>24 year old
>already tired playing video games, reading comics or watching movies
I thought that after I've got my magister degree, I would use my free time for those hobbies, but now I just don't even want to see it.
What should I do?
>24 year old
>already tired playing video games, reading comics or watching movies
I thought that after I've got my magister degree, I would use my free time for those hobbies, but now I just don't even want to see it.
What should I do?
life sucks shitdick and it will only get worse with time. either kill yourself or move on to other things. there is no other way.
Time to have sex
Stop whining and find another hobby. Return after a few years if you want to and enjoy games like you're a teen again.
Find a lady and start having sex I suppose. Then settle down, have kids. That's the typical route for people in this world. You might love it.
Pretty much this. Just try another hobbies if you're bored of your current ones.
get a doctorate
>magister degree
It's Europoop thing. Need that for the job (lead engineer)
So start collection comics and rare game editions, but not play/read them?
Already have one. She is going to move into my apartments next month. We are going to live together from now on
Oh, I thought you were being a retard
Carry on, user
Thats the age I got bored of stuff too and I'm 29 now and no better off.
>he fell for the stay in school so you waste your prime years not reproducing or being productive meme
>28 years old
>the only hobbies and interests in life are still anime and vidya
Killing yourself sounds like a good idea.
You’re reaching your mid way point and turning into an adult. The shit you thought was cool will basically be distilled down to your absolute favourite part of it as you lose interest. For instance I used to play loads of different games but I only really play RPGs and Monster Hunter now. You need to find what your hobbies and interests are *now*, not waste 5 years wondering why everything seems boring now while you keep doing the same stuff like I did.
variety is the spice of life, find additional stuff that interests you and casually play games as you feel like it.
2. STOP CONSUMING SUGAR and Testosterone blocking foods
3. Learn to fight and use a firearm
i don't think it's age. We just have the same problem as any addict - we need our next fix to be stronger but all the market provides is more casual thrash. I remember even at 16 hating most games and wasting as much time trying to find a good game as playing one. Today it's just even harder.
tldr: you don't hate gaming, you hate the market development
The good thing is it makes it easier to focus on other shit. I took up woodworking and build furniture as a hobby now.
I fell for this meme. Some of the retarded people I've ever met.
My gf left me with the apartment and the dog she wanted. If your gut tells you something is wrong, don't ignore it. But yeah, I just ended up collecting a lot of GhM stuff. I'll play them at some point.
>Some of the retarded people
>not some of the most retarded people
I guess I'm the retard actually it's not that bad, I get to do cool shit in lab most days and the people in my group are great
Working in Walmart is easy, I reccomend it to anyone. 1400$ a month is pretty great for doing literally nothing. Especially when I'm just saving it all up. The worst thing you may have to do is restock a pallet.
That's absolutely hilarious OP, get fucked.
Fap your troubles away.
>saving it all up
living with parents still or where do living cost go?
>group work