Buyer's remorse thread

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Elder scrolls online

The original Thief, absolute trash

Kirby Star Allies

paid $60 for this

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Ouch that hurts just to think about user hope you get well soon

got tricked into buying this meme game. looks like a damn ps2 game.

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Will I experience any?

Brink is an excellent game in a mediocre game. Titanfall's progenitor.

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Rising Storm 2
Far Cry 2
Turbo Dismount
Stranded Deep

I thought it was worth the 5_ dollars i payed a few month later.

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>14 minutes

what the fuck is wrong with you? its a good game. didn't even give it a fucking chance.

This, how could you possibly dropped it after 14 minutes.


fuck this game

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I got lost so I gave up.

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You have problems OP, what the fuck did you even make it into the game?

also deus ex, 2 first borderlands, mgsv tpp (gz is better), arma 3, the beginner's guide, crypt of the necrodancer, terraria, risk of rain, pathologic, witcher 1 and skyrim
i really need to stop buying shit games

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Just admit you wanted to start a Metro thread OP

>Bought that piece of shit for full price through retail with no prior research

Gravity Rush.
Only game on the PS4 I wanted to uninstall and forget.

You dont even deserve a (you) for that post

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What's so bad about Last Light? I thought it was pretty decent; I didn't replay it a bunch of times for a total of 50 hours like 2033 tho.

Very bad zoomer post

>deus ex
>witcher 1

kill yourself

This game was concocted in hell by living shits.
Just add the bow target mod BEFORE attempting to play this.

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Go back to r eddit, kiddo.

This game is kind of dumb i wish i could replace it with space engine

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>implying Witcher 1 isnt objectively shit

ebin contrarianism bro

Jump Force + Season Pass.

>witcher 1
I don't know how that shitpile got a sequel, but I'm glad it did as W2 improves on it in every way.

The witcher 3

>deus ex
>"wow this game's political statements truly speak to me, goat i say! goat!"
>shit stealth system
>no point to even play pacifist since ranged doesn't work immediately and melee / taser take too long
>witcher 1
>rhythm game disguised as a fantasy rpg
>15 minutes to walk across a fucking village just to do one objective
nice games
BASED and REDPILLED my friend

>le epic it ain't me maymay
RS2 shills should all kill themselves. RO2/RS1 was already a step back from the first Red Orchestra, this is just fucking ridiculous. It's Battlefield with most of the HUD turned off.

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gosh i remember playing RO1 when i was poor and couldnt even run RO2 and it was a blast

The day I learned to always do the opposite of what Yea Forums says.

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Basically my whole Steam library expect for Mordhau and COH 2.

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It's a shame that RO1 is totally dead now. Last weekend there was a grand total of 10 people online each time I checked.

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The Division. What a fucking joke.


This. I mean, I don't regret it fully, but boy oh boy do them games suck

I bought this game without any friends

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I backed Bloodstained and opted for the Switch version. Nobody can beat that in terms of buyer's remorse.

>100+ hours
>buyers remorse
thats not how this works

Bruh, last light is an excellent game. It maintains everything that made the first good and adds a ton of new shit. It's one of the few times Deep Silver didn't totally fuck up.

i don't know what you expected
i bought smash ultimate with no intention to pay for the online service
it's like these people that realize their life is a mess at the age of 40
it takes some time to truly understand

Normally I would say "you can't judge a game in 10 mins" but after playing it for 2 hours, I had the same experience
Boring, bland as fuck """""metroidvania"""""

Identify yourself with the phrase 'ugly and janky'

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Pic related. Although only FF13 fits the buyer's remorse, the rest were massive disappointments.

more like shit taste thread lmao

This thread in a nutshell:
>I played this game for 100 hours shits so bad
>Look how big of a contrarian faggot I am. Am I fitting in yet?

Forgot pic

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Doesn't excuse him from dropping a game after 10 minutes. You know, maybe he doesn't have shit taste like you.

Dragon Age: Inquisition. First game in my life I ever pawned.

>in my top 10
>quads of truth say it sucks

The only two times I've felt buyer's remorse was Alien Colonial Marines and Fear 3. Bought Colonial Marines at launch because my friends were too blinded to avoid buying it and I just bit the bullet with them, and I got Fear 3 for 5 dollars on a Steam sale and I still regret it.

In addition to my previous post (pawned DA:I) the PS4 was the first console that I didn't really feel anything like "attachment" in the sense I did for previous iterations. I played Bloodborne, MHW, XCOM, Friday the 13th, then sold it.

i don't know any game with that name user, why don't you just name some games you regretted getting that do exist?

Milsim spergs like you are killing military fps games

Did you prefer W3 to W1?

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Even if I could get it to run properly the maps aren't very good.

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>got tricked

Mentally weak and shit taste.

could be worse, you could have bought exodus.

Not putting this here necessarily because it's a bad game. I got to enjoy it for a little while in 2018, but then September came around and Nintendo Switch Online was unveiled, making this $60 game basically unplayable unless extra was paid on top of that. This pissed me off at the time, so I just started playing Steam games instead and later Smash Ultimate once that came out. Now, the final splatfest is going to happen soon and once that happens, everyone will leave and the game will essentially be dead.

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kys zoomer

I bought this
>and i'll never 'buy' dlc for it

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Guild Wars 2 always
there's games that have had a worse price/played performance but no game has disappointed me more
I'm still mad

>buying EA games
do you have brain damage?

loved jc3 but this was a disaster

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I'm sorry bro

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all this shit was Early Access. I got burned too many times by this shit as a teen.


Interstellar Marines

Contagion (was being made by the Zombie Panic guys too :( )

Spacebase DF9

some game with gnomes that wanted to be Dwarf Fortress with graphics

many other games

>It's Battlefield with most of the HUD turned off.
I wish. Then I could actually use vehicles.

What's bad about it?

I really loved it when humble bundle sold a bundle with Dead island (not the definitive edition) in it and the game is pretty much unplayable without mods on steam. t-thanks

starbound is really good if you just like to build stuff

This garbage.

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I pre ordered and played it for a few years I enjoyed it ;)

It wasn't a terrible game but it wasn't a proper sequel to Guild Wars either

devs let it die before doing anything

I definitely don't like autistic lego simulators like Minecraft. I never played Starbound past beta.