>game is beloved on Yea Forums
>suddenly gets popular
>now impossible to discuss on Yea Forums
Has there ever been a time when this WASN'T the case?
Game is beloved on Yea Forums
Minecraft, the threads are comfy
Undertale was probably the fastest one, not even a week after launch was all it took
pretty much the witcher
team fortress 2
Risk of Rain, DMC, and Ace Combat
only a newfag or a retard sees Yea Forums hating and think it's the game they hate
it has only ever been about other people
falsehoods and faggotry in every regard, normies enjoy a wide array of things, the Yea Forumsirgin picks one to cope with
normies then start enjoying it and it's just another thing to them
it upsets the Yea Forumsirgin
who fears dying alone but hates intimacy and socialising in any form
Essentially any game that can find that sweet spot of "Popular enough to garner discussion" yet does not hit the mark of "Popular enough to garner discussion with or by normies". Games in this realm can live for a long time but are eventually capped by the ludicrous and insane concept that a thread about video games is getting in the way of really good threads about video games. Of course, the change of adding /vg/ has shown that video game discussion was indeed very cramped and now we live in a paradise of video game discussion.
Monster Hunter is pretty much the definition of this
Banjo discussion is wrecked.
>tossing around newfag while using appropriated /r9k/ memes
>boohoo people said bad things about game I like le vee is contrarian
Somebody could crucify my favorite game of all time and I wouldn't give a fuck, just call shitposters out.
The threads discussing the demo were amazing.
What came after just made me want to forget the game even exists.
I miss this reaction image
>Try to play game with Yea Forums
>It's not super popular
>Get called a shill
Has there ever been a time when this WASN'T the case?
Fablae threads are still good.
It's depressing how MH thread devolved into eternal shitposting console warfaggotry
>MH thread devolved into eternal shitposting console warfaggotry
did people finally mistake the ironical bait in the OPs for actual trolling?
>Yea Forums is one person
>we are a hivemind
>any opinion outside hivemind is not Yea Forums
>we are legion
Kill yourselves
The threads are max comfy
people hated on it full force; autist simulator
Yea Forums doesn’t like change because they’re autistic and the only games they stan are tf2, dark souls, and retro like metrovania/run and gunners
Says the wojaknigger. Fuck off faggot.
kill yourself faggots, stop crying cause someone criticized your shitty game
shut up pussy
No, and anyone that says otherwise is lying through their fucking teeth and will probably try to deflect with worthless statements like "Yea Forums is not a hivemind", "those games ALWAYS sucked" or "ur just mad cuz ur fav game got insulted xddd"
Recently we got good MH threads because the shitposters turned out to be one guy samefagging for flamewar (example: the guy posting the copypasta is the same guy as the some posting Epic Threads.) He accidentally posted a file of it instead of the copypasta, then some user sent it to the mods on IRC, leading to the spam being under auto-delete
He's still spamming, but he gets deleted quickly thanks to that. Give the threads another try