Have you ever been stuck in a game?

Have you ever been stuck in a game?

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Oh god don't remember me

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If you decide to crawl into a hole like that you honestly deserve to die.

Yeah, I still get softlocked sometimes in Super Metroid randomizer

>Super Metroid randomizer
What's that?

A hack that randomizes where all the items are in Super Metroid while limiting possible spawn points to make the game still beatable. You have to know some speedrunning tricks though and also not be an idiot like me and go behind bomb blocks with no morph ball bombs


Wow, that sounds extremely fucking awesome. I had no idea that this was a thing. Thanks a ton, bro.

Randomizers are really fun. There's even a combined Link to the Past Super Metroid randomizer where items appear cross games and you portal over from game to game

He was crawling up before the cave tipped over, it's not his fault.

Happens all the time.

>Nutty Putty Cave

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did he died

Hi Ted

Oh nonononono.

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oh shit my sides


Thats not the nutty putty cave guy btw. That guy got out fine

I both love and hate these threads

this gotta be the most retarded hobby

imagine dying in a place called the nutty putty

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some people have to do this kind of shit to feel alive

>sorry, we can't save you, user.

Why couldn't they just pull him out? Like what the fuck? So what if they hurt him and break a couple of bones.

If I recall correctly it's because they were a bunch a christcucks who instead decided to pray for help

By the point they considered that possibility the shock of his bones breaking would give him a heart attack because of the blood pooling at his head or something or other

At last, I truly see.

.......the fuck? how does that even work?

>break bones
>kill him
>death is now on someones hands instead of a freak accident

Is there a worse way to die? this shit gives me anxiety by only imagining being there.

why didn't they just break the rocks around him

aren't caves on a very specific balance?
like, if you tried to break him out of there, you might cause a cave-in

They did try, they set up a pully system to pull him out but it collapsed.

i don't mean collapse the entire fucking cave, just chip away bits around him until he passes

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no, he's actually alive, a lot of people think this is the nutty putty cave guy

The moment where it was more or less clear that he'll die otherwise they should've just morphined him up and do it anyway. I doubt he would've been against it knowing that the alternative is certain death anyway.

ROM hack magic

>nutty putty cave

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>unlike me who sits on my ass all day complaining about trannies and jannies while masturbating to loli
Ah yes, truly a life worth living.

Not enough space.

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No, some people do it in underwater caves too.

who are you quoting

Execution by a Mexican cartel.

Everybody involved was a dumbass. They didn't even pull his body out, they just covered it with fucking cement. It's still there.

>body is still in there

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Seeing this diagram makes it even more horrific.

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How did he get in that space in the first place?

I'm clearly generalizing the population of Yea Forums you mongoloid.

It sounds like a fucking Mario level.

>In this video I'll be showing you how I completed Nutty Putty Cave in 0.5x braincells. But first, we need to clear something up.

That's a pillow with a head photoshopped onto it

>man's head photoshopped onto a pillow.jpg

First time I played Metal Gear Solid as a kid I had to redo the Ocelot torture scene over & over for a period of 3 days because I refused to submit and let him kill Meryl.

Attached: Help i'm stuck OHGOD.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)


Cavers love putting things in tight holes where they don't belong.

I was stuck for 15 years on my first GBA game. It was a Bionicle game and I was stuck on a side scrolling lava level with some bullshit jumps. Found the game again 2 years ago and beat it finally on my old shitty nintendo ds.

>the way the story is described mad me feel anxious

There's a really cool Dark Souls one. Randomizes items and enemies.

That site was the original creepypasta, and it was far more convincingly written than anything since.

um, no?

That's absolutely fucked, I can't even imagine what he was thinking

Seriously, those people are fucking insanes

these dumb niggers have this retarded idea that the more tighter the hole , the wider will be the hidden underwater lake at the end of it

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the shitty part is that the rescuers actually managed to pull him out, but then the rope broke and he fell right back in.

>When the hole is made for you

I don't care why he did it. But the graphic mentions that they couldn't pull him out since the space was to narrow. But then he shouldn't have been able to get into it in the first place, no?

Honestly randomizers should be far more common and a part of games. Pokemon, grand strats, rpgs all benefit from them. Europa Universalis new world randomizer is the only official semi randomizer I can think off, as well as the great CK2 one

Just looking at that image makes it feel harder to breathe and claustrophobic. What a horrible way to die.

I feel like they could have saved him had they planned a backup rescue op with power tools instead of just relying on the pulley.

based retard

>Is there a worse way to die?

Disclaimer: This is some SERIOUSLY fucked up shit. Watch at your own digression.


Enjoy, or don't.

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There are plenty of spaces that can only be entered one way.

Wasn't this confirmed fake years ago?

>the rescuers actually managed to pull him out, but then the rope broke and he fell right back in.

imagine unironically dying in a place called the nutty putty cave

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imagine dying in a place with that name

You clearly never got your head stuck between stair railings as a kid.

There's tons of randomizers out there and they're great for keeping your favorite game fresh. I do randomized Nuzlocke runs with friends all the time too, random pokemon, random evolutions.

You're telling me rescuers can't get their hand on a decent rope that is sold at every outdoor activity store ? I doubt it.

>torturing a man endlessly until his final breath
>in the name of science

fucking based and br00tal pilled

some even do it in caves that are only underwater sometimes and then get fucked when there is more water than expected

The story is real, the picture is fake

The look on that volunteer's face

>i say we just let him die lads

that's the nutty putty™ cave for you m8

It was something about him exhaling his entire lung capacity to try to move back that made him slip further down into a spot that was tighter than his chest so he was completely wedged

>there are people who don't know the joys of the internet
>go to die in a cave instead

Simbly ebic

Caves. Not even once.


Oh fuck, dude. When I first hear about this shit like 10 years ago it really fucked me up hardcore. The fact that he was crying for his mom and begging to be killed... jesus fucking christ.

Wooow busted game mechanics

What do you pick user
>Jumping off a cliff in one of those wingsuits with a parachute
>Go to the Nutty Putty cave alone, touch the dead body's shoes, and make it back

>tfw live close to the cave
what if his skeleton is imbued with power

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This is making me cry

Get his skull and stick your dick in it.

True, I wasn't a special needs child.

the first one could even be fun
nothing could make me do the second one


Isn't that what happened with those indonesia kids

>people saying cavers
It's spelunkers or cave explorers you esls

i just couldnt do it i didnt have the patience

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I really shouldn't have watched this.

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>Cave explorers
Dumbest fucking thing ever
Enormous risk and waste of time/money to do absolutely nothing except maybe get yourself killed
There's nothing worth finding down here so I wish people would stop doing it

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Why didn't the Sonybro just vore him out?

the first one, obviously
you have a much bigger chance of survival
besides i'd much rather die as "that crazy nigger that jumped off a cliff with a wingsuit" than "the moron that suffocated to death in the NUTTY PUTTY cave"

This is like when midgets demand to be called little people.

No one cares.

They went into the cave while it was dry. It only filled up with water because of the rainstorm that they were running away from.

Jesus fucking Christ, I'm having a panic attack just by looking at that diagram.

Since he was covered with cement he is probably mummified honestly

The people responsible for this shit needed to be hanged.

>down here

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can you imagine if the dude closest to the trapped man slipped and fell, so there are now 2 trapped dudes in a really, really tight space

Never go in dry.

i know this isnt what the thread is actually about but i remember when i was younger i rented Prince of Persia 2 ( i think, the one with the edgy alter ego) and theres a room with these platforms that go up and down to get across

i'm almost certain i softlocked the game because i tried to figure it out for 2 days and couldnt

Man: Go to the Moon
Also man: Can't breach a hole with a few oak platforms without dozens of people dying

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How bad is it?

>Let's go DEEPER in the cave to escape the water, kids !

I don't know if the guy was justified, but seriously this always looked like a retarded move to me.

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That is pretty jarring

>Be John Jones
>Go have your fortune told by a palm reader when you're just a young lad
>"EGAD, it says here you will die in a place called Nutty Putty Cave!"
>"Give me my money back you fucking clown."

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I remember that thread.


t. grim reaper scared of losing his treasures

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I will become unstuck at the strike of this 7

>a rotting corpse with a beating heart


>There's nothing worth finding down here
>down here

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Don't know if he died but I know people die like this. If you're upside down for like 12 hours you'll pass out and die

Why didn't they just use lube? Or alternatively oil up a midget or a kid and send him below to push the guy up?


How does he get back out?

Fucking horrifying

Could be worse. Could be cave diving.
>Cave exploring, but with clunky scuba gear and a very tight time limit.
What could possibly go wrong?

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We're old, bro.

no hang on a minute
hear me out bros
why didn't he just rotate his body 180 degrees with a little bit of grease or soap so that his knees could bend in the proper way and the rescue teams can pull him out without the risk of breaking his legs and whatnot

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>Cave explorers
Is there a more retarded hobby

I spent 26 years stuck in a single game. I don’t want to name it, because I don’t want anyone else to start a game and go through what I experienced. I kind of happened upon it by accident but thought it was really well themed and had simple mechanics. While stuck, I explored as much of the jungle environment as I could and really got good at staying alive; I just could NOT get past that one barrier stopping me. It wasn’t until the mid-90s that two siblings discovered the game and accidentally freed me from the entrapment. Unfortunately the jungle also came with me.

>down here

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nothing wrong with some poor Parisian getting guillotined and centuries later getting his skull defiled by an autist for "the lulz"

Based and Ito pilled.

Those doctors should be skinned alive.

Based and Meryl pilled.

He died then they sealed the cave entrance making it his tomb.

Whatever asshole

>There's nothing worth finding down here

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Tell me about it.

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Look at that cross section in the left.
He wasn't rotatin shit.

Ouchi? Sounds more like a major OUCH to me.

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In all honestly he *probably* passed out early on.

>tfw your final resting place is the fucking Nutty Putty Cave

That's quite a lot better since you'll at least die faster.

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Can you finish all the videos without stretching out your arms and breathing in heavily? youtube.com/watch?v=K-pKKq0Y1XA

>down here

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I lost at the thumbnail, sorry.

This setup is so gay and stale. Kill yourself. And yes, I know that like 3-5 of those responses are from you, you giant faggot.


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Nice try Ali Baba I'm coming for you.

only that time my going into game machine broke

You can't fool me. Your treasures will be mine, grim reaper


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>implying anyone Yea Forums would even fit

I kinda enjoy off-topic threads on Yea Forums. They feel like Yea Forums before it went to shit.

>put someone in a medically induced coma at the request of their family so you can research how to better treat radiation related injuries
>hurr they should be hanged
The only thing worse than a retard is a gullable retard. Half the shit people spread about this guy is fake

It's pronounced nuclear.

stupid ass crackers

Imagine dying.

Man fuck Japan. Glad we set them straight and only capable of making anime now

>Pulling him up COULD break his legs, which COULD kill him
>So let's just let him die in the hole
So did the rescuers fear getting sued by the retard's family if he died from them pulling him out? It's either that, they figured he deserved to die, or they have brain problems too. If your only options are "maybe death" and "definitely death", you're obviously supposed to go with the former.

>explore underwater cave
>die because there's somehow water underwater

It's not as dangerous as it looks, All cave systems that are maintained by people will have signs and blockages warning people or barring people from exploring dead ends like that.
That retard most likely ignored the warning.


thank god i majored in art

It's a well known fact that the best place to have a discussion is any board BUT its designated one.

Ever since I did DMT I stopped being scared of death without losing appreciation for my life. Feels good.

Someone post that picture of the Grim Reaper hiding behind a rock with a chest of gold

>wait until we get to that part where you cannot even have your arms to your sides
I want to kill myself just from watching this

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anons right - they used a series of pulleys and one of the pulleys broke on them and fucked up the plan to get him out.

filthy nigger.

I had a near death experience once, so I can say that dying isn't so bad. You just go lights out and that's it. Now, dying slowly and painfully without being able to move, that's what should be frightening you.

Originally when I played Discworld 1 in the 90s I got suck for like half a year because I didn't have access to any guides and we couldn't figure out what to do.

I just wanted to let you know that I chuckled a little.

No shit, but tell that to gookmoot and the jannies.



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Underwater is the scariest environment.

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die off cracker

>die like a stuck turd in a cave that is literally called NUTTY PUTTY

I will never not laugh at this. Fuck that stupid gayass faggot and his spelunking shit. These people who try to squeeze through every fucking hole in darkass caves that have existed for millions of years where there is nothing to be found anyway are mental.

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Don't worry. I won't.

t. hungry cave goblin

Another great classic

>10th anniversary in 4 months

Delete this

Don't you dare trying to shit up this nice thread with that shit, faggot.

Retards deserve it. They literally skipped the buffer tank and threw the stuff directly into the reactor (and 16kg of uranium when the limit was 2,6kg)
At least the worthless fools could die being useful for science, as all dumb and lesser humans should at deaths bed.

Yeah, you're not gonna visit your rape cave, demon.

Oh fuck you, that brought me some forgotten memories. Though felt good beating that part and the rest was pretty easy afterwards.

>nutty putty

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Don't reply to him.

Nice, I like where this is going.

Shut up Robin.

put me in the screencap

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any games with this feel?

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Holy fuck. The Japanese are literally the children of satan.

sleeping on your arm

Time for the final boss.


That's it, I need to go for a walk before I start screaming in terror.

>we know more about space and the cosmos and whats out there than we do of the ocean depths
>laugh it off
>think about it
>realize how fucking horrifyingly real that claim is
think of all the shit that lives in the ocean down there. pic related because it astounds me. just imagine what the fuck is down there

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This was a good read. Thanks user

Desert of Death in Breath of Fire 3

I always stopped playing there restarted the game and hoped somehow the next time it wouldnt be there or i would be smart enough to do it by then.

>Will soon dissappear



How could they possibly know this?

yeah americans totally never tortured anyone

Dagon can stay the fuck down there where he belongs.

Try The Forest if your imagination isn't ruined like 80% of Yea Forums

Nightmare fuel.

A) Actually no, I'm not aware of American's ever torturing anyone with impunity.
B) I'm not American so I'm not sure why you brought them up.

>we know more about space and the cosmos and whats out there than we do of the ocean depths
I don't know who started the rumor that we know more about space than the ocean, but it is absolutely ridiculous. Space is infinite, the ocean is finite. Even if we know 0.000000001% about the ocean it would be leagues more than we know about space, even now. We've only ever been to one other rock, the rest is all from pictures and guesses.

Absolute poppycock.

It's impossible for whites to disappear, if the natives are still here then the whites sure as fuck are not going anywhere

>Space is infinite

Nothing is infinite.

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It is relative to us


>Nothing is infinite.
If we're arguing semantics, then the amount of things that aren't infinite are infinite.

user look at your leg

That's not how it works

and while space is infinite we have understanding of composition, orbit, distance, can get a good idea of whats there on other objects in space without needing samples, with the only change being whether its even there or not since what we see now is literally in the past by thousands of years
yet on our own planet right now, there are areas of the planet we cannot document with our current technology and efforts because the water pressure and distance is too great and deep.

who needs ayyliens from space when we have this bullshit lurking in the depths

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Like I'm gonna bust my ass pulling some dead guy out of a haunted cave.


Go to bed, Blue.

Porn games


Exploring a ferry wreck

it's attached to a faggot

*Blocks your path

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>the cave tipped over

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oh fuck me i remember this story

Sounds like what posting and lurking on Yea Forums is like.

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>cave tipped over

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It's a short film (this is literally the entire film) for a contest that the producers of the Conjuring were doing

Imagine being stuck AND underwater...


>Whole thread full of witty, funny and interesting posts.

What's going on here?

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Isn't this the one where some moron had some ultra-high pressure procedure wrong, so like 3 dudes got sucked through a 3cm opening?

>Actually no, I'm not aware of American's ever torturing anyone with impunity.

ok retard

Yeah but this guy could move around and could breathe properly and shit, being stuck in a hole smaller than your chest for 26 hours is way worse

Janitors aren't doing their "jobs" so people are free to enjoy themselves.

>I'm not aware of American's ever torturing anyone with impunity.
Are americans really this fucking deluded?

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Welcome back to Yea Forums user, literally nothing has changed except your dumbass perception

Muslims are not people idiot

first laff of the month, thanks user

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i don't know

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But for real now what's happening on Pluto?

Took him 20 hours
Near the end he was passing out from blood to the brain, occasionally waking up hallucinating in screaming fits of terror, crying and laughing.
His conscious episodes got shorter and shorter until he eventually didn't wake up again

The aliens built a church, I don't see what the big deal is

Nope nope fuck you I'm not listening to that video

>a planet

It's actually kind of soothing, until you reach Saturn.

Venus sounds like the Duke Nukem 3d space levels

Says the summerfag.

>he fell for the pluto is no longer a planet meme

Yeah why didn't they just make their own cave with blackjack and hookers

isn't space vacuum
how is sound travelling there?

space junk?

Then why didn't he hold his breath when they tried to pull him back?

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Jesus what's with earth? Sounds disgusting, wouldn't want to live there.

Basically the electromagnetic spectrum is pretty big, and we are able to take the radio waves and convert them to audible sounds

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Are Europeans this illiterate?

Nutty Putty Cave sounds like a Mario level

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He must've felt a yearning to crawl in, as if the hole was made for him

this took me like 30 minutes to find why isn't it posted more often?

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slavery hello you inbred hillbilly piece of shit

The Sun actually sounds like a ball of energy, that's sick
Mercury sounds like you would get your skin peeled off by the wind
Venus sounds like the future
Earth sounds busy
Jupiter sounds nice
Saturn sounds like Mercury on bath salts
Uranus sounds super empty and windy and clean, which I was not expecting at all
Neptune is chill af
Pluto definitely sounds like something be built or some shit

is all this real or something?

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yes that one

Attached: octopus.webm (540x360, 993K)

Pluto literally sounds like something out of HL2

He doesn't.

>console fps.webm

of course, i play games to challenge my brain
not to feed it useless dogshit and keep it filled with nonsense

Yeah NASA does this stuff all the time

>down here

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Based Japan getting rid of retarded missionaries

Mars sounds like an industrial hellscape

bro what the fuckk that's actually horrifying

I'll have a uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

This is wild, you can literally hear the loudness of life on Earth compared to the desolate rocky and windy ones. Really makes you think what's going on on Saturn and Pluto

>imagine dying in "Funny Cunny Cave"

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This makes me wish I was born a few hundred years from now, not knowing what's out there is killing me

not much aside from random geological bullshit

>Buddhists is a religion of peace

wow that would be terrible! haha

More like Nutty Putty Grave

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fucking kek

I did a blind playthrough and it took me forever to find the lost river

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I believe it applied more to the surface of the moon.

You realize once you snap your legs that there's hardly anything holding them together, right?

>islam is a religion of peace

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>that hole in the middle of majula

what a shitty way to go

but only himself to blame, rip in peace

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>[blank] is a religion of peace

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why is that loli so hungry

This. At least we were humane when we tortured people like tying elderly ladies to chairs and dunk them into a river for 30 seconds rinse and repeat for 24 hours to prove if she was a witch, or those cool iron maidens, or the stretcher, or the...

I can't help but respect guys who go into super dangerous situations for the sake of the adventure.


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cause she's a growing girl

is there anything you could do to break stone apart?
can't you use like a jackhammer with maybe some kind of vacuum thing to remove debris as it falls off? or are jackhammers too weak for that kind of stone

Lecarde Chronicles 2.

In hindsight it is really obvious, but near the start of the game when you first leave down the only other place to explore of note is a shack in the woods, but you are presented with a jump inside that you can't make.

Of course, you are supposed to fall through the floor (as in, press down and then jump through the thin floor just like in a million other Metroidvania games), but for some reason in this game it just never occurred to me to do that until like a day later.

Great game, though.

how the fuck do you fit a jackhammer in there
and the generator needed to power the damn thing
and even if you do, how do you wield it in such a tight space

Yeah let's cause a cave in
Great idea

seems pretty fucking retarded
did we also convert mars' red color to a buzzing sound or some nonsensical shit like that?

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>his body is still in that same crack at this very moment


Real life isn't a videogame, user.

At least the crusaders looked badass.

>Typically, a cut would be made in the forehead in order to let blood pressure decrease in the area around the head.


o fuck

oh yeah that picture was taken deep inside already and not on surface level wasn't it, forgot about that

that's why I was asking, thought there might be other reasons

what about this then? (at 46 seconds)

basically, we feel very alone so we like to think something is making noises out there

Looks like the hole was not made for him.

Perhaps Pluto really is Yuggoth.

What the FUCK?

a space elephant

That literally sounds like some ship powering up somewhere out there, that gave me chills

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>go exploring nutty putty
>start hearing a faint sobbing voice calling for help

i used to be scared of "little green men" aliens but after ayy lmao i can't help but laugh every fucking time i see one

>look up helleviks body
It doesn't even resemble a human anymore


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I'm not going to lie I'm the kind of asshole who would block the entrance or sit right on top of it and let out a big fat fart.

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I agree the thumbnail is absolutely kek worthy, but those sounds are not fucking around

1 guy, and it was 60cm.
You can Google byford dolphin hellevik

I wonder if I can actually use these sounds because most of these are great for an atmospheric sci-fi horror game.

fucking bugmen

>an air raid alarm with static over it
what ever man

>decide on a whim to try this randomizer
>not even a few minutes in

Boy, these romhack devs have a funny sense of humor.

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>Quick maybe he's on the other side

Literally no one would pick number 2

What if there is no other side?



This is exactly why I think aliens are real. Ever since Roswell we have been shown innocent variations of the same face to kind of lower the significance of it, and with the rise of memes they saw a golden opportunity to push ayylmao's to suppress the public's curiosity

Because they aren’t allowed to do any serious excavation.

So in short: A lot of what you see and hear released about space is a bit of a painted lie. The horsehead nebula doesn't look like a glowing technicolour empyreal realm, its a dark cloudy mess that has been painted by assigning values to the various elements deteted within. The other poster has outlined the idea with this one: You wouldn't hear that, and nobody would because of your point, but you can take a value of something we can observe and convert it into something "interesting"

Because otherwise a lot of cool space pictures would actually be dull as ditchwater to the commoner. People are pissed about the black hole pic because it wasn't given this bullshot treatment and unsurprisingly it was mocked by people who couldn't comprehend the absolutely insane discovery because it wasn't given the old photoshop bullshit.

A similar scenario happens in electronmicroscopy. Long story short everything put under one is painted in fucking platinum to work. Any colour shot of something tiny? False colour.

this thread would be perfect for a satania storytime If I didn't know for a fact we'd hit bump limit before it was done

Yeah the place of origin has no significance here whatsofuckingever, time to pack it in boys, we were just recording ourselves!

Oh no, /x/ is here

>covered with cement

>some where else is like us so its scary

Woah dude, like totally. Don't u even SEE the universe in the background? Read the title? What more proof do u even need to know it's genuine lawlz

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Really makes me think when non-video game threads are more interesting than the actual main topic of the board.

they turned it into his tomb and closed the cave

The pic is not the guy who died in Nutty Putty you idiots

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I dunno the Saracens looked pretty dope too. Most arbahamic warriors do unlike eastern monks and their blanket wrappings and pearl necklaces

That's a sick legacy. He died the best death possible.
Did they just kinda leave him until he died of dehydration or something?

>tfw "wow!" is almost certainly a beetle farting on the radar dish.

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video games are shit

Welcome to Yea Forums

No, because the red color only exists in the visible range. There are millions of waves being emitted from a planet, color is only some of them. The sound is still there floating in space, we are just converting it into something we are able to hear

He was already dead. They were trying to recover a body.

don't open if you are a wuss

Attached: ByfordDolphinDeathPicture.jpg (1334x662, 243K)

Just interstellar particles and shit manifesting as weird sounds on our equipment

So you'd say you could, end of the line, spot a "second" of time that is final? What comes after 0.0000000001 second? And below that? And below that? Do you think time itself is micro lego with the "final" smallest possible "time" is a block between blocks and there would be no time lesser below it?