How much fun can I have without spending a dollar? Can I unlock characters and slurty costumes playing free? Downloading on my ps4 now. What did you think of the game
How much fun can I have without spending a dollar? Can I unlock characters and slurty costumes playing free...
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Hope you like Hitomi or Kasumi cause that's all you'll get for free.
Just play doaxvv
You can still get outfits but you only have Kasumi, Bass, fagit Diego, and best girl Hitomi.
do you like the idea of a fighting game but with anime tities? then this is the fighter for you.
Me on the left
>Downloading on my ps4 now.
You poor child.
I'd love to run my tengu futa-dick between Hitomi's toned shoulder-blades.
I Love Tina!
Blue board, user (ps: I can see Nyo's nutsack)
>tfw no multi-girl win poses for volleyball matches
I want them to hug each other after winning, giving butt bumps and the like. Flavor it with the personalities of the girls, like have Ayane hug Kasumi, then remember herself and push her away and try to regain her aloofness, or have Tamaki molest her partner every time, or have Misaki get all flustered after she gets turned on by Honoka mashing her honkers against her.
Why is this burd stealing Lei Fang's best friend?
Everyone wants Hitomi
no one wants Hitomi. stay away from her. every one stay away from her. she's mine.
I don't think the birb was prepared for just how eager and energetic the little german girl is.
>play Diego
>ryona punch waifu fags favorite girls
>shitty censorship means I don't get to subject the worst of the waifu fags to seeing their favorite girl get rocked in the face
I want Hitomi and so does Nyo
Why did they change that anyway?
Because Marie and Honoka fags are sub human and would screech endlessly if they saw them get really hurt, Nico was designed to appeal to the same fags and that's why she's also censored
to make incel faggots seethe
NiCO a cute
>DOA6 fans promote domestic violence
New girl fucking when?
Ironically they still allow it on Ayane, who is younger than both Honoka and Marie. Japanese waifu-fags hate the mechanic and hate seeing the top two girls in Japan get bruised and bloodied, and draw the line at slow-mo face punching.
Electric pussy!
Pretty sure they mean new girl when in the only game that anyone cares about: Venus Vacation.
That makes more sense. NiCO in VV when?
She's popular in Japan, so she should make it in eventually, unlike Tina, Lisa, et al. They will have to convert her to a DOA5 model, but that's basically just taking Nagisa's model and slapping a blue wig on it.
Why do the Japs hate the women?
Her butt deserves the lewdest thong.
No Rachel no buy
Japs have notoriously shit taste when it comes to girls in anything.
>tfw all your favorite doa girls are at the bottom of popularity polls ao they never get in anything
They hate the hags not the women
Hope for a Last Round Edition
I really want her in xtreme 3 but I know that's never gonna happen
They aren't hags though
They're hags to pedophiles
They like Nyo. Tamaki also seems pretty popular. They just don't like gaijin women.
But Nyo is "18"
She's good at pretending
>Downloading on my ps4 now
People still reduce themselves to the PS4? Why? Most generic exclusives, worst controller, console sounds like a jet, PC and Switch exist.
>she'll never be in Xtreme, VV, or 6
Rachel is a lust goddess
Just pirate it on PC, you pussy
What games would this bird even play?
DOA6 has no slutty costumes, sorry user.
There's a crack where you can unlock everything on f2p version and play against paying players.
It's fun.
What if I like all the girls?
I'd like to kiss her forehead
You're good
OP is a dumbfuck underage console player. They're a hopeless bunch.
I just want Lei Fang
Rape Ayane!
So does NyoTengu for some reason.
Cock-milking games
>For some reason
Isn't it obvious?
Whoops! How'd that get in that folder?
Nyo in DOA6 looks a bit silly.
t. literal button-mashing retard
Ayane is not for raping
Ayane is for raping.
What is the point of this post?
Is Rachel the type of girl who sits on your lap just to tease?
I like to make webms of my subpar videogame moments
That's quite an inviting pose.
>tfw E+ Rank going up against an S+ Rank
>someone posts some actual gameplay
>immediately complain about it
DOAfags in a nutshell
It's pretty satisfying getting off Holds
>Smash removes the Xenoblade boob window
>DoA puts it back
Until you can't take it anymore
That's because Lei is bae and has been best girl since the start
>someone asks if they're going to enjoy the game
>retard says no and proceeds to show gameplay from 2 people who don't know how to play as if to imply that's what the game is like
fuck you nigger
But that's not fair. It's impossible to win.
if you get into a hi hold, it is squarely your own fault
What the hell even are these costumes?
isn't there a steam cracked version available?
Fuck you nigga, enjoy your watersports you low test bitch
I am myself interested in seeing higher level gameplay desu
got any?
Did Shimbori got fire?.
He basically killed DOA.
also have the last one, haven't got any more to torture you with
Games where she can't lose are Nyo's favorite. She's also not above cheating
Kicked upstairs, just like Hayashi. He's off the project and will never be allowed any hands-on input ever again.
Is this the stealth Beenus Vacation thread?
Hopefully one of the younger guys can save this franchise. Or do the impossible and rehire Itagaki even though he retired.
No. Don't post Marie.
Yeah, I'm getting a little better at pulling them off now.
Doesn't matter who it is. Upper management won't put anyone in charge of a project who is willing to defy them in order to make an interesting game. Everything comes down from above, Hayashi and Shimbori were just there to take the fall when the games ultimately fail (remember Hayashi's waffling excuses over DOA5 dlc and X3 not coming to the west?), but they were both safe, good management types who did what they were told and took the blame so their bosses could save face. They certainly would never have the balls of the prestige within the company to do what they wanted like Itagaki did, and that's burning the series now. KT won't tolerate another creative maverick.
>I am myself interested in seeing higher level gameplay
Higher level gameplay just has more accurate attacks and less wiffing, but looks fairly similar. The biggest thing about DoA is that it's half mind games - it's half Yomi, or either reading an opponent or training them. So a lot of higher level play involves understanding what an opponent is about to do or getting them to react in a particular way in order to know what they're going to do.
I think CEO had a DOA6 tournie recently. Probably on Youtube now.
You can have literally everything using modified steam client because base game is free to play and they dont use anticheat.
What a sneaky birb
Literally ''D'OH HO HO HO HO HO" The Character
God I wish that was me
Jesus fuck why is every modern fighting game character so shit
NiCO is cute and fun
Why does she bully them?
Is this reverse psychology?
She's a burd, she doesn't know any better.
Sounds like it
Literally her taunt.
join my lobby right now play with me
Because it makes her feel superior
PLEASE I am waiting join my lobby
There's only 1 " slutty " costumes in DoA6 and you gotta buy the characters that do not come in the Core fighters version . Honestly you should play DoAXVV if you want the ecchi , right now DoA6 is probably the safier fighter when it comes to lewd costumes .
I will join your lobby. I hope your internet is good enough to play with Australia btw.
more in this costume?
I have no more, sorry
When will they release her for general public?
> no tanlines
how much until this costume comes to the Steam version? im saving everything for it
A few weeks after Leifang arrives.
This seems to roughly outline the release schedule
I would imagine it would coincide with the anniversary for Steam ver.
Marie looks cute and her fighting style is quite funny.
thanks, pretty useful
how can i live my life knowing i'll never have marie rose squirming underneath my body as i give her a mating press?
That's kinda mean
Just find a Marie, bro
Does such a perfect killing machine exist in the real world? Wouldn't everyone know it if there was?
Perfect girls like Marie won't exist until mankind develops human engineering
Would you really want multiple girls like Marie running around? One is already too many.
Any of you know what suits are coming in the second half of the current steam event?
It depends. Do you enjoy fighting games? Because if you just want to oogle at the models, you're better off getting an Illusion game.
god i wish i were marie
I enjoy watching Marie vs Zack.
Jann Lee is such a fag
Lame. Guess I'm saving stones next week too.
Luna goes free the week after
Isn't Marie older than Kasumi/Ayane?
There really is something wrong with him
Older than Ayane, Luna, and NiCO (NiCO is the youngest DOA)
I thought they were "18?"
They're all 18 in the mainline games, but Dead or Alive: Dimensions features the characters in a bit of backstory for the series. Since it was a year or two before the first game, this pissed off some EU country or two for featuring "violence against an underage woman" and so that game got banned in whatever country nobody cares about.
DoA:D had some pretty shit controls with the thumbpad so isn't really worth playing. The d-pad is even worse.
yeah but Marie is aging like a fine wine, unlike them
Subtle smug
not so subtle
> only 5 years older than Marie
looks older
God I love this cute autistic moonbunny. I'm afraid I'm not gonna have enough stones to get her now.
She does look a bit older than that
user what the fuck are you doing? The advertisers won't be liking this.
I want to be Christie's assassin-partner and be teased by her every day
If only she didnt have such a retarded fighting style.
you don't like snakes user?
What's wrong with Snake woman?
I don't know why I see so many people saying she's a boring uggo. I can't avoid imagining running my tongue through her perfect pale skin while she's unsure and a little confused of why I'm doing it.
I hope the ~40k stones I'll have by next next week will be enough to get her, but I was already stung before out of +75k for nothing so I might be setting myself up for disappointment.
> purple hair
> red eyes
More like the opposite of lame. How many girls do you know with red eyes?
>not liking She Quan
Just get doax3 fortune instead.
Believe user. And yeah she does have really pale skin compared to the others. So does Fiona.
Samurai Shodown
tfw no assassin gf
It might be the pale skin lover in me but I positively want to kiss her all over. ALL over, every single inch of her body. Please be nice to me RNG, just this one time.
>no globe-trotting gf who takes you with her on her various job-related trips
Poor Marie
why live lads
I feel a mighty need.
don't fall for that
Chestlets btfo.
I got this on my 7th and 8th pull, so 2 of them were free.
What do you do with dupes, anyway? Should I break it down into coins or whatever?
When will they learn?
If the suit has a malfunction, you add your dupes to it (Awakening) to max it out an unlock that. You also increase the chance of the suit's abilities kicking in
Too late
i always exchange all non Marie or Honks cotumes into coins and awake duplicates
Since this is just a dump at this point, what's the oldest pic you have saved of your doafu?
I hope that's not your oldest pic, user
Do they have any idea how seductive they are?
I didn't get into DOA because of her, I just happened to around the time she was out.
I've been playing the series for a long time, I just don't have pics from them. Would be nice to have some ports or remasters of the Xbox games since emulation hasn't gone anywhere.
Ayane in her prime
You could always use classic fanart
>the absolute state of fighting games
I think it's time fighting games retire for good. It's clear the kikes are going just going to keep ruining them more and more until there's nothing left
looks like a boy
I would never be able to say no to that pretty face.
How is it jewish to offer the game for free and you pay a few bucks for the characters you like (very few people use every character), as opposed to charging however much for the game with half the cast you'll never use?
Honestly I don't know how any man can resist that
Superior Chinese dress making technology
user no... I can't...
It's great for fighters where mastering a character can take a long time and most people just devote their time to one or two.
Well, there is one logical reason
Can't, the advertisers would freak out.
so not doa
You can
Juggling is hard. No bully.
See what's great about getting Lei in the sack is that she's super competitive. So if you make her organism she's gonna want to return the favor twice over. You'll have railed her against the wall till cummed her brains out and after dumping a load into her brain you'd think it's over. But nope. You'd be sitting back on the bed and find a heaving, determined, Chinese girl straddling you just to have the last fuck.
None of that dead fish Itaaaaaaih crap.
Wait what. When do you get this outfit for Hitomi?
My heart cannot take it.
I wish doa6 good competitively. This season 2 better change shit up.
Season 2?
Shit, is season 1 about to end soon? Do I still get all the DLC if I buy the season pass after?
Season 1 is already over (Mai and Kula were the last bit) and they are showing off the plan for season 2 at the next event on July 20th. Its some european event. I'm holding out on some hope that it changes the game more and isn't just bikinis.
And Zack Island has been datamined.
Just give me Rachel
Apparently, she and miji won't be in DOA6 because of their ties to Ninja Gaiden, so we're boned.
I'm gonna have dreams with this bunny. And that's a beautiful thing.
How many fingers does Helena have inside Christie?
isn't ninja gaiden dead anyway
only one
christie is sensitive like that
that's the wonders of copyrights user
it doesn't matter if a franchise hasn't had a new game in like 7 centuries, if you make one but don't have the rights for it, that's a lawsuit right there
Is Kanna the lewdest, literal semen demon so far? She makes Nyo seem like an inexperienced, innocent schoolgirl?
Is this a mod?
Where do I find that?
Is she fisting the bird?
We'll see Momiji, right?
God I hope so. She's a nice girl
forget Kokoro or Honoka if there's a legit mentally retarded DOA character is Kanna
Who's on part 2 of Tamaki's event?
paid mods by huchi $9/mo i think and you get them all
Aren't they made by the same company?
Please tell me there's a part 2.
Check the thread, it's already been posted.
probably one of the promotional hitomi pics from doa5
A true lewd girl, taking 3 tengu fingers with no issue!
It was really fun for few weeks on Yea Forums once it went free 2 play and before VV had steam release shit that shitted the threads into oblivion and nobody playing and having fun with an actual fighting game.
I bought NiCo the best girl and mained her and had tons of fun, unfortunately I don't have friends to play with and git gut better with so interest eventually dropped since threads also dropped here on the board.
Community really means a lot eh.
Theres plenty of doa focused discords you can waddle into if you want to learn to play the game. You can make new friendos and such.
I want to pound Kanna's anus.
You don't like the gacha community? They have tons of discussions about how bad their rolls are and how to use bots.
At least the whales for the gachashit might be able to keep this series alive.
Kanna's butt is for fingers only!
I'm not sure I'd consider gacha as being alive unless they're actually using the profits for other projects. Not sure how many do that besides Cygames.
I will say it's better than other gachas because people can rip the assets and use them for animations or mods. Then again, that's because the gacha already borrows assets from older games, so it's a weird cycle.
How do you even use bots in Venus Vacation?
Tamaki is lewd!