not based jon
Not based jon
Remember when this dipshit tried arguing about immigration and got completely BTFO by some manlet spaz? Good times.
I sure hope someone explained to Jon that me not buying lootboxes doesn't stop thousands of kids from spending their lunch money on that shit.
battlefront 2 now is a pretty different game at launch, the game itself still kinda sucks but they completely removed all that loot box shit it's all progression based now.
Literally doesn't even make videos about video games any more. A few off-topic ones were fun, especially when they were a movie or a TV show, but now he does the most random shit.
>Literally who on Twitter
>Literally who is a nazi
s u r p r i s e
m e c h a n i c s
imaging supporting a game that promoted cuckoldry...
Don't insult yourself, man
I already played a game like Battlefront 2 as a kid
It was called Battlefront 2
He's always been a fucking retard, watching you dipshits slobber all over his arabic nuts just because he went off meds and started snorting redpills was one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen.
Also, above everything else, the guns in nu-bf2 were so fucking bad, peashooters the lot of them.
>Now both era and Yea Forums hate him
what the fuck could possibly be fun about loot boxes
Lootboxes where you can get cute anime girls: good
Lootboxes with no cute anime girls: bad
It seems like no one did, for him to make such a retarded take
the only good thing i heard about the nu-battlefront shit was there was a photorealistic mod someone made for it that made it almost movie tier
everything else was just pure shite
The problem with Battlefront 2 is that they already made it a good game like 15 years ago and then they decided to release a gayer version. People who aren't faggots obviously won't be interested.
Anime girls who are whores: bad
who cares?
anime girls make it worth it
Chad here, I have armor blitz, azur lane, dragonball legends, destiny child, dx2, fire emblem heroes, girls' frontline and sacred sword princesses on my phone. I have never and will never spend money on them, i hardly even play them, just logon to get free shit.
You will never be as cool as me, incel.
>agreeing with a white supremacist
wtf I hate jontron now
Cute sluts: good
trannies will never be chads, sorry.
incels turn into trannies, enjoy your mutliated cunt :)
Jon's basically a salesman now, he made a literal ad for flextape and probably also got paid to post that on his twitter
they animations and audio cues they do research to make you want to waste money with
i dunno it doesn't work on me, because i hate long animations that interrupt my interaction with objects on a computer screen
>that debate where the manlet got completely btfo by sargon of akkad
yeah i remember it
i guess im a boomer at this point to even bring this up but nothing EA or DICE can do will get my attention for nu-battlefront simply because there is no significant mod community like the OG SWBF games, good times man
Who gives a fuck?
I mean its true just dont buy them, so many F2P games I just freeride because of whales that spend all their money. Wouldn't be able to without shit like lootboxes
incels are future trannies, tranny
Libtard retard
I like gacha systems because I like playing with what I'm dealt.
Way to immediately piss away all the goodwill you got back after people mass-attributed YouTube's content claim reforms to you, you dumb fat faggot.
>cuts dick off because he's convinced its the only chance he has to get laid
>doesn't get laid anyway
life of an incel
but he didnt? he brought up good points and all the manlet did was be condescending about it without being able to disprove anything
only reason it blew up in his face is you cant say the truth if the truth is racist
But those lootboxes give you advantages, right? Or did they finally change that?
The game is legit good now and doesn’t have micro transactions besides cosmetics that you can unlock through play. Try it, he’s right.
Yeah, this.
The game basically isn't even the same anymore. Remember that shit with Darth Vader requiring like 100 dollars in loot boxes to unlock? That shit is gone. They reworked the whole system because that game specifically got looked at by lawmakers for its predatory practices. So EA basically scrapped all of that shit.
I think costumes and weapon mods are the only thing you can get through lootboxes now just to avoid the specter of what the game previously was. So Jon is actually right on this one. Doesn't mean that you should play it, though.
core gameplay sucks shit though
why play a shooter with bad guns?
How about it just doesn't have fucking loot boxes at all
All changed. Jon is coming to this after the major controversy that basically blew EA the fuck out.
After last christmas the game is not even remotely the same as it previously was in terms of lootboxes.
He wasn't clued in on the controversy and came into a relatively innocent game, now.
Actually this is the text book definition of based as he is really being himself and stating his own unpopular opinion with no fear. Based Jon
>Look Disney I defended you on twitter please sponsor me again
I agree with you, is the thing.
But they're not going to get rid of that mechanic because the advancement system in multiplayer is based entirely off of it. And you get worthless stuff from the advancement anyway, so they can't even say that it alters gameplay much.
the gameplay is still kinda shit, but at least the retarded microtransaction practices are mostly gone
Star Wars Battlefront 2 is an amazing game and no amount screeching will change that. Cope
the stunning debate power of /pol/
this is a certified incel post
>trust fund baby doesnt get the problem with loot boxes
Of course he doesn't, Jon is spoiled as fuck. He doesnt understand the problem of paying oodles of cash for shit that is designed to hook people into gambling oodles of cash.
From what I remember the gameplay was fine it was just the lootbox system was insanely greedy. If they fixed that I imagine the game is probably pretty okay.
Why does he hate brown people so much? Isn’t he Iranian?
>game made by big company
>not having lootboxes at all
They shouldn't have tried in the first place
This is why these shitty companies do this, you retards forget too soon, forgive too easy
It doesn't matter that they fixed, it wasn't because they give a shit about players, it was because they had to
getting mad at lootboxes is like getting mad that pornhub has membership options. literally just don't fucking buy them, the only people who give a shit about them are autists who HAVE to have every shitty item and skin and want people to save them from their own stupidity and inability to have impulse control because they're still mentally 10 years old
Imagine being such a braindead fanboy that you have to defend one of the greediest video games ever made.
Found the anti-semite
What do you think the market is influenced by? The answer is profits.
What do you think is the most profitable system in video games right now? The answer is lootboxes.
Why do you think almost every video game with a multiplayer component in the last decade has a lootbox system? The answers are above.
Yeah, if I want to buy in game advantages with real life money it should be fine! Fuck everyone else!
He doesn't want people knowing that. He's a self hating brown person.
That probably sounded smart in your head.
Your post wasn't any better in response to the original argument
So cope and seethe and kys
>why are you guys mad about lootboxes in Battlefront 2? As long as they aren't implemented in the exact way Battlefront 2 launched with, they aren't that bad.
Did he forget to type ":)" at the end of his tweet or something? Is he actually this ignorant about the fucking Battlefront controversies?
Kind of agree with him actually. R6 Siege has microtransactions, but they're out of the way and are only for skins, camos, charms, and booster packs (which don't give you any advantage at all in the game). They don't really bother me at all in that case.
I don't watch Sargon cause he's a retard, but if he BTFO'd Destiny then I'd like to get a run down of it.
Isn't Destiny a confirmed pedo now?
This game has the same life cycle as BF4. Everyone hated it at release for the micro transaction shit and performance then after a year of backpedaling, updates and content everyone's opinion completely changed. The huge wave of "it's not that bad" comes right after they give the game out for $5. I think EA plans this shit at this point.
based sargon ukip btw
it doesn't, it has microtransactions in the sense that you can buy cosmetics with shit(which you buy with in game currency already)
Persians are white
Which e-celeb did you get that line from?
I got for like 20 bucks on Amazon and gotta say it's a pretty good game. Didn't purchase anything but it was solid honestly.
there are no ingame advantages, every game that tried that bombed, and it's been universally removed even from f2p games
care to tell me the difference? oh wait you cant
Wow are you telling me Jonathan Tron came in with a hot uneducated take?
Oh right, the true chads ignore all common sense and suck EA's dick for any star wars products. Eat shit, fanboy.
Have you ever played Yugioh back in its prime and bought card packs every week at your local general goods shop?
Its that but virtual
don't worry bro no one's going to take your polycule away from you
Fuck off with your alt right racist Trump supporting e-celeb social media bullshit, fucking faggot.
Struck a nerve did I? Maybe answering my question will give you some closure
I dont think so? And Destiny kinda slaughtered him in that debate, Sargon is a bit of an oaf at this point who understands he makes money by pandering to the right whilst being a "liberal"
You retards sound exactly like the twitter SJWs you despise.
>Destiny kinda slaughtered him in that debate
When you begin to start screeching like a banshee in a debate you automatically lose, which Destiny does every time. Sargon is an absolute brainlet but come on.
>throwing buzzwords around like a retard
imagine being you
Battlefront 2 was so predatory that it got the attention of lawmakers. Lootboxes are now banned in some countries thanks to that game, dipshit.
fucking lmao
destiny is a dropout that makes his money pandering to reddit
i'm sorry your dads are losers
while i have your attention maybe you can tell me which liberal philosophers you have read and agree with
Destiny is bad at debates which makes him wrecking Sargon, Jeremy and that no bullshit retard even funnier.
Destiny is a retard who gets destroyed almost every debate, but he's not a pedo.
He got stuck on a tangent during one of his debates about 'Ethical child porn', and his retarded followers fell right into the trap of not telling him how retarded that sounds and actually indulging his stupid what-if scenario. So there are now soundbytes of him arguing in favor of child porn as long as it is 'ethical'.
Basically Destiny is a brainlet who is suffering from intense dunning krueger effect, but he is not a pedophile. Most people stopped watching him because he fostered a leftist fanbase who thought he was the gamer Sam Seder and then he started shitting on communism.
Sargon is also retarded, but it's really hard to lose a debate against the ethical child porn guy.
I get what you mean, destinys personality can be insufferable, but Sargon didnt make a single good point, alot of what Destiny said despite it being through the pitch of a whale was true, or at least more relevant to the topic at hand than Sargon. Idk what happened to Carl but he has just gone off the deep end. Trust me though, i share your complaint with Destiny.
I thought Sargon was still taking heat about his "i wouldnt rape you" gaf. Can any of his paypigs in this thread fill me in on that?
He is not wrong tho.
If all you got are loot boxes cosmetics then I don't see whats the problem.
Only retards will buy them.
Shit was fine in Overwatch.
No Bullshit is actually a fucking moron, i have no clue how he has a following.
You’re all retarded and react solely to what Yea Forums tells you just like redditors. He doesn’t see the problem now because THERE ARE NO LOOTBOXES NOW. Jesus Christ you’re all reactionary idiots who are obsessed with twitter
That new game mode is fucking whack. It's just a really annoying form of tug-of-war with one map.
honestly who cares what carl of swindon does
People are desperate for echo chambers and talking heads to validate their own opinions.
What the fuck am I reading
glad we are on the same page
To beat Destiny you just have to talk slowly, re-iterate your points, and never let him change the subject like he's prone to doing. Also hit him up with definitions every time he tries to change the definition of something, which he does several times every debate.
It's like the "Females do not exist in nature" argument Destiny tried to use. It was based on him changing the definition of 'Female', but falls flat if you have a dictionary available or can replay his previous statements where he used 'female' interchangeably with 'woman.'
He is, he lost his "genius" idea to campaign as an MEP because of it and probably thousands of pounds just because of a twitter shitpost (a platform he's been banned from for years)
get a job jon
When did i say i agreed with either of them on most topics? Both of them are insufferable in their own way. Despite what you say about him being true thats not really an argument against Destinys positions in that debate. An idiot can still be right on particular topics. If Destiny said the sky is blue, its still blue despite him being a "dropout reddit panderer"
There are lootboxes, but you can ignore them as they are pointless in the gameplay perspective now. Just minor mods and skins.
Battlefront 2 is fucking great for like two hours, but then once you've seen everything and know how it all works you realize how shallow it is.
OP is a faggot judging by this 5
right, so it bombed and they reverted everything just like I said.
hello extreme brainlet i'm making fun of your post
can't help but notice you didn't answer my question, scare quotes liberalism dude that doesn't make posts that contain content
While we're on topic, people keep saying on Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts is bad even though they never played it because Jon Tron said so
Prove me wrong.
But can you pay for them with cash? No, you cannot. Are characters locked behind them and grinding? No.
I think Jon should get a real fucking job instead of sitting on his ass all day too but 99% of the idiots and redditors on here look at the OP and see a twitter post of their favorite e-celeb and go the fuck off about literally nothing. No one here knows jackshit about video games.
It's a good game. It's just not a good Banzo & Kazooie game.
what did you expect?
Nuts and Bolts is trash and I doubt you’ve played it either. It is not a Banjo Kazooie game.
t. someone who’s played it
Why are you being so hostile? I didnt say a single thing or make a single claim other than Destiny beat sargon in a debate, relax dude. Im not huge into philosophy and never claimed to be, anyone with a basic understanding of the topics discussed can see Destiny ran circles around Sargon.
DLC/season passes or cosmetic loot boxes?
Jon's latest vids are terrible, and he puts so much money into some of them and it doesn't help with how shit it is. I've seen like five minutes of those autistic workout vids and then stopped watching.
kys EA shills
more like retardtron
anyone with a braincell can tell that samuel wurzelbacher won that debate send post
When the loot boxes launched they WERE pay to win and the people that bought them were allowed to keep the upgrades after the loot boxes were initially removed. Also:
>Supporting EA. Ever.
i'm glad i don't get that
Reminder that millennials unironically think Youtubers are important political figures.
I swear he only does one of these videos when he needs a paycheck, then he tries to act like his videos take a lot of effort and hard work and budget when we all know he has mommy and daddy’s money from back when he lived in their rich mansion and he has all his gay friends help him out with the sets. He even said he’s no longer doing video game videos ever again unless he feels like it.
Also this is me so that none of you think I’m defending this fatfuck. I just think everyone in this thread is retarded for not doing simple shit about video games and getting all of their information from fucking TWITTER of all places.
in their defense boomers think george will and thomas friedman are important political figures
>fag who has never seen a ytp in his life
Thanks for sharing
its uh regional dialect
Star Wars game should be illegal. I hate Star Wars. There should be more Star Trek games, movies, and shows. Fuck Star Wars and Star Wars fans.
Yes the loot boxes are dumb. Lootboxes are fucked. But if you get a used game for $5 on sale (which is how much you can get BF2 for nowadays) and can’t purchase lootboxes anymore then you’re not supporting EA you paranoid schizophrenic.
Lookin like he's missin the Disney bucks
>"juHuSt igNore the LOOt boxz"
Like how you can ignore the criticism? What a fucking manchild.
>Jon Jafari the Nigger Safari
Because he apparently doesn't know anything about it. He's playing it after all that shit was taken out.
Fuck you trekkie fag, don’t be jelly just cause your series isn’t popular enough
The guy who destroyed a whole political party, and all of the people's careers, because someone made fun of his suit?
whatever it takes to make you comfortable with wasting your life on garbage
But why would you want to spend time playing it?
Okay newfag who doesnt know what ytps are, thankd for sharing.
>that debate where sargon of akkad got completely embarrassed by michael brooks, someone who actually has a grasp on foreign policy.
How can you ignore the fact they don’t have lootboxes for sale anymore? Oh wait it’s cause you’re a redditor who knows nothing about vidya, reacts to OP’s post and uses a spongebob meme from twitter for your le funny greentext. What a fag
star trek is completely dead bro
forget unpopular there is now only star wars and star wars with vulcans
why the fuck would anyone play that dogshit BF reboot when now both Battlefront and II are now on steam and BC on Xbox?
Why are you wasting your time on a mongolian basket weaving forum? I don’t think anyone on this abomination of a website can tell anyone else they’re “wasting their lives” you manchild, and who knows what kind of trash you play.
Britbong here, despite what foreigners believe Sargon didn't destroy shit, the party fulfilled its goal ages before Sargon joined and was basically over and finished already.
whatever makes you more comfortable with having a brain full of worthless trash
Because the game aged like milk.
Man Yea Forums has gotten incredibly contrarian.
>Used game
I haven't bought a console in ten years. I'm primarily PC these days.
>Guys, Youtube shouldn't be able to refuse giving creators ad money on videos just because they are about controversial topics like current wars. I know that some of you will say that Youtube is a private company, but that doesn't matter. Youtube is used by so many people that it should fall under the right to free speech, therefore denying ad money is censorship, even if the advertisers don't want to pay to be associated with controversial political videos. This is a violation of my rights as a Youtuber and hopefully this will be taken to the Supreme Court.
What did Jontron mean by this?
If you knew how to read then you would see that that post was making fun of the trekkie.
yes kids are stupid I don't care
nobody will be asking to bring the shit reboot back in 10 years
that alone speaks for how good the games are
Yes we already know you are too underage to know what The Fesh Pince of Blair is, but thanks for clarifying.
it sucks to see someone you like suffer from a redpill overdose and spaz out
>People still try to deny Destiny didn't BTFO Jon
Yes, which is why Jon talks about politics all the time now. Destiny made him realize that he's completely fucking incapable of any nuance in his political views and learned everything from memes, and Jon was embarrassed by it, hence why he doesn't opine on it anymore.
That’s you buddy, not the entirety of civilization.
>I know that some of you will say that Youtube is a private company, but that doesn't matter. Youtube is used by so many people that it should fall under the right to free speech
This is pretty leftist. And i agree. Youtube, facebook, twitter should be regulated like public services.
Nobody is going to be asking about video games in 10 years because we'll be controlled by China.
the less reality distorted version of this is that ukip was nigel farage's cult of personality and after accidentally getting a referendum vote to leave the eu he ran away as fast as he could and the party died
then when it was obvious there would be no brexit, farage came back and started a new ukip with hookers and blackjack and his personality cult moved there
Jon got wrecked so hard that he fled the internet. How often does that happen?
A lot of big Youtubers are becoming like this. Cr1tikal is another example, he gave up on game videos and screeches at anyone who complains about his new content.
Ah yes, contrarian means that one guy disagrees with your retarded ass opinion.
Here's more
Yep. He got BTFO hard.
lmao what kind of name is "Destiny", sounds like a stripper name
wait, is it a stripper?
Eh, UKIP wasn't doing well with Farage in charge for his last couple of months either.
Seems like an excuse so people dont get banned fot whining about niggers and fags desu.
sounds like really valuable information, like all of the other clutter that you have to come to terms with occupying your adult life studying
"i bet you've never even heard of mr. ed," he said, while nervously recalling that he is unsure how to boil water
this, it's only ok when anime and valve does it
He got destroyed, but he took it in stride. He basically said "Wow, I really don't know shit" and went back to his corner making funny noises and being fat. He's got more self-reflection than most of these e-celebs.
Not really. Rich blacks really do commit more crimes than poor whites according to the Bureau's own statistics. Destiny is just a little weasel who managed to fluster John by denying everything he told him outright.
Okay kiddo, thanks for sharing.
Yes user, defending loot boxes is contrarian as fuck. This board is a retard's wet dream though so don't put much stock in these hot takes.
battlefront 2 is a somewhat fun game now and I bought it for like 5 dollars
>i missed it
Yeah, it was when you were in hiding after getting btfo
I liked the game.
The problem is that YouTube isn't giving the advertisers a chance to make that choice, they're letting stupid bots automatically remove videos from the pool which can get ads in the first place. It's less about advertisers' concerns for what content their ads go on (people run ads on news channels all the fucking time) and more about YouTube not wanting to allow certain types of ideas get money.
>took it in stride
>fled the internet
it's ok i understand that you are uncomfortable about spending all of your time filling your mind with detritus while wiser sages were becoming experts in real subjects
Who the actual fuck defended lootboxes? My last post sure didn’t. I think you’re not even reading anything and just skimming shit to argue with, jesus christ you’re just like my gf
How the hell could you miss the shitstorm with BF2?
He didn't flee, I never said he did. He just realized that he was an uneducated retard when it comes to debating or politics and couldn't even explain his own stances (because they weren't his, they came from memes and his butthurt over the GG era which he felt personally slighted by) so he just went back to doing comedy rather than trying to be a stock right wing Youtuber.
there's nothing to defend about lootboxes. literally, just don't buy them. anything past that is you thinking you're entitled to having some stupid gun skin or outfit that does jackshit.
Too busy reading /pol/ and Breitbart
Lootbox culture encourages degenerate game development. You'd think jon would be all about keeping out degeneracy.
The problem with Star Wars Battlefront II lootcrates was how much of the game was locked behind them, want to play as Obi Wan or Boba Fett, well too bad spend money to "potentially" unlock this character in multiplayer, it was Battlefield gacha shit with cute jedi/sith instead of anime girls
As long as the lootboxes are cosmetic only and can't be traded then I have no problem with them, however this isn't what EA did with this game so I'm 100% not behind them on this one, it was such a major fuck up that they had to give everything for free to everyone but by that time a large portion of the playerbase left, now the game receives updates once in a blue moon that matter with a dev team consisting of 8-11 people, recently they finally put droidekas in the game but refuse to properly nerf Anakin
Not trying to shill the game but if you still have it downloaded give it a try
user you're underage, I'm not interested in sex.
Have you read this thread? Are you retarded?
Unironically cannot believe that the entire nu-right """skeptic""" youtubers can't even argue with someone who can't squat the fucking barbell.
How about targeting kids with gambling mechanics in games rated lower than M?
Jon's criticism isn't even that it was bad, his criticism is that it's not a fucking Banjo game beyond a coat of paint. And he's right.
It's surprisingly nuanced for a guy whose schtick is held together by overplaying everything.
And have you read the posts you’re replying to? I think not, my fellow autist!
user you are a middle aged man whose entire corpus of knowledge is the exact production dates of episodes of sailor moon
you will never have sex
>argue with him
>its on his channel
>with his audience
>even if you are factually correct he just needs to be sassy to "win"
the only way to win is to not play
Nope I hated that game before I even knew him. It was always shit.
why not screenshot the whole thing?
Lmfao he has to make all these tweets because of all the tards triggered by lootboxes that were removed 2 years ago
you have to excuse user. there isn't room for a complete Yea Forums post in his short term memory, because it is completely preoccupied with the lyrics for the jem theme song
Phew, for a second there I thought he wasn't our guy after all
Jon's playing the game months after the shitshow of broken online and lootboxes, the game is in a much better state since then, but it's still a mediocre shooter
Have you read the thread? How can you possibly argue that nobody is defending lootboxes in it?
Okay kiddo, thanks for sharing.
Yes, that Sargon.
Of course and are more right. UKIP was Farage's political party, so without Farage there was really no reason to vote for them. Their politics on a bunch of things are miserable
how about kids can't apply for credit cards so stop making the government replace shitty parents
how about not pearl clutching like a 90s soccer mom and actually looking at things rationally and realizing that you're mad because you can't have a shiny outfit in a video game for free
You seem upset.
So you haven’t read the posts you’re replying to then? You didn’t deny it.
>potentially exploitative
Grade A retard
How about not dickriding EA you bootlicking retard? Goddamn, I bet you have actually given them money this decade. Be honest.
Not him but you seem upset.
He didn't actually flee. He made videos during this whole event, but don't expect cult of personality destitards to admit that it was little more than a speedbump for someone almost a hundred times more popular than manlet who lives with his parents.
Destiny has only lost popularity since then and Jontron has gained it.
So you're not a pedo? You didn't deny it.
That's how retarded you sound.
Because that would ruin OP's narrative.
I don’t think he’s dickriding EA, he just has enough spare cash to spend it on whatever he wants. Don’t be jealous that he’s doing with it what he wants,
it's ok user i know it's hard to prepared for the episode of jeopardy where every category is something like "food pewdiepie ate that day" only for the show to get cancelled due to alex trebek dying of aids
Are you his boyfriend? That's sweet.
user is too poor to finish his sentences.
>be non-white
>be nazi
how do you cuck yourself this bad?
I don’t think anyone mentioned pedos, we had already mentioned you didn’t read the posts. I think you’re the underage one buddy, cause you sure sound like a 15 year old redditor
You didnt read the thread obviously, the pedo discussion came and went. Sorry, you need to be literate to have the privilege of conversing with me.
Damn dude you’re really mad, I’m out this thread. How else can I trigger you before I go back to the catalog? Yeet? Nigga? Nigger? R*dd*t? Neogaf? Trump? Hillary? You already got pedo for me.
I see your double digit IQ prevents the "look at things rationally" part, so you instantly have to create a boogeyman and scream shill like a nigger screaming HE RACISS
>twitter screencap thread
Actually you're all underage.
worked out fine for subhas chandra bose
who were you talking about again?
All commentators do this, from youtubers like Destiny to news reporters like Tucker Carlson. It's nothing unique, a lot of these "debates" are simply games of how many gotcha moments can you pull on your opponent for your fans to see. Agree with you though, you cannot win against the home field advantage when it comes to internet "debates".
Caught ya! We’ve been conversing this whole time!
you are a long way from home buddy
Yup I'm talking to literal children, lol. Yea Forums is 18+, pals.
you're so stupid you got btfo by a bunch of underage posters?
>only little boys and girls say nigger
are u black
Yup they're mad
Nope. Destiny is a retard with a small group of sycophants who claim he wins every debate he's in. In reality, he's just profoundly autistic, and apes human emotions by supporting social justice. He's also an internet tough guy who could be knocked over by a light breeze.
i think we can all agree that i won this thread
Oh boy, another nazi selling out his fellow white brothers to the capitalists. What a surprise.
He bent the knee years ago, this was expected.
You'd have to be such a fucking moron to defend gambling and RNG.
anyone that has to say they “won” a thread automatically did not, just like when someone has to call themselves cool. honestly that was kind of cringe to read
based autismo unable to comprehend jokes
still substantiated his claims in the debate at least, unlike mr. I FEEL LIKE jon tron
i hope you find a doctor that can help you with your cringe problem
>Jontron got BTFO by this dude
How embarrassing
>tfw the kiddos fight amongst themselves
Yup I won the thread, stay underage and mad you guys.
daily reminder that Star Cade made him incapable of being unbiased regarding Star Wars.
b-but it wasn’t a joke, u think u actually “won” the thread
how can you stay underage? teach me oh magical fountain of youth
According to Reddit.
>Tell parents not to act like retards by accidentally giving money to EA
I don’t understand this logic. Wouldn’t EA want dumb parents being dumb? Why would they tell parents not to be retarded when smarter societies would make them lose money?
you must really care about this to take screenshots of it
>homicide is the only crime
Reminds me when Crowder said that climate change isn't real because there's an article that one singular iceberg near Greenland isn't melting, even though in reality the vast majority are melting.
If you have more stats to support it though I'm more than willing to believe it. Just homicides isn't enough though. Do we have data for overall crimes within those brackets?
Guy literally shills mobile shit on his channel. He is a complete sellout and will say anything for cash.
this is my phd thesis, of course i'm interested in it
No? Are you retarded? Not everyone you dislike is a pedo, you know.
just homicides doesn't matter, man, i need to know about traffic violations
Almost every Global Cooling, I mean Global Warming, I mean Climate Change prediction has not come to pass.
>Guys, it’s just murder. This totally won’t apply to the other statistics.
How about you don't talk if you don't know what you're talking about.
He's right though, there is nothing wrong with cosmetic only loot boxes
not a good hill to die on bro
>just don't buy them if you don't want them
That's a pretty ignorant opinion.
EA is making money off of compulsive gamblers.
you lost ea fag your game failed and EA lost over 3 bill
Lol fuck jontron
Sorry, I know that going against what people say you're aloud to think is scary. It's ok, just go back to your marvel movies and fast food.
just go back to prison paul you illiterate
Now you're just being disingenuous, of course things like burglaries or assaults or fraud or anything need to all be taken into account to make as broad a statement as "wealthy blacks commit more crimes than poor whites"
Also things like this are important to take into account when we talk about crime rate:
Whether you like it or not there is evidence and data to show black people are convicted easier anyway. So maybe a lot of crime that could be attributed to say, drug charges, wouldn't be as high if it were white people.
man i can't believe all those white kids that commit homicides and don't even get arrested for it
Try not to get scared Yea Forums
Lootboxes don’t personally affect you what so ever.
Games that are shit with lootboxes will be shit anyways if they are banned
An open dialogue about lootboxes is what makes Capitalism a great system. You can criticize, give your opinions, and protests as much as you like. While in many socialist and communist countries, free speech is restricted and you are unable to protest any government program as you are forced to pay for their programs through taxes.
And yes, lootboxes is far more preferable than being forced to pay for services I am against or the shitty government quality services
IMAGINE you're a shareholder
imagine you put out video game: the sequel, which is filled with lootboxes
imagine the STUPID amout of money that comes pouring in, and imagine some intern reporting about "online backlash"
finally, imagine laughing at that intern's report as you rack in the fucking retarded amounts of money and prepare for the next easy cashgrab because you don't use social media
that's the fun in loot boxes, if you're on the right side of the transaction
That debate if anything just shows the difference between looking at things in terms of results and looking at things in terms of blame. Well there's also the fact that correlation doesn't equal causation, but if we give Sargon the benefit of the doubt and assume that getting married makes you successful and not the other way around then it becomes about your mindset. Right wing people tend to say "black people aren't getting married, they could solve their problems if they get married, that's their fault therefore we don't need to do anything about their problems" while left wing people tend to say "well why aren't they getting married, we should look into what other things correlate with/cause people to get married in an attempt to get them to marry more so we can solve these problems". For once an internet debate like this actually demonstrates an interesting disagreement in philosophy
once again we we're talking all crime, not just homicides
I understand you arrived at your opinion first and will take anything at face value to help your confirmation bias, but please follow along
>Washington post
You might as well post Fox News or CNN
Destiny is a pedophile, just saying
Don't play mainstream games then, indie games specifically exist for people who don't have mainstream taste. Why does every mainstream game have to appeal to you? You're basically just whining that the mainstream likes and supports things you don't like. Yeah that's the case for a lot of people, deal with it
>Whether you like it or not there is evidence and data to show black people are convicted easier anyway.
Did you account for repeat offenders?
I'm just going to assume you didn't because no one ever does when they try to make the "discrimination" argument.
>Why do people find gambling fun
I thought you pro-video game regulation guys were against Lootboxes for being gambling?
no we're talking about the unprosecuted white killers and all of the unfairly arrested black drunk drivers skewing our crime statistics, and making blacks look terrible everywhere they live on earth
>dude just like, stop being mad at the company that paid me thousands of dollars to make star wars videos for two years, it's like, not that big of a deal?
Jon is smart enough to see the truth but not smart enough to understand you can't say it out loud.
For example, profiling people is an exceptional way to catch more criminals and cops do it consistently, as they should. Can you say this out loud? No. Is it wrong to profile? Yes. Does it work? Also yes.
there was that incident of him sending dickpicks
Ok, so rich niggers commit more murders than poor whites. All Jon did wrong was not specify murders. I'm glad we cleared that up, and my opinion on niggers is validated.
White people arent the only alternative to blacks, even among minorities blacks are the most criminal. Are you saying blacks prosecuted more than other non whites? I find that hard to believe.
>Lootboxes don’t personally affect you what so ever.
AAA games used to have unlockable costumes that you earned through normal gameplay.
AAA games now overwhelmingly lean toward having no unlockable costumes but lootboxes instead.
You are wrong in the first line, not going to read the rest.
These people would rather be right blindly than to consider if their views are wrong.
>actually thinking this
>likes Babymetal
>fucked Lauren Southern before she went completly off the rails
He´s ok in my book
hide their bribes in aluminum foil inside their freezers
Yeah, try and own me again and see how quickly you get banned.
Wasn't this something that was immediately debunked and Chris Raygun made an apology? I think Destiny went through it after the debate on his stream too. I don't really remember though it's been a while
Delusions. Why are you even here lefties?
>Lootboxes don’t personally affect you what so ever.
They do if it encourages more devs to add lootboxes into their future games with pay to win bullshit. It also affects me when my parents call screeching about $600+ charged on their credit cards for "Overwatch Lootbox Packs" because their credit card details were saved in my younger siblings' XBox again.
>Games that are shit with lootboxes will be shit anyways if they are banned
Most likely yeah. I still don't like the trend and would prefer it if cosmetic and customization options in games I actually like were earned through gameplay.
>An open dialogue about lootboxes is what makes Capitalism a great system. You can criticize, give your opinions, and protests as much as you like. While in many socialist and communist countries, free speech is restricted and you are unable to protest any government program as you are forced to pay for their programs through taxes.
I don't think anyone's arguing that you're not allowed to talk about lootboxes.
>And yes, lootboxes is far more preferable than being forced to pay for services I am against or the shitty government quality services
Are you saying lootboxes are preferable to paid online i.e. consoles or preferable to DLC? Both would be right, the latter one particularly if the DLC would normally lock content away while the lootbox shit stays cosmetic (i.e. Killing Floor 2's gay USB shit vs. Killing Floor 1's actual weapon packs).
do people still play this online with full lobbies? the single player content is indeed excellent, but i did like playing that game online alot too
big r kelly fans
Yes, all unpleasant facts must be (((debunked))).
Ok dude sure as long as it supports your world view it's true no matter what
cant speak for Xbax but PC has some servers going at all times
Be sure to report any hatefacts to your local ADL representative.
>AAA games used to have unlockable costumes that you earned through normal gameplay.
You can just play most games normally to get enough in game currency and buy lootboxes.
Unless you consider playing a bunch of matches “abnormal” and doing very specific actions or even RNG grinding “normal” gameplay.
Ultimately, what would be the difference between grinding for enough currency to buy a bunch of lootboxes for free vs battling hundreds of monsters for rare loot or hatching hundreds of Pokemon eggs for a palette swap?
The latter 2 are very much as “predatory”/addictive as grinding for lootboxes, and yet several people praise the latter 2 while shaming the former.
are they laggy? sometimes i lurk star wars threads here and when Yea Forums tries to setup rooms for games it sounded like an issue to put up with.
just tell everyone those things were debunked and toss out chaff about marijuana flash mobs of being arrested
I hope you realise it's people like you who give the far right a reputation of being meme-spouting retards incapable of critical thinking or intellectual honesty. You think the left doesn't engage with you because they're scared or whatever but it's because you're literally incapable of doing anything that isn't just a retarded circlejerk for people who already agree with you
Realistically, what's Jon's IQ?
Destiny's height in cm.
>it doesn't effect you at all
>actually here is how it does
>y-yeah but you can work around it kind of
Where are the challenge unlocks? Where are the secret unlocks?
Oh, there aren't any?
But I thought it didn't change anything?
imagine thinking you've written anything to engage with
good thing dr. kevorkian debunked you on his livestream
Probably average, but keep in mind the average person is a fucking retard.
>He wants to work towards goals in his video games
there was this funny bit in jerry coyne's reprinting of a statement by steve pinker, about jeff epstein, where pinker asserts that he never liked epstein, because epstein would shoot his mouth off about subjects he knew nothing about, when that's the level of scholarship pinker would bring to his "enlightenment now" book
what i am saying is everyone thinks everyone else is a retard
Yeah but the end result of that is that everyone is retarded, not that nobody is retarded. It still remains that the average person is retarded, though some more than others.
>see everyone jerking off Disney and EA's Battlefront
>continue going back to Battlefront pre-lootboxes
>twitter thread
is this the state of Yea Forums?
>we live in a timeline where Arin was the good guy all along
How the fuck did this happen
>getting your opinions from a debate with a pedophile
Payed for, No doubt.
ever since Jon started being a sellout
>see everyone jerking off Disney and EA's Battlefront
Literally no one EVER did that
Battlefront 1 was heavily hated for its non existent content while BF2 was hated for its blatant lootboxes that gated big gameplay elements behidn them
Jontron has never said anything remotely funny or insightful.
1. They do, It ruined my two favorite series, GTA and Fallout
2. No shit, But what about good games?
3. Capitalism is an economical policy, Not an ideology. fool.
4. You're a giant faggot. And wrong.
Are they actually communism if they have taxes? Communism is supposed to not have currency
You know that quote: "Think of the average person, and then realise half of all people are dumber than them"?
It's said by average people.
Free speech has literally nothing to do with the way goods are produced and distributed you middle-brow plebeian.
I feel like you're just buttmad about all the "lootboxes prove capitalism is bad" bait threads. Incidentally, no, lootboxes have nothing to do with capitalism.
Stopped playing when they nerfed the heavy. Had 100 hours since launch. Never went back to it, guess I'll wait for the next game
What a funny little creature
It doesn't matter what Reddit has to say on it. Jon argued very poorly, and let him lead Jon around by the nose back to his talking points instead of exposing the flaws in his arguments.
who is this fat mutt again?
I still don't really understand why EA didn't force DICE to drop BF2 and actually let them turn it into a good game.
They had every reason to abandon it yet they allowed DICE to Rainbow Six Siege it into something actually worthwhile.
>Fix all the launch shit
>Cosmetic MTX only now
>A bunch of heroes are voiced by their actors (e.g Captain Phasma is voiced by Gwendoline Christie, and all the prequel heroes are voiced by their TCW VAs)
>Literally dedicate over a year of development to clone wars and assblast OTfags
>add in Obi-Wan, Grievous, Dooku and Anakin
>Add in Droidekas whe everyone thought it would be a never-ever
>add in a ton of clone regiments as skins
>add in ARC Troopers
>add in Commando Droids
>properly recanonize the TX-130 tank
>Tease to the point of all but confirmed that Ventress and Ahsoka will be the next heroes
What was the last time you've seen EA make an actually good decision?
Letting DICE keep working on this, so a year ago.
>before sketches were informative and had dynamic range to direction
>now he sits on the couch, pauses and makes a comment, you cn even see his finger lifting and lowering at times. Also he walks around new york sometimes
Fuck why. I miss the 2007-2012 comfy vidya web shows.
>Thought he was doing another rant about niggers
>He's just defending loot boxes instead
Jon is such a retard it's hard to root for him
At this point it's pretty much impossible to defend him for any reason. Most of his takes are just completely retarded
How hard is it to understand that lootboxes do not belong in anything beyond a free game for FUCK'S sake
never trust a person that lets their own body go fat and ugly
Theres literally nothing wrong with loot boxes that can be bought with currency earned from playing.
>paying for pngs
posting in a /pol/ thread
>Bureau of Justice
this is the thing that proves that everyone who believes this is a moron.
There is no Bureau of Justice, there's a Bureau of Justice Statistics but then the source would obviously specify that.
Why nobody ever talks about how awful the game is? Is always the lootboxes. I bought it in a recent sale and almost every mode is a meat grinder where the objective is inside a tiny room or chokepoint where people just spams explosives and abilities. And the balance is all over the place. Oh you pick this drone because is all you could afford and you just started the game? Well tough shit buddy. That guy who spawned 2 feet away from you has Anakin or Kylo Ren ready to one shot you.
And the movement and shooting feels so sluggish. The game was absolutely not design to be played in first person view. Enemies can go third person and peak behind corners. You are at a huge disadvantage.
Will there be a BF3? Is Disney happy with the EA deal?
There's a definite tipping point where an amount of time spent playing to earn the boxes vs. buying is unreasonable.
Jontron was good when he wasnt super popular.
Broo I missed it brooo :) even though my incone revolves around gaming, I have seen no news about this at all brooooooo
Hard yikes
He's right though? Loot boxes are alright. As long as you can unlock them through playing its okay. Now if you're complete retard and buy them that is your business.
>i want to excise these people from my country because they want to excise people from the country
How are leftists not the ultimate hypocrites?
>Niggers are all innocent little babies
calling someone "racist" is a counter argument
in fact there is literally zero logical counter argument to limiting immigration, legal and illegal, to a steady manageable drip
that is unless you're interested selling out your country to get richer from endless cheap labor
Based Jon as always
Fuck off, Destiny.
I agree. Surprise mechanics are fun.
Fuck off, Destiny.
>Jontron simply likes a game that's published by EA
I agree with him, I said nearly the exact same thing when I first got the game.
>my incone revolves around gaming
when's the last time you saw a JonTron video?
That report literally doesn't exist. Try to find it, you can't.
Wait, isn't this the guy that said black people aren't real?
>GTA and Fallout
Neither of those games have lootboxes you fucking retarded ape.
reminder he shilled VR and Batman arkham knight
Well, considering the game was reworked to make the lootboxes a bonus mechanic instead of pay2win bullshit, he's right. Jon's intentionally a little fucker here by pretending he had no idea about the whole debacle so that threads like these would be made. Alternatively, he's become such a normalfag that he genuinely no longer plays games, and this is the first time his dumpy ass has sat down to have an epic nerd-out in literally years
dude what? all nations, capitalist or not, have currency because there needs to be a commonly understood and accepted medium of exchange
I don't think Jon is smart enough for that
but it literally, unironically doesn't even have rng lootboxes anymore.
they just reused the animation they already had for the different outfits you buy, for example instead of buying the 501. Legion outfit, you buy a 501. Legion box which contains the armor for every class.
Don't ask me why.
To name (very) few
This just means I think games should have more realistic Casinos. I want to play for-real poker and blackjack in the next Pokemon game. And slot machines again.
Keep dreaming, user
Gambling, like at a casino, has actual rewards though. Video games have.... the possibly of getting a meaningless skin for your virtual character that you probably won't even be able to notice in the middle of gameplay?
EA execs having the money to pay eastern european dime top shelf hookers to suck their dicks is preddy fun bud
Why would you gamble with your money when you're poor? I'd trust EA with their money more than them.
but i literally do not fucking care about lootboxes? wow some faggot has a shiny skin becuase he forked over 100$ my immersion is ruined. if retard whales buying lootboxes means i don't have to pay for map packs and other content then i hope they continue to throw their money into daddy eas pockets.
This is either from the release so Jon was being retarded and hadn’t noticed how bad it was likewise this thread is dumb. or Jon literally doesn’t play it or he has mixed up the cosmetics crate that give you the exact skin guaranteed as a loot box and thus he is retarded
Jontron still has a libertarian streak in him, time to redpill that stupid ideology out of him
e-celebs have shit opinions go figure
If this is actually recent then Jon apparently didn’t pay enough attention to it when it launched to know how bad the loot boxes where compared to now where they are guaranteed to drop the exact cosmetic you want if you have basic reading comprehension
>getting mad about how idiots who you'll never meet spend their parents money
This is how you know you have real problems. As long as they don't get YOUR money, Where's the damage? Or do you need everybody to join your union to boycott? I hate loot boxes, I've worked in f2p for 6 years, I know they're dogshit, but just don't buy games with them in it and you'll never get stung.
Unless you think you are owed loot box-free games other people made, then I can't help you.
Start with me, I would like to be talked out of it because I don't see it working out on scale but I DO want freedom more than anything else.
Wildsmile is a pretty decent YouTube channel to check in on and of course there are the lovely unsourced graphs, pictures, and quotes of /pol/.
Believe it or not but you can actually be redpilled without being a spastic screaming about muh Jews in public until you destroy your life.
imagine having taste this shit
Entire thread
A handful of posters
>the loot boxes have been cosmetic only for a while now actually, they even tell you what you will get
>no responses
Come the fuck on the boxes where bad, but now their just dumb shit for players to unlock
In a world where wealth is king corporations have infinite power. You are relying on the good will of the same corporations, who time and time again have chosen their personal profit over the well-being of their customers and workers, to not fuck you over.
I won't get into how the lower classes will essentially get grinded into the machine but I'll tell you this. No matter how rich you think you are you are not rich enough. And if mcdonalds wants to they will take control of your land, and without a central authority it's only you and your friends screaming about nap violations with your rifles in hand.
>doesn't stop thousands of kids from spending their lunch money on that shit
Holy shit who fucking cares? When I was a kid I spent money on fucking tazos for fucks sake, I'd be pretty pissed off if some pretentious wanna be sjw faggot stopped me from doing that for whatever reason.
t. FIFA developer
If everyone is just going to dance around that point and not acknowledge it it’s just as dumb as “I don’t buy them”
in its current state, it would be bearable if it had a server browser. thanks a lot dice so much for that turnaround strategy
It needs significantly more weapon variety
The answer is who fucking cares.
Who cares about the lootboxes, the game itself is absolute fucking trash. Every goddamn map is a bottleneck. Some of the worst Rush maps DICE has ever designed.
Spawn, run to bottleneck, die, spawn, run to bottleneck, die, spawn, run to bottleneck, die, spawn, run to bottleneck, die, spawn, run to bottleneck, die, spawn, etc...
There's nothing wrong with what he said.
Why should my freedoms be impinged upon just because dumb people exist? I don't give a fuck if they lose all their money. Why do you? You're not their fucking mother.
So you're upset that you don't have enough buying power to have influence over the gaming industry, so you'll use legislative power instead? Oh no, games are made for people who spend money on them. How terrible! But isn't that Yea Forums's argument whenever there's some SJW craze? That pandering to people who don't buy games is bad? So what is it Yea Forums? Should games cater to those who pay for them or not?
I wonder if you and this retard here even see that the only reason the "loot boxes are gone now" and "the game is way different now" is BECAUSE THERE WAS A VERY PUBLIC AND HUMILIATING OUTRAGE. They did NOT remove loot boxes because they had a change of heart, this does NOT mean game=good now. They are doing it to save their own asses and protect their bottom lines, you tools. It's a dead game, let it be dead and let its' corpse serve as a warning to other would be loot box and microtransaction based 60 dollar games.
Reminds me of how he supported the muslim ban until people told him his own father would had been banned
what a colossal retard
Corperations are just another government if left unchecked.
I mean, Google and Facebook have more ability to censor right now than any empire in history because of how much of our daily lives they control.
Libertarians and Communists are very similar in that they view authority and government as evil by default if it uses force they feel is unjustified, when it is the people that make up the institution that define it's morality, not the institution itself, and that some violence is justified because it can ensure that rational people will avoid death by following simple rules (don't do/deal illegal drugs, don't be an illegal alien, don't organize Marxist parties) and those who will continue to make conscious choices/indulge in addictions that endanger/harm others are not allowed to
The real redpill is a modern evolution of NatSoc that focuses on building a youth honorable, smart, and honest enough to rule itself, while ridding itself of degenerate hedonists and limiting it's non-native European decent stock so agents likely to disrupt the system (Jews and their underlings) find it harder to gain footholds on the inside.
Even this system will become corrupt eventually but if the founders are not corrupt then it could last quite some while while maintaing a long golden age because the focus on youth merits early on is largely self sustaining.
Hell, we could have registers in schools that parents can volunteer their kids for if they are selected that are like current gifted child programs but also measure morality.
Libertarianism worked before the industrial revolution, but since traveling the world is far easier now and companies have found ways to employ workers like slaves like the empires of old, it has become far outdated.
The best way to continue to ensure a large degree of freedom while in such a system is this: you are free to say what you want individually, but forming any kind of political party, paramilitary, etc is strictly forbidden.
Both actually the ESBR should be the ones monitoring gambling and predatory practices just like the monitor other material while letting whales and dumbass parents who can’t read a box let little Timmy go wild with stupid fucking boxes
while you faggots bitch and moan about how sjws are ruining video games the real culprit gets away with it.
oh fuck this fucking fucker
My problem is that Nu Wars is irredeemable trash
Mouse shills fuck off
people who don't think only of themselves
he's completely right though
if you don't want to spend money on lootboxes then literally just don't fucking spend your money on lootboxes
how hard is that? apparently impossibly hard for you mouth-breathers
>>the loot boxes have been cosmetic only for a while now actually, they even tell you what you will get
That's only because of EA literally causing such a shitshow with Battlefront 2 that lootboxes are becoming regulated/banned heavily in Europe and congress is currently looking at a bill to regulate them in the US
If people didn't make a fucking stink about this shit, it would be as bad as it was at launch
>In a world where wealth is king
Wealth is value. You're saying a world where the most valuable people are king. As opposed to in a democracy, where the king is chosen via popularity contest. Meaning the king is chosen because they're good at convincing people they should be king.
>who time and time again have chosen their personal profit over the well-being of their customers and workers
That's what they should do.
>I won't get into how the lower classes will essentially get grinded into the machine
That's irrelevant, they're worthless.
>And if mcdonalds wants to they will take control of your land
They will have to fight for it. I can smell your Britishness from across the Atlantic. What the fuck is with you people and your obsession with McDonald's? It's not even about billboards anymore, you're actually scared of them raising an army and storming your beaches. Why aren't you just as afraid of the state-run military? Have you never read a fucking history book? You Bongs spent decades shoving Big Brother in every movie and TV show you made and now, all of a sudden, you love Big Brother and are afraid of a literal clown. You're not afraid of the state taking more and more things away from you; you're not afraid of Muslims raping your children; you're not afraid of hospitals kidnapping your babies; you're afraid of Mayor McCheese sending in McTroops. Oh, yeah, can you imagine if McDonald's ruled over you? They'd take away your means of self-defense, censor the news, import people to replace you...
The game being a laughing stock at launch and becoming a limited success after their removal would probably serve as just as much of a warning really.
>all these loot crate apologists on Yea Forums
Where did it all go so wrong?
Do what Overwatch did. If you're going to have lootboxes then
1) Make all post-release gameplay content (maps, characters) completely free for everyone who owns the base game.
2) Make the lootbox content exclusively cosmetic. No boosts, benefits, gameplay impacting items from paid drops.
Then I think it's actually a good thing since that way the game gets continued income to support post-release development, but people who don't want to pay anymore than for the base game don't, and still get all meaningful content.
I played 1,000+ hours of Overwatch and never bought a single lootbox.
You can't get weapon mods from lootboxes, also there's no lootboxes anymore, the only boxes you'll see is the daily box that always award the same amount of currency and the skins packs
>free to earn, you get rewarded for simply playing the game
>purchases are entirely optional and don't put you ahead of other players since the loot is still just as random
>adds satisfaction to the game when you roll that sweet rare item
>all proceeds help support the creators of the game
of course a dumb frogposter /pol/tard hates them because "lol money = jewz!!!"
That’s actually what they did just every retard in the thread doesn’t know that or is dancing around it for some reason.
If that dumbass even said that shit to me I'd laugh at him and leave the convo. There's no argument to be had with literal retards. You don't "beat" them, unless its with a brick to the face.
I stopped listening to this reactionary piece of shit after Bestiny handed his racist ass a big fat L.
Doesn't surprise me to see him defending malicious crapilalist practices in vidya now.
>doesn't stop thousands of kids from spending their lunch money on that shit.
Ok real talk. Life lessons have a price. Most of us weren't born knowing pokemon cards were a complete waste of money. I'd rather feel stupid about burning somewhere over $50 as a kid, than to grow up without any experience in the shame of blowing money.
I haven no idea if this is how it's working out for the general population. Maybe they don't learn quickly and it's hundreds or thousands of dollars. But if you dad asking "son why are you buying this little girl shit" isn't enough to pull the wool from your eyes, you might deserve to get milked.
>Arin literally got cucked by his wife via """open relationship"
guess again tranny
but destiny is a literal pedo
No they didn't you fucking lying shill, the loot boxes at launch contained Star Cards that improved your stats and gave you an advantage over players who didn't buy the loot boxes
Yeah and now it’s just cosmetics and star cards are unlocked via play. Every spastic in thread either doesn’t know the change happened or is ignoring it because it’s convenient
If that tweet is recent its just kinda true. On launch becuase of the loot boxes it was fucking trash, now? its just a pretty good fun game
You people need to stop obsessing over what someone on Twitter says it's really getting sad
Why did Jon fuck Suzy?
I miss him bros...
>Lootboxes BAD, we must ban them and save the children
you just reminded me i used to give these two older kids my lunch money so they would let me play their sega genesis
once my mom found out what was happening shit hit the fan and i was never allowed to play with them again
The only lootbox system I've never had a problem with was in Vermintide 2
>As long as they aren't pay to win
But that's precisely it, they literally were pay to win in Battlefront 2.
And that's because you don't have to pay any real money.
but lootboxes are jewish shit tho
Move to belgium, they are litteraly banned by law there so you can't access the stores.
lootboxes are made to make more money for the kikes,reminder to always pirate if you can so these oven-dodgers wouldn't get your money
sounds pretty based if you ask me
Got it for 5 dollars on Origin
I don't even want sex anymore user. I just want to be loved, just once. That isn't too much to ask for, right?
>reminder to always pirate
lootboxes are implemented to make up for all the profits lost from poorfag thirdworlders pirating the game
YOU are the cancer you dumb fucking flaming piratefaggot YOU are the reason for lootboxes, don't you fucking understand?
Sex really isn't a big deal. You're right; it's being loved that totally changes your world. Sex with someone you've never met before is Sex with someone you love and who loves you is the greatest God-damn thing on this Earth. Waking up in someone's arms is a close second.
Any game with lootboxes in it is guaranteed to be AAA shit. It's not worth playing even for free.
for seething incels like you, yes
you do realise that that whole argument is a lie made by corporate Jew so he could make more money
> Why would my freedom of letting games become shittier and nothing but lootboxes fest and cash grab be impinged on ?
>pirates $60 games for free
>gets mad that they charge $2 for a lootbox to make up for lost profits
>"hurr jews"
fuck off retard
there has never been a correlation between piracy and the loss of a sale
>Game has garbage mechanics and predatory monetization
>Garbage mechanics and predatory monetization get taken out
>Because the reasons for the change weren't squeaky clean that means the change wasn't for the better
You know the whole "hurr vote with your wallet" card means anyone that buys the game NOW supports games that DON'T have that bullshit right? Why else would you wait to buy it after that stuff was removed?
you do realize that that whole argument is a lie made by thirdworlders so they could save more money
I've definitely pirated games I would've bought otherwise.
guess that study the proved it was wrong too EA
ESL much?
It's a good fucking meter to gauge what's gonna happen to the game in the near future
i.e. it gets fucking scrapped and it dies within the year and you can't play it anymore because it isn't profitable enough to keep running.
that just means you understand their Jewish trickery
>lost profits
can't be lost profits if you're not paying taxes on it
Everyone knows Jon often speaks before thinking
>muh blacks are all criminals
He'll eventually be proven right on that one, looking at how things are going
They are over represented in all violent crime stats, yes.
I really doubt this was going to make us go /pol/ crazy you don't fucking janny.
>Be this
how has this thread been up almost 14 hours when it's not only an e-celeb speaking favorably of loot boxes, but it turned into political garbage pretty much immediately
Because despite seething libtards such as yourself hating FACTS and LOGIC, that won't stop us from talking about it.
pretty low on the priority list, since there's been at least 40 threads with porn as the OP image in the last hour alone
It seems like (((they))) have lobotomized him.
What a shame.
We know, most of the blacks are criminals, stats and real life tells you that.
On one hand thank you for reminding me that this exists
On the other hand pic related.
Truly epic post
this board has become overrun by normalfaggots
just look at their diction and the way overused reaction images they attach to their posts
>this board has become overrun by normalfaggots
>just look at their diction and the way overused reaction images they attach to their posts
That's been going on for years.
At least since 2010.
>Yea Forums
>overrun by normies
>The "Should I get a Vita or a Switch" thread was literally just deleted
It is the original comic, from the original source, with the original filename, rather than some backwater reencode from some shitty content aggregator reposted five times from phoneposters
>doesn't stop thousands of kids from spending their lunch money on that shit.
1. if a kid's lunch money is in the form of a credit card, the parent has fucked up. this also isn't fucking real and you just made that up
2. if the kid is allowed to make purchases by themselves on a digital device, the parent has fucked up
3. if the parent sees fit to let the kid spend their money on digital goods vendors as they please, that is the responsibility of the parent. most would consider this a fuck up as well
>paying for randomized pngs
>possibly paying exorbant amounts of money for very "rare" pngs that you actually don't enjoy staring at
>I just want to be loved, just once.
Too bad.
Don't worry user, look the bright side, people who post this kind of stuff are rotten inside just like you, makes you really wonder
Eh, good people can have misinformed opinions. It's easy to think it's a non-issue if you don't have a spending problem.
If parents allow their children to waste their money without supervision, then the fault is of the parents.
the game can be fun AND have a cancerous ingame shop model
everyone is so quick to forget TF2 started this trend
>That's irrelevant, they're worthless.
See I guessed correct, I'm going to also guess that you have an amount of money saved that makes you comfortable and you think you're on top of the world. I won't get into how ethical or not that is since you obviously don't care.
You skipped the most important line in there, you are not as rich as you think you are. There are always bigger fish and if you turn this thing into an ocean they will eat you if you run into them. No amount of naps and agreements will deter them from doing so and you are foolish to think that someone will stand up for you.
Every boycott has the power to bring a company down.
I mean, he's not wrong. Loot boxes are fun to open, I'd rather not spend actual money on it though after that one summer I went full retard and spent $250 on CSGO keys. Only got 2 knives and a gun (Stat Trak ver ) that was brand new at the time and went for like $45.
Not normal fags. It's plebbits. That's why this place has turned to shit recently.
You are just a consumer retard. It's not illegal to make shit games nor should it be.
Well, he can't talk shit about lootboxes or p2w since he is getting paid to advertise shitty mobile games with said mechanics.
Even though I disagree with him I can understand he wouldn't bite the hand that feeds him.
That's real life people.
what kind of braindead nigger IQ retards are you? Kids spending thousands of dollars of their parent's money on lootboxes only feeds this cancerous system which means that there will be more and more games with lootboxes
so? don't like it, don't buy it
fuck off back to resetera, dumb tranny
tranny retards are the most vocal about lootboxes though. they whine about late stage capitalism and whatever bullshit.
still the "muh don't rike don't buy" is not an arguement. Oh one in ten kinder surprise eggs explode when opened? Who cares? don't like it don't buy it.
what are you even talking about? you seem a bit schizophrenic.
Can't you understand analogies?
comparing lootboxes to some fantasy in your head about exploding candy is a bit of an asspull
you seem fucking autistic if you can't comprehend what I just said without overlooking the exaggerations
you seem upset. why are you so emotionally-invested in lootboxes? did you blow mommy's allowance on them?
you still can't bring up one (1) actual argument, but it doesn't matter, anyone who actually defends lootboxes should be considered mentally ill
The problem with loot crates is that they are filled with shit that could have been in the base game, that the developers removed, so I would need to spend extra money for a chance to get it.
an argument against what? people spending their own money on what they want? you haven't argued why that's bad.
argument for lootboxes
EA knows the days are numbered with their surprise mechanics so I see threads like these a desperate attempt to con people out of as much money as possible before the regulation kicks in. Too bad for them that we're all cynical as fuck here and rather see them burn than label them with any high regard
you basically want me to argue in favor of capitalism. a product is introduced into the market and people enjoy said product. that is capitalism.