What is the appeal of Dwarf Fortress? Is it really that good?
Dwarf Fortress
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better than shit posting
Emergent gameplay and story.
Setting up a nearly autonomous self-sufficient economy is very satisfying
nothing anymore
it got POZZed by trannies
but that means you can ruthlessly kill trannies forever
>bros I'm so fucking epic and manly... look at this picture of stuff I like such as GUNS and KNIVES and ALCOHOL THAT I THINK FITS A RURAL AESTHETIC SUCH AS WHISKEY OR VODKA please believe I am the badass I desperately wish I were
At least 95% of /k/ posters have probably taken an image like this
you sound like a faggot
>Is it really that good?
>What is the appeal of Dwarf Fortress?
>Is it really that good?
Most incel post I've ever seen. I hope /k/ gang rapes your whiny virgin ass. It's the only way you're ever going to get laid.
Absolutely based
Best post I've seen today on this shithole.
clean the 9mms and $30 walmart knives off your desks, nobody's impressed
>ughhhh this masculinity is so offputting this is bad thing!
lol dumb fucks cant tell its mostly ironic now. go back to plebbit before I kill you in minecraft
/k/ is unironically more intelligent, more wealthy, more attractive, and gets more pussy than all of you sad incels combined.
>What is the appeal of Dwarf Fortress?
>Is it really that good?
If you have autism.
More like tranniefortress
>placing conventionally masculine items prominently in pictures I take makes me a real man please stop stating otherwise
Being this insecure is the real basedboy move kiddo
You wish, gunfag. Shoot yourself with one of the five cheap Walmart guns you bought and make us all a favor.
based post
images like these absolutely REEK of insecurity
I've never taken pics like this. Do you have phobia of guns or want to take them all? just standard libtard or full on commie?
god that steyr is such a fucking sexy handgun. compact slide with the trapezoid sights yeeeeeeeee boi.
must cop.
based and wise
>waaahhh people enjoy things that I don't, there must be something wrong with them, it can't possibly be me that's missing out!
/k/ is a bunch of nogunz powertripping homos that do not know what they are talking about most of the time.
Dwarf Fortress is at least 50% meme. Not only that, it's an old meme as well.
Despite the autistically in-depth simulation and procedural generation, the game has very little depth. Fortress Mode is braindead easy (and has only gotten easier over the years), half the industries are completely useless fluff, and the "core game" industries are simple, tedious shit as well.
It's simply not a good sandbox game. It's kind of a shitty tech demo for a greentext generator. It became a meme about a fucking decade ago because back then it might have been comparatively passable, and because the internet was a lot more impressionable with the greentexts it generated.
I would not recommend Dwarf Fortress to anybody in this day and age, especially since it keeps getting more frustrating to play with every update making the retarded fucking worldgen clunkier and more finickity to actually create a playable embark that actually gets invasions.
they're adding tranny dwarves, that's it
I thought trannies liked Dorf Fort though? Toady did add literally every LGBTQWTF++ sexual orientation to dwarves for no fucking reason. Completely broke animal husbandry while he did it, too.
Nice steyr
What are some games with more depth?
this is the sad thing about your tiny, simple mind
he's not saying those things are inherently bad, he's saying that it is extremely embarrassing for any """"male"""" that feels the need to constantly pose with said things to give off the impression of LOOK HOW MANLY I AM BROOO. it reeks of insecurity
There’s no game that does what DF does better so your pedantic rambling is moot.
Are they going to or already have?
Asking so I go download the game before they get added. Or am I already fucked?
going to but you can kill trannies or mod them out so its not an issue
Did you forget how camp and irony works?
If it was a real /k/image it would have dragon dildos.
Nerds don't realize this, but people can tell when you're insecurely forcing things.
Wow gun knife and alcohol so cool zzz
Is they Steyr M series any good?
Only in the planned paid Steam version, a version that is exactly the same as the free non-DRM version except it's also packed with a few tilesets.
So you have to go out of your way and pay money to get tranny dwarves in your fort and even then I bet it's an option.
>polymer handgun
C:DDA, Factorio, Rimworld
What it "does" is some impressively autistic procedural generation and damage simulation, and it's true, no other game comes close. But it doesn't do gameplay. In fact, the autistic simulation does the best it can at hindering gameplay (embarking autism and the retarded FB generation that ends up with 50% of them having 1HP comes to mind). It's not a good game. It's a good Toady-whatever, but not a good game.
literally none of those games have more depth than DF lol
rimworld is literally DF lite and every single part of the game is dumbed down and lacking when compared to its counterpart in DF
It's unique. If you like games like Dwarf Fortress, you have to play Dwarf Fortress, because there aren't any others.
Rimworld is for casuals.
How so?
Combat/defense in DF involves reading the wiki page on "how the fuck do I make my soldiers train" then they become fucking unkillable terminators in 3 seasons without even having to use any sort of exploits. Either that, or just trapspam.
Industries are pretty barebones with barely any intermediate steps. Food in particular is full retard in DF, you literally just get yourself a 4x6 rectangle and you never ever ever ever ever have to even so much as think about food ever again. Or just abuse the retarded fruit trees that nobody asked for.
>Rimworld literally has only one layer, can't dig down
Nice one user.
>Combat/defense in DF involves reading the wiki page on "how the fuck do I make my soldiers train"
lol full shitter mode
Based /k/ poster
>What is the appeal of Dwarf Fortress?
For me, it's all the silly shit that happens. It's just all so nonsensical and hilarious.
>Is it really that good?
If you pay attention; Yes.
It's fun.
>If you pay attention
So what casual shits like:
are incapable of doing?
Based post
t. /k/ommando
They are already in the game. I use them as cannon fodder.
yikes, sounds like you should dilate
Anyone have the screencap of Toady explaining how cats were dying of alcohol poisoning from licking up drunk dwarf puke?
Why do you hate fun?
Rimworld has a better UI and that alone makes it worth playing it over DF. I got used to DFs UI and constant hokey dancing. That doesn't mean I liked it or think it's good.
the question was about depth retard, not design
DF is inherently more deep in every category over rimworld, including UI. no ones what prissy gay boys like you think looks better
The feel good comes from the weaponized autism it gives you.
How much did you pay for the X-Six? Kinda jelly rn.
>DF is inherently more deep in every category over rimworld but I can't say why even when prompted to also ur gay
But the game already had nobles....
DFs UI is not good at all. It's the most clunky thing ever. And last I checked you couldn't support multiple fortresses at once so rimworld has DF beat there.
I forgot about the community too, it's full of dark souls tier tryhards. Gas yourself fagtron.
Oooooh he got the GOOD ramen!
I hope steam version support mods because the ui needs to change
Dwarf fortress is hard because of the ui not because the game mecanics
It makes reddit fake autist basedboys rage, the type of autists who openly say they find e-thotting disgusting but buy delle delphine cups under the counter, the fake autismo who puts facebook memes so people like them and bases his life into being a "funny weird guy"
true autists who actually don't give a shit about the world, who usually do strikes of nofap and noporn only to fall deeper in the porn pit, the true autists who got rich out of /biz/, those autist like DF
DF is the only real true autism filter
Oh for fucks sake
nothing quite compares tbqh
you do have to have patience and accept the game for what it is, learning it in depth will be very rewarding
its also insanely deep and has the best bugs.
do ppl remember when taverns were introduced the cats kept dying from alcohol intoxication because they would lick the paws filled with beer from running around the tavern where drunk dwarfs would spill beer on the ground
game is a fucking gem
what a horrible fucking post
So much projection. It's pretty insane the gaps of logic you guys take to pretend like DF is some hard or deep game. It's ugly and controls like crap, that is literally the only thing that keeps people away. Forgiving these things is not some sort of skill, and the game isn't an underground autism simulator like you reddit fags want to pretend.
You guys are more delusional and sad than the Dark Souls kids.
please understand that reasoning with DFtards is impossible after the word "rimworld" has been brought up in a thread
they were raised believing DF was one of a kind and would never have any successful competitors, so when that was eventually proven wrong it drive them to tribalist fanboyism much like what happened dozens of times with consolekiddies in the past
now that the R word was uttered, in their minds DF has to be good if for no other reason than to 0wn the rimtards
seething posts
go back to apex legends fags
absolutely embarrassing
2.6k€ it was discounted though. They are too expensive otherwise honestly.
>left is interesting and sparks more discussion
It's always weird seeing posts like these super-project their insecurities in places they don't apply. You can just feel the distress and irritatedness in this post.
Hope your life gets better bud.
Bro you gonna eat those bananas? Because they're starting to turn.
adventure > fortress
I bought these BECAUSE they are starting to turn. I´m making banana-bread.
based as fuck
legends > adventure
It has one of the worst user interfaces of any game that exists. On top of that, third-party applications like Dwarf Therapist are all-but required to run a fortress with any degree of efficiency.
I think adventure mode is far better, as it can be picked up & enjoyed quickly
Oh carry on then. Banana bread is pretty based. Do you make it with a crumb topping?
conspicuous consumption normalfag
You too user, you too.
No, but I might do that next time, sounds pretty good.
Thanks for teaching me new words, user.
Insecure pseudomen are replying angrily to you because you are right.
DF2012 was the last good update. 7 years later we still have the same game but worse and with more fluff.
Alright fag. But was talking about /g/ so you outed yourself as someone so fat and lazy that you don’t even look at images
The picture is obviously a joke. Onions really rots your brain it seems.
The appeal is that you can punch anyone and anything.
Tell me another game where it's possible
You can't
any FPS game with a fist weapon
Has Toady fixed the issue that you can just build a lava moat and then you've basically won the game until you mine Adamantine? Like do enemy sieges bring ladders or flying mounts yet?
But you can't even punch walls
In fact you can't punch anything that isn't a mob
"you can punch all mobs" isn't a very high bar
Okay what about punching their teeth out, and stabing their eyes with it.
Enemies can now climb. That's about it. So if your only protection is a smooth wall and you don't do any of the laughably easy steps to prevent climbing then you're slightly more fucked than before. Any other sort of defense is still invincible or close to.
You can tell yourself that, but you're wrong. If you shit yourself in public and start waving your shitty ass at people with shit running down your leg, people are going to respond to you. It's not because you're right about anything though. It's because you're a fucking retard spilling shit drops everywhere you go.
Not a valid comparison. You are double insecure.
>Knob Creek
A man of god damn taste
That's not /k/, real /k/ would do ATF.
Imagine being offended by fucking OBJECTS
>full on commie
>want to take the guns
Name 3 examples of Dwarf Fortress having deep gameplay.
Procedurally generated backstories that you can't interact with in any way are not gameplay.
Autistically in-depth combat logs that you cannot meaningfully utilize are not gameplay.
>he doesn't know the new /k/ meta
You have to go back.
Do programming socks help your aim too?
I bet you cry at movies or tv you little fag
After you learn the ropes of DF and there's no longer much real difficulty, the main source of enjoyment comes from roleplaying. Embark with a backstory of why your Dwarves are settling where they are, and goals of what to accomplish. Give your Dwarves personalities based on their characteristics. Don't just min-max.
>more finickity to actually create a playable embark that actually gets invasions.
are you retarded? just embark next to civs and start wars with them
Glad you retards are finally pro guns, Took you a while, But now the 2A is defended from both sides, As it should be.
Flowing water in 3D space
Movement speed vectors that affect force translation, causing attacks to be more damaging if you have a running start
The invisible grime that accumulates on dwarves when they don't wash themselves, causing wounds to become infected more often if you don't have soap
Having that image saved in the first place outs you as a shitposting newfag.
I find the main source of enjoyment to be architecture. Every fortress should have a style, in how the rooms and tunnels are laid out.
>this is what defines masculinity for basedboys.
>Flowing water in 3D space
which is hilariously broken and has to be handled with kiddie gloves to prevent it from spontaneously evaporating or destroying your frames forever, I guess you could say it's "deep" in that sense
>The invisible grime that accumulates on dwarves when they don't wash themselves, causing wounds to become infected more often if you don't have soap
literally just make soap or a dwarven bathtub and this stops mattering entirely
pretty in-depth simulation but does not exactly translate to gameplay
>Movement speed vectors that affect force translation, causing attacks to be more damaging if you have a running start
has this been used in fort mode with minecarts or such? pretty awesome if so, otherwise just adventure mode stuff that makes mounted combat even more OP
Rimworld to this day is literally a shallow copy of DF, and Factorio is a wholly different type of game that frankly isn't enjoyable despite how impressive it can be.
Freedom is too scary. When you pick up a gun, You go from subject to civilian.
Rimworld is a videogame
Dwarf fortress is an autism simulator
The distinction is subtle but important
I post on /k/ and haven't shot a gun in like 10 years lmao
It's less distinct when you still need autism to enjoy Rimworld.
Range traps are best traps
>has to be handled with kiddie gloves to prevent it from spontaneously evaporating or destroying your frames forever
What are you talking about? Water flows can be hard on your CPU, but there's nothing unpredictable about them.
if you so much as look at a murky pool wrong it will fucking delete itself from having 1 adjacent tile channeled
nobody here is leaving shit on the floor, we are just telling the truth
Why are you digging murky pools? Don't you have a river or an aquifer?
Legendary Dodger
Imagine actually getting rustled by some meme image.
everyone tries to flex their shit in pictures they take
dudes do it by putting shit like guns and alcohol/drugs in their pictures
girls do it by putting themselves in the picture
Imagine getting triggered by pictures of alcohol and weapons.
No, seriously. If your problem is that flowing water is difficult to work with when you have no water source, I don't know what you were expecting.
k lol
i eagerly await the steam release and update so it will actually be playable to mildly autistic minds, and not only the full autismo rune scryers
until then i just enjoy the comfy youtube stories.
murky pools apparently are not REAL water sources because they're buggy
my favorite part of dorf is using a graphic tileset and then telling other anons that I am using a graphic tileset
You're actually right, they are buggy. I've had the bug out on me several times. It's a bit annoying when the broken tiles mess up my layout.
Still, they wouldn't be real water sources even if they weren't buggy. They have shitty mud water that your dwarves will hate, and they run out fast unless it rains a lot. You'd have to be mad to rely on them.
Marx wanted to arm the peasants for the same reason that the founding gathers wanted to arm the colonists. It was so they could win their expected conflicts. They weren't justifying being constantly armed to the teeth for no other reason than to own weapons.
In both cases there was an obvious expectation of deescalation and disarmament, militias are for emergencies.
>What is the Second Amendment?
>A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Point to the part where it says militias are for emergencies.
You could legally own cannons in their time, Full auto weapons were legal until 1984, You could also build and sell your own home made guns back then too, You have no clue what you are talking about, They made it perfectly clear that the guns were there to prevent an oppressive force/Tyrannical government, Either foreign or domestic.