You have options dont act like you dont
You have options dont act like you dont
lul not today
I already know borderlands3 is gonna be shit so I'm not gonna play, but if for some reason I want to I'd pirate it and there's nothing you can do about it
Best: don't.
>Torrent bad
>Epic games neutral
>2k store at the top
How's life being a brainlet op?
Fuck yourself
There is nothing moral about supporting borderlands
Wew laddie. Time to get your mind out of the gutter.
>2K Store
>reputable 3rd party store
>Epic Games
All of those options result in a key for the EGS, you fucking idiot.
>G2A bad
>Pirate bad
>Epic store not absolute bottom tier
OP ya goofed it all up!
Found a valve drone.
Are you colorblind? What the fuck is this shit.
Who the fuck cares about morals when it comes to video games? 9/10 developers and publishers only care about money and nothing else. Why care about them in any way?
Pirate everything. Only buy if it has some sort of multiplayer that you are interested in.
fuck randy
How can one be so「based」
>epic better than pirating
i'd even go to fucking g2a before i go to epic
Yeah user tell me where I can get Dauntless outside of Epic Store. Oh wait you can't because the devs are lazy fucks who went epic-exclusive because they did the Cross-Platform work for them and now are slaves to them and you can't even use their standalone launcher anymore.
I wonder what Randy is up to these days. I haven't heard anything about him in a while.
>giving money to Gearbox
Get the fuck out AIDS carrier.
I'm waiting for steam.
Cause why buy it opening day like a starving consumer when I can enjoy the complete BL2 package without social pressures pushing me to speedrun a game without having fun?
Dumbass anons that's who. And I ain't one of'em.
Oh I forgot the only game that Yea Forums buys are porn and smash smash bros