>there are no good games coming out until Cyberpunk 2077
What the fuck
There are no good games coming out until Cyberpunk 2077
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order looks like it might be fun though. We also have the FF7 remake which looks great judging by people who played it at E3.
>Cyberpunk 2077
Kys pls
>haha tranny :D hehe pepega kappa xD
fallen order looks like a shit version of jedi knight games (from what weve seen)
ff7 is a game we have all played a million times
I like Keanu m8. But the more Cyberpunk shills idiotic hollywood actors the less I want to play the game
Same with Kojima and Death "Norman Reedus" Stranding.
Evening if you ignore the EA stigma, the game looked boring as hell. Honest to God, I nearly fell asleep to the gameplay demo.
I disagree OP. I’m looking forward to Trialls of Mana remake and Dragon Quest 11 on Switch. Probably going to pick up Borderlands 3 to play with friends too.
>being so desperate for new games to come out
Do you guys actually think there's a shortage of games or something? Is this a console problem? Because, on PC at least, there are already more games than anyone has time to play. There's no excuse for sitting around waiting for anything.
death stranding is the only good one on the horizon im looking forward to, hope its at least decent
The tranny is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a tranny and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out".
Cyberpunk 2077 haters confirmed to be trannies.
>Death Stranding
>Announced 3/4 years ago
>Comes out in a couple months
>Still zero gameplay shown aside from a couple of seconds
are you kidding? they couldnt even get the demo to look fun for fuck sake
I thought Cyberpunk 2077 was a tranny game made by tranny devs
make up your fucking mind already
Yeah was not impressed with Jedi Fallen Order. Gotta see more but just it didn't impress me.
death stranding
I don't care for literally anything else, not even witcher3-punk
No. And just like W3 it will kill your desire to touch anything that isnt made by the last good developer for years to come.
Shadowkeep in September, Doom in November, possibly Outer Worlds but it looks pretty mediocre so far.
I'm holding out hope for control but what I've seen so far makes me expect it to be another quantum break.
but what was wrong with quantum break though?
Hopefully it’s more replayable than W3 in that case
I was looking forward to fallen order until they showed gameplay and it just looked like uncharted. Looked boring.
>3/4th of a year
The long FMV cutscenes are a gimmick that adds nothing. Other than that it's a pretty fun third person shooter but it's lacking some of the weird ideas Max Payne had and doesn't have as memorable a story as Alan Wake.
>fallen order
>no character creation
Not a true RPG.
Maybe Outer Worlds will be decent, but I'm not holding my breath.
3 or 4 years ago you mongrel
>Code vein
>The Surge 2
Gonna be a busy september
Didn't you see the tranny triggered that the cover picture features a man?
Trannies aren't developing the game.
We're probably the only two people waiting for it, user
Ans it'll most likely be as mediocre as Technomancer
>Blands 3
People over the age of 16 still enjoy these skinner boxes?
Modern AAA games fucking blow.
Indie shit is merely imitation or a faded facsimile of past greats. And I don’t want to look to the past exclusively to play great games. It blows.
Focus is finally producing/publishing more than "ok/bad eurojank"
Vampyr and A Plague Tale were good, not goty but good and I feel like Greedfall could be a really good ARPG, love the whole colonial style clashing with magic
>Vampyr and A Plague Tale were good
not him, but i agree
>Because, on PC at least, there are already more games than anyone has time to play
As someone that has been a NEET for 15 years playing 15h a day vidya, I have nothing to play.
Death stranding
>but but PC
DOOM and Ori and the Will of the Wisps
but then Yea Forums went on a seething spree calling the game and devs trannies when it was confirmed you can make transgender and non-binary characters
they also complained about the ad since it acknowledges that transgenderism is a thing
What games you looking forward to?
Cyberpunk 2077
>Borderlands 3
Isn't Borderlands 3 just Borderlands 2 with new maps, which is Borderlands 1 with new maps?