Admit it faggots, your genuinely excited for TLOU 2
Admit it faggots, your genuinely excited for TLOU 2
>ESL shills expose themselves with one simple trick
I'm excited for the prospects of this game selling well, in which case, I will be laughing at "Get woke go broke" faggots for many years to come.
Ellie, the dumb bitch, just stood there and let her kiss her. She didn't even try to get out of the way or anything. Feminists and SJW's will clap and be like "Oh wow that was so powerful and cute!" but did Ellie fucking want her to kiss her? No she didn't. That was rape, so that means that all the SJW's are feminists are hypocrites. So you're telling me that if someone just slowly brought their face close to yours and gently put their lips against yours you'd let them? Even if it was someone you didn't want to kiss?
It'll sell worse than TLoU on PS3 guaranteed, which is even sadder considering that the PS4 has a larger install base and this will be a cross-generation title
I can’t tell if you’re trying way too hard or not trying at all.
Ellie was awesome in the first game
You better hope so, cause if it doesn't, you'll never hear my laughter die out
This fucking thing gets posted every goddamn day and you fucking niggerfaggots post in it every goddamn time you are all fucking gigantic giga faggots who deserve to die you are all the reason this board is fucking trash I hope you're all proud of yourselves
>contrarian retards actually believe this
Can’t wait for this game to shatter sales records. I can use you faggots’ tears to fill my in-ground pool.
Why does OP assume that everyone understands what that means?
Not an argument. :^)
I wouldn't bet on it one way or another
>Being excited for generic movie game
I don't care that there's lesbians or anything, the game looks boring and the story doesn't look that interesting at all. However, that won't stop critics for giving it 10/10s across the board just because it looks pretty and it gave them the feels.
Nah, haven't even played the first one
no I actually like games
No, you fucking faggot. I have no idea what that is and I am sick of lesbian shit being pushed everywhere in media.
Is this still not out?
>implying that your and you're isn't one of the most common grammatical errors in native English speakers and as if ESL people aren't more likely to catch it
I didn't even play the first one though, why would I care about a sequel?
Oh yeah, that exists
Because it’s one of the most iconic & acclaimed games of all time
Only a fool wouldn't know what The Lord Of Underground 2 is faggot
February 2020
Without looking it up, what makes it iconic and acclaimed?
Why is there so many invasive faggots on the board ?
It’s top 10 all time in terms of highest rated Soundtracks & Storylines in gaming. So probably that
I am yes. The first one was my favorite game of the past decade.
who the fuck cares woke games never provide accurate source about their sales its usually game journo sites lying about topping the charts in order to damage control and to make themselves feel better
Does anyone still have that edit of this trailer but they put in the brap sound?
>Coping in advance
not at all
I don't even know when it's out
lmao the cope
I played TLOU and I've never been more underwhelmed by a hyped up video game in my life. It's been collecting dust on my shelf since the week after launch.
Hey, GAME is offering 25% extra credit for traded in games so now may be a good time to get rid of it when I pick up MUA3.
>tried tlou
>i didn't like it
>being excited after the biggest downgrade letdown in the history of vidja releases
I know you're all retarded and will buy it anyways though
>skipped TLOU on PS3
>it was constantly described as uncharted with zombies
>eventually got a PS4, bought the remastered edition to see what the hype is about
>actually felt like a slower-paced uncharted with not-zombies
>haven't cared to complete it, just abandoned it
Nah, I'm good buddy.
>two guys jump at you
>guy standing before you looks confused
>shake one by shiving him
>kill the other
>look down and see only one corpse
>after looting him find out diary and turns out you killed an innocent man
God I so hope for psychosis gameplay because of the cordyceps in her head, what a shame it 99.9% won't happen. I am still excited though, gameplay looks fun enough to last for the playthrough and multiplayer will probably be amazing.
what the fuck is this shit? everybody knows sjws are the faggot joke of the world. not a Yea Forums nerd so wtf is cope? cope? yeah how about taking your own advice and stop crying about trump all the fucking time.
cringe if real cringe if not
Whats the point of a second game? The story? The gameplay? What am supposed to be looking forward to in this game? The same safe story telling? The boring combat? A boring world filled with boring zombies? Most of the people didn't even play the game for the gameplay just the story, so what's the point? I really, really don't see anything interesting for this game story, it's set in a lame ass zombie filled world, a genre that has been done to death, what's the point of a second game? Why not just stop at the first one? Is there really loose ends that need to be tied up from the first one? It seems pointless.
How is MK11 in any way SJW? Jax ending is non-canon, Jacqui and Frost are bordering on being jokes lore-wise, and characters are still way sexualized
and there are no LGTP-characters as far as i know
And Shang-Tsung doesn´t count. If anything he demonizes the whole concept of a fluid identity
why is it okay when Fire Emblem has same sex couples?
God damn it you just reminded me I could trade that shit in.
And god damn it I just put a 240$ charge for 4 new games and didn’t trade any of my shit games I dont play.
Fuck me.
Are there romance scenes in this game? Can we see Ellie riding her girlfriend’s nose? We already saw them making out.
So does that girl on the left become infected?
/pol/tards in a nutshell
>everybody knows sjws are the faggot joke of the world.
Most people don't even know they exist since it's like 2 people on Twitter. Your butt buddy Drumpf on the other hand..
I'm honestly not feeling it. I liked tlou at the time it came out but I have absolutely no interest in the second one whatsoever
It's not but you dumbasses were calling it SJW anyway like literally everything
It's SJW until the moment it sells well, in which case, we didn't mean it.
I got one reply. And it was a meme response!!
So what im getting from this is that MK11 wasn´t as sexualizing as former titles, but the SJW-mob (who rarely consume the products they attack) prematurily targeted it and forced the devs to change the game, but because its an amazing game it still sold and for some reason the SJWs "won"?
The first one was fucking garbage trash, Naughty Dog died after the Jak games. Also
>for some reason the SJWs "won"?
SJWs didn't win. /pol/tards lost. There's a difference.
Culture warriors get ignored and lose, that's their shtick.
>The boring combat?
>Most of the people didn't even play the game for the gameplay
Have you played multiplayer of the first game?
they literally dressed all the girls that way to because their ideology demand it
>extreme gore GOOD
>sexy outfits BAD
I loved the jak games and I even found some enjoyment in the uncharted games but i couldnt care less about tlou because it's so safe it hurts, like really, they needed fucking notzombies in there.
The only reason i cant wait for tlou2 to come out is so naughtydog can move on to a new game.
And it still sold great. So much for "Get woke, go broke". The absolute cope on you.
Shitposting about it maybe, but thats about it however the threads that will ask why western lesbos are bad but nips ones aren't will be pretty nice since it will either be shitposting, stealth yuri threads, or both
>Admit it faggots, your genuinely excited for TLOU 2
The only thing I'm excited for is to see how hard it'll flop and how the game journos will try to blame racist gaymers for it's demise.
Never played 1, don't care for movie-games, don't give a shit about 2.
The game is solid but I think it's a mistake to "go with the times" when it's a design choice that would be considered offending. I love full body armor on females, however the whacky style of Mortal Kombat used to have the skimpy variety and it's not right to remove it. I would understand design change for various reasons but it's just wrong when it's done for identity politics.
I haven't even played he first one. Why would I be excited for the second?
>liking mk9 females
they looked literally like trannies with huge shoulders and small hips. 11 females may not be showing tits, but they are still better by virtue of not looking like men in drag.
Also Raiden is best boy and any insults to his person will not be tolerated
there are a number of other things wrong with it.
>always online
>six different currencies
>grind for color palette swaps
>DLC being made even before the game releases
MK11 is EA tier anti consumer
I was talking about gameplay. It's always strange to see people care for the most meaningless identity politics points such as proper representation but are completely ignoring corporations making two steps forward and one back when it comes to consumer rights and decency. CDPR is hailed for what should be a standard in the industry.
Yea Forums barely ever cared about gameplay. When they got taken over by /pol/tards back in 2014, the pretense of caring about gameplay was long gone
That came out wrong. Two steps forward and one back with anti-consumer practices.