It still hurts, Yea Forums. When will the dream end? When will we wake up to the game we all envisioned...

It still hurts, Yea Forums. When will the dream end? When will we wake up to the game we all envisioned? Where the face off against Solid Snake before the curtain call?

You feel it too, don't you?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Still miles better than the piece of shit that was MGS 4



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It was, sure. It just feels so god damned hollow seeing as it all falls apart before anything good comes of it. In contrast MGS4 was just too much trash.

>man i can't wait to see gray fox in FOX engine

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Dave is more of a hero than that fuck John.


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MGS 4 was the moment the series went to shit. And it never recovered.

MGS4 had a soul

MGS5 on the other hand has nothing

>it's a pcfaggots bash games they've never actually played episode

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If MGS 4 had a soul, then it deserves to be in hell. Completely raped the franchise. Retconned everything good. Ruined MGS 1, 2 and 3 and Metal Gear 1 and 2
Utterly indefensible game, and yet I keep seeing faggots like you pretending otherwise

MGS4 is a mess, mate. Played it.

>let's copy a mobile game's structure
what the FUCK was he thinking?

I completely trust mustards to shit on MGS 4 if they watched it all on youtube. Basically the same experience.


MGS 1 good
MGS 2 good
MSG 3 good
MGS 4 bad
MGS V bad

Actually true.

I think Ground zeroes is amazing though, for what it is.

MGS has the fucking whiniest fanbase that doesnt deserve any of the good things they get. All of the games in the franchise are great, you are blessed with some of the best game ever made. Last entry was in 2015 and its one of the most polished and fun games to play. Yet you treat it like its some nightmare and screech for more. You really dont deserve any of this, there are so many other franchises that would deserve attention.

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>literally every single flaw MGSV has except in a smaller level

I don't want more. MGS 4 was a huge piece of shit and the series should have ended at 3. I'm glad Kojima is done with raping Metal Gear and doing something else.

>MGS4 had a soul

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It is a brilliant game with amazing systems and the potential of being something mind-blowing. But it spills out like an airplane without any oxygen because of the terrible way it handles its characters and plot.

Nigger, PW and MGSV would have had a completely different plot, maybe even a decent one, if it wasn't for making the Patriots your codec team.

Nu-Yea Forums was a mistake. People unironically being MGS 4 apologists now.

the whole vibe of those games is completely off, there's zero fun

The same can and should be said of MGS 4

Well i think it handles everything amazing as a transition from Peace walker.

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You've never played any of those games, you're just parroting the usual 'hurrr movie game bad' talking points that have been circulating on this garbage ass board for the last decade

What's THAT?

4 is too goofy, 5 is too serious
at least 4 feels like a MGS game


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Nigger, I wouldn't mind MGS 4 being a movie game nearly as much if the story of said movie wasn't an atrocity that ruined the plot of the whole series.
Sure, I'd still be kinda bummed out about no VR. And about three acts of basically no stealth gameplay worth a damn.
But the real insult to the injury is the fact the story sucks ass.
There's nothing but technological marvel in MGS 4. It's a horrible, horrible game. One of the biggest declines in a vidya franchise and one of the most over-rated games in the history of this industry. Fuck you.



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>at least 4 feels like a MGS game
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat this. It will never be true, newfag.

playing through MGSV for the first time. Only other entry in the series I've played has been MGS:Twin Snakes so far, which I finished back in 2011.

I'm really enjoying MGSV and I'm considering playing the other games in the series I haven't played (at least as far as MGS goes. Not sure about older Metal Gear games). I really don't get all the complaints with this game, writing or other wise. It's not perfect, but then again, I don't think such a thing exists.

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MGS4 is to this day the most technically stunning game ever made. Games will never be made to that level of quality again. Ever. Just look at MGS5 or the travesty that is Survive.

You can't appreciate a masterpiece because all you've ever played is trash games that take no risks

It's the lack of focus on the story.
The other MGS games focus much more on it, to the point where if you are used to MGSV they might feel tiresome.
Only MGS similar to V is Peace Walker, of which MGSV is a sequel of.

Fuck off retarded hypefag

There's risk taking and then there's straight up being retarded. MGS 4 is the later. I would have absolutely under no circumstances seen the script of this game in paper and think "Huh, maybe this will work, let's try it out, chief"
It's unreal to me that a team of dozens of people okayed this.

how much longer until it dawns on him that he's already done all there is to do?


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Eat a fucking dick dude. Go play monster hunter or something completely insipid. It's more on your level. Kingdom sharts 3 is a bad story. Detroit become a faggot is bad story.

Stupid fucking inbred amerimutt

It's mainly just what the expectations set up, and how they bait chapter 2 to be this huge thing and then nothing happens.

With trailers literally spelling out THE MISSING LINK THAT COMPLETES THE SAGA people are going to expect us to connect the story to MG1 more than "lul in 10 years time Venom snake will have outer heaven assembled".

To be fair, that's the vast majority of games.
Most games show you most of what they are in the first few hours.

You'll see the real thing in November

>metal gear solid 4 is the epitome of quality story-telling

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>"lul in 10 years time Venom snake will have outer heaven assembled"
You really need MGSV to end the second MG1 begins?
Literal brainlet, no wonder Kojima has Solid Snake repeat sentences to make the dialogue retard-proof.
Hell, MGS3's ending was already enough to know why Big Boss did what he did.

Detroit is indeed a bad story, although I give it far more credit than MGS 4 because at least that shit is interactive and has multiple paths. Also, at least it isn't as garbage as Heavy Rain or Beyond: Two Souls.

Never played Kingdom Hearts. Don't know shit about it.

MGS 4 is garbage

I first played the pc version of mgs with a keyboard, mgs4 is trash. I wouldn't even bother pirating it if it were released on pc with a fantastic port.

Uhh, what's this.

I platinum'd it but I still feel the phantom pain

>Hell, MGS3's ending was already enough to know why Big Boss did what he did.
That's why the series should have ended there. Everything past 3 is fan-fiction tier.

Remember to use ENB.

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No, but seeing as TPP ends so abruptly without any satisfactory ending i would've rather have some actual arc that ends with something other than literally replaying the intro again.

Disliking MGS4 is a meme and that's why everyone in this thread is failing to give a single specific example why

It's not about showing big boss' descent. It's about not ending the franchise with a menu repeat of the first mission.

>people start praising MGS2
>the game who's message is partly "Stop paying so much attention to the plot and pay attention to the message"
>the same people praising MGS2 keep asking why MGSV isn't about Big Boss fucking around with Grey Fox

Metal Gear fans will always be a bunch of 60 IQ posers.

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Can't blame them. They are ruled by their memes.

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>Johnny and Meryl's marriage
>self-indulgence at every turn with "remember this part from the other games?" bullshit
>complete disregard of stealth in favor of GUNS GUNS GUNS GUNS
>Drebin and his monkey
>lol i have a MGS exclamation mark as a hairstyle!
>completely uninspired bosses without any individual personalities

I still like and respect it though. But it has its flaws.

>We are a sentient A.I. responsible for controlling the entire world's culture and war economy for the past half decade, nothing will ever stop us
>Hurr hey guys I'm Liquid now
>WTF we better let ourselves get hacked by this dude
>Hahaha I Was only pretending to be Liquid
MGS 4 apologists will defend this

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And the message of TPP's chapter 2 is... ???

Yeah, that's something i'll never be able to understand, how the fuck did Ocelot pretending to be Liquid "fool" the AI?
Why couldn't he have done everything he did as just Ocelot?

Why would the patriots let themselves get hacked by Liquid anyways? In fact, shouldn't they be far more concerned and prepared to defend themselves against Liquid than against Ocelot? This shit made no sense and was obviously a retcon inside a retcon inside a retcon written in five minutes before the deadline. Kojima is a hack.

Fuck off retard newfag

You fuck off, there will never be a good MGS thread again. All you do is whine how shitty your franchise is. All of MGS discussion here is ruined forever, why do you even come to these thread anymore? Why do I come here?

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Holy shit you're so fucking wrong about this it's not even funny. I hate faggots like you, seriously. The gameplay in MGSV was perfect, but literally everything else about it was garbage shit. If you really want to keep saying this shit LITERALLY go back to playing the bing bing wahoos. Fuck.
MGS4 is a masterpiece.

There's none, it's an unfinished mess, but that's a different kind of problem.
Kojima said ages ago he would never make a Metal Gear about events that have already been told about.

The only thing that continues to make me angry about MGSV is that I more or less knew in advance that I wasn't going to like the game. Open-world games have always been tedious and boring to me, and this open world game was going to have the absolutely godawful base-management and grinding from Peace Walker on top of that. It being yet another bullshit prequel about Big Boss was another thing I wasn't too keen on. But still bought the game and spent way too much time playing it out of some stupid, misplaced sense of obligation, since I had been a long time fan of the series.
Ground Zeroes also gave me a false sense of hope for TPP, since the missions in that were actually more varied and fun. If it had lived up to that, I probably would have liked the game in spite of the story and other unappealing elements, but it didn't. In retrospect, I really wish that I had just ignored the game entirely and spent all that time elsewhere.

>MGS4 is a masterpiece.
Dude, MGS4 was so bad that not only it ruined the conclusion to the franchise, and the MG games that would come afterwards.


>the absolutely godawful base-management and grinding from Peace Walker on top of that
Well, the base management think can be done automatically, and the grinding is unnecesary save for the Fulton for a mission that asks you to extract a container.

When the fuck did I say that the franchise is bad, its my favorite fucking series, but MGSV is so fucking bad
I literally cannot comprehend how anyone who's played all the games can defend that piece of fucking garbage

But yea I agree with everything else you said, discussing the series on fucking redd1t is probably better than this shithole

>i'm sad this game that never existed doesn't exist
It's time to get over it.

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Are MGSfags the most melodramatic fanbase ever on the internet?
lmao, 4 fucking years crying man.

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To me it would have been the perfect conclusion to everything and where it all should have ended. I mean MGSV was fun to play but it was just dogshit at the end of the day because of how glaringly incomplete and meaningless it was.

He's saying that he wishes MGS threads wouldn't have been
over and over for almost half a decade now.

>To me it would have been the perfect conclusion to everything and where it all should have ended
That means you're retarded

That, and the fact that they only care about the story, they don't give a shit about gameplay.
Then these same people have the balls to ask for gameplay of Death Stranding when it's obvious they don't give a shit about it and just want to shit on DS because MGSV wasn't a movie.
It would be hilarious if DS was actually a movie game like the older MGS games.

MGS is nothing without its story.

can you turbo virgins stop acting like mgsv was the biggest disappointment in the history of the universe? the base story was pretty solid. the only thing that fell apart was the sub plot with eli, but honestly, who gives a shit? the kid was so inconsequential to the story you could literally dress him up as a teletubby and still have a bigger impact on the overall narrative.

also why do you retards all of the sudden care about story? are sony games finally something we can discuss on this board or what?

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I really just can't wait for the goddamned meme to end.

The story in 5 was incomprehensible dog shit, but an even bigger problem is the awful level/mission design and the complete pointlessness of the open world. They got lazy.


>they got lazy
Previous games were much smaller and requiered much less effort.
Hell, MGS1, 2 and 3 have some of the worst gameplay in the stealth genre.

It will end the second MGS 4 somehow retro-actively becomes a game with a good story that didn't rape the series past the point of no return
a.k.a.: never

Are you fuckin retarded dude?

they were smaller because there was stuff in them, not just copy paste bases in a wasteland

MGSV could have been good even with the Venom thing, it just needed a better execution.
Big Boss was never "evil", he just became a warmongerer.
Making it so Big Boss manipulates Venom, AKA You, the player,, to show his downfall is actually a pretty original idea.
It just needed to be more story heavy.

In fact, if they really wanted to go full "Venom is you" they should have made MGSV an RPG with dialogue choices and different endings. Sure, it would always end in Venom being destined to be in Outer Heaven, but the rest of the story could be it's own thing.

What are you talking about?
MGS1 and 2 were samey as fuck, and MGS3's entire forest areas were boring as hell too.
Gameplay in MGS has always been an afterthought, and you can feel it as you play it, in how awkward the controls are, how often gameplay is cut for yet another 30 minute long cutscene or codec call.

>Gameplay in MGS has always been an afterthought
this is very wrong

Then it seems like Shinkawa is the only talent there's been in Kojipro.

the gameplay in V also sucks

And even then it's the best the franchise has ever seen.
MGSV is the only Kojima game that i've ever felt like replaying.

I will always appreciate that Kojima just makes whatever the fuck he wants, no shits given about the fanbase or anybody else

I never got into the MG series on account of my being a complete and total pleb. Do you guys have retards who hold hyper-contrarian opinions about which games in the series are the best and that you shouldn't play [the latest game in the series] because it's unfaithful to the prior games or some other gibberish? I've been on Yea Forums for over a decade and I've literally only ever seen people suck Kojima's dick.

Is this just because of the whole
thing, so the devs actually listen to their fanbase, or am I offbase here?

>There will never be an MGS3 with the controls of 4
The biggest sin of all.

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Actually he did.
MGS4 was a movie, so he listened to people and focused on the gameplay.
People complained about MGSV being focused on the gameplay, so he's making a movie again.

1-3 are great
4 has parts people really like and parts people really don't like
5 is an unfinished mess that could have been good

Yea Forums's done almost nothing but shit on Kojima for almost four years now.


Most people like all of the games but they still argue about which one's better. The hyper contrarians are the ones that just write off the whole series as pretentious because NO FUN ALLOWED.
>the devs actually listen to their fanbase, or am I offbase here?
Kojima is probably the only dev that doesn't listen to his fanbase because, but still manages to make quality games because he's simply telling his story how he wants.

I still remember the fucking meltdown for MGS4 over 10 years ago. If you though MGSV was bad you have no idea.

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based oldfag
The amount of people I've seen on Yea Forums going "Oh bro, trust me, we loved MGS 4 back in the day, I don't know why we've turned contrarian on it now"

If anything, MGS 4 apologism has increased exponentially in the past half decade.

4 was good enough to make people care about the story being retarded

That had nothing to do with the fanbase. MGSV was a video game instead of a movie because according to him cutscenes are an outdated form of storytelling in games and audio tapes were the future. DS is going to be the same shit as MGSV, it's another open world game without much story, except now you won't be able to call in a chopper to skip the wandering through an empty open world part.

No, that's the stupidest fucking defense of MGS 4 I've ever heard. By that logic, MGS V is excellent too.

>When will we wake up to the game we all envisioned?
Never. Konami will never get its shit together and release a new MGS game that lives up to all the false advertising that Kojima did. But, if you have a good and powerful PC, then you ccan you can buy MGSV and install Infinite Heaven, beware tho, that mod doesn't seem to work properly with the Geforce GTX 1050 TI for some weird reason.

People complain about MGSV being unfinished.
MGS4 is a game that I wish it was unfinished.

nobody cares about 5's story

I just remember it being a focal point of all the console war threads (JUST A MOVIE LOL, PS3 HAS NO GAME.) And a lot of the actual discussion about it was the dumb fucking moments and cutscene length. People tended to agree that Acts 1 & 2 was MGS3 gameplay at it's best and the fucking online was amazing.

God I fucking miss MGO. That laggy piece of shit with people diving in and out of carboards will always be a treasure of unqiue online gameplay experinces.

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People care so much that even in 2019 Yea Forums still has multiple threads every day complaining about the story. You're posting in one right fucking now.

Well, to be honest, it doesn't take much to be miles better than MGS4.

That isn't "soul", that's cheap fan service.

the thread is just people complaining that 5 is a disappointing mess, not about any particular part of its story

that doesn't make a lick of sense, pham

OP is complaining about the ending of the story not being the Solid Snake fanfic he wanted.

MGS2>MGS3>MGS1>Peacewalker>Rising>MGS4>Portable ops>MGSV

Condensed linear gameplay > running around an empty sandbox littered with outposts.
I'll take the failed MGS game over the third person Call of Duty game pretending to be an MGS game. V is fucking garbage. In fact, I think it's one of the best in the franchise. Fight me.

>caring about story
Skip the cutscenes, faggot.

Also forgot to say that MGS1 has the best story in the series.
Solid Snake>Raiden>Big Boss

This hurts. 4 had the best controls.

MGS3 > MGS2 = MGS1 > MG2 > MG1

Non-Cannon included
MGS3 > MGS2 = MGS1 > MGSV > Rising > MGS4 > PW > PO

No amount of denial will take away the fact that 4, V, R, and PW are all canon.

Watch me

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>game is called the phantom pain
>people always going to bitch about content that isn't there
Kojima you brilliant bastard


What's even funnier is that MG1 and MG2 are no longer canon.

Looks like this zoomer doesn't know the rules of nature.

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What does the ENB do?

Being retarded on purpose is still being retarded.


You slobbering retard

Liquid was able to hack the AI because he has Ocelot's genetic code. Ocelot was a founding member of the Patriots along with Zero and Big Boss.

It was Ocelot that fooled the AI, not his assumed Liquid persona.

Do you faggots even read or do you just log on to Yea Forums and shitpost?


Late comers to a franchise dump on old games they've never played

they are canon
slightly tweaked

Based MGS 4 apologist doesn't even know the story of his own garbage game.
The game says that Ocelot was able to hack The Patriots because he pretended to be Liquid (when he actually wasn't). Big Boss explicitly says this at the end of the game.

How the fuck is he, by pretending to be Liquid, a guy that wanted to destroy the patriots (also according to yet another retcon from MGS 4) supposed to make him better at hacking them? Why would he hypnotize himself as Liquid? What benefit did that give him? It's the most retarded shit of all time. MGS 4 is trash.

it's the death stranding opening a portal to silent hills

It improves MGSV's bland lighting.

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It still hurts...

When MGS2 subverted expectations the result was still kino. MGSV is far from kino.

MGS2 > MGS1 > MGS3 > MGS4 = MGSV > MG2 > MG1 > PW

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MGSV doesn't have an ENB, what you mean is Reshade

Only after Youtubers explained to you that it was a "masterpiece" because Jack = jack where you connect shit.
Don't pretend that MGS2 didn't get shit on for an entire decade.
Hell, MGS4 exists entirely because of the complaints about MGS2.

It's this.
Not sure if it is an ENB or Reshade, but whatever, it looks nice.

>Only after Youtubers explained to you that it was a "masterpiece" because Jack = jack where you connect shit.
Stop assuming. I always liked MGS2 since it came out and I played it.
>Don't pretend that MGS2 didn't get shit on for an entire decade.
It got shit on by plebs.

It got shat on by everyone.
MGS fanboys now like pretending they always liked MGS2, just like they now pretend they always hated Kojima.
A fanbase full of dishonest posers who can't accept that they are too stupid even to understand the campaign of a Call of Duty game.

Why didn't Kojima have Gray Fox in any of the canon Big Boss games anyways?
He played a pretty major role in the series up through MGS1 and was arguably as loyal to BiBo as Ocelot.

No, you don't understand MGS2, you just pretend to do so, after all, you are the kind of person who uses the word "kino" unironically.
You are the kind to say that MGS2 is a masterpiece, and then wonder why MGSV isn't about Big Boss fucking around in Africa with Grey Fox, even though the entire point of MGS2 is just Kojima saying that he cares far more about delivering a message than telling a specific story.

Even more considering MGS' lore is absolute garbage, something that MGS fanboys refuse to accept because not even they know why they like it.
They claim they want a serious story, but even Kojima thinks the story is fucking stupid and is full of goofy shit that has no place in it.
They claim they like MGS2, that it's their favourite and what not, but they don't ask for games that make any questions about humanity, they just want more loreshit about Big Boss.

idk user, but it was posted in 2016 too

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MGSV is objectively the best game in the series, and all other entries are nostalgia bait jank. You literally can’t deny this.


Because liquid has part of big bosses genetic code you dumbfuck

Ocelot harvested genetic material from liquid and used it to partially bypass the AI lockout system. He also had to submit some kind of biometric data which is where the false persona comes in

It was effectively a double agent move. He was playing both sides (the Patriots and Philanthropy)

Ocelot using hypnotic suggestion to become Liquid psychologically was a brilliant way of tying up the most retarded plot hole in franchise history (muh talking arm). Liquid died at Shadow Moses. The arm was just a prop. In MGS4 you can see Ocelot ditched it for a prosthetic

>Because liquid has part of big bosses genetic code you dumbfuck
He only pretended to be him, though. Through self-hypnosis. Go see the fucking video. The game you're defending disproves you.
>Ocelot using hypnotic suggestion to become Liquid psychologically was a brilliant way of tying up the most retarded plot hole in franchise history (muh talking arm)
Of course a MGS 4 apologist thinks MGS 2 is stupid. Retard.

>Ocelot harvested genetic material from liquid and used it to partially bypass the AI lockout system
Why would it work like that? The game doesn't properly explain this and it makes no sense. Also, he already had Big Boss's and Solidus Snake's body to do this anyways. Nice try, but MGS 4 is still retarded.

mgo3 sucks

Only retard here is you for not being able to understand it.

Liquid and Solid have different genetic codes. Solidus and Big Boss are identical.

In act 1 he tries using liquids code to break into the AI system. That produces the neurological symptoms in the PMCs and everyone else who's in the system. Later he uses Solid's genetic code in SA but that doesn't work either, which is why vamp says we need the original.

Just pay attention for once and stop drooling all over yourself and you might understand it

The arm in mgs2 was liquids arm you autist. They did some kind of donor thing. It would have had liquids cells inside its tissues. At some point Ocelot ditched the arm for a prosthetic

So, in other words, him pretending to be Liquid accomplished absolutely nothing? Excellent writing.

That's according to the wiki, but Big Boss explicitly says in the final cutscene that there is nothing that can make you be actually possessed by anyone.
>MGS 4 is so shit it contradicts its own writing
Shocker, I know

No shit, he was never actually possessed. He just tricked himself into believing he was.

Portable Ops

For no good reason. Thanks for proving my point about how MGS 4 is retarded.