difference.
The real joke is that they actually charge money for online play.
But yeah, not spending a few extra cents to put an ethernet port on the dock when it clearly has the space for it is indescribably cheap.
so you loaded up with nintendo products, and that defeats his point somehow?
>The real joke is that they actually charge money for online play.
Nigger then why aren't people up in arms demanding for the shit practice to go away? They just cry and bitch about microtranactions/lootboxes but with shit like this no one bats an eye.
blame microshit
I fucking hate those retards man.
>That's like releasing a handheld without a charger.
Yeah, about that...
fat ass motherfucker raichu
FYI for those using LAN adapters on their Switch, always remove them when you turn off your switch and keep it docked. For some fucking reason it doesn't let it sleep and would stay hot when LAN adapter is connected
Poor little Raichu isn't used much in Pokémon merchandise. Makes me sad. It should get much more acknowledgement beyond that Alolan form. Pichu needs to be hanged.