Playing video games is more socially acceptable than reading
Playing video games is more socially acceptable than reading
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Is there some coordinated campaign to ruin Yea Forums with culture war/off-site flamebait, or is it just summer?
what the fuck is even happening anymore
He's right you know. "intellectualism" is nazi crap.
Why are you cunts STILL giving RedditEra attention?
Holy fucking shit, stop reposting their shit takes here.
im proud to say that im on the far right and i have never read one single book from start to finish.
Is this your first day here? This shit has been going on since at least 2011. The only thing that's changed is Yea Forums's boogeyman (resetrera instead of gaf or reddit).
Yeah, that worked real well so far, didn't it?
Hello 2014 Reddit migrant. Kill yourself.
Are there no good alternatives, or is my time on image boards and forums coming to an end finally?
>Reading is now bad
The usa are so fucked, hope you can do something in time bros
As a nazi, I’m interested in a list of books for nazis. Do you have a link?
kill yourself retard, unironically
Thanks homie, I hope we can too, it’s not too late.
Uhhhhhh 1984 uhhhhhhh brave new world uhhhhhhhhjjhhhhhhh anything I don’t understand or like ! That help?
Reading books has always been such a meme. Only brainlets read books on philosophy or stories. Actual helpful books are called guides.
fahrenheit 451 is alt-right lol? if anything it´s definitely on the left
Nobody cares about their opinions on vidya, indeed
But their latest hot take on social justice?
Shit's so extreme, it's gonna convert a few internet dwellers to the other side
As such, Resetera is an endless redpill dispenser
The Young Hitler I Knew by August Kubizek, a man interrogated for years following the war for his childhood connection to the fuhrer
>>"His classmates, mostly from solid, good-class Linz families, cold-shouldered the strange boy who arrived daily 'from amongst the peasants'"
>"In class he rarely came to anybody's notice. He had no friends, contrary to primary school, and wanted none"
>"He too, was completely alone. His father had been dead for two years. However much he loved his mother, she could not help him with his problems. He just needed to talk and needed someone who would listen to him."
>"I was surprised he had so much spare time and asked innocently whether he had a job. 'Of course not', was his gruff reply [...] He did not consider that any particular work [...] was necessary for him"
>"He no longer attended school; did nothing to get himself job training; lived with his mother and let her keep him. But he was not idle: this period of his life was filled with restless activity. He sketched, he painted, he wrote poetry, he read"
>"he was anxious to escape the atmosphere that prevailed at home. The idea that he, a young man of eighteen, should continue to be kept by his mother had become unbearable to him. On the one hand, he loved his mother above everything: she was the only person on earth to whom he felt really close, and she reciprocated his feeling to some extent, although she was deeply disturbed by her son's unusual nature, however proud she was at times of him. 'He is different from us,' she used to say"
>>"But he? Where should he have gone that Christmas Eve? He had no acquaintances, no friends, nobody who would have received him with open arms. For him the world was hostile and empty. [...] All he ever told me of that Christmas Eve was that he had wandered around for hours. Only towards morning had he returned home and gone to sleep. What he thought, felt and suffered I never knew"
>read a book on stories
Damn that really made me laugh, fuck thank you man, needed that.
I'm on Yea Forums to talk about vidya, not RetardEra. Shitposting on Yea Forums won't change anything. You're not fighting some grand war.
Unironically, cope and play some fucking video games.
Except you clearly HAVEN'T been ignoring it you stupid faggot. You've been posting this crap for years. is spot on.
Neogaf did fucking die and turn into Resetera so it's the same boogeyman really
You have zero power to police what people can and cannot talk about. This isn't reddit where you can downvote others away. Learn to fit in, because it's going to be like this forever. I was just like you ten years ago.
The right doesn’t want to censor things at this point in time, that is the left.
Is there some campaign by retards to click on every thread they aren't interested in so they can feel like a hall monitor?
>You know I read a book I was forced to read in school once :^)
What an intellectual heavyweight.
Good luck finding something else to do
A war is being waged, and wether or not you care who wins, the outcome will change America’s culture forever
Resetera is, by definition, off topic. So, yes, mods can police what you can say here, you hyper faggot.
I bet your favorite game is Ocarina of Time, isn't it?
go play a video game you gay larper
Oh boo hoo, poor dictator.
Have you read a single shooter's manifesto in your life? Most of them were loners. Stalin had a tragic childhood too. Doesn't justify being an asshole.
this one is pretty interesting, author is hot too
Yes a very serious one, my guess is it’s angry leftists who have been invading the site. They see a joke or some otherwise pointed out cultural Marxism and just want to shut down conversation. Not because they have an agenda, but because they feel it’s the “right” thing to do, having little to no understand of IQ, immigration, and the horrors of socialism.
Yeah, shame it's fiction
I’m playing modded oblivion currently, pretty comfy, been about five years since I last played. I can stare at my screen, my feet, my hands, all day long, it dose not change the fact that there is a cultural war being fought. If you don’t care fine, but don’t act like you know anything about it when do you don’t, brainlet.
There is nothing. It's sad, but true. The internet was a mistake. All I want to do is have intelligent good discussions about video games, but there is no where to go.
just a mind hive echo chamber where any opinion that dissents from the crowd is downvoted until you're eventually banned.
>Yea Forums
just PS4 vs Nintendo wars, companies posting ads "Why haven't you played WoW yet Yea Forums?," anime ass posting, teenagers trying to be funny, endless shitposting, and flaming each other for individual tastes in games or opinions.
There is no where.
Adolf Hitler was the greatest man who ever lived.
You don’t know anything about hitler
>alt-right books
Is resetera really that bad?
That's just objectively wrong, sorry.
>alt right
yikes, imagine being this out of touch with reality
>mfw I work in a book shop and everyone who buys Jordan Peterson looks like a normal functioning human being