>Like vidya
>All my friends play normalfag games and have normalfag tastes
>One friend likes Overwatch
>Try to show her the Movie Battles mod for Jedi Knight because it's basically Star Wars Overwatch.
>"ugh, the graphics look shit user."
>goes back to Overwatch
>another friend says they like LoL
>Show them Warcraft 3 and tell them that's where MOBAs come from
>"Looks like a kiddie game, user."
How do any of you anons find people who play similar games to you? All nerds are normalfags now and have no interest in anything that isn't popular.
Like vidya
My friends play shitty Korean MMOs on their $1000 PC because they're free and won't even play Doom, Quake or any other free game because they need to do daily challenges in games. I try to find people here that I could play with but last time that was 2-3 years a go.
You sound like a faggot, are a faggot and so are your trash tier friends. Of course you and them play MOBA trash and SJW shit.
I play non faggot games like Devil May Cry and Yakuza. Along with le'complicated strategy games like Dwarf Fortress and Crusader Kings 2. I am a good Yea Forums boy, leather daddy. Please don't hit me.
I fucking hate MOBAs and Hero shooters.
>>Try to show her the Movie Battles mod for Jedi Knight because it's basically Star Wars Overwatch.
Jesus Christ the hell's wrong with you?
You don't show a girl "Friend" some neckbeard shit just like that. First you get her to want your d, then you fuck her brains out and THEN maybe, MAYBE you show her your weird neckbeard shit dumbass.
I already have a girlfriend, user. I treat my friends like friends. Not fuck buddies. Do you just try to fuck every girl you meet? Has that actually ever worked?
Oh, dude, you are the REAL veteran gamer. Playing modded jedi knight insted of overwatch? DAMN BRO THAT'S HOT LET ME SUCK YOUR DICK LEGENDARY GAMER
fucking off yourself, you deserve shitty friends
Stop projecting and broadcasting your suicidal thoughts to anons on a south african basket weaving forum
You can do anything you fucking want, with a girl or whoever the fuck else. If no1 wants to play your neckbeard shit with you, change the subject and abandon ship if it's unsalvageable.
Ofc I do, biggest yikes I get from this place is shaming sex even for guys, there's -nothing- wrong with sex, casual, long term, committed, whatever happens happens. It doesn't matter if a girl doesnt' know about how cool the chicken quest from arx fatalis is, it matters if she gets wet when she hears me talk about it or when i show it to her, the passion in my eyes, the fire in my heart. The first time you realize this, thats the moment you'll get into better relationships, friendship or otherwise.
I'm going to assume right away that you're not very charismatic if both those people made you feel BTFO
Save some pussy for the rest of us you studdly user.
It's not worth my friendships with people to keep begging them to play the obscure autistic games I like. I'd rather back off and let them get on with things then be known as that autist who won't shut up about things no one is interested in.
>another friend says they like LoL
Playing LoL when we have Dota 2.
im an average dude, not model or muscleman, I just realized that its all stupid and youre in your head a lot and people sense that
just today I went out and i'm in yellow alert mode 24/7 like in star trek, and some dude approached me and shook my hand for no reason, and he said because I looked him straight in the eye and was chill and positive he respects me and then we talked about random shit and I was open and passionate about my experience and we're kinda acquaintances now I guess, a lot of people are like that once you get out of yellow alert mode and also be your own person not be overly needy and demand value from people, it's ironic... you get value in your life when you are not needy for it but it's like a bonus if it happens. Wake up and work to make YOUR LIFE AMAZING, friends and girls are BONUS
>Playing MOBAs at all
Shit genre. The death of the RTS. Fuck them all. Every one. Even Demigod! Fuck that game!
Jesus Christ that was cringy to read. Fucking have sex.
You play the games you like online and make friend through them you stupid motherfucker
those are single player games user...
"Online" friends aren't real friends. You don't know them and they could drop you easy because there's no real ties holding you together. I could name several people I used to play Star Wars Galaxies with. But they stopped talking after that game shut down. Online friends just vanish like they never existed.
why cringe
once my plane lands in the aeroport mb I will, mb in the plane :)))))))))
I was thinking of flirting with a cute receptionist but I don't know if it's illegal for her in romania, first time here
I think you're projecting some stuff onto me. I have no issues meeting friends in real life. I'm just sad because most people have only a surface level understanding and taste in vidya. But you do you if any of that even happened.
I used to play RTS games back in the early 2000s and even before that, both offline and multiplayer. Nowadays I play Dota and look at it as my daily chess game. I don't get the hate. RTS games died out because suits took over passionate devs when gaming became very popular and development costs are not worth it to produce a game that is not even friendly to beginners. It's like MMOs but the difference is that MMOs - even while most are dead within the first few months - have potential to print money and are much easier to get into.
There's really no difference, i used to feel that way but the truth is you make good friends where you can find them
You should try to get into the games they play i guess. Lol used to be a decent game maybe play that.
You think? I used to play dota a bunch with some people I met online, we still talk in discord and play random shit together.
>I'm just sad because most people have only a surface level understanding and taste in vidya.
who cares
I played shit you probably never heard of
I played soulvizier with a 7/10 and a 9/10, even tho I on;y banged the 7 while doing it, I literally got disillussioned that it doesnt matter, this doesnt matter
it doesnt fucking matter if you meet people who jerk you off with your ultra specific neckbeard taste it won't make you feel fulfilled
literally 0 value to you in your life
stop having shit friends or only interact with them outside of playing video games.
i became better friends with my coworkers when i stopped talking to them about video games
have to go now, won't be able to reply sorry
maybe it was projection but I was in your position before and I felt very isolated, you have to understand that even though you are more important than some niche stupid shit you define yourself with, let go of things that weren't evne your own idea to begin with, you still have to let go of all of this crap and put yourself in situations where other people share value with you like say they like LoL or whatever and it has no meaning on your life or growth as a man in this world, I wish only positive emotions for you!
>won't even play [...]any other free game because they need to do daily challenges in game
daily challenges and even stacking day challenges are a fucking mistake (player perspective)