Since the huge disgusting shit storm that was gears 4 what are your expectations for 5?
I love gears of war but I think I will skip this one, making kait the protagonist and adding ducking terminator is cringe as fuck, you can tell developers don’t give a fuck anymore
Since the huge disgusting shit storm that was gears 4 what are your expectations for 5?
>xbox one
>xbox one console exclusive
>xbox one
Are they making cover art shit on purpose so people buy digital?
I just want no comp/core tuning and decent servers.
New escalation looks amazing.
Fuck off phone poster
>terminator pack
What the actual fuck? This is the first time I’ve heard of this. Why? It doesn’t fit the game at all. Feels like something that would be in MK11 or something
Imagine actually owning a pc in the current year when smartphones exist
>It doesn’t fit the game at all
Actually it does because Gears 4 introduced robot enemies
Everyone posting about Gears 5 was never going to play it anyway, and anyone that was ever considering playing it isnt dissuaded by any of the retarded meme news you faggots have been spouting for days now
This shit will flop.
Yeah but it didn’t introduce John Wick or Rambo.
>implying anyone owns an xbox
I'd just like to remind everyone that the PC port of Ultimate Edition is dogshit and the developer should be ashamed.
Gears 1 was the only good Gears game.
>Since the huge disgusting shit storm that was gears 4
I thought Gears 4 was just standard Gears gameplay
It has the best gameplay in the series.
>he owns a fucking Xbox
>No different tunings
This, it ruined 4 and made it inconsistent. Now the comps gansher is as janky as cores.
It really depends how I feel about the MP beta next week.
I never really cared about the story so I care fuck all about all the retarded sjw shit. But the Super hard push to E sport garbage is imo what's been ruining the game.
It's on PC, windows 10 store and Steam, with full crossplay.
It's probably going to run terribly on PC because Runs at literally 30-40 FPS while barely using the GPU, horribly optimized. I would definitely recommend that you don't pre-order and hold off until after release.
4 runs fine on PC.
Gears 5 honestly looks like dog shit, 3 was the last good Gears game. Coalition sucks and fuck the Gears 4 port.
I'll take your word for it, but I still don't think the dev deserves your trust. Pre-ordering is a bad idea in any event. Hold off, trust me.
for is amazing on pc, I can run it on ultra on my 1050ti and g4560
you can get the game for 1$ with the game pass. just try it.
Gears 4 is probably MS best PC port to date. That game was optimized perfectly
>Gnasher Meta was the best gameplay
>Doesn't own multiple consoles as well as a PC
People just wanted a sequel to Gears 3. Instead we got a sequel to UE. As the game played more like UE than 3. 3 was incredibly unbalanced and FUN. 4 was designed for E sports.
>John Wick
Zoomer thing, not 80s feeling
Has no place in a sci-fi centered game
What kind of argument was this...?
>the reveal looks like shit
>the cover looks like shit
>unnecessary drama about banning smokes
>people care about Gears after 3
>apparently people care about Gears so much that they make Funko-branded gatchashit games for it too
Seriously, who is the audience for Gears these days?
Not just any terminator
this terminator
>he owns a pc already and still buys a fucking xbox anyway
Almost entirely Mexicans
Gladly. Been playing so many fucking games thanks to Game Pass. Sold my Switch because of it (and the next revisions that cuck current switch owners).
It may look like it but it had severe driver issues they never bloody fixed.
It's the only console that does cross-save and crossbuy with PC.
>3 was incredibly unbalanced
No Gears 2 was. Gears 3 was them trying their asses off trying to make a balanced game, Cliffy even said that Gears 3 was his favorite because he said it the most balanced game. UE is a balanced Gears 1, even have some of its quirks like 360 curb stomp, but they also balanced some weapons like how the longshot is no longer a 1shot down.
Its obvious as shit you have no idea about the series.
This right here killed competative gears
wasting money to buy two devices to play the same games is incredibly retarded
I like buying backwards compatible games on sale to play when I can't play them on PC, retard.
Controllers are fun to use too.
>Implying I bought a One S
I won it from work.
Stop fucking lying and telling people this bullshit. It's multiplayer was complete fucking shit with nothing but shotguns and I avoided that shit like the plague and played Horde more which is the only good thing in Gears 4.
ive only seen it in coop modes so far, but i agree. gow maps are small enough that a minimap seems a tad overkill.
>humans are almost extinct
>lets send out our only means to make more humans out to die
Brilliant writing. Nothing wrong with teaching them to fight but they should not be frontline soldiers. Never. That shit is extremely bad writing and its something the series unfortunately can't be saved from at this point, not that it was ever stellar.
Glad I stopped with Gears 3.
i agree, maybe because its the first gears game in 60fps? it really compliments the frenetic gameplay.
You act like I said unbalanced in a bad way. Everything was broken so nothing was, and everything felt good to use. But 4 was over balances that everything felt like shit to use, just like UE.
gears of war is a franchise that should've died after 3.
i hate these long standing franchises that started over a decade ago continuing into the 4-5-6's when they weren't the most interesting to begin with.
Gears 3 is the MW2 of the Gears series because both games had alot of unbalanced stuff and everything felt great to use and got shit done.
Nope. I googled some mp footage from E3 and unfortunately it has a mini map cause the tac-com is too complex for casuals I guess
>shit storm that was gears 4
It was? explain
Gears 3 was balanced as shit, have you faggots ever played the series?
Gears 2 was the broken game.
Fucking hell, you jackasses know fucking nothing.
thats ridiculous. hopefully just a beta build, or its disabled for ranked modes.
I’m personally excited for Gears 5. The environments look very good
>finally add Queens guard, armored kantus, and skorge to MP despite years of fans petitioning Epic to bring em in 3
>they're stuck in 4 AND you have to buy lootboxes to get em
That was the ultimate slap to the face that made me stop being a gears head
ITT: People pretend to know the state of gears of war
The game has always been shotgun meta since gears 1, they have all had massive problems that only get adressed in subsequent releases
gears 1 had the crab walk glitch they never fixed
gears 2 had 2 piecing with the punch shoot combo (gears 1 had this with the hammerburst but nobody seemed to care then)
gears 3 for some reason people really hated the sawn off shotgun which was actually dog shit
gears 4 had the 83% problem for fucking years before they addressed it
These games are fucking broken and always focus on the same shit over and over but none of it matters because they are fun, if you dont like them then why are you playing them
If the mini map is a casual only thing and if there is no lootboxes I'll get it. I dont care for the story, Kate and w/e is just more variety for me to gib with a gnasher
finally, a true gears fan.
The naming of this game is so bizarre.
fact: gears 4 and 5 would be good titles if they focused on marcus kid, instead of this chick.
>suddenly the main protagonist is this literal who while chad fenix and black chad play second fiddle
You can craft characters now, so you don't have to rely on loot boxes
im afraid your post had the oppposite effect of what you intended, this looks great. i cant fucking wait.
What the fuck are you talking about? We're literally saying it's the best one of the series, why are you getting so angry about it you sperg
Gears 4 core tuning was the opposite of a shotgun meta. You can down people in 7 shots with the hammerburst. Lancers around 9.
t. alpha male who hit diamond in everything.
Gesrs 4 is fun. Im still playin it online. 5 will be good
gears isn't about good writing, it never fucking has been, it's been about multiplayer from the start
I am angry because its clear you have never played Gears if you honestly think 3 is unbalanced, and yet you keep talking as if you know anything about the series.
He's right, it does just look like 4. But I only really care about how the Gnasher and wall bouncing "feel" while playing, something you can't really translate in a video. Bouncing has been shit since 3.
Putting "Gears 5" in the cover art instead of Gears of War 5 is cringe as fuck.
Gears 2 had so many problems that never got patched out not to mention they spent half of the games life trying to fix smokes.
War is a bad word.
2 piece seems to be back?
no, for real. ill admit it does look like gears 4.5 but i enjoyed gears 4s multiplayer quite a bit so...
I doubt they would ever bring it back.
Go fuck yourself you angry autistic cunt, Gears 3 is my favourite Gears game in the series and quit acting like some high and mighty bitch.
hope they dont fuck it up again.
The new escalation looks amazing
>your response is something ive read word for word in multiple threads. Xbox haters go out of their way to persuade people not to buy. It's quite pathetic. Sorry bruh im in ultimate gamepass for the next three years
>Microsoft ruined Gears, Halo and Crackdown in one gen
They would have ruined Forza too if they could but you have to be extremely incompetent to make a racing game worse than the last one.
it is, watch the stream
I don't even believe you ever played a Gears game if you think Gears 3 is unbalanced.
>play Gears 4 with girlfriend
>don't have girlfriend anymore
I guess I'm not playing Gears 5
Crackdown 3 is easily the best one in the series.
Peaked with Gears 2. Until the shite final Boss it was a 10/10 Action Game. Almost Heave.
Says you. I like to play my games anywhere.
And I said it had some unbalanced things which made it great like the Retro Lancer which was the best thing to happen to Gears multiplayer.
god I remember the shit infested, bug ridden lag fest that gears 2 was.
but I still loved it.
Like Sony with Gran Turismo?
>you will never be a kid again and play Gears 2 and Halo 3 online with friends
>i want 60hz servers
The servers are going to be the exact same.
>one universal tuning
they would choose core over comp and that's a good thing
>lag compensation with ping limit
LMAO you think these people give a fuck ahahahahhaa
Ahh I member when smokes did knock down.
Retro isn't unbalanced. It has shit range and terrible bounce
there was a bug that let you switch weapons when picking up the shield and using it with your primaries
There was also a map where you can go out of bounds. Was perfect for hiding the leader in Guardian
And both of those 2 things are nulled if you know how to use it, I did and it was great hell I can beat long range hammerburst users with it. They really ruined the Retro Lancer in Gears 4.
That just mean you were playing with shitters. The hammerburst was absolutely busted in 2 and 3, and the Enforcer in 4 is a better retro.
>the Enforcer is a better Retro
I admitted that through implication that the writing was never stellar
It's easy to poke fun at this, and honestly the Gears multiplayer was never that great. Gears 1 and 2 were broken in their own ways, though admittedly fun. I loved Horde in Gears 3.
Gears 3 was the best game, campaign was epic and tight and multiplayer was addicting and balanced overall. Sawed off shotgun aside lol
Gears 4 was good fun too, campaign was kinda meh to me other than the callbacks to previous characters. Didn't do enough to make me care about the new cast, that opening level almost made me not finish it because it was so boring.
Gears 4 multiplayer was great though. For some reason my xbox uninstalls games as updates come out randomly, so I haven't played since April 2018? I'm currently looking at a 145+GB install with updates and all that
As for Gears 5, I'll probably pre-order it still. Hoping the multiplayer is just as good if not better and the campaign engages me somewhat.
amazing how I forgot the cancer that was the retro lancer
>uninstalls randomly
no that's just the modern day updater, happened to everyone.
hey Yea Forums, who do you main?
for me? its baird.
4 was the best gears so far.
Hm, figured my xbox was just fucking up. Only does it for that game
what happend to combat chatter in 4 tough?
nobody talks shit anymore and locust just grunt and moan.
Why? That's what everyone has been calling them since the first one.
>terminator character pack
I never played Gears of War, but I was under the impression that the games were about a bunch of Mr Olympia contestants staging a raid on a steroid laboratory.
Why is there a woman front and centre?
halo 3 and gears 2 were overated, I pity you if you weren't around for halo 2 and gears 1, that was the absolute peak of the community
halo 3 ruined everything by making the br projectile, completely eliminated all the muscle memory people had built up, it also didn't fit the arena style gameplay of halo whatsoever
I will take the lag of gears 1 any day over the janky fuck fest that was gears 2
I expect it to be a zero dawn knock off
most of the female soldiers are barren, if you're barren you either become a prostitute for the gears to fuck, or you become a gear yourself
>naturally all of the main characters totally abhor turning useless women into useful things, though
It's like Call of Duty putting just "COD" on the cover. It just screams "hello fellow kids"
Sucks to suck I guess.
Because feminism, Gears of War was masculine as fuck and now they turned it into some social justice cringe.
>female protagonist
Not buying it
I think it will be fine. The smoking thing is just retarded considering only one character I can think of even smokes (they could have just said nothing and the outcome would've been the same), and while I think Kait is a weak character, I think the same about JD. Del is the only new character who is Gears-y. As long as Delta squad doesn't overshadow the new cast and underscore how weak they really are (looking at you Halo) and the set pieces are still fun, it looks to be a fine game. Also, for those complaining about the terminator, Ice-T was in 3, and the Run the Jewels guys were in 4. Thus far, all Gears guest characters are 100% cringe inducing.
not at all.You're just looking for reasons to sperg out.
I would be fine if she were cute but holy shit she's fucking hideous, losing the hat was a terrible idea, this is definitely gonna be the worst selling entry in the series.
I like the aesthetics
Y'all wanna shred when it comes out? GT: Shay3SaintJohn
In what way?
>Gears 5
not Gears of War 5
or some gay art shit like GEAR5 OF WAR
just "gears"
Will Marcus die in this one?
there were always women and the game always had muh feels moments
i bought gears 4 and hated basically everything about it
it felt like exactly what 343 did to halo
it felt similar but just wrong. The balance was off, the aesthetic of the series was fucked with rainbow guns and shit - the campaign was terrible (although its building off of 3's which i hated the 'twist' ending of) and the MP just felt like previous titles but worse.
The horde was great though, i might pick it up for that alone if i know i'll get people to play with
There is one tuning.
Rifles have Counter Strike like recoil patterns now.
Competive modes like escalation don't have auto aim
3 fuckling gears 4 maps. Dam, Forge remake, Foundation
Smokes don't stun
Ultimate Edition runs like total dog shit, online is so broken you can't actually earn XP from match completions, and wasn't a "Play Anywhere" title meaning you didn't get a second copy for the other platform. Gears 4 runs well but has had a driver issue on Nvidia 9 and 10 series cards for the last two years making online play basically impossible with random crashes constantly. Also fun side note the original PC release of Gears is basically unplayable now as well. Next week is the multiplayer beta for 5 so we'll see how this game is broken.
seriously? Yea Forums should love this.
Enjoy playing with laggy spics again.
Yes, from smoking induced cancer. At the request of an anti-smoking organization.
That was manly tears, same as Dom finding his wife, Gears 5 is just yass queen
Hit markers for every gun visible on screen
Dropshot has boomshot like explosion radius
Shotgun has only 6 shots in a clip instead of 8
It's coming out on Steam and the last game was optimized well. Mite b cool.
Nigger the game isnt even out yet
>Shotgun has only 6 shots in a clip instead of 8
auto aim should never be taken out of console shooters
I swear everyone is going full retard and not playing their own games
we've learned to aim for over 10 years with aim assist on console, it's a core mechanic to every shooter on console
Bungie ruined Halo, Microsoft is finally fixing it with Infinite, Reach is the only Halo game that sucked in both campaign and multiplayer and Bungie deciding to put more effort in mp over sp was the kicker. Gears was ruined way before Gears 4 Microsoft is only guilty of bringing it back from the dead instead of letting it rot, seriously who ask for a Gears 4? Only Crackdown 1 was good.
gears never had autoaim that snaps to your target. Just sticky aim that slows down your camera when on target.
yes every console shooter should have aim assist, in what world does aim assist mean anything other than slowdown
zoomers these days I swear to god
>they are all exclusively using lancers
I see they chose core tuning
did you mean competitive? do you remember the core gnasher?
Gears 5 gameplay is looking better than 4 though
The changes incentives camping
No I didn't the ranged weapons on comp tuning did jack shit. Core tuning gnasher having more range doesn't change you getting downed in 9 shots by a ranged weapon.
Gears 4 core was the exact same thing. It's shitty gameplay. Dodgeball is the only real exception.
just dont get hit 9 times and work on your positioning.
taking the lag and projectile nature of weapons from gears 1 ruined this game, it turns into a shitty cover shooter with no action
if gears wants to become big again they should make all the weapons projectile like gears 1 effectively was, that would incentivise people to rush and play aggressively, which is what made gears so fun
>it turns into a shitty cover shooter with no action
.t never played the series
I hit diamond in everything. That's not possible on the vast majority of maps. I killed clowns like you constantly that still tried to make that shit work.
hey fuck tard gears was never about positioning, it was about individual skill and aggression that all changed, when lag and the projectile nature of weapons was taken out in gears 2
are you watching the stream? you cant tell me that this is not aggressive enough.
never played gears 1, every game after gears 1 is a camper that doesn't reward individual skill
watching pros play now is a fucking joke compared to what this game used to be
hey boomer nobody cares about gears 1. I have not played that shit. get with the times grandpa and take those nostalgia glasses off.
I never really liked gears MP, I may get into it with 5 since I have gamepass anyway, but 4 had a disappointing campaign, it played great and ran fucking amazingly on PC, but the new villains fell flat for me and the entire plotline fighting against the new COG was kinda dumb and totally got thrown aside to do locust 2.0. gears 5 looks even worse and from what we've seen so far, they are turning the series into a young adult novel focusing on "cool and spunky" teen characters. I still prefer the over serious dumb shit from 1-3 to what they are doing now.
did you ever play gears 1, gears 1 wasn't about camping with a fucking lancer, I'm not impressed in any way by 5 guys camping with a host lancer
hey, how's it feel to have a fraction of the skill I have yet be rewarded
you'll never know until it comes down to it
hey dumbass this is not 2007. The game runs on servers now.
>Terminator pack
>for the new STRONG GURL movie that's coming out
the game took more skill when the weapons were projectile, you wouldn't know this cause you're a 12 year old faggot
>every game after gears 1 is a camper that doesn't reward individual skill
>Gears 2 had two piecing and melee weapons
>Gears 3 added two more weapons that excelled at close range
And going back to Gears 1
>Active Reload was at it's worse
>Longshot was a one shot when active
Can you explain to a gears ultimate zoomer?
rushing around the map was a primary strategy, you could not camp with the lancer, as the projectile nature of it slowed down the ttk enough for it to be inneffective
Nah, they ruined forza too (at least horizon anyway) 4 is ass compared to 3.
continued, essentially people would get in your face and fuck you up, the gnash er was your primary weapon, the projectile nature of the weapons made your movement your primary weapon, go watch a gears 1 montage if you want to understand how the game played
Yeah the game objectively is nowhere close to that even on comp. It all ends up exclusively revolving around power weapons and their placement. If the gnasher was the core version I could see it being like that. On TDM we would get a kill advantage and grab the power weapons then just camp are asses off and pick them off as they pushed us. If they didn't push we'd win by timeout. It would essentially come down to which team had the biggest rushing retards.
There was a fourth Gears game?
Gears 1 didn't have projectiles senpai. It was so laggy your shots came out a second later which made them "projectile" like. It wasnt supposed to be like that online. If Gears 1 has servers it would be a lancer fest too
the core gameplay of gears 1 was hundreds of times better than the core gameplay of every subsequent gears, you could not camp with a lancer
gears 2 had stuns that knock you, gears 3 was pretty good overall, yet the rifles were too strong, gears 4 same story
finally THIS
they acted as projectiles, which is the point
Gears was never primarily projectile, that was just the shit online
in practice it was, even if it was meant to be hitscan
if you're watching the stream you understand that this game would have never taken off if everyone had host lancer, the game would have been slowed down to a crawl
only thing that i didnt like in gears 1 was the active longshot
>short charge
>b right after for instant down.
Its was more cancerous than 2 piece ever was.
>That awful "it's a Terminator that thinks its human!" plot from Salvation being repeated
Is stopping power back from 3?
Judgement had the best gameplay
Dont @me
alright I'm the gears 1 boomer, but I will admit this map is designed extremely well, this map plays fine but holy shit that previous map was a snoozefest
I'm a brainlet, the fuck does that mean?
gears 4 split the playerbase in 2 by introducing 2 different tunings. each tuning had different dmg models for all weapons.
it never left?
Could a sworn they removed it from 4
>Was gonna install Gears 4 from the PC game pass thing
>Its fucking 130GB
Hmm, never noticed that
gears 1 multiplayer was pretty much determined by who got the longshot or torque bow first
torque bow flicking was "skill"
one shotting anyone anywhere with a single perfect reload shot with the longshot was not
abusing mechanics and wall bouncing while using a gnasher was peak
You absolute retard, weapons were only projectile because of the shitty netcode, not by design.
It has actual graphics.
gnash er skill was foremost, if you didn't have that you couldn't get the power weapon in the first place, power weapons were harder to use in general due to the "projectile" nature of them
>twitch invitational live
Fucking kek Microshitters
in practice they were projectile, which is the only thing that matters
what theoretically would have happened but didn't is irrelevant
to know that you would have had to have played the game
I play a lot of gears 4 actually more than i did 1-3 for multiplayer. My only problem is that its totally a team game but nobody plays like a team especially with randoms. Guys fucking hide behind walls with the gnssher when you have an advantage instead of throwing some support or refuse to pull lancer and have to stick gnasher inside the asshole of the guy before shooting leaving just the amount if time for you to die.
No it wasn't you fucking retard, I was an adult working my first job when Gears 3 came out and I can actually remember it unlike your zoomer ass.
The state of the sawed-off and retro-lancer at release completely destroyed the competitive viability of the game. I have SCREENCAPS buried on one of my old PCs of the devs stating that they deliberately created the two weapons to give casual players and new players a chance against series veterans who mastered the gnasher. I have those screenshots because I spent dozens of hours arguing with Rod Ferguson himself and other devs on the old Gears of War community board about the guns needing nerfs.
Gears 3 was an unbalanced sack of dogshit for at LEAST the first 6 months of its existence. Eventually they did nerf both weapons but by then the damage to the community had been done.
Halo 3 had a better campaign which is where it mattered.
Man I love Mackenize Davis but she looks real weird there
Don't assume everyone here is underagd breh. I'm 36
Why the fuck is just called GEARS?
Gears had been ruined for a while. Does nobody remember the turd that was Gears of War: Judgment?
That's a tricky one because there's still debate as to whether Reach or Halo 4 did more damage to the franchise. Halo 5's multiplayer was great, but it had the worst campaign
Crackdown was never a popular or well-liked franchise. CD1 was good, but most of its sales came from the Halo 3 beta. Crackdown 2 was critically roasted for being more of the same. Crackdown 3 is actually a decent game if you really liked the first one, but otherwise it's a shitty game that spent 5 years in development and delivered nothing that they promised (as well as yet another "solid yellow 60" for Microsoft and a testament to their inability to deliver breakout games)
I was pushing 30 when gears 30 released. While i was busy adulting I did play 3 briefly and was a god with the sawed off. I had always been a mediocre gears player before that.
why make her the lead? just why? in gears 4 she barely talks and gives us no reason to give a shit about her character
"Everyone just calls it Gears anyway"
"There's no War"
Am I dumb or does Gears 5 just seem like Microsoft desperately wants to create a story like the Last of Us?
Gears 4 was a good game though, I find it hard to believe that anyone that liked Gears 1-3 would hate 4.
crackdown was that game most poor kids who didn't get bought the AAA game of the month played and thus were forced to enjoy
being a first in a series it was naturally at peak, since things don't get better anymore they just establish a reputation and then sell degraded copies using this reputation, until it runs out
and then the next clone appears, the ever turning wheel
Gears judgement doesnt and halo reach added sprint which ruined it for me.
You're an idiot. Poor kids dont get to buy a game just to play a beta for another game. Crackdown was just a fun game especially to play co-op online.
shit this bitch looks like a nasty old tranny like that ScarJo goblin that you still pretend is hot cuz muh based mickey mouse capeshit clubhouse
Gears was arguably ruined before that with the litany of issues in 2 and 3
Crackdown 3 was dumb not only because the destruction was completely underwhelming (and the multiplayer that it was relegated to had no progression and only 2 modes with 3 maps) but also because it retconned the Agency being the bad guys all along.
>That's a tricky one because there's still debate as to whether Reach or Halo 4 did more damage to the franchise.
No not really. Your whole post is Microsoft damage control though. Since you're little furfag Elite buddies with some 343 employee on a fucking Gaylo forum you gotta damage control for them huh?
faggot, crackdown was in every store used for like 10% of the price of a recently release AAA game
its that game every kid owned but never wanted to play, and as stated is only remembered today because of the halo 3 beta
Will wait till I found this game in the sale bin for 10 bucks or something, probably this March. 4 wasn´t that good and we barely know anything about this game´s campaign. We just know that this girl with the wooly hat is important and that´s it. I could´nt care less, fuck.
I just want a game where I'm Judge Dredd. Tired of these meme Marvel Hero games like Crackdown and Saints Row totally wasting the cop or the gangster premise.
Put your hate boner for Microsoft away. Gears and halo both had great trilogies. Halo being exceptional. Everything after has been decent but not great.
Gears is dumb because the new enemies in each game are just mutated versions of the Locust wearing a different name tag
Gears of wars was ALWAYS shit
>completely new cast, almost all the old cast are dead or miserable losers
>new cast is aesthetically completely different from every character in the prior games in an attempt to appeal to zoomers
>in a franchise whose claim to fame is massive amounts of gore and misanthropy, the game has you fighting fucking robots led by an annoying school-principal archetype for the first third of the campaign
The MP in 4 was excellent, yeah, but they basically took everything that made the Gears setting appealing and turned it on its head.
You're embarrassing yourself my guy. Nobody talks about crackdown anyway. That's why it's funny this board spammed cd 3 reviews so hard. Xbros dont care about the series. Also
>not being an expert zone member and getting every MS published game for the price of shipping back then
CD3's destruction was barely better than Red Faction Guerrilla's despite coming out a decade after it. That's just pathetic for a game in the works for 5 years by 3 companies simultaneously
I thought all the locusts died at the end of 3. What is 4 and 5 even about?
Gears 5 is not for you!
iPhone poster fuck off
They didn't die, they actually evolved and are now kidnapping humans and turning them into locust hybrids.
damn sensitive pussies. i bet this game will be a movie like last of us or god of war 2018
Look at all those games that are also on pc
Actually that is 3.
>lancer still sounds like shit
it's weird because all the other weapons sounds great
Actually it's you who wouldn't know a good game if it came up and Cock slapped you in the face jackass.
>d4 no one played this unfinished qte shit
>phantom dust no one played this remaster shit
>no one bought rare replay either
why are these higher rated than ori? oh i get it theyre japanese.
kill yourselves weebniggers
The game comes out in like 2 months, why are they so scared to show the campaign?
>Halo 5
>not god or top tier
>Broken Chief Collection not low tier
>Gears 4 not shit tier
>Sea of Thieves not shit tier
Kill yourself
>unnecessary drama about banning smokes
...Were people actually mad about that? Who could possibly be mad about that?
>The state of the sawed-off and retro-lancer at release completely destroyed the competitive viability of the game.
The Sawed-off got nerfed heavily before the game even released and the Hammerburst was still so much better than both retro and sawed off.
Nigger, I was in the top 1000s for Wingman back in Gears 2 and even when that was at its most "fixed" that game was a broken unbalanced mess compared to launch Gears 3
>Lag switchers
>Smokes getting reworked every fucking patch
>The fucking hammerburst
>Easy out of bounce
>Two Piece
>The fucking hammerburst
>Servers were fucking awful
>The fucking hammerburst
>The fucking hammerburst
>The fucking hammerburst
Seriously, anyone that bitched about the Sawed off and Retro has never seen Gears 2 hammerburst.
Afraid of spoiling things for people
Gears is on the xbox platform. You can play it on pc and the box.
it's annoying, since they could've just beefed up the sawed off and made it a power weapon instead
audience is mainly latino males, and some wigger trash and blacks. main campaign is about ambiguous woman with emotional issues. I don't know user
There's no war to speak of, but it's probably Rod just trying to appeal to the pc crowd, considering he removed smoking(tobacco references) in a game where maybe one person smoked
tfw I’ll never relive the feeling of getting out of high school to play gears 2 with my bros
Dylan Roof, Hillary Clinton and generic El Goblina #376?
Uhhh, so again,
>having a pc and still buying an xbox