Play Judith's game
Play Judith's game
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I just finished it the other day. It was pretty fun. I wish there was more romantic development.
>picture of an anime girl
>”play her game”
Kill yourself, you brainless fucking faggot.
I already did like 10 years ago.
potato soup
>he thinks I haven't run through multiple times with friends and family
No feeling like the feeling of multiplayer Tales
i nearly 100% this game,,, not really worth but some of the cutscenes are kino. same with the entire games ost, pure kino.
>Fury Sparks
So good
nigga all the towns have kino tracks too
Victory is a whirling tide!
patty is so OP it's nuts. She carried me through the whole damn game. As soon as she got the skill to choose form I set the AI on heal and never had problems. I just sat on yuri all game doing 3 attacks -> base arte -> arcane arte all game while she did screenwide fullheals/nukes
I did. Three times.
I have got all the achievements, thank you.
game sucks idiot
You just know
I prefer Velvet’s game.
Innocence is better
What the fuck was that ending? Literally nothing happened.
Goddammit Yea Forums, stop making me buy things.
I'm selling these fine leather jackets....
But I have. Multiple times, in fact.
chad alert.
Already did
2 times this year
I did a few months ago and I wish I hadn't. Vesperia's combat was complete ass for the first 2/3rds of the game and the story goes super full retard in the second half. It was extremely underwhelming and I'm amazed that Vesperiafags exist.
I think it wanted to subvert typical epic endings with a some conversation after a small fight but it just came off as underwhelming.
Those cliche endings are cliche for a reasonl they're exciting and fun.
Raven on that artstyle looks like a completely different characger which is weird since everyone else looks the same
It isn't on PC so nope
I'll play estelle's game instead.
I wanna impregnate Judith
But it is?
I dropped it 70 hours in. The last third of the game is boring as shit and I wasn't about to spend another 30 hours on it.
>bad gameplay (both combat and dungeons being even worse)
>terrible story
>bland characters that never stop talking
what's the appeal of tales?
Sodia best girl!
Would you sniff?
WARNING, for anyone who wants to do the secret boss or like a semi 100% some of the later dungeons are 5-6 HOURS LONG. with few saves in between. you have been warned.
There's a save point every three floors
>play game
>walk away from seemingly innocuous path
>you just missed out on a timed event to get an ultimate weapon
I'll never forgive this shit
shit thats still fucking 30+ minutes of navigating from what i can remember.
the fell arms aren't timed.
Estelle is a potato
ironically the graphically worst version is the newest
but those cute round potato's
Why is he so straightforward?
He is a real man.
The cutest potato.
What does that make raven?
Imagine the smell.
Depends, can I rape her?
No but she'll rape you.
She just has to wish really hard.
>tfw your favorite character is a npc
That's how I feel with Abyss
Yes Droite and Gauche are cute.
The later part of this is better.
I wish it wasn't so convoluted to fight them.
I want to lotion and massage Judiths back.
and her abdomen.
I've 100% her game twice. Not gonna bother with that again.
But her game is bad.
No only her moveset.
>being this much of a shitter
nn nn~
Are there any romance scenes in tales games other than symphonia? Or is symphonia the only one that did it?
too hard.
What the FUCK was his problem?
Why is judith the worst party member in her game??
Play Xillia 1 and 2 to watch Jude and Millia eye fuck each other while making the rest of the party uncomfortable for two games. Hearts R is also full of it.
in combat or as a character?
Combat. As a character she's fine, if a little under-utilized.
He was some kind of unrealized foil to estelle.
He's an asshole, user. Plain and simple.
The combat was so boring it put me to sleep.
When does it get good
new game plus.
Yeah, it really could have used some kind of epilogue scene or something
What did they mean by this?
I've played her game many times. Used to love it 7-9 years ago, but when I replayed it this year I found that I'm not very fond of it anymore.
I wish this thing killed Cumore instead.
Vesperia is a dud, it is literally unfun to play it on the first playthrough.There are mechanics you will never get the chance to use on the first playthrough and the combat is slow as fuck and painfully dull. Yuri takes three fucking swings and then swaps hands for no reason other than to slow his always painfully slow attacks down. You might probably even extend the combo by one more hit but don't expect it to go beyond four because combo pluses take too much of your already tiny skill point pool. Wanna be able to connect basic, advanced and altered arts together? Too bad, these skills also take too much of your very tiny skill point pool even further.
Good luck trying to play a character who isn't Yuri or Flynn because they are slow and horrible. Rita drains tp like she is doiing coke, Karol is a garbage and slow bastard, Raven's gimmick is awkward as well as Patty, Judy's is suppose to be the air character but her attacks are clunky and usually pushes enemies back instead of in the air.
The characters are shit too. Yuri is a development less hypocrite, Rita is an annoying cunt of the highest caliber, Judy is a bland pair of tits, Karol is an annoying and spineless pussy for 90% of the game, Raven is obviously a traitor but no one cares, Patty is alright except she is very much patched on and you can tell, Estelle is a bland and boring generic innocent maiden who is kind of too retarded to live, and Flynn is the best character in the party besides the dog who since he doesn't talk, doesn't get boggled down with shit characterization.
The story is one of the worst in the tales series. The party spends a third of her dragging their asses on the ground while Estelle points to shiny spots and they go there I guess. Also its designed incredibly poorly. Sidequests have such tiny windows to be done that if you aren't using a guide you will 100% miss most of them and even when following a guide, you will still fuck up the window and miss 40% of the sidequests.
learn to manual cancel, scrub
Huh. I forgot about that. Wonder if the name is the same in Japanese, sometimes knowing that can help make sense. Not at home though, so I can't check.
>Not the first post from this IP.
Gotta abuse techs to make the game playable, oh boy sure sounds like a good game.
>as well as Patty
She's actually the only character I like playing as besides Yuri. Judith is good if you're good with her, but most people aren't, myself included.
The writing it pretty bad in that game. It bothered me even when I was 19, and when I replayed it at 29 I was even more bothered by how fucking stupid every single character was. The two things that get me the most is Judith not even attempting to explain what she was going around destroying blastia for and instead just up and leaves, and everyone being okay with letting Raven back on the team 10 minutes after he tried to fucking murder them all.
I have been in this thread for hours mate. My first post is literally "her game is bad".
So you're just here to shitpost. Thanks for confirming.
No act 3 sucks
Nice vagina bones
You played the game that many times and didn't notice Raven purposefully leaving himself open for Yuri to stab him through the chest?
Alexei saved his life and gave him a new heart. He owed it to the man by knight's honour, and found a way to "kill" himself and relieve himself of the burden of "owing his life" now that Alexei went off the deep end.
Judith though I completely agree with. Both Yuri and Rita go "we could have avoided this mess if you fucking said something" in a cutscene as soon as she rejoins the party.
I like playing as Patty too but she is awkward as fuck. Flynn and Yuri are the only characters not dragged down by too much stupid. Repede looks fast but his attacks are slow and awkward for some reason too, plus he randomly decides to bite himself for further awkwardness.
The game is written awfully and one of my main gripes is that the characters suck Yuri's dick too much. Rita seems to munch carpet but it is highly likely she would gargle Yuri's balls if asked. The characters are retarded.
Nah I just want to discuss Tales. I really want to start Berseria again for some reason.
I was afraid of that. Yeah that's a puzzler.
>he randomly decides to bite himself for further awkwardness.
That's his animation for when he fails at Thievery, which can be manual cancelled out of. Do you seriously just try every character for 5 minutes each and write them off as garbage if they don't immediately click?
Hes massively hampered by his lack of reliable otg though. I still dont wuite understand why his otg moves just decide not to work sometimes
I use them for a few battles before swapping back to Yuri, Repede is unfortunately needed to steal the swords from the Yeager's whores. I don't need the fucking dog to show me he didn't steal shit by leaving himself open. Its even worse if I am not controlling him and manually telling him to steal.
Don't do that. The "You have to talk positive about a game I like or you're a troll" people have been an awful part of video game fanbases for decades.
you don't have to steal both swords, you can just steal one and synthetize the other
Which tales game has the best story? Vesperia's was kind of dissapointing desu
You don't have to only talk positively, but coming to a thread about a specific game just to whine about how terrible it is is even less productive than only positive discussion.
It's cool that you get different dialogue depending on who is the leader of your party
Judith's dialogue with Duke is great, really sad they never got any dialogue prior to that
He's still reliable in the player's hands and doesn't take much to get good with.
Is this just the admission that the game's combat is extremely flawed?
Not what the guides said, if truth that's cool but I stole both anyway.
Flynn is the only good character, despite being a cunt I would fuck Rita, and Cumore's murder scene is good.
There, I give you some things I believe are good about this game.
I'll replay it eventually.
Didn't know this, that's kind of neat.
I consider it canon that Judith and Yuri casually slept together throughout the journey, they already behave like the mom and dad of the group on top of having great chemistry
it would have made way more sense to push yuri towards judith romantically in the plot than Estelle who he has like nothing in common with
Yeah but you know Japan will never go for anything other the pure and oh so innocent main heroine as the absolute cannon. Best case is they just leave everything vague.
>Flynn is the only good character,
I mean he's not bad but come on man. Give Yuri come credit.
I'm playing it now. Previously had 3 playthroughs on the x360. I've had it since January but got sidetracked by newer releases and other stuff so I'm only at the start of Act 3, just after everyone gets back together at Zaude. I'm trying to get through the laundry list in Kooli's guide but the amount of money you need is staggering. Plus it seems I've fucked up at least one side quest as Leblanc isn't spawning at the park bench for Rebuilding the Guild 2 (FUCK).
Yuri does not develop, Yuri does not face any lasting consequences for his actions, and Yuri is beloved by all. Despite being a really shitty character on paper, he's alright.
Estelle is a fucking lesbo user
I don't consider Estelle Yuri's romantic interests. They're soul mates due to parallels between Child of the Full Moon and Brave Vesperia myth. Which makes sense since Yuri treats Estelle like a little sister.
No, Rita is a lesbo and Estelle could easily be interpreted as one if they didn't try to push Yuri and Estelle as the main couple despite their chemistry being more like a big brother and younger sister.
Rita is clearly interested in Estelle as more than just friends. It's just debateable if you want to assume Estelle ever actually notices that.
I don't know. She hits Karol pretty hard.
Yuri is just the babysitter of the group. It is actually pretty noticeable I will admit, how much of Yuri's "contribution" to the plot after retrieving Estelle is just nodding and agreeing to whatever the group decides, or indulging the whims of Karol or Rita. It feels like a bunch of children pulling their parents arms in every direction, kinda cute
And Judy picks up on this and assumes a maternal role as the other adult authority who humors the kids and raps serious with Yuri
Rita is hitting Karol all the time because the devs know the player wants to hit him all the time too
and there's nothing wrong that because he did his role well. I wonder why some morons think a character has to undergo drastic development in order to be good.
The problem with this is that Yuri is the main character and is obviously smarter than both Estelle and Karol but yet they drive the plot more than he does. Most of the game is Estelle pointing to a shiny spot and Yuri dragging his ass on the ground to go to that place where nothing happens and then we repeat this several times.
even Flynn and Estelle makes more sense as paring but I have better shit to worry about than wasting my time taking to a shit poster in a seamonkey laundry imageboard
Which should be my first Tales game
Phantasia PS1
Symphonia HD
Graces f PS3
Lloyd doesn't undergo ant drastic development and yet he's a better character than Yuri because he actually decides to take an active role in his world where Yuri doesn't. Only two characters grow in this game and they are very shitty characters. Rita is a cunt at the beginning and the end. Judy is tits from start to finish. Repede never stops being a cool dog, Raven learns to not be a traitor and nothing else.Something about Skewers and treasure with Patty. Yuri is a static and boring character.
Only contesting the "estelle is a lesbo" thing. Though they clearly wanted it to be yuri and estelle dodging each other when it came to romance.
Phantasia for sure. Destiny PS1 and Graces f suck. Symphonia is best played after Phantasia.
speak for yourself, i liked him
then again, most of the fanbase seems to dislike the shota/loli characters and i like most of them
Phantasia to Destiny to Symphonia to Graces, this is the game quality order and release order.
Symhonia if you want to play later games after because it doesn't age that well.
Does anything change in vesperia's new game plus? Should I play through it or is it pretty optional?
literally just play them in that order and you'll be fine
Too bad Destiny DC will never be in English
You can only win the cooking competition with one character each playthrough so you have to beat the game quite a few times to have every character's chef outfit
Destiny PS1 would be a good choice if wasn't for the actual battle system not being as well, polished like the others. Especially Phantasia PS1 which uses too. But more improved.
Graces is okay
The game gets a bit fun.
>has to git gud to play the game
>has to press buttons other than X to win
>has to spend time learning a mechanic
>"shit game"
Get the fuck out
>games tells you about mechanics you will never use
>you never have enough skill points to use a decent number of skills until a second play
>story is garbage, game is an rpg
>best game in a series of games that has done better in all categories before and after
Shit game
>baby's first tales game.png
git gud berseria shitter
>mechanics you will never use
>never have enough skill points
older jrpgs had this thing called 'the grind'. suck it up buttercup you ain't getting everything the game has to offer for under 40 hours
>story is garbage
this is subjective. I enjoyed the story myself but I know others didn't. Takes all types.
Taste is subjective, but your taste is wrong.
Skill symbols
>older jrpgs had this thing called 'the grind'. suck it up buttercup you ain't getting everything the game has to offer for under 40 hours
You are fucking retarded. 40 plus hours and the game still isn't good and its got a problem. Did you love FF13 too, fag?
>this is subjective. I enjoyed the story myself but I know others didn't. Takes all types.
>Taste is subjective, but your taste is wrong.
You are going to have to live with the fact that Vesperia is garbage and not very good as far as the modern tales games go.
It must be difficult living with such a short attention span you can't invest more than a few hours into a game without getting bored.
>older jrpgs had this thing called 'the grind'. suck it up buttercup you ain't getting everything the game has to offer for under 40 hours
Nearly every DQ and FF made before 1997 say "Hi."
Character development does not need to be about change.
It can also be about you learning more about the character.
A character with "lots of development" does not mean they have to change.
You're thinking of the difference between a DYNAMIC character and a STATIC character.
As elementary, jr. high, and highschool english class will teach you; a dynamic character changes over the course of the story. A static character does not.
Yuri remains static but gets plenty of development with the player learning more about his opportunism and where he draws the line in his ideal of justice and order.
Yuri is the catalyst of several character, but most notably of all; Flynn. Flynn is a DYNAMIC character, a foil to Yuri's STATIC character format.
Flynn's ideals change, he learns that there is no set line for justice, and sometimes allowances must be made for the good of all. In essence it's like a loss of innocence.
You shouldn't have to invest forty fucking hours into a game for it to get somewhat decent.
>Yuri does not face any lasting consequences for his actions
Why the fuck would you punish a character who's punish a more lenient justice theme? If you punished a character for supporting your theme, you're a bad writer. Fuck you.
If you didn't even think it was somewhat decent before that point then maybe you should've realized it wasn't for you and stopped playing.
I would also like to explain that Yuri and Flynn are set up this way to be mirror images of eachother in every single way.
Dynamic vs Static
Dark vs Light
Aloof vs Compassionate
Vigilante vs Knight
Yuri learns that Flynn and the law CAN be relied upon, and Flynn learns to ease up and loosen his moral boundaries.
Saying you like one but do not like the other is shallow personal bias. They are two pieces in a grand theme.
Do yuri and flynn dp estellise after the game is over?
Played it twice, I am just a fucking retard. Sometimes I play games I find shit and mediocre to the end.
>who's punish a more lenient justice theme
I don't understand.
I already said Yuri was a static character. Just because he is one doesn't make him any good at out. As I said, Flynn is the one good character despite him, Estelle, and Karol getting development.
Yeah but sometimes Yuri and Flynn get a little worked up at eachother and wrestlefuck while Estelle just sits there watching and shlicking.
Does Raven's heart ever leak?
>learn skills by equipping weapons
this mechanic fucking sucks why do games keep using it?
delet this
Sorry, the second punish should be "push". The game is all about Justice and who it should be administered to.
Having Yuri suffer long-term "consequences" would be to step on your own theme. Yuri actually does get faced with a problem; see Sodia enacting the exact same sort of personal justice on Yuri the way he was enacting on Cumore and Ragou. He solves this issue by claiming she's free to do what she wishes to him if she truly believes they'll benefit from Yuri's death, but he threatens her to never be disloyal to Flynn.
Yuri view Flynn as better than himself at this point. It's subtle, and I'm not surprised you're unable to wrap your head around this. You seem determined to dislike Vesperia and it's characters.
>Just because he is one doesn't make him any good at out. As I said, Flynn is the one good character despite him, Estelle, and Karol getting development.
I've said my piece. You're just repeating yourself without taking what I said into consideration, so the conversation is going nowhere and I'll step away.
You are wrong in thinking Yuri is a bad character. He's brilliantly written just like Flynn is. See ya.
>19 years old
what the fuck i thought she was 22 or something
Das it, finishing Eternia will be my next Tales.
No it doesn't Final Fantasy IX was amazing for using that system, it made most pieces of equipment even more valuable and added excitement to finding new ones.
Phantasia PS1 not only for being the first Tales, but also actually being one of the best.
>75% of the games content is missable
>Decide to follow walkthrough for it
>Completely lose all motivation to keep playing
I loved the characters and their interactions but the missable content is just fucking insane, it's really a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation with walkthroughs
it's shit because you have to autisticly check to make sure you don't ever miss a skill and if you find a new weapon you can't even equip it right away.
>the Brionac subquest starts before Judith shows up
I love this game but this is bullshit
I really like how 3D Reid swings his sword less finely in keeping with his half of his tech being "hammers". Even if the other half aren't. I can see why Namco didn't go with "Tiger Lightning Blade" for that tech, even a genius would find tedious.
Eternia is pretty boring, to be honest.
Not if you like Uno
>oh, come on!
Honestly I just ignore canon ages. I don't even want to know them. Whatever I think when I see them I go with.
Yeah it was fucking stupid.
I actually forgive Berseria for having like 5 total sidequests in it because of this.
Imagine having taste THIS bad, holy shit
where are her pantsu
*Alternate Milla
he isn't even interested enough to look at her in the hot spring.
No, he got it right the first time.
It's a special spear.
So does she actually get any meaningful presence in new content within the latest version? In the original game she got by far the least amount of screentime.
Also did they push Yuri and Flynn more for pandering to fujos?
Estelle/Rita is far more pushed than Yuri/Flynn
Fuck off with your AltMilla, both endings of X2 pretty much has Origin destroy all the parallel worlds and AltMilla would be gone either way
Rita and Estelle never got manga and novels dedicated to their relationship hell "Ring a bell" was written about Yuri and Flynn's relationship.
murder on legs.
Yuri and Flynn are the biggest focus so yeah it makes sense that everything would revolve around the central characters.
>the biggest focus
Even raven feels more important.
I can manhandle rita easily, anybody else?
The one thing I heavily dislike about Tales games is that, unless you're using a guide, you'll miss like 95% of the sidequests in each game.
older times.
What are you? Magic?
Her washboard chest and excessive buildup of body oils from not showering for 10 days would help her get away easily
models can't do dents?
Which game was this?
Copypasta. Opinions discarded.
That's because you're judging based on screen time instead of the quality of the character's interactions and over-arching theme.
Karol gets a shitload of screentime but barely anything he does or views has anything to do with "the meaning of justice" outside of the whole guild laws bullshit.
Don't ask me, maybe they couldn't get it to look right with the cel shading, I'm only disappointed by how hard it is to get a good look at Estelle's belly button
Estelle says her ideal man is Flynn in a skit. She doesn't say it directly but she describes him.
Focus problems can be real things. You can't call their relationship the central focus when maybe 1 out of 20 scenes at best is about it. You're going to have an even harder time calling him the secondary hero if it goes about it like that. Also more than half the time flynn just seems like a nuisance and puppet so I don't know where you're getting quality of interaction from.
Rita is a lesbo or at least bi-curious.
I interpreted Estelle and Yuri's relationship a kind of brother and sister relationship.
She has the hots for Flynn since that's her main objective through most of the game.
I want to oil wrestle naked with Judy
How do you guys feel about Ludger
His life is maximum suffering. Even gets cucked by his alternate self.