Let us have a comfy iceborne thread
Let us have a comfy iceborne thread
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I'm going to fuck Paolumu!
Nah I’ll keep playing the mainline games instead lmao cute graphics tho man!
Neck yourself furfag
My bro who has never played a MonHun prior to World loves the Hunting Horn, but says he feels weak compared to everyone else, and then psyches himself out of attacking, and insists he's more of a support.
What advice can I give him? He says he's thinking about changing weapons when Iceborne comes out. Does HH have any good changes coming it's way?
Actually yeah, the new spin2win attack adds a lot of dps and might make elemental horns worthwhile. It might no longer be dead last in dps among the weapons.
Sword and Shield if he actually likes playing a healslut? Have him use a wide range set up. Do decent damage, support team with heals and buffs still, etc.
anyone else not sony/nintendo affiliated but hate world cause its shit?
what place do we have bros?
Do you really think there are people who don’t own both Nintendo and PS4/Xbone?
Post your face when nincels still seething
Inb4 bing bing
yes although 9/10 people who claim to are lying
You'd like World if you tried it out, kid.
should i get the game now while its on sale on some sites or wait for that iceborne/base game combo?
a landfill with the rest of the trash
I want Valphalk, steve e gore.
yeah. but you cant criticize it because bing bing or some shit. I dont know, worlds their first mh
at this point just wait for Iceborne
world sucks
HH in iceborne is a beast
How about you fuck off and make your own thread? Why do you cunts come into MHW threads just to say the same complaints over and over, youre not original fuck off
because you come into any other MH thread and talk about nintendo nonstop
I'm thinking of buying Monster Hunter World. I never played a game of the series. Is this a good place to start now? What is recommended for a new player?
you can start with any honestly. world especially since its so streamlined
It's the only good game in the series.
Don't listen to nincels.
World is THE starting point for newcomers.
If you want old MH, go 4U.
World's pretty easy to pick up especially for new players.
Even if you start right now you're gonna be stuck for a few months with nothing to do while you wait for Iceborne, though.
Thread ruined.
Not if can stop you.
Emulate the first and second gen PSP or PS2 games. Ignore everything that comes after those, it all goes downhill from there.
He meant to say FU.
god this game is embarrassing
Corner horning cuckoldry.
user, Iceborne happens in 2 months
I want to fuck a Grimalkyne!
They better add more fucking arena quests and no more timed cqs.
I guess that's true for PS4
Why don't you like her, Yea Forums?
nigger just get it. Its a fun game. alot of the fucktards here are contrarian muh difficulty elitists so dont listen to them. i started from PSP and onwards and still enjoyed World.
Bonus: I'd probably put Rajang between Lagi and Steve
>That big ass wing that covers half of the monsters on the right
This goblin glutton followed me around, forced herself into every cutscene, contributes nothing to any hunt and then has the gall to proclaim that "we" did it.
I'm so glad monhun finally came back to sony consoles. fuck nintendo
She's the face of every dreadful unskippable cutscene and she's ugly and has a worse personality compared to the last two generation's quest givers.
Zinogre is confirmed.
There was a leak
Are you talking about the plushes? That means literally nothing.
nope, his MHW icon, alongside velkhana's which I don't think has been released yet.
I haven't seen the list being posted in a while. What happened? did he get the ban hammer?
>possibly new monster
that's Rathalos
How do you know Nerg is confirmed? We haven't seen him in any of the new maps.
It can't be
>New monster
That's the MH movie promotion monster. They couldn't resist to shoehorn that piece of shit in the series.
That's literally Rathalos, are you blind?
user, I...
His design looks more Frontier to me personally
World is MH5. RIP bing boy.
You can start with MHW just fine. If you want old school then emulate Monster Hunter Freedom Unite for maximum comfy, or buy MH4U if you just want all the shit as fast as possible. Startign with World might make it hard for you to appreciate older titles though.
How many more monsters do you guys expect?
So far in Iceborne it's:
(Subs too):
>Fulgar Anja
>Ebony Odo
>Shrieking Legiana
And if that old leak that confirmed the whole roster before launch is to still be believed we also have:
>Oroshi Kirin
It's probably my inner cynic but I can't see them also piling on
And if they DO that's all I expect give or take a few subspecies like Green Narga or Sandy and then a big mystery Elder like usual.
I really don't know what else to expect y'know?
Underwater combat is the worst gimmick in any MH game. Fite me fags
>how do you know Nerg
>a monster from Monster Hunter World
>is in the G Rank version of Monster Hunter World
user, are you special? Or would you also like to say that Kushala Daora isn't in too?
if y'all just ignored each other, the threads would finally settle into just people who like their separate games
Better than the shit that got put in Gen/XX desu.
The problem with under water hunting was half the weapons got extremely shit movesets. Get a lance and suddenly underwater hunting is actually fun.
How difficult is the gap between endgame launch content and all this new AT and collab shit? I stopped playing shortly after Jho and want to get back it to prepare for Iceborne. I heard Extreme Behemoth was the closest thing yet to the difficulty of old G ranks but for all the wrong reasons.
>The problem with under water hunting was half the weapons got extremely shit movesets
No, it was really just SnS. Should've chosen a real weapon instead, fag.
>Extreme Behemoth was the closest thing yet to the difficulty of old G ranks
Eh, I'd say endgame non-advanced HR opposed to G.
I liked it. If it came back in MHW I would be in love. Just give us the ability to grapple and pull ourselves along in the water plus some good movesets.
AT is just G Rank attack values given to HR defense and health pools. It's still a standard easy as shit HR game.
And Extreme Behemoth isn't G rank for the wrong reasons. It's pretty much third gen G rank all around.
A lot of the AT stuff isn't great.
It's hard but not the fun Kind.
AT Jho, Kulve, Zorah, and Greatest Jagras are fun though.
They really aren't that bad, it's just easier for them to one shot you if you focus all your skills on offense like most people do. A lot of the ATs are still easy kills once you get used to them. Behemoth can be tough but that's because it's designed like an MMO raid boss.
I know this is an Iceborne thread but, trying to emulate 4U on Citra and GPU usage is 10% and CPU at 30% but the game doesn't go higher than 60fps for some reason. Any ideas why?
Brachydios is confirmed?
i really want to get into iceborne but only have money for 1 game this year, iceborne cost $40 assummin nioh 2 comes out this year, would you recommend iceborne or nioh 2?
Is there still no hack detection yet?
4u is trash play world
AT Zorah is the least fun encounter in the entire game
Citra is an unfinished emulator that can't run all games perfectly. Play XX with an english patch instead, that runs almost perfectly.
The 15th anniversary picture has completely new renders for every flagship and all the Iceborne confirmed monsters use the same assets. They already said the monster list is the same size as base World. Without Luna, Kulve, Jho, and Behemoth I think that's like 28 big monsters in the base game?
Not counting the flagships in World already, it's only 10 returning monsters adding in Fatalis.
nice falselfag
>a cat is fine too
rajang, steve and lagiacruiser seem very unlikely
monkey type monsters are out
steve is just weird
lagi is for the waterborne expansion in 2020
Citra isnt exactly optimized. There’s a build made almost specifically(?) for XX + eng patch + 60fps patch
But beware, the 60fps patch break some stuffs, esp roar timing
that's the joke
>make new assets for a picture instead of just using old ones
>all the confirmed monsters use those assets
>Lagi was one of the first monsters ever tested for World and the only reason it didn't make the cut was because they couldn't fix the neck in time
>Steve is on a skeleton that already is in World
Rajang is literally the only one that's unlikely because he's on a skeleton that doesn't exist in the game, isn't a flagship, and doesn't have any new assets produced for him.
>Monkey type
>Steve is weird
Bazelgeuse isn't?
>Lagi for waterborne
Iceborne is World's only expansion.
Yeah, they teased him nuking uragaan in the new trailer
The Steve and Valstrax renders are noticeably worse than the rest. The Gore render is pretty detailed though which give me hope.
>Can you create a psyco hunter nintendcunt? No you cant
I don't even like World but this is probably the single worst addition ever made to monster hunter. Well, this and the reddit blade which also debuted in world..
If you guys are so fucking smart and world isn't a spinoff, what is the 6th monhun game going to be called? and what platforms will get it?don't make us wait a year for pc again, crapcom
I think seregios is weird based on how it fights
still nowhere as weird as the spinning top cow
>debuted in world..
4U i mean
exactly, world does mounting so much better
>noticeably worse
No they're not. They just have more blue shit covering them. Valstrax is the same quality as Kushala right next to him.
To be fair, they has the assets for HD cutscene available for a good while alr, and Val + steve look pretty much unchanged, comparing to Glav’s newer, grittier look comparing to his appearance in XX’s CGs
Is Savage Axe going to be shit? Activation is slow, drains phials, doesn't synergize with SAED, and you can't charge shield while it's active. SAxe gets a buff that doesn't drain shit and effectively lasts the entire hunt. It's going to feel clunky trying to find optimal play with this mechanic.
Monster hunter Double Tri
MHU: universe
Its a FU/GU tiered game with all the monster available in HD
Mounting is shit, but it's very comparable to slopes, overuse of ledges, underwater, lack of trample damage, base weapon models with parts glued on, Kulve grind shit, charm grind shit, decoration grind shit, crossover monsters, and certainly many other things that I am missing.
>not triple dos
tribab confirmed
>Tendies whine about world being casual and sony ruined the series
>The hardest tendie hunter game is still tri
Monkeys have a tiny chance of getting in, since the skeleton can be recycled for multiple monsters. Shit like Nerscylla is out 100%.
Oh yeah and also 4U started the vertical design map meme. So all of these problems stem from that 4U. World only refined that shit into polished shit.
I hate how in world, it's basically impossible to fail mounts
Thanks anons, I'll look into XX then. Just realised I meant to type 45fps not 60 but I'll wait for updates to Citra then regarding 4U
Already put in about 300 hours user, bored of farming the same elders over again and want to try an older monhun
i actually believe this one
>new monkey bois in the endemic wildlife
>could get Rajang and Blangonga
>will get that retard Congalala instead
Such is reality and fate.
just wait for iceborne. older monhun is clunky garbage. the series was unplayable before world
you know what the snow theme means
If they do monkeys Blango is a shoe in because it's a snow region monster.
Probably the latter but you need to beat the vanilla game to access the Iceborne content.
Im not going to double tap this time for sure
It's either real or a very elaborate ruse.
>Not in the 15th anniversary poster
>Black sheep of the flying wyvern trio
>Not a even a flagship monster
>Still get in Iceborn, anyway
What an absolute Chad.
I'll double tap your mom's pussy
Do not.
He just happened to use the same skeleton as narga and tigrex.
He's on Narga and Tigrex skeleton so that's not really a shock.
The archive doesn't open for me, can you reupload those?
and people made bunch of porn featuring the armor set
Does the Iceborne expansion include all DLCs or do I have to buy the Iceborne edition?
look at the girth on those fangs. fanglet monsters seething as soon as he was confirmed
iceborne is the only DLC so far
No I mean those extra shit like gestures and costumes
Why do people like this monster? In Tri he was the definition of a reskin by having essentially just Narga's moveset with a charge instead of a bite, and then in 3U they removed the Narga part and left him with pretty much nothing but charging around, hipchecking and backhopping from you whenever you got within melee range. What an absolutely awful monster.
It has to be just people who have a hard-on for sabertooth cats and snow, right?
So, where did those supposedly leak from? The beta client or something?
>Ice expansion
>Ice monster gets in
I never really got the hate, I didn't consider her likable but it's not like she was unbearable. Then I played the Deviljho special assignment. Holy hell, she is the worst fucking character in any MH game to date
Cant deny the sets are god like, esp the Grank ones
>Bullfango and Rhenoplos
>Khezu and Gravios
those are microtransactions so no, they aren't included. yes, mhw has microtransactions.
just use the lance bro
Those are micro transactions afaik, so they are separated
yes that tigrex picture shows how retarded the monster is
how do you run with your mouth open to get your teeth stuck in wall
not the first time that happened. before MHW, you had to buy the game again if you want G-rank
t.fanglet who got shit on by barry
People that utterly despise World state your reasons in 10 seconds
Zorah is the Lao of MHW. They would have to create another siege environment for Lao.
Besides, they're going to put in Fatalis.
I don't know, the guy just dropped these and didn't want to say where he got it. What gives it some validity is the illustrator screenshot with all the layers.
or you know, just wait for the full game like a smart person
I don't. Only issue I have are the weapon designs.
Haha, I guess I got my answer. And I thought people played these games for the gameplay.
Kinda sad that Zinogre is the one getting leaked since he's such a shoo in. Gore or Steve getting leaked would be a Glavenus-tier bombshell since their mechanics take so much more effort.
This is the only good one.
Just started 4* village quests in MHGU.
What's the best longsword style for solo?
I don't think most veteran fans hate world. there are just things world did wrong and before iceborne world seemed pretty underwhelming. We don't even know if iceborne will really fix world but I'm pretty sure that's what most are hoping for
I'll accept the fact that I can't transfer my PS4 save to PC.
But can I transfer from PS4 to Xbox one? Got the X as a gift recently and I can benefit from its better hardware to cut off the shitty loading screens
>playing games for gameplay
where the fuck do you think you are?
I hope you're not talking about frenzy because that hasn't been relevant since 4. Gore has been in more games without frenzy than with.
It's distanced itself too far away from the original MH experience in every possible way. Atmosphere, character ability, monsters, and item systems.
>they keep showing iron/bone toys and unique models in the promo materials
why do have to play with our feelings?
I'm a veteran too and I like it. People keep claiming it's literally the worst thing to happen but as far as I can tell it's exactly the same old game with extra gimmicks, which is what Capcom's always done.
is this a joke? obviously valor
>Games with Frenzy
>4, 4U
>Games without Frenzy
>G, GU
Frenzy wasn't in Frontier either.
Adult cartoon
Would you rather farm charms with all the charm tables like in MH3p2 or keep the worlds decoration farming?
please understand asians love rng so you have to have at least feature
You guys think all the monsters will get Variants in World Ultimate?
Gore still has his virus mechanic in X/XX
Not sure about steve’s mechanic being hard to implement tho. Isnt bleed in with Odo?
No, you dumdum. Exported saves are encrypted. Not unless your consoles are jailbroken at least.
They already have the miasma mechanic in World.
Ancient Forest has the best atmosphere in the series
>character ability
Pretty much all they changed was letting you run while drinking potions and making mounting easier
It's the same
>item systems
It's the same
Wait what the fuck
I thought Frontier was stuck on 2G mechanics for life
Bears in World when?
I'll take the RNG feature of rare drops from the monsters, thank you very much. Before later generations neutered them and made them uneventful, of course.
The sharpening by rolling is Steve's gimmick. I'm sure that's not actually difficult to code, but it's still kind of gimmicky.
what is the variant to B52
You meant Effluvia? Its different
Gore’s virus require you to deal dmg, and reward you with affinity if succeed, or make you unable to have red health dmg (direct hp cut, no regen basically) if failed
Effluvia just drain your hp if built up
>make parts less rare
>introduce RNG weapons and trinkets that ended making crafting gear a lesser endeavor because the RNG weapons and trinkets trivialized crafted materials
Fuck 4th generations for all the shit it introduced.
What's the best way to learn how move with the lance? I really like the weapon and can beat most monsters with it, but for example Teostra gives me trouble when he puts the fire on the ground and/or gives me the blast debuff and I have to quickly move. I just panic since I can't dodge out of it like I'm used to with other weapons.
Remember to play with your Palico!
Azure B52.
The old CB glitch was in the Iceborne beta somehow. Think it will be present for release? It worked with the new Savage Axe mode, but since phials get used instantly now you couldn't spam it with the boost active more than once.
mud bazel, covers the entire zone with barroth mud puddles so you can never move
>It has to be just people who have a hard-on for sabertooth cats and snow, right?
Took you that long to realised that, user ?
Zinogre, Tigrex and Fatalis are among the most boring fights in the series and yet are also among the most popular monster in the series.
Aesthetic is the key to popularity.
I'm saying the mechanism to deliver virus is already present in both miasma and bleed being present. They only need to add a value that reverses build up upon dealing damage to the monster, which doesn't even require much work.
This palico looks troubled, is he okay?
>Ancient Forest has the best atmosphere in the series
No. Gen 1 maps have the best atmosphere in the series.
>Pretty much all they changed was letting you run while drinking potions and making mounting easier
Yeah, movement over ledges, general animation speed, and weapon movesets definitely haven't changed.
>It's the same
At least try to actually research the older games before you make yourself look like an uninformed fool that I do not desire to further speak to.
they're pretty much embracing corner horning in iceborne so no, not really
unless they're able to lay down affinity boosters and shit instead of just the health booster anyway
It both attack but tons while shielded. Your charge is your best mobility option.
>1st Gen
>best atmosphere
You just exposed how much of a fake grandpa you are.
Bazel: steve 2.0
Drops spike bombs that explode into spikes that inflict bleed everywhere
She's just getting some extra training from her meowster!
I think those that do hate it, feel like it changed too many things too quickly which i can kind of understand. because despite how annoying certain aspects of the old games were, they made the games feel like they had character. I'm just curious to see how many of the changes made in world will go on to be included in future installments. I mean, I highly doubt they'll keep everything from world. The slinger will probably be gone next game
We need less lewds about the Monsters and more lewds about the Huntresses.
That's a fact.
that is a rabbit
If it was this simple, Gammoth would be here over Glavenus and i would be happy.
The forward shield dodge and followup lance attack gives you tons of forward movement.
iirc after an attack a backwards shield dodge also goes pretty far. It's good when you're too close for a charge but not close enough for a normal dodge either.
If it doesn't feel like enough you could experiment with putting points into evade extender, too.
Cluster bombs.
The slinger is probably the worst addition to me
And now in iceborne they dialed it up with more hookshots and clutch claw
Honorary bear.
>No. Gen 1 maps have the best atmosphere in the series.
It was 2 pixel resolution and lifeless I don't understand why you found it any better
>movement over ledges
I remember this existed back in P3rd. It's stupid to not be able to climb a ledge.
>general animation speed
I don't even know how that's noticeable for you
>weapon movesets
It's faster and looks a lot cooler now
>At least try to actually research the older games before you make yourself look like an uninformed fool that I do not desire to further speak to.
I literally played the old games what are you talking about you goob
Ready for the new wave of Narga/Zinogre sluts when Iceborne arrives?
it doesn't mean much but zinogre has its own sticker, along with nargacuga
that might help a little bit, also behemoth is basically his skeleton right?
he'll probably be turning up like deviljho did for the base game - teased, hyped, promised and then released later after capcom has a good idea of what players feel are too easy with iceborne, in order to make him difficult and living up to his hype
like how deviljho is a total motherfucker compared to literally everything else in the base game with his methods of catching you off guard and having more HP than an elder dragon
>still no sign of Lagi
I still find it weird that there's a skeleton for herbivores like popo but a goddamn mammoth uses the monkey skeleton.
The part of ancient forest where he was shown isn't even in the final product.
I miss plesioth
theres something therapeutic in the rage I feel when fighting it
Yeah, I'm confused as to why they decided to double down on the slinger. I think they're trying to speed up the game by eliminating downtime like when the monster moves out of reach.
Add barioth to the mix and we got a deal, user.
Honestly I forget the slinger exists 90% of the time during a hunt.
>still no reggy, zammy, or asta
Life is pain
Because the only map that had any legit atmosphere in Gen 1 was Castle Schrade. You could make an argument for Forest and Hills based purely on it being somewhat iconic due to being featured so heavily in the early CGs and associated with the Rathalos world tour meme, but the all the "old" maps like jungle, forest, volcano, swamp, and desert were bland as fuck.
Gen 2 is where shit actually started getting good from a map design standpoint, both visually and functionality. Gen 3 is probably the peak of uniqueness and functionality, with 4 having a few standouts but relying too hard on replicating gen 2.
WHEN does iceborn drop.
I can admit the new content looks pretty dope,but i dont want to play weaker versions of tigrex or glavenous
Get used to it because they totally fucked SAEDs
the only thing that comes close are brute wyverns that do that big jump that you HAVE to brace for, rather than just hopping onto another part of the monster like everything else
even then it only catches you out when you're new or rusty once, and then you've learned it
>It was 2 pixel resolution and lifeless I don't understand why you found it any better
All video games are lifeless pixels. Gen 1 was simply better at making me feel like I was going out into the unforgiving wild, especially the swamp. The ambient tracks were absolutely godlike.
>I remember this existed back in P3rd. It's stupid to not be able to climb a ledge.
Depends on how many ledges there are. Not only that, you are completely wrong. 4th gen was the first to make ledge movement faster, and 5th gen doubled down on it by automating a lot of it.
>I don't even know how that's noticeable for you
I really get into the games.
>It's faster and looks a lot cooler now
Faster does not equal better, and arguably a lot of it looks worse now.
>I literally played the old games what are you talking about you goob
I'm talking about how you keep getting facts completely wrong. And if you actually have played them that says even more about you.
Ancestral steppe will always be my home. I spend way too many hours fucking around there. I know that place like that back of my dick
>ywn hunt a monster with your palico waifu
>ywn let off steam with your palico in the bushes after your hunt
Here's your Lagiacrus turf war bro
What do they call that? Stockholm sydrome?
Anybody remember this nigga?
With all the tools at your disposal, they're 100% going to feel weaker unless they gave them a bunch of new moves and inflated damage right off the bat
i hope for jade barroth
Okay fake grandpa.
Such a unique monster that actually use a lot of unique attacks
>tfw he pull out a Lagi head + Glavks blade and fill the arena with AoE
>tfw death beams
Shame people dosnt like him that much, and most of his equipment suck
If you played the beta you'd already know that Tigrex has been buffed.
And in the latest trailer you can see that Glav got a buff too. His fire spit now explodes on impact too.
youre pretty stupid
one with the scales on the top of its body that fire into the air and then explode into cluster bombs
like what metal gear ray deploys in MGS2
coats the ENTIRE fucking area with screaming tiny bomblets that saturate everywhere, attract distant monsters and scares away any nearby ones, and also roar stuns you
when enraged he deploys more and they also gain limited homing capability
How did they buff tigrex? Just damage ?
Any good fem palico doujins?
Judging from their trailer, the monster has nothing, really
Take Glav for example
>spit ball explosion is noticably smaller
>grind-n-spin aim much lower, and seem to be a bit slower
>tail slam is really floaty
All and all, the animation is almost a copy and paste from X, really
Hopefully Brach’s explosive prowess is untoched, mah boy deserve his explosions
I fought this nigga a lot to fully upgrade the astral set. It’s alright as a fight but it annoys me how fighting it never really feels satisfying since there should be more to the fight than smacking the feelers.
Maybe they could use Behemoth's skeleton.
Nah, FUck off. FU is trash by modern standards
But his fire spit always explode? And i dont get how you got “explode when approached” from the trailer
The aoe is a bit smaller too, esp the tripple spitballs
His charge now has a leaping start and covers more ground quicker, also does an extra turn and tail spin mix up comes out faster. Also doesn't trip when tired, unless his claws are broken. He also doesn't do the animatronics-like turn anymore and got a proper turn-around attack, like Rathalos. Although they addressed that in 4th gen already, but not completely. He also got a new wingclaw swipe attack to deal with hunters who're trying to abuse his blind spots.
I failed Lunastra 5 times today because randos didnt know how to deal with her.
Remember when trailer people were doom posting weapons then the narga weapons showed up in promo pictures and material? Also when people started saying Narga and Tigrex both didn't have moves because of the trailers, then seeing them in the beta proved they had those moves people were saying got cut?
Trailer niggas have been wrong way too many times.
2019... we are forgotten
Frankly I was going to totally skip world and just play whatever came next but iceborne looks pretty neat. Still gonna wait for reviews and what not but might have to finally get my pc built and play it
Why the fuck aren’t you just soloing her?
Where the hell did you get "when approached" from? I said "on impact". Previously, when Glav used the spit attack, it first landed on the ground as a blob, and only exploded after a few moments. Now it does the aoe explosion when it lands AND after a second, it explodes twice.
>in a thread discussing them
????? just spam the list so you can get deleted quickly
They buffed Tigrex by making head sniping impossible and having a couple of very tricky new types of charge with terrible hitboxes
The beta had MR monsters but LR setting, so things like mounting was really easy and he didn't get enraged very often (so the clutchclaw was OP against him). With MR settings it will probably be a charge fest
fuck you faggot
>haven't played this shit in months because of my job
>finally have some free time
>can't kill a Diablos
Oh fuck, I lost my gud.
>legiana glaive with crit element
>victory 10 min every hunt
because im stubborn and would rather hope getting matched with a good team and kill her within 15 minutes
>I lost my gud
Git lance
You can keep Khezu. Fuck that guy.
Is AT Luna event up on consoles? Or are you talking about a regular Luna?
>tigrex with terrible hitboxes
that isnt new
>Flesh eating bacteria
>Kills monsters just by existing
>Reason the alien coral biome exists
>Keeper of Hades as the theme song
>It's actually just a fucking NEET hiding in his smelly room
God fucking damnit Vaal Hazak, you're gayer than Chameleos
That sounds wild. Hope it lives up to the hype
Too bad. Gay Informer have leaked Khezu already.
Best map. Super comfy.
>B52 gets a B2 stealth demon from the stealth dimension cousin
Post room.
i didnt reach rank 50 yet
My go-to hermaphrodite furry commission artist's uncle's bosses brother works for Capcom and he gave me the following list of all the new unrevealed monsters coming to Iceborne:
Royal Ludroth
Purple Ludroth
Black Gravios
Purpler Ludroth
Stygian Zinogre
Stone Skin Lavasioth
It's a new move, which is more like a variation of old moves. Sort of like how they gave Narga a wall hop charge bounce move.
Are the hitboxes really that busted? I can deal with it but it sounds annoying
You know what? Why didn't you ask for help here? MH threads could use some ROOMS, like in the good old times. Especially since /mhg/ has gone to shit a while ago.
>Kushala bow, crit element, 3 decos of constitution +dash juice
I think this is an overkill even compared to FU youtube.com
And I don't mean to shitpost, I mostly like the new fight, it's just this specific move which is super fucked up
>Especially since /mhg/ has gone to shit a while ago.
Like Barioth’s wall jump? Pretty nice then
Dude, how are you having problems with a rath?
Just flash him and go ham on his face. Should be dead in two minutes.
It's just one move but sometimes he spam it a few times
Jus take a look
I did join a /mhg/ room eventually, they also killed behemoth for me in 15 minutes
Late Night Prowler
Nice try fake grandpa. Portable 1 removed a bunch of shit from the maps in 1 and G in order to get them to run on the PSP. That game actually removed the atmosphere you claim existed.
What is there to explain? Like every other general on /vg/ it's rotten. Attention whoring, discord cliques, trannies, flame wars, spam bots, no moderation whatesoever, etc.
>Late Night Prowler
They're autistic but they've helped me low rank ass a lot so far. Makes farming really fast.
Wtf, even in FU you can reliably duck under his armwings to evade
Hopefully its just an oversight. Hitboxes are easy to fix nowadays
Don't forget to unlock all the stuff and complete the optional quest
Haha what the fuck? I hope they fix that before release
I rolled under the wing just fine in the beta, but I've seen videos of people getting hit when they're nowhere near just like that. It seems to be inconsistent.
>13.000 of hp
smelliest armpits
if they fix it then the beta had a reason
Can't wait bros
World beta had some fucked up hitboxes too and they got fixed.
In general, bad hitboxes are the easiest thing to fix in a game (besides numeric values, ofc).
>pikanipples 3DS
What? Get your eyes checked.
It probably has something to do with elevation detection. Nergigante had the same problem with his dive bomb in the beta where slight changes in elevation changed where the hitbox was versus the model.
That one lewd image of Pukie-Pukie with a huntress ensures I will never forget about that tongue.
What are the others doing? Multiplayer multiplier is only, what, x2.4? x2.6? Should be almost twice faster with 4 people than solo.
Also, in World breaking Rath wings actually stops them from flying all the time. Try that.
Not trash just different and in some ways easier. It has flaws but it's worth a play
I've been clearing optionals on my own. What I've been doing is progressing for a bit, soloing the optionals, and then farming up upgrades. I figure a new round of upgrading every time the star count on the quests increases lets me keep pace. I'm about to do Zorah Magdaros. People say he sucks but the first round was alright I feel. I kinda liked a fight that was more determined on planning and strategy than the usual stuff. I imagine that this second round is the real fight and the first round was just a tutorial.
This is amazing. I'll go against the current here and hope they keep it for the sake of Tigrex being the retarded hitbox monster. The tells are huge and lets you react properly, at least for me
Without partbreaker and have to kill it with retarded hunters makes the fight really hard
>9 carts
How the fuck do you do that
What are you favorite new monster for me its:
I've tried to get friends to play MHW with me but they only want to play for like 2 hours a day and i've never beat the main bosses in the game.
I like the game but can't get a reason to play with solo players.
Bazelgoose variant when?
I wanna get into monhun. I know these games are long as fuck though and I don't have time to play every game in the series. What are the 3 most important ones and why? Also how can I play them? What systems do I need?
Vaal's probably my favorite. He's easy but I love the Bloodborne aesthetics. Plus, the health debuff for actually playing sloppily is great.
Is it now safe to say MHW+Iceborne will probably have the worst roster of any MH?
>I like the game but can't get a reason to play with solo players
Sorry for being a lazy faggot, but can anyone make a list of things added after kulve? Stopped around Kulve but I decided to come back to MHW to prepare for Iceborne
Just go with World. It's the most relevant and also deliberately made to get new players into the series. Go PC, the load times and framerates on consoles are utterly atrocious.
For his notkirin female armor, seriously
Is it now safe to say that bingboys will eternally be seething over Monster Hunter World's resounding and enduring success?
I guess him and Savage Jho will be a surprise in Iceborne.
No because MH1 exists.
Fucking idiot
one day there will be frenzied deviant tempered azure rathalos
It's the best
That is when the franchise will truly die.
Regular Kulve?
Leshen (and the special mission where you play as Geralt with dialogue and sidequests and shit)
Arch Tempereds for every elder, which are pretty boring but AT Xeno and AT Nergigante are great remixes of those fights
AT Kulve which drops weapons with free critical element and critical status on them
Some event stuff like Dante's gear and silly shit like plush doll dual blades
There's a 5 week long festival in 2 weeks were you'll be able to play every event quest since release.
There's Arch-tempered elders, Behemoth and Leshen. That's about it afaik.
I mean there are a decent amount of new monsters. I don't even think world will have the smallest roster after iceborne, right?
>Not apex arch-tempered dreadking silver rathalos
>tfw if there's ever gonna be a new game for switch, then it's gonna use world as foundation
World already doesn't have the smallest roster.
It will surely be better than 1st and 3rd gen.
Maybe at the same level of 4U if they have some really good unrevealed monsters and subs.
In general it won't be a bad roster at all.
Shit, I got a ton of things to catch up in 2 weeks. Is AT Kulve still limited? Do people still do Kulve AT runs? already got everything from regular
Fair enough but are they adding a decent amount of old monsters to world? I didn't wanna miss out on too much by playing world only
they already said next 10 years will be all console/PC entries. 10 million copies in a month and most sold Capcom game of all time does that for ya
It's going to be an offline reboot of Frontier.
so far the expansion seems to be adding all the old flagships at the minimum.
>Ryozo said that they could only truly find success with monster hunter by leaving handhelds in an interview and that they're staying console/PC for the foreseeable future
>Nintendo just announced an even more handheld Switch
Which does? And which has the largest?
I want more space alien monsters
>everything from regular
Christ. Also, yes, AT Kulve is still limited, but she comes back once per month and will be up for the entire 5 week period. After the Iceborne beta showed the power creep, a lot of people are less motivated to farm for gear that will be immediately obsolete once Iceborne hits, but some people still do it because kjarr weapons can lead to some serious memes.
You only need to be HR50 to do everything, and AT Kulve is only HR16 because she's fully replaced regular Kulve. Just don't try to fight her with anything less than 450 DEF and 200 HP and you'll be good.
probably the korean mmo version has largest
1 and tri have the smallest rosters. XX has the largest, but that's because X/XX was the 10 year anniversary game and they basically dumped 10 years worth of PSP assets, then made a bunch of recolors and called it a day.
If you like World a lot, then go back and play 4Ultimate. It's my favorite in the series and feels most like a single complete package.
I'm a newfag playing on PS4 trying to main the Greatsword. What's a good combo to leartn?
>which has the largest?
MH1 has 17 monsters, some of which you can't even fight anymore because they were online only.
I think Generations Ultimate has the most, but I don't know for sure.
>feels most like a single complete package.
People buying Iceborne+World will have the same feel
Holy shit did he really say this? I mean, on one hand I think they'll do fine without switch but that's a pretty big market to ignore. Haven't they sold over 30 million switches already and with the announcement of the new cheaper one, that'll only skyrocket. They'd be nuts not to put something on it even if it's only monster Hunter stories 2 or whatever
post a 4U room
>lagi is for the waterborne expansion in 2020
iceborne is the only expansion
Tell him the best support is to kill the monster sooner.
He should go for the head to K.O, especially for recitals which pack a punch.
HH is underrated and has some neat tricks.
Heres a good tutorial series:
Pray they make him decent in MR.
this is THE classical Monster Hunter game that set the standard for the series. PSP / emulator only. It is dated in many aspects and will be probably be incredibly frustrating for a newcomer, but still a solid title
The fully-featured 4th generation version of the game. It rectified many of the downfalls of 3rd generation and heavily innovated with enjoyable new monsters, weapons, and movement systems. Generally* accepted as the best overall MonHun game. 3DS only.
basically a soft reboot, it brings the MH formula to modern tastes, with all the upsides and downsides that entails. Is by far the easiest and most beginner-friendly to start with, but does fall short on content, difficulty, and multiplayer. However, with Iceborne adding so many fan favorites, it will probably be a contender for one of the best MH games period. On all systems.
user this isn't an alien, it's an avatar of an even bigger dragon
Shut the fuck up and fuck off ESL retard
I know people say story in Monster Hunter games is shit, and it is shit, but I cared a lot more about Joseph Joestar and his caravan growing with each new area traversed than I ever did about World's bullshit idea of research.
Alright. I'm a collectionfag that wants to get every single weapon cause autism. Thanks m8
Monster Hunter Online have 120+ monsters, Frontier almost 200.
>MH Freedom Unite (PSP, PPSSPP emulator)
Oldschool MH, tons of content, most classic experience, totally worth it.
>MH 4 Ultimate (3DS, special citra builds for MH4U)
Said to be the best one by many. DESU its hard for me to tell why it supposed to be better than FU, the devil in the details.
Here i would choose between MHXX (3DS,Citra builds for 4U works with it) and World (PC,PS4,XBO)
I say go with the one you can play online. If you have 3DS go with 4U/XX, if not, pick World. World gets a lot of hate for being too easy and for babies but its all bullshit and it doesn't matter for newcomers
What system is that on?
so why is the pc release delayed even though they already have all the shit they need for a pc version?
comedy is dead and its because retards cant perceive it
>After the Iceborne beta showed the power creep, a lot of people are less motivated to farm for gear that will be immediately obsolete once Iceborne hits
Different user, haven't seen or plan to see any beta footage, just loosely following monster reveals while waiting for it.
Is the powercreep of the new gear really that big? Simple not too spoilery answers will do thanks.
>Frontier shutting down
>World is the best selling Capcom game in their entire history
Yeah, they're going to keep the gravy train running for at least 2 expacs.
Is the Switch Axe fun? Does it do good damage?
handheld MH games sold like 4 million tops in years while MHW sold 10 million in a month. They're not ignoring a majority, they're ignoring what held them back
Okay, it's been a LONG time since I've touch a MH game pre-World, so I can't remember, but did previous Monster Hunter games let you superman dive if you ran TOWARDS the monster? Speaking of which, is there an easy way to tell if you can do the superman dive in World. I know that in previous Monster Hunter games you ran faster and the run was more exaggerated, but in World, both types of running are so similar I can never tell and sometimes I normal dodge roll into attacks rather than superman dive even when I'm relatively close to the monster.
Moon dragon confirmed.
IB officially ties MH with DD universe.
They’ve literally stated in an interview Iceborne is the first and last expansion. They will continue to update the game however.
Iceborne is the only expansion as confirmed by ryozo, please stop being delusional. It isnt good for you.
ironic retardation is still retardation
>3DS only
The game now works in solid 60 FPS in Citra, in HD as well. It's the best version of the game. The only bad part is the high resolution letting you see just how ASS the textures are.
Then you're in luck because AT Kulve gives out anything from 4-8 boxes with the new highest tier of drops in addition to the usual 3 gold boxes.
a joke is a joke you inbred
The mediocre armors are 100-200 def superior than HR endgame.
Also they could nerf HR endgame armors when iceborne drops, they already did with old games.
Here's the thing. Is it a big market to ignore? People in these threads keep claiming that they, Switch owners, also play on PC and PS4. That's more like market overlap. Even NPDs and EU research data shows the overlap.
The only market that this could really be considered an issue is Japan and there are less Switch consoles in circulation there than World sold as a whole.
MHW doesn't let you panic dive towards the monsters either. Not without an armor skill. It was the same in the previous games.
If the minimap border is red you should be able to dive, as long as you're close enough to the monster. I think if you're way, way too far, then i might not let you.
>Frontier is dead
>Frontier was holding the ancient civilization hostage and all the tower maps hostage
>DD had the endless tower concept
>100-200 def superior than HR endgame
>the mediocre armors
jesus fucking christ
ok i get it, what did i even grind for
Doing the number crunching and basing it on World's original beta, starting Iceborne gear will have in the neighborhood of 240 true raw attack, which no amount of augmenting or element outside of the kjarr CBs will hold a candle to.
Oh fuck don't do this to me
darkest dungeon?
Im not saying it's the majority, user. I'm saying this is capcom and if they can essentially pull the Pokemon move and put out a "B product" and still make money on switch. Why give that up?
The skills. You'll want to hold onto your normal sets because now amount of defense will be worth sacrificing your 100% affinity crit boosted master's touch build.
Yes and yes. The downside of it is really poor mobility.
to make me cry
HR endgame armors are still very usefyl for early G-Rank user
You played an HR game. NA and EU players really never dealt with the HR to G issue before because up until World the only HR games were 1, portable 2nd, and tri. Most people only played 2G/FU, 3U, and 4U so they went straight into G rank.
Dragon's Dogma. There was a lot of cut content, including going to the moon.
Because all signs point to development of MH6 on PS5/Xbone2/PC.
>As long as it's in the red
I fought the AC Xeno recently, and even though I'm in the same area, sometimes I normal dodge roll into its laser instead of superman diving and it's frustrating. Never looked at the minimap border when doing so though, so I'll check later.
I'm pretty sure you could but only with a certain skill active. I don't remember the name though
The only thing that bothers me about discussion for a new switch monster hunter game is the emphasis on exclusivity.
Frankly, as far as I see it, there's no genuine reason why Generations Ultimate couldn't be on other consoles and pc (as an official release), whether it be as a budget or downloadable title. You could argue that it would be a deterrent to world's sales, but wouldn't the very release of Gen U, especially in the West, Capcom's priority market, be in and of itself, a potential competitor to World's overall sales through the same logic?
>Itsuno has been teasing DD2
>Iceborne confirmed they're doing new collabs like the FF and Witcher stuff
Get ready for the trailer in December user.
>reveal of a new Tower map in World
>"Abandon all delusions of control."
Yeah, I've heard quite a few people had issues diving the laser. That probably happens because you were standing too far. Try to run towards Xeno as close as you can before turning around and doing the dive, instead of waiting for it to reach you from the distance.
Dunno. I mean their RE engine can't even work on Switch so it's gonna be a long time until we get a handheld MH game
Thing is, MHW is run on MT Framework, which Switch can run according to Dragon's Dogma so who knows
Since DD2 is probably in development they'll need to update the Fatalis skeleton somewhere...
>Iceborne confirmed they're doing new collabs like the FF and Witcher stuff
Dude what? They said no collabs are being done for IB. At least not until after the release.
I don't fancy the thought of returning to Gransys again.
So what's the hidden final monster gonna be this time?
Grigori/Ur-Dragon pretty much share the skeleton with Xeno. Fatalis is completely different. Also Fatalis is getting updated for Iceborne anyway.
Yes no
I'm pretty sure GU Switch was them testing the waters to see if investing in the Switch for Monster Hunter would be worth it. An experiment they figured wouldn't hurt World since it was already out and had gotten its 10+ million on console at that point.
They also would be able to test how genuine the vocal consumers about Switch MonHun in the west actually are in a relatively cheap fashion.
Game releases in September. December is after September.
MH6 for Q1 2021 could be feasible. It would be a great time considering the usual state of affairs regarding early console lifecycle game quality.
Thing is because of the hybrid nature of the switch, it's become an entry point back into gaming for a surprise number of people so I do think there's a sizable market there regardless of overlap. There's a reason switch versions of games sell better then on other systems. It's not the 3ds and it's not the Wii u
Monster Hunter handheld doesn't even doesn't even sell that well in Japan anymore. World was the best selling game in Japan in 2018, it beat all the Nintendo titles.
That's not the issue. Your conjecture is contradicting what the devs explicitly said in the interview.
If we go by pure numbers, no Nintendo title sold as much as Portable 3rd. 4 came close.
I was thinking more about the lesser drakes, but now that I noticed it they might share the kush skeleton. goddamn give me a DD colab capcom
>There's a reason switch versions of games sell better then on other systems.
Isn't that only with independent titles? The PS4 version of CTR had somewhere between 64 and 66% of total sales.
Jhen Moran and Ceadeus hybrid fought on Zorah Magdaros's back using cannonballs that restock once every fifteen minutes.
even if p3rd never got western release but the nintendo games did
>The only thing that bothers me about discussion for a new switch monster hunter game is the emphasis on exclusivity.
The only reason Switch exclusivity even comes into it is because the Switch is the only portable console left. A portable Monster Hunter game would be exclusive to it by proxy, and because all portable Monster Hunter games so far have been altered versions of that generation's mainline title rather than totally new games there'd be no real reason to put them on the same consoles as those mainline titles.
user thats my point. Those people wouldn't be buying on another system because they don't own one
To be fair, portable 3rd was a unique entry rather than an altered entry, and there is no portable 4th because 4 was only portable. Actually 4th gen is the only gen that is portable only with the exception of Switch XX, but that's a gray area obviously.
Leap of Faith, can only get it from either a charm or one of four rarity 5 armor. Not worth it imo
>he doesn't know about the new psp
He's in!
>GU 3DS never happened
It's like they want us to pirate XX 3DS with the English patch or something.
Nice painting.
I expect another returning flagship for the coral highlands, probably zinogre. The metal raths. New variants/subs for Bazel and either Xeno or Zorah. Probably not both though. A new variant/sub of either Paolomu or Pukei or Radobaan. Savage Jho. A completely new final boss that won't be revealed ahead of time. And Oroshi Kirin assuming it's not canceled and just delayed.
That would be for Iceborne's release and not counting post release dlc monsters, which would likely include Fatalis and Alatreon, assuming it's not canned either.
>FULGUR anjanath
Its fucking obvious zinogre will be in
Fatalis (blanco) and Xeno'jiiva (dorado) tag team against you and your palico
>don't release GU on 3DS in West
>Switch version still has the obviously capped FPS
Fuck off Capcom
give it to me straight. Which weapons in GU is shit? Don't give me "ALL WEAPON ARE GREAT :DDD" just tell me what got fucked the most so that I don't have a terrible experience with GU.
Please don't say Gunlance cause I love it so much
Actually, that just means Anja stole Zinogre's gimmick, according to Yea Forums.
The FULGUR name comes from the West team too. The original jap name is something like "Shocking Anjanath"
user, fulgur is a latin word. It's not something originating form Monster Hunter.
Switch Lite is great but it looks like a knock off product compared to the PSP and PS Vita. Sony nowadays can probably make a much faster handheld and straight up port World, rather than a handheld exclusive series.
just b urself
>World beat all the Nintendo titles
World sold approximately 2.85m in Japan as of the end of 2018. 3U, 4 and 4U all outsold it, and Generations sold almost the same amount. Freedom Unite and Portable 3rd also outsold World there.
sorry, user
The Japanese name has a Nue pun in it in the characters used. Anjanath's subspecies colorscheme and moves are based on the mythological Nue.
>that boxart
Nice tracing, Capcom
That's why I said now, those are pre-2013 games. And they didn't outsell World by that much of a margin, except the PSP titles.
The Nintendo titles IN THAT YEAR.
Actually scratch 3U from that list, I misread the numbers.
that's a common position. Seen that tons of times
I would love Val to be in World just for the armor
I mean they probably could but the handheld would be bulky as fuck and they'd likely lose money on it because nobody is buying a psp for fucking $800
Didn't Capcom report strong digital sales for World in Japan? Or was that Square with DQ11 PS4?
>heroes of mighty magic
How does MHW perform on PS4 Pro loading screen wise?
Slightly better than standard PS4, but still not great.
Well it's a pretty shitty joke, go work on your material, shemp
post yfw valstrax vs nergigante turf war where val flies up into terminal velocity to slam the fuck into nerg
Can someone give me a quick rundown on general gameplay changes? I already know about the clutch claw.
>special snowflake nerg getting bested by anything
2.85m is a strong number for Japan's usual standards, but it's far from the highest the series has ever hit gotten by a long shot.
Gunlance is the weakest but it werks. I use it to gun down amatsu and other flying fucks
Keep dreaming, plumber boy. Nerg is the dedicated anti-ED ED. He's gonna win all of the turf wars because of the word of god.
>Hammer Alchemy
What did he meme by this?
Rajang could beat Nerg lmao.
>let me just slam my body into one of the spikiest beings in the known world and hope nothing bad happens
Rajang doesn't even actually do lightning damage.
>Valstrax gets in
>Mount him
>He just goes airborne at that time and you're clinging onto him, trying to get him to fall
Wait so what ever happened to this,"Capcom expressed its interest in bringing more Monster Hunter to Switch in the future, even suggesting the possibility of a Monster Hunter game "made especially for Switch.""
Was that a lie? I mean, if they were gonna come out and say,"no switch. Xbox, ps4, pc only" why didn't they do that from the start instead of saying they were thinking about switch exclusive games?
C-come on I was just kidding. I retreat all charges.
It'd work if it was a turf war where they both get fucked over and damaged equally in the end.
because they did release an MH game on Switch, GU. Even tho its a port
Enjoy your Monster Hunter Stories 2.
>everyone shitting on Iceborne
>then Glav trailer drops
>everyone on gamefags, which was hating the game, now loves the expansion
>threads on Yea Forums reaching 500 replies every day
>leddit shilling harder than ever
What was about this trailer that got so much attention? 2 recolors? Wtf?
>they already said next 10 years will be all console/PC entries
Waiting for a source on that
well wouldn't that be awfully convenient
II don't understand memes, can someone explain what these images even mean?
Id be fine with that if it meant genetics were less autistic
>Lagi is a never ever now
It hurts
Two of the best brute wyverns . One shown , the other teased
Good. Shitty vorefag monster.
Please be excite for Monster Hunter World: Underwaterborne.
Did you play gen? If not don't worry about it.
Hmm, you are right about that. They probably were talking about GU. What's interesting is that while I can't find a specific source for GU on switch only numbers, most reports say it sold around 1 million on switch. I mean, it's clearly not a ton but i don't think capcom can ignore a million potential sales for the next gen of monhun. Maybe they'll remaster the old games for switch or something.
The only thing Alchemy Hammer losing is level 3 charge spin (which is a good thing) and you can't combo into charge, but you getting access to alchemy barrels and additional hunter art.
They probably will, especially with the Switch Lite. Monster Hunter, apart from World, isn't exactly an expensive game to produce. There's plenty of new assets from World to repurpose.
I love her mate, i wish i could romance her ingame.
>nero bustering flying vergil monhun edition
Those statements were made after GU was already on Switch. There was an official statement from Capcom;
>We currently have Monster Hunter XX (Double Cross) Nintendo Switch Ver. available for the Nintendo Switch, and plan to continue developing other titles for this platform in the future.
And this from somebody who attended their shareholders meeting;
It was hype. World looked pretty much like a reboot up until recently. Regardless of what certain companies say to appease older fans, reboots happen. Same with doom 2016. It's so painfully obvious that it's a reboot but they say it's not to appease fans. The last few iceborne trailers have shown that even if world was a reboot, they won't completely leave older monsters to be forgotten. I mean they obviously made nods to older games with shit like the guildmarm outfit but this is them actually bringing in old content from multiple gens of monster Hunter. It's nice to see that world won't completely replace old monhun
that's the probable outcome. I'd be down for a 4U port or offline frontier
then that's even stranger. Let's not forget that MHW is run on MT framework, which the switch can run so there might be a chance
Val would get fucked the same way X and XX had to have their special snowflake fated four be the bestest, and most superior to all the monsters that came before it.
The only monster that's gonna beat Nerg during 5th Gen is either Fatalis, because of legacy status as the first elder, or Velkhana in order to shill her.
It's a year old and Capcom has reversed position in several interviews since then so, it's better to just assume Switch is dead for MonHun unless they shock people. But no plans for Switch MonHun and no plans for MHW on Switch have been the consistent responses for 6 months now.
>plan to continue developing other titles for this platform in the future.
Probably just refers to any capcom game
>literally had monsters from Gen 1, 2, and 3 in World
>the first time since fucking 2G/FU that Lunastra was put into a mainline game and she got a complete revamp
You gen 4 fags are actually the worst and the biggest fucking pretenders.
I thought they said they just couldn't make world work on switch though. I think a spin-off or smaller scale exclusive is more likely for switch if switch gets anything at all that is. They'd be losing money by ignoring switch but not so much that they'll go under or anything
>still no iceborne pc date
partner, it hurts
Will the devs ever learn their lesson about wasting time on seige monsters?
what's next
You know the answer.
What you have to consider is this. MH is essentially a yearly franchise. That's why there've been 15 games (counting iceborne) released in Japan over the 15 years the series has been around. Iceborne is this year's game, but the question is, will World 2 be ready for next year? Or will they possibly release a stopgap game.
>its all true
ayyyyy what a time
good thread lads
>It's a year old and Capcom has reversed position in several interviews since then so
I'd like to see these interviews if you can point me to them.
Why do you think that a reboot would mean they completely get rid of all monsters? Obviously they'd have to keep poster boy monsters like rathian and rathalos and maybe a few others. I meant reboot in the sense that aside from the few older monsters they put into the base game every other new monster would be new and never seen before. Which they've now proven isn't the case with the addition of tigrex and brachy. Just because they rebooted doom doesn't mean imps and cyberdemons dont exist anymore
God bless IRC user and the mods for clearing the threads. It's been such a long time
How are they this bad at pc development? They already have the fucking game on the platform, just add to it.
It's certainly the closest we've gotten to old monhun threads in a long time so yeah, it's good
I just started using horns today
at least i truly see
If Zino gets confirmed so will Hunting Guitar.
Watch my concerts Anons
>tfw we've had tons of comfy threads now that listposter is getting consistently deleted and bingposters are finally starting to fuck off
I thought it would never happen
>If Zino gets confirmed so will Hunting Guitar
>hh getting a new model
New HH will never be as good as adept HH in GU. I wanna go back.
It already did, the G-rank Anjanath horn
Monsters being in doesn't guarantee all of their weapons will, sadly.
If tri wasn't a reboot, then how the fuck is World a reboot? Nigga the reason there are less monsters is because they can't straight dump PSP and PS2 assets, recolor the skin, and call it a day. New gens ALWAYS introduce new monsters and change a core gameplay system, otherwise it's not a new gen.
They made a classic like horn with deviljho so anything is possible
You fags tried this with narga, then the bow and ls showed up with the classic designs providing both a low tier version with the slapped on shit, and the fully unique model.
I thought that valor was the best HH style, what is adept good at?
The only thing that seems to be gone is tigrex tank lbg, but I can see why they wouldn't want that.