Be honest

Would you actually use this outside?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I always use my hands outside, user.

I leave it in my car so it picks up Pokestops on the way to work. I would never take it out though.

Attached: 1562791790377.png (489x531, 497K)

My coworker is almost 30 and he plays pokemon go during work. He's brought something like this into work before.
As you can guess he's socially awkward and has no gf.

Attached: 1546787927406.png (645x773, 11K)

Literally who gives a shit, normie. Kys.

Have sex.

>wojak faggot thinking he has any right to judge someone else

I do, but only at night with a flashlight. Scared the shit out of some teenagers who thought I was a cop. Shit's fun.

Attached: that boomer who.jpg (633x640, 87K)

what is even the point of this game if you can't battle?

You can, it's all just tapping shit though. I'm just hoping the stockpile of high IV pokemon I'm collecting can be transferred into Shield on switch. Dropping a 3000 Combat Power Metagross on a Kid's Gym is fun at least.

Didn't they add PvP though? Besides gyms that is

don't misuse wojak you fucking faggot
you're why everyone hates him now

Jesus christ
Really struck a nerve with you Yea Forumsirgins

You're talking to the fanbase that will openly defend the travesty that is Sword and Shield. They have to pretend like this means alot to them.

I used one just last week and I have a GF.

socially awkward sometimes though

Attached: 1499969410132.jpg (2000x2848, 2.55M)

>goes on Yea Forums
>posts a wojak to complain about somebody's power level
>get called out
>"Oh golly looks like I struck a nerve!"
Fucking summerfags.

Unlike you, of course, who just posted a shitty wojack reaction to a Pokemon Go thread on an imageboard for videogames.

I use it to auto spin pokestops so I can keep it in my pocket

that's only available as a feature if you connect it with baddy bad eevee & splish splash pikachu.

>complain about somebody's power level
I was literally just talking about my cowrker's miserable life


Can you use it even without playing Pokemon Let's go ?

My boss is 55 and he plays Pokemon Go. Also, we have a 19 year old intern who literally walks around with that Pokeball in OP's pic but he's good-looking so girls are interested in him and actually watch him catch Pokemon.

As for me, I'm 33 and my female coworkers always beg me to bring my Switch to work so we can play Mario Kart. I also put FIFA and Rocket League on it, because as long as you acknowledge their normie taste, it's not that bad.

>Unlike you, of course, who just posted a shitty wojack reaction to a Pokemon Go thread on an imageboard for videogames.
>posting on Yea Forums means you are socially awkward
Unlike you i've moved past the time in my life where i worried about talking to people
I still come here though to laugh and talk about stuff i like

Sure thing user

there is a Mew inside so it can autospin pokestops even if you've never played Let's Go.

That's what it says on Nintendo's official site for the pokewalker anyway. It only auto spins pokestops if "you're going out for a walk with your pokemon".

Which is literally complaining about somebody's power level you fucking retard. Quit being such an absolute faggot and go back to whatever underage site you came from you nigger.

Going to post this



I keep it inside my pocket and push the button whenever it vibrates. A lot less embarrassing than walking around with the app open on your phone.

>Pokeball Plus refuses to connect to phone
>Press button on side to reset it
>This resets the pokeball to FACTORY SETTINGS, & erases the mew
>Oops, did we forget to tell you that would happen? Better buy Let's go Eevee for a basic function for your $50 burger king toy!

Attached: please understand.jpg (675x317, 229K)

>continues to unironically use dumb memes as an argument
>calls me a faggot
Okay faggot
If you play pokemon at 30 and don't even have a gf your life is pathetic

>it's all just tapping shit though

As opposed to typical Pokemon games where you press buttons?

If you're so insecure that you give a single (1) fuck what a 30 year old virgin is doing for fun then you're the pathetic faggot.

You just mash the screen with your thumb to battle & then occasionally choose an attack. It's not turn based.

I work with him everyday, he's not some literal who.
I'd like to see him do something productive, for work and for himself.

>i just want him to stop playing games I don't like
You sound like an insufferable faggot

>white text
>white background

>i just want him to stop playing games I don't like
No, i just want him to stop being an actual soiboi. Dealing with him everyday while at work is what's insufferable.
You clearly don't have a job.