What is the video game equivalent of American """cheese"""?
What is the video game equivalent of American """cheese"""?
cheese: the game but it doesn't have any of the real cheese that the source had
Turn based fighting mechanics.
American cheese is cheese despite the shilling of big dairy. When American cheese was first invented and sold, it was out performing all other cheeses. Big dairy got upset and hounded congress to ban it but they ultimately labeled American cheese as "processed cheese" since it made it sound like it was inherently bad. The trick worked well enough that now it's seen as a lower class of cheese. I enjoy all kinds of cheese and find that the modern takes on cheese are just as good as the old ones.
pokemon, you know its shit but the first piece you ever had was godlike so you can't stop
>food analogy
It's called cheese product, meaning it isn't actually real cheese
American cheese exists as a real cheese, but Kraft singles are not real cheeses
>meaning it isn't actually real cheese
Prove it
Yummies, I sure do love my pasteurized prepared cheese product®. All the artificial flavors as real cheese and just as "food".
literally go to the store and read the label
Fun fact from me, a deli worker
American cheese isn't actually yellow
The only difference between white American and yellow American cheese is food dye
There is no better cheese to put on a burger or into a grilled cheese sandwich.
Except there's actual cheese in that product had you bothered to read the ingredients that make it up
Cheese is cheese
Snoy movie games
It's actually the opposite, JRPGs are as common in a household as american cheese would be in the United States
you mean gooey texture and flavorless?
minecraft i suppose.
You know nothing of gruyere.
It's roughly 50% cheese. They mix all the shit that comes out when you originally make cheese back in and boil it together again. It also tends to be lower quality cheese in the first place. Stuff that didn't make the first cut, or shit that was dropped in the floor and had the dirt scraped off since the process will kill bacterial contamination anyway. It's also kind of a grab bag of exactly what kind of cheese it is, since it's all just mixed and boiled together
you're mum lol
reminder that the rightwing are all retarded
>this scares the american
>ruining a perfectly nice burger
Call of Duty.
Fallout 4.
make a fucking raclette and put it on a burg
also kill all larp nazis kill all right wingers kill all centrists kill all moderate leftists
You have to cheese your way through all the fights.
That just means it contains cheese, hence processed cheese product.
Its not an FPS its an FPS product
day of the guillotine soon
Quebec cheese is the best cheese
>This scares the foreigner
American Cheese is superior to regular natural chesse if you plan to melt it. There's no better texture.
Actually curious do people outside America eat burgers?
hahahahahahahaha good joke
but in all seriousness we should execute everyone on the right
RPG-like progression in non-RPG games
Call of Duty
It's literally cheese. The FDA just doesn't let them call it cheese for some reason because it contains milk protein concentrate, which is the stuff dairy based nutrition smoothies use for protein. Other than that and slightly different ratios of ingredients is just cheddar cheese.
Those are just regular curds. It's one of the fastest cheeses you can make. That's shit's ready in a matter of hours.
no we eat the skins of right wing chuds like you while we piss on your still living skinless bodies and cum in your drying out eyes
That makes this American dick hard.
Fuck off, Kraft shill. It's called "cheese product" because it's literally not real cheese.
>pasteurized prepared cheese product
holy shit this can't be real
it means it's not 100% cheese.
haha hey guys i'm totally rightwing and i love hitler and ben shapiro and the totally cool new way of owning hte libs is to kill yourself we should all try it ok!!!
Cheese is inferior nutritionally in every way to milk and you pay more
If you eat cheese you're basically a cuckold.
And it taste fucking good.
Do people outside Italy eat pasta?
how can i make a grilled milk sandwich though?
Hello, where are the proofs?
>Literally arguing over cheese
*sigh* That's Yea Forums for you.
yezzir ca c'est de l'esti de fromage
chomp chomp miam miam
I wonder how many times people have dropped Kraft singles into their food without realizing it comes in plastic sleeves around each slice.
Literally try and find a cheese that isn't basically milk with more saturated/trans fats and less of every other nutrient.
Ironically “Swiss” cheese and pepper jack are American. Pretty good.
honestly? I kind of want to say tetris. it's a simple product that's sold everywhere and goes through a ton of processing (in tetris's case, any licensed tetris game has to follow very specific regulations and rules to make it 'feel' like a tetris game).
>try american cheese
>it's just slightly creamy mild cheddar
Why do eurofags get so bent out of shape over this?
What's the video game equivalent to this?
>eastern european "milk products"
I'm Italian, eat cheese nearly every day and i'm scared
egg how stand break not out get he did?
>street food
Any video game that makes you either vomit or have diarrhea after playing it.
There is such thing as real American cheese and Kraft singles are an industrial abomination of an imitation of it.
Why did that American pour a litre of melted cheese on his burger?
they sell it at a restaurant in London, actually
no true American would sully a perfectly fine burger by drenching the entire thing with cheese
Hey bro can you decook my breakfast sandwich?
My waifus sweat is more appetizing than American cheese, jfc
american is shit. I too use to be a basic bitch until I tried pepper jack and between you and me, something amazing happened… and now I can talk to animals. It’s really cool, but totally secret. And you know what? Life’s never been the same
>American cheese is the shilling of "big dairy" despite BEING big dairy
>criticism of this horrendous material is "anti-American"
What is with the new wave of pseudo Mccarthyism? It's fucking hysterical, not funny hysterical but hysteria hysterical.
He's right, American cheese was outselling all other cheese because it's easier to produce and more affordable.
What else is there to gloat about if you['re european? It's either cheese or nothing.
Look up the history of American cheese. This is literally what happened. Dairy farmers making normal cheese were getting beat out by the new type of cheese that the people absolutely loved. Realizing they couldn't compete the normal way the dairy producers started a massive shilling campaign to make us think American Cheese is bad for you or for poor people.
There is no McCarthyism here. I'm telling you what happened. I'm not even American. I just love cheese.
>According to the US Standards of Identity for Dairy Products, part of the Code of Federal Regulations, to be labeled "American cheese" a processed cheese is required to be manufactured from cheddar cheese, colby cheese, washed curd cheese, or granular cheese, or any mixture of two or more of these.
Like Americans themselves, their cheese is a mongrel mix of existing ones.
Double jumping
It gives me the same feeling of cheap mediocrity.
As a very young lad I used to eat these raw
Now I refuse to let them anywhere near my mouth
I hate meme shit of "HHHHHNNNG, MORE CHEEESE!". Stop ruining food, you fat assholes. I imagine someone pulling this face as mounds of grease falls onto a burger
Mario Kart
It's a """"racing game"""", except racing is little more than a backdrop.
Pokemon games developed by Gamefreak
>Soul Souless IRL
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