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the feeling of buying fast food, and budgeting your time with the the main food, and fries on the side feels comfy.
forkfags deserve to hang from trees
the state of amerifats
thats some GOMAD shit
I would not mop up the grease but I don't give a rat's ass about diet. Sometimes pizza slices are huge, there's nothing wrong with using a fork and knife. Individual slices can also be pretty hot.
Go to any pizza place that isn't fast-food tier and you'll understand.
>Sometimes pizza slices are huge
The proper way to eat those slices is by folding them
Did he chug some nasty shit right before doing that? You'd think he'd collapse before vomiting, if it's really that tough to lift.
>You'd think he'd collapse before vomiting, if it's really that tough to lift.
Have you never vomited from over exerting yourself? It's not that tough.
Has he already been infected?
My problem with the video is how many weird tactics he uses just eat a fucking slice of pizza
>Starts by mopping up grease while holding the slice with his bare hand
>Decides to use a fork and knife despite hand already being greased up
>still struggles to pick up a piece with a fork, has to use both the fork and knife to shovel it in
>doesn't eat the crust, despite it being very thin
>picks up cut pieces with a napkin for some reason
>rubber glove comes out
The whole thing is a mess.
what am I supposed to see in the thumbnail?
What am I supposed to be seeing in the thumbnail? I just saw Britney.
the leftfag is eating worse than the chad
i want to punch that man
literally virgin vs chad
>Jesus christ gets reunited with his ps3 game collection
the guy on the right looks like he had an awful day at work and just thought he deserved a treat and fuck what anyone thinks
He's actually training for a speed eating content. The milkshake poured over the food makes it go down easier.
What an absolutely pathetic pig of a human.
have there been people who shoot down the drones and steal packages yet?
I thought the guy on the right just got out of prison
Damn, so sad to see these majestic creatures get beached. Just dont bomb the whale with dynamite like that other time.
>Twoson Hotel
>Beginning assault on the Arsenal Bird
>Sometimes pizza slices are huge
You're supposed to fold pizza slices you uncultured swine.
>period blood donuts
imagine the smell
No it isn't
No it isn't
Yeah I always imagined prison or military
For some reason this made me laugh so fucking much
Yes that's why it hasn't gotten anywhere
hes vomiting because the lifting belts creates internal pressures that helps you lift more weight. women piss themselves for some reason