What's the most nihilistic game ever made?
What's the most nihilistic game ever made?
Teen Titans Battle Blitz
Do you think anyone ever told him that his mustache was ridiculous?
All of them Change my mind.
It won't matter if you do.
>Hey, Neetchee! Your mustache looks fucking stupid!
>”I don’t care. Nothing matters.”
Probably killer 7 outside of emo indie games.
revenge of custer
Imagine being this much of a brainlet to think that nietzsche was a nihilistic.
Literally the opposite, the game was about creating your own meaning.
Nier and Nier Automata have nihilistic story elements
well, then it's the most nietzschean game ever made
Nice selfie.
but the faggot cared enough to grow out that shitty moustache. he could have shaved or he could have grown a full beard. yet the cocksucker decided to grow that EXACT moustache.
Nietsche like any other famous German turbo autists like Marx, Schopenhauer, Freud etc. are all disingenuous, fake hypocrite faggots.
>it's another "Yea Forums doesn't know what nihilism means" episode
brainlets think neechee was a nihilist
midwits think he was against nihilism
big brain niggas like myself realize he was against nihilism, but was also a nihilist
Imagine being so much of a brianlet that you assumed I though that. No where did I say that, and no where did I even imply that.
kill youreslf Hans
how does having a moustache make him a hypocrite?
>What's the most nihilistic game ever made?
I have the same mustache.
>nietzsche did stuff
>nihilism btfo
he just wanted to attract mad pussy. that is all.
>"got is tot"
fucking cringe, I take solace knowing him and people like him burn in hell.
>nietzsche = nihilism
low IQ American college education thread
If anything, Germans are experts at ruining Europe.
No question
how exactly does that refute my post?
Everything made by Hidetaka Miyazaki
name one time
>calling others cringe
BIG yikes
lmao i love pseud retards pretending to be smart like this
Freud is the biggest fraud of all. Dude had very clear fucking mommy issues and just projected it on everyone else.
>You dreamed about birds, obviously you want to fuck your mom
>You are having trouble in your marriage, you probably want to fuck your mom
>You dreamed about getting a promotion at work, you probably want to fuck mom and cum inside her why didn't you love me mommy! I mean you want to fuck your mom
Any game without any concrete objective other than doing shit just because.
Autistic builders like Minecraft or SimCity-likes are good examples; games that only provide a toolset and everything else is up to you.
Getting Merkel into power
well it didn't work because he got cucked his whole life lmao
merkel literally did nothing wrong
>b-b-but muh refugee crisis
she made the right choice
Sure, If you want to accelerate the death of the west.
sounds good, existence sucks
Friedrich Nietzsche founded Nihilism due to the constant thoughts that plagued his mind at all given hours. To put it plainly, Nietzsche was too smart for this world, and as a result fell into despair, and felt nothing in this world could ever satisfy him. Fortunately for him however a solution presented himself in the form of the famous game "Candy Crush". After playing it many times over, Nietzsche found he was no longer able to think, and therefore could no longer despair at the fruitlessness of his life. As of now Nietzsche is probably doing cocaine off of a hookers ass, and has finally located the happiness he deserves
His pictures were likely edited by his sister to make his mustache bigger because she thought it was manly
beyond good and evil
Dead Space 3.
>What's the most nihilistic game ever made?
maybe this game?
They have to be baiting user, don't fall for the bait, don't fall for it.
>I know nothing about Freud, he must be a fraud
*took Intro to Psychology 101 at his local community college*
t. Oedipus
Does this count?
Isn’t that exactly what Nihilism is?
nihilism is another word for atheism
I get that you learned about Freud in high school and never graduated but Freud is taken as seriously as a 8 year old is.
Dies Irae
t. pseud retard pretending to be smart
Everything by Freud has been disproven. Nowadays he is a laughing stock in the world of psychology.
>this is what deranged christians fantasise about
No, buddy, that's just you being mildly psychotic.
Is that the I have no mouth but I must scream game?
No, there's an entire branch of psychology built around his studies, and it happens to be the most prominent one.
no, nihilism is just when you think there's no meaning to life or existence. whether or not someone who claims that there is no inherent meaning but that you can create your own is still a nihilist just depends on who you ask
Thanks for the input, anonymous faggot that will die the same way he lived: irrelevant and forgotten to history.
Far Cry 2
It's almost as if Yea Forums doesn't read icycalm,
There's so many great philosophers that tell you all about the world and how it works, religions and even things like economy, and people go after that fucking shitter. Hume, Locke, Pascal, Kant, Feuerbach, Kierkegaard, Camus. No, le Freudian schlip.
i was just about to post patho 2
god, what a great game.
too bad i took the deal.
>this is what kikes, christfucks and mudslimes actually believe
This is bait but I'm gonna take it. You are a dumbfuck. An atheist simply doesn't need written instructions from God in order to be nice to others and not cause harm. Only a psychopath needs that.
Postal 2
>An atheist simply doesn't need written instructions from God in order to be nice to others and not cause harm
>carefully ignores the ten commandments because he violates 11 out of 10
No, because it was common at the time.
>plebs who think Nietzsche had a weird 'stache because he was muh genius
Nitsh was an incel.
wow wtf. all people throughout history have been psychopaths, religiosity btfo
whats the game called?
Of the ones I've played, Dark Souls 3.
Nietzsche was a troll
Even today people keep falling for his bait.
Anyone who thinks Nietzsche was a nihilist hasn't actually read any Nietzsche.
He was very much an existentialist. The only reason people consider him the "Father of Nihilism" is because he was anti-religion and believed morals are a social construct (which they are).
i'm not sure what you are referring to my schizo friend but since you brought up the ten commandments, let me reiterate: you don't need god to tell you that senseless killing, stealing from the poor or infidelity is degenerate. if you have an actual conscience you will know that.
Pathogen 1 or 2 prob
Liberal marxists can't preach morality to anybody, not even Satan himself. Satan would slap them in the face.
Pick one.
Dead by Daylight maybe.
Hotline Miami
The game's whole story is merely a red-herring that's supposed to trick people into thinking the killing "has a point". It's mocking the idea that the game is anything more than a murder simulator.
>le ebin strawman
Yeah, my point was *totally* that religious people are all psychos.
Same shit different name.
What does Yea Forums think of Belial, King of Worthless Men?
So the Founding Fathers were communists?
Take your meds schizo. Don't want to get locked up in the ward again, they might not let you out this time.
Too bad he didn't make it into the TV show.
I mean just look at this badass.
Psychology/psychiatry is a jewish pseudoscience
Drakengard is basically if Noah's flood didn't work and God kept throwing bigger and weirder things at us to finally just get rid of humanity.
Your "conscience" is just your moral intuitions that were shaped by your upbringing, which borrowed a lot from Christianity's cultural influence btw. Morality differs from culture to culture, as they are just problem solving heuristics applied to whatever crucial conflict a certain people is exposed to. God enters the picture by acting as a moral system's ultimate enforcer, a made up arbiter whose command and existence provides justification for said system - it is essential for morality as without it you are stuck with nihilism, which you cannot bypass by simply claiming "muh conscience"
hey Dingaling
No wonder you'd think that. You're a schizophrenic in denial. You are mentally ill and the only way for you to get better is to seek treatment.
How do I become the Last Man? Seems comfy.
ME3. No matter what anyone does it's all the same in the end.
you already are the last man
Nier Automata, life is meaningless we all should die.
Nah that goes to Karl Marx the fat fuck who though he deserved the fucking world.
Modern libs aren't the same as back then. You want gun bans and speech laws. Go fuck yourself.
Freud's biggest crime was fucking over Jung
He only revolutionized psychoanalysis and his techniques are still used by almost every psychiatrist to this day. What a "laughing stock".
You... Why? Just why??
“Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary”
― Karl Marx
What a shit game.. Buddy was an asshole
no madder how much you build it all comes crashing down, yet you start over and try again, for that is the human spirit no matter how much we fail WE WILL ENDURE
They emphasize that you can still find your own reasons to live though.
Nigga, I could be living in the darkest reaches of Tibet that's never cared or known Christian teachings.
>You need god to enforce and justify morality otherwise you immediately become nihilist.
Tell me I misunderstood your point here because this is some grade-A retardation.
>communistoid is a barbaric savage who wants to arm children
color me surprised
He is thinking about the commies who took and destroyed the name liberal
no that's existentialism
that's perfectly compatible with nihilism
First you called liberals Marxists.
Then you argued it's because liberals want gun control.
So I quoted Karl Marx's opinions on gun control.
Now you're changing sides.
PS: I couldn't be further from a communist.
>he thinks children are workers
sweetie, labor laws exist for a reason
Kids should be back to work would be good for them... Especially around the 12 to 13 range
It's all just a big misunderstanding and/or slander. All he meant to say is fucking milfs will cure most of your problems.
Desert Bus
>being an atheist unironically