Why is Asuka so cute?

Why is Asuka so cute?

Attached: 1518426387693.png (720x960, 673K)

Fuck off, permavirg.

Please be nice.

Please take your off-topic art dumps to where they belong. None of you fucking faggots ever discuss vidya in these threads and you know it. Fuck off.

Attached: 1542998834485.jpg (2449x3276, 2.57M)

Don't listen to this guy , OP

I think Asuka is cute too and one day I hope that I can show her my penis!

Nice ass.


>Art gives Asuka a big bubbly butt
>Anime gives her Hank Hill ass
>In-game models not much better
This is the greatest failing of SK. A fanservice game, but the models are all shit and similar to allow for low-effort costume swaps. Give us a game that lives up to the artwork. Until then, it's just fap material and the games will die outside of gacha.

don't look at it