Have you ever fallen in love with a video game character and then became depressed when you realized it's just a game?
Have you ever fallen in love with a video game character and then became depressed when you realized it's just a game?
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Sure, but in my case it was justified and not a textbook example of shit taste like for you.
>my virtual waifu is better than yours!
fucking kek, get laid faggot
>the least attractive character in the entire game
shit taste op
I’m going to marry Freya Crescent!
best girls start with C:
Cerys and Ciri
The worst is when you do a bunch of quests with them and then afterwards they just stand there repeating generic lines to you because their story is over.
For me, it's Syanna
Oh yes, I know that feeling
I love Fuuka!
Not OP but Philippa is patrician tier.
I've wanted to hatefuck her into oblivion since TW2.
Yes. Extremely so, to the point that ive been having desperate thought of dying/offing myself in the low chance that ill be reborn/isekaid into a world where she exists. As of now ive become numb to the pain but not numb to the feeling of despair because of my shitty life.
Today....will be my last
Michael Jackson tier
I'm depressed for not being able to kill her.
How long does it usually take you to realize you're playing a game when you're playing a game?
Lara Croft
Faith from Mirror's Edge Catalyst
Liv from Custom Robo Arena
A little bit the girl from Recore
Back when I had shit taste I waifued, Anne Bonny from Black Flag and Amita from Far Cry 3.
Now I'm waifuing female V from Cyberpunk 2077.
What's wrong with her knee?
>female V
>Far Cry 3.
I meant 4
Yeah Kara
Yes, VV from VtMB
I only find her attractive with the blindfold on. Why?
wrong girl
No but I have felt friendship and camaraderie in party based games where each of the characters is unique in their own way and different, yet still interesting and valuable, and then when the game is over realize that I’ll never go on adventures with them again and get depressed because real life experiences or people will never compare to them.
Yes, shit hurts.
Your waifu looks like a grade SSS+++ cock worshipper
Yeah, she worships my cock.
who is this?
The absolute state of Yea Forums.
I think it's the villain from MGS 3
hatefucking galore
I don't play racist nip games, sorry.
>the village bicycle
you know there were countless hunters who ''used'' her.
Go back.
Waka's wife.
Reminder that she fucked Wakka and got pregnant
dogface tier choice
2b, I love her and every fucking day I cry, this world, this life is unfair I want to die I hate this world
there are only four canon hunters to have met her
it was an old mans joke
yes :(
No, I am 100000% sure I am in love with Fuuka!
how old are you?
20 why
long hair Kara was better than short hair Kara
No, because I can tell the difference between reality and fiction.
Why did they put an american indian into fantasy poland?
>you will never kiss Claire while in a safe room
Yes. It hurts like hell.
>you will never hug Claire tightly while in the safe room and tell her that it's going to be okay
Anne Takamaki is the love of my life.
pls stop
Go away David
Sure did, but didn't get depressed because I'm not a faggot.
I wasn't "depressed" about her being not real, but I fell sad about it a few times for sure.
>you will never ever EVER kiss claire when, in a moment of weakness, she starts to tear up a bit because she's afraid
Yea. Happened with every girl from Dynasty Warriors.
Why would she have an Umbrella patch?
I love Cait.
She may not be real, but she's real in my heart. I show my love for her by being open minded and helping people who ask for my help, just like when you meet her in her game. I even chose a career where I get to do that every day.
I often dream about her and I think about her a lot, but it doesn't really make me sad that she's not real in our world. I carry her in my heart and she guides how I treat others, so she has a very real effect on the world, even if she is absent from it.
If it's all true - I'm very proud of you. Man, keep being a good person.
>you will never manage to escape, against all odds, with claire and sherry and then live a happy life with her
>she will never introduce you to christ
>you will never do cute silly stuff like pinch her cute puffy cheeks
she has a cute back. and i dont mean her ass, i mean her upper back where the shoulders connect. it's such an underappreciated part of the body.
I'd been depressed for a long time after my last girlfriend of 3 years cheated on me and had essentially given up on dating. Was playing ME2 again due to boredom and searching for a distraction. Found myself actually feeling for Tali. I watched all the romance scenes and played every path,dialog etc possible with her.
I'm over it for the most part now but I still love tali
even the ones where you don't hug her?
Good taste
Yes, But I hated those. But I had to see every interaction with her I could She just felt like a real person the way she acted and her voice actress just did a great job.
Yes i love this russian cutie she's too sweet desu
Whos that goblin?
>falling in love with an in-universe sex doll
second-level waifuism
Zoom zoom
>Ywn drink vodka with her desu :(
Fuck off, Caitfag.
This dumb stinky hobo has no business being so cute.
I literally jerked off to the scene. Bitch had it coming. Turned fucking diamonds when she was wandering around blinded.
waifu bump!
Absolute top taste
>Anne Takamaki is the love of my life.
I doubt it when you can't even spell her name right user
she looks like she can work miracles with her mouth
Didn't get depressed. Rather, I really liked Bayonetta, and the first game was so cool, she was so intoxicating, that it got my mood up for a few days while I was playing.
>Futafags have shit taste as always
Thinking of her only makes me happy
Yes, I've fallen in love with Magic Knight after years of adventuring together. It can be a bit depressing knowing i won't ever wake up to see her smiling face or take her out on a date but it is what it is. I still get to dream about her from time to time where she has given me a hug before and I can always play her games to have another fun adventure with her. So what I try to do is be better for her by getting into shape and trying to become someone she would be proud of.
waifu bump!
Tifa from Final Fantasy 9
Are you fucked in the head OP?
waifu bump!
Ah, yes, the patrician Triss/Ciri ship from book 3 at Kaer Morhen.
would fuck anyone voiced by Grey de Lisle
would never fuck anyone voiced by Jennifer Hale
I loved them both, in different ways
>I loved them both, in different ways
at the same time i hope
like a true chad
Max is the best girl in gaming
change my mind
she even deserved it too
Max and Chloe need a stiff, thick, veiny musky dick pressed hard against their faces
I love Reisen but I'm not depressed!
>not mission
Ow, this is what happens when you don't interact with other humans much for too long...
Im not into kids
waifu bump
Sure... ;)
She’s supposed to be 13