This is Naoto. Naoto is Trans. Say something nice about him.
This is Naoto. Naoto is Trans. Say something nice about him
Don't insult her.
She's a fucking woman.
trans? more like transphobic, how did atlus got away with this bigotry?
I want to FUCK Naoto!!!
Naoto hates trannies
Yes that scene was deeply problematic and undermines everything he stands for as a character.
Good job missing the entire point of her character arc.
You can only support trans shit if you accept that gender roles are real and need to exist, with girls wearing girl clothes and playing with dolls, and boys wearing boy clothes and playing with trucks etc.
>Naoto is trans
Based retarded SJW. Also I don't have the scene but in one scene she has a towel around her and you can see her breasts. She has some huge ones actually and tapes them down.
Back in the good old days, a woman with masculine interests would be considered a tomboy. Not this transgender shit.
true, she is clearly a trans in denial, she needs to start taking testosterone and saving money for a penis implant
>not remembering Naoto is rich
just shows you are baiting
I have a huge tomboy fetish, so yeah. Honestly I love girls with short hair if they can pull it off and have the face/body for it. Some girls look super hot with short hair, though a lot of people will assume they're a dyke. It's even hotter to see a tomboy or masculine girl to act feminine and girly when you're fucking her all night until the break of dawn
she knows better to become a tranny
neck yourself
>just be yourself, its what inside that counts, you should try to be the best person you can
>"It's Ma'am YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" *roid rages around your store crushing things while the (((media))) cheers xir on*
what happened
Tomboys and Goths, the best kinds of girls, are dead user. May they rest in peace.
Amazing taste, user.
Tomboys user... are to be reformed.
We stan a kiing YAAAASSSS
>Tomboy girl wears dress
>Blushing and embarrassed
>what happened
Social media happened.
It gave everyone a soapbox to complain on turned them into powertripping assholes that will use anything you've posted on facebook or twitter as blackmail if you don't adhere to their bullshit.
Not vidya.
One of the annoying things about the LGBT community (the T espesially) is how they go so hard in the paint claim things and make it all about them and their issues.
Naoto can't just be a girl with slight dysphoria and a lot of self-image problems. No, she's staright-up trans, and her becoming a man would have resolved all her issues. Kanji can't just be a hetero guy with feminine hobbies, who's a bit bi-curious. No, he's straight-up gay, and is only into Naoto because she dresses and acts like a man.
It really obnoxious, and earns the LGBT no friends whenever it happens. And it happens a LOT these days.
Their behaviour needs to be corrected so they act like normal girls.
I'd like to add to that with how I hate shippers. Kanji's interest is wholly one-sided, you can't even start a conversation in the game with Naoto unless your intelligence is maxed (showing she only cares about people of intellect) and Kanji is simply not that.
The anime and golden tried to give them more shipping material but even then Naoto doesn't even acknowledge he's a living creature.
>TFW no shy embarrassed tomboy gf for me to call cute and make her flustered.
Don't do this to me user
Adachi was right.
And one of the most annoying things about modern discussion on topics like this is that you'll be called a transphobe and a bigot. Even if you're are a fag yourself it will still happen.
t. sorta gay
Let's see your collction of pics, Naotochads.
Tickling Naoto!
sauce on this one?
Guy Friends (In Name Only)
I hate how they feel the need to tack their faggotry onto everything. They try call Gwendolyn and the trap from Danganronpa trans as well. I hate this gay earth.
no she's a girl, best girl in fact
Naoto has a giant rack
thanks user
fuck fakku btw