>2013 picture using the PS4 garbage version and not the 360 / PC version of her face garbage image, kill yourself OP
Jacob Ward
Good game!
Honestly they all feel very similar. It isn't that I disliked them just that they feel very similar. You can't go wrong with any of them.
Rise has better pacing than Shadow, which has some very unnecessary walking/story sequences.
At the same time, Shadow actually has some very nice stealth and trap mechanics and challenge tombs.
Austin Brown
You act like I didn't just download it from Google. Go get a Happy meal, guy.
Cameron Rodriguez
Shadow by a long long way I wouldn't have any issues with them making another trilogy if it picked up from Shadow and gradually added more and more classic elements. It was on the right track, it's really frustrating. IMO Shadow is actually the best game in the series since 4. Chronicles, AOD and the LAU trilogy were all mediocre.
Cooper Ramirez
Shadow >>>>> 2013 = Rise
Shadow was the only one I remotely enjoyed, they need to pick a new voice actress i can't stand the current one and fuck off with this over-the-top survival bullshit
Jordan Gomez
i thought nu lara had no booty
Ryder Campbell
They all look like bimbo sex toys
Cooper Cook
Only played the first one and hated it.
Christopher Reyes
Depends on what you consider a booty I guess. I don't like the huge asses girls have these days for example.
Easton Carter
Why did you like Shadow? Seems like a lot of people think it's the worst of the trilogy. Haven't played it myself.
Xavier Jackson
>Rise >Hey I'm in a dark as fuck tomb, better get my goddamn glow stick stick out and illuminate only my hand Fuck that drove me crazy
Because it's the most adventure-based. Rise is some fuckweird story about Lara helping a hidden society of rebels and the game leans in even heavier on the combat than the first game.
Shadow has some weird elements itself but it has the best balance of combat, storytelling and exploration. It's closer to what you'd expect when buying a game called "Tomb Raider". Plus the setting is just more interesting, and Lara's VA doesn't sound like she has asthma like she does in Rise.
Brandon Evans
A lot of people seem to not like it that much. How is the DLC?
Does she ever get past the "crazy woman drags some poor guy into a remote place and gets herself almost killed 100 times because of sheer negligence" phase or she is actually a better character in Shadow?
Jose Morgan
She could be getting fucked by a black guy in that image and no one would even know
Levi Perez
At least it was a nigger in Rise.
Henry Ramirez
Middle. She's also built for the knot.
Brandon Bailey
The animations in shadow and the graphics look the same as rise.
Juan Scott
Jonah is Polynesian, retard.
Blake Allen
How is the meelee combat?
Jayden Carter
i played rise, was cool, shadow looked worse and worse gameplay so i didnt play that shit
Which Nu Raider game had the best death animations?
Sebastian Ortiz
For me it's the first one. Honestly can't remember any of the ones from Rise, most of them aren't that detailed. I think they intentionally toned it down. Haven't played Shadow.
Connor Brooks
It's pretty nice in Shadow of Tomb Raider. It's easily a 8 or 9 / 10.
Asher Robinson
Henry Adams
Agreed, there isn't a single doubt in my mind that the project directors and half the dev team for that first title were a bunch of sick fucks working one-handed.
Chase Edwards
Just shitposters being contrarian. It's a good game. A little heavy on the cut scenes for my taste, but it didn't ruin it for me. A lot of the hate is by people who've never played it. They just know it's popular to hate on Yea Forums and they want to "fit in" so.... there you go. Lara's ass in Shadow is fappable as well.