Which did you like better 1 or 2?
1, but 2 is also excellent.
1 by a mile, but 2 has strong elements despite having really bad character designs (no, not because "ew anime, 1 was already toeing the line with its FF12 wannabe sense of fashion).
X is still the best entry and the best single player MMO ever made.
1 with a bullet.
1, 2 was good but all the shit like gacha, shuffling blades to use field skills all the time, and the wiggity whack combat turned me off. Torna fixed everything but that game was too short and left me wanting for more.
it's difficult to stomach Xenoblade 2. hope it gets better soon.
>really bad character designs
The last two games were already fashion disasters, but this one goes to a whole new level between the uncoordinated designs due to a slew of guest artists and bad taste from the core team.
I liked 2 better. I think it mostly comes down to 2 having a roller coaster endgame and more interesting villains. Zanza was kind of dull.
1 falls down in the middle a bit for me, right when you confront Metal Face. 2 had a rough start but had an upwards trajectory from chapter 4 on.
all you had to say is that you're a faggot and we'd understand
Shulk is awful
2 by far. 1's still a good game though.
Big ass titties is great, you dipshit. I'm talking about the character designs, not how sexy their proportions are.
Solid opinion
I feel the opposite but I can understand why someone would find XB1's strengths more appealing
Designs look fine to me. What's wrong with them?
>Fashion disasters
Nothing wrong with the design unless you hate showing skin so you're a faggot.
No, it's good and also big tiddy.
1 by a good bit, 2 only beat 1 in battle system and QOL improvements give or take. 2 is still an excellent game, but Xenoblade is one of my favorites.
Have only played 2 but I think I would prefer 1 since it doesn't have the core crystal gacha garbage.
Gonna get round to playing it and x at some point.
2. is still an okay game, if Xenoblade 3 is just like 2 I will still play it.
But it felt really inferior to 1 IMO, especially in characters.
>Posts one of the better ones.
>Ignores what's already been said about character designs from different artists clashing heavily.
If you're gonna be disingenuous, don't even bother replying. The game's aesthetic is absolutely chaotic. The environment design is great and some of the core characters are done well, as well as some really good minor designs that work in a vacuum, but all together it looks like shit. The only unifying factor is that most of them are gaudy, overbearing chuuni shit, which could work if it wasn't so all over the place. Like I said, this was already a problem with these games, 1 had a fetish for cramming in as much detail as possible even if it looked back but thankfully a lot of it sort of blended in due to the low res nature. X just lacked art direction when it came to characters entirely it feels like, there wasn't visual cohesion between the various bodies and creatures and the world (damn the world was beautiful, though). 2 is just the same problem promoted to such an extreme that anyone who cares about this shit sees it as eye cancer. I love the environments, but Christ are the characters ugly when standing next to each other. They're all so fucking overbearing and don't play off each other at all.
ps, don't take my image to be the entirety of my complaint, it's just a random pic of several rare blades I found on Google. This extends to both mandatory and optional content.
>My peepee says it's good so it good
Fuck you. There's nothing wrong with showing skin, but it doesn't excuse ugly outfits/characters.
dropped 2
i want to smother my face on those soles
youre not gonna look at that shit next together anyway. why cant you accept things for what they are instead of trying to group them?
Couldn't finish 1. The gameplay was a slog.
>all 3 replies focus on sex, tits, and women
Xenoblade 2 fanbase everyone.
All of those are from different designers and the art was left as is, but the models look fine in game.
Nothing wrong with variety, blades are like pokemon.
Well show us an example of beautiful outfits, in b4 some shit taste game.
At least they ain't gay, like you.
>muh gays
Cringe, literally Japanese furfags.
Man that’s a really tough choice.
1 is so well made and complete, every part of the story and adventure is given time to sink in and only gets more hype as you play. However, I found the antagonists and style of character drama it went for very flat, and the combat gets dull in the longer stretches. Even so, it has a god tier setting, beautiful environments, good music, exhilirating story execution, and stunning polish for a Wii game. 8/10.
2’s biggest problems are the pacing, clear lack of dev resources, and some really poor story decisions. I loved how much time is spent fleshing out the world of Alrest during the lighthearted chapters, but after the story starts to get really intense at start or chapter 7, it goes way too fast. I would have made chapters 7, 8, 9 and 10 longer with Cliffs of Morytha, Land of Morytha, and World Tree being longer, especially the climb up in chapter 9. This would have given more space for all the main characters to finish their character arcs, let the more interesting themes thicken and sink in properly, along with making the final areas more satisfying. I would also removed the whole sacrifice and World Tree falling apart in the ending so that Pneuma can just go with the rest to begin with. Looking at the artbooks, its clear they wanted to do even more with the world but couldn’t and thats really sad to me. It could have been a 9/10 but as it stands, it remains a 7.5/10.
You're the reason Yea Forums(nel) is creatively bankrupt
Devil May Cry 3.
It isn't hard at all to think about games with good character designs.
Were you molested as a child?
And not you, the one that wants naked women over different creative designs? Sure thing, cringeman.
Liking things means more OC and creativity. You redditors spamming the same buzzwords over and over again isn't. So BEGONE gay boy.
I have been attracted to things with clothes all my life. Android 18 wasn't walking around with a bikini and she was sexy as fuck.
When was the last time you left your room?
>Liking things means more OC and creativity
So you can't like things that aren't naked? Are you 14?
Not my point, shit eater. School is in another month, this time focus in classes and not feminine dick, gay boi.
It's hard for me to choose, but I think I like 2 more, even though I could bitch about its flaws all fucking day. It stuck with me longer than 1 did (which is saying something, because 1 already did a great job at that).
That being said, I think a lot of their strengths are in different areas - at least, they are when it comes to what I enjoyed. I'd say I thought XB1's overall story and exploration were a great deal more solid than 2's, while I prefer 2's characters, some of its themes, and its combat.
Any more childhood trauma you'd like to get off your chest?
Ah yes Dante showing skin with some jeans on and Lady with a mini skirt, also Vergil also with some jeans on.
May have as well said uncharted since it's a realistic outfit.
I like DMC but cmon Dante is not rocking some amazing fashion in 3, maybe in 2.
>muh gays
Literally an NPC
Repeating the same words over and over again.
This is the Xenoblade 2 fanbase everyone, Japanese furfaggots.
I never knew everyone was naked in Xenoblade 2, did I get the Ethics Version?
Oh no no no no no no! He said the /pol/ meme! GTFO
>cute girls
That's rich. How is that anime pillow working for you?
>Stop repeating!
>This gay user says while repeating time same thing again
Probably better than the big black dildo is for you.
Are you so mad that you replied to the wrong post? Go ahead control F that post you replied to with "naked".
Ah yes the classic "I'm gonna simplify your argument and make it look retarded" approach.
High school tier argumentative skills.
I would never say Uncharted because I never played it btw
Oh no, he really is gay.
I liked the combat and music a lot more in 2, but the setting and characters were better in 1.
X was the best for exploration by far, obviously.
>You're not gonna look at that shit next together anyway
Depends on how you choose to play, etc. It extends to mandatory stuff as well, not just the rare blades with guest artists. Zeke looks fucking weird next to Nia, the styles don't mesh well despite the best efforts of the modelling team.
>Why can't you accept things for what they are instead of trying to group them.
Motherfucker I am talking about the *visual design* of the game. Of course I'm going to consider them together instead of assessing each one like a pinup illustration. Some designs aren't seen as much (the optional rare blades), but you still see that shit interacting with the world monsters and it's fucking awkward.
>the models look fine
I think it's like Overwatch, where they tried their damndest to normalize the designs into one core aesthetic for 3D but failed because the artists vary so wildly in style and method and basic ideas of design.
>Nothing wrong with variety
I don't think so either, but there's a big difference between "variety' and "every fourth person looks like they got pulled out of some other game and slapped in here like it's a nice Chinese bootleg."
>Some examples of beautiful outfits.
I'm not gonna touch that, but you know what I am gonna do? Give a recent example of chaotic, overindulgent designs that actually works well.
Look at Travis Strikes Again. This shit is way over the top, but it has a consistent aesthetic. It also features two big tiddy hotties, and they don't look weird when compared to Eight Heart over here because the visual design is tight and complimentary. This is what I'm talking about. It doesn't have to be gritty and "ugly" like TSA's style, but X2 lacks visual cohesion.
I'm not even against the idea of chaotic visuals. If they made nearly every character in the game designed by a completely different artist, I'd say that's pretty fucking rad. But that's not what they did. It straddles the line and looks like garbage for it.
>Are you so mad you replied to the wrong post
This doesn't make any sense. user, the only one who's probably getting mad is you.
>Ah yes the classic "I'm gonna simplify your argument and make it look retarded" approach.
That user gave a fair argument, are you retarded?
>High school tier argumentative skills
Why are you talking bad about yourself?
I liked 2's gameplay and lore more, I'm finishing up on my third playthrough and really investing myself in NPC dialogues and trying to better my understanding of each Titan's lore, history and customs. Challenge Mode alone brings more replayability to the game than anything in 1, which I only beat once and never bothered to do NG+ in.
That being said, I did enjoy 1's story, characters and English dub better.
Overall, I'd say my favourite Xenoblade is X
What was repeated in this entire discussion? Control+F it.
>muh pol
Who's the redditor now? You just showed your true colors.
Xenoblade 2 fanbase were the redditors all along.
>implying you don't own one
Come on, no actual testosterone filled man would have posted this . How do you imagine the man behind that post?
>muh gays
lmao NPC
>Ah yes Dante showing skin with some jeans on and Lady with a mini skirt, also Vergil also with some jeans on.
And that all looks way better than Xenoblade 2, so what's your point?
I want my face in Nia’s pussy so bad. It’s not fair, why isn’t she real.
Ugly fat feet
>This doesn't make any sense. user, the only one who's probably getting mad is you.
Am I? You're the one not saying arguments and repeating the same things over and over again
>but I didn't say that it was the other guy!
You're the same fanbase.
>That user gave a fair argument, are you retarded?
Where's the argument? Type it out,. nigger.
>Why are you talking bad about yourself?
>literally "I know what you are, but what am I?" the post
Jesuschrist, I'm talking to 14 year old boys.
This is a solid appraisal
I think the biggest thing that determines if someone likes one over the other is whether someone is looking for a consistent experience or an experience with high highs and can tolerate low lows
Yet TSA cast is even smaller than the main party in XB2, not hard to do compared to a shit ton of blades from different artists
You should the MC is almost rocking Dante's outfit, he just replaced the jacket for something else and cut his hair, and put on a shirt too.
>Mutli responding
Reddit, back now!
>Where was repeated
All repeated.
>Well show us an example of beautiful outfits,
Any Mario game, including Mario Party 2.
>B-but it's easier when the cast is small!
Yeah, and that game had a fraction of X2's budget and dev time, what's your point? It doesn't stop being shit just because the devs would have a harder time doing a good job. Are we gonna start apologizing for Rockstar's garbage writing just because their games cost a billion fucking dollars now?
This man is a legend. The theme outfits in 2 were awesome.
>all repeated
>nothing was repeated in those posts
Imagine being this low IQ.
>oh no don't multi respond that's bad!
Stop behaving like a fucking robot. Grow up for once in your life.
>You should the MC is almost rocking Dante's outfit, he just replaced the jacket for something else and cut his hair, and put on a shirt too.
...what? What are you talking about?
Buddy, who's the real dumbass?
Guys who like big tits, or the fuckin' unit who waltzed onto Yea Forums and expected wisdom, maturity and evenhandedness?
Get real, only deluded morons are unaware of what a dumpster fire Yea Forums is. That's why we're here, because we're watching it burn.
Don't come to Yea Forums and act all repulsed when you discover a bunch of degenerates. If you're not a degenerate, why the fuck are you here and not on Tumblr or Reddit or something, where people care far more about chastity in vidya?
>You should the MC is almost rocking Dante's outfit, he just replaced the jacket for something else and cut his hair, and put on a shirt too.
>The method in which items are rendered, lit and placed does not matter as much as what the items are.
May as well get working on your UE4 Mario game, friend.
>Am I
You're the one arguing over good character design, whilst saying you're not gay(Although badly) so yes.
>Where's the argument
His whole DMC 3 Dantae post was the argument.
>>>literally "I know what you are, but what am I?" the post
Except it wasnt.
>>Jesuschrist, I'm talking to 14 year old boys
Repeating yourself again? Damn.
that's a boy
>Buddy, who's the real dumbass?
That's easy to figure out.
>are you defending Xenoblade 2 character design choices?
>if yes, you are a dumbass
Didn't read your post beyond that part btw
He's saying that since Rex wears clothes that are vaguely similar to Dante's and has a similar hair style, the character design is the same.
>Nothing was repeated
Oh. My. God. This user can't read, HAHAHAHAAHAH
>All the same buzzwords insults and """arguments""" weren't repeated.
Get out.
Mario is no fair, Mario has the absolute best everything in video games, they even make board games work.
The only bad Mario game is Pinball Land.
Xenoblade 1 had cooler dudes with more screentime so that one. Zeke, and Malos weren't enough for 2.
>Pinball Land
Fuck you.
>You're the one arguing over good character design,
Yes user, I'm the one having a discussion, and you're the one being fanboy trash.
>His whole DMC 3 Dantae post was the argument.
His whole fallacy was the argument? Hilarious, buddy.
>Except it wasnt.
>literally was
Stopped reading right here, so far your entire post can be reduced to "No, you!". Just say "No, you" and stop wasting everyone's time dude. 0 arguments found in your post.
Xenoshit apologists btfo
Is he retarded?
>"no you" again
Try harder next time.
>Second time getting BTFO'd so he didn't read the whole post
Go outside, you've been arguing about XB2 for 1-2 hours now, gay boi.
X > 2 > 1 IMO
I liked them all though.
And they don't have peach walking around in a bikini, nor do they have fanboys defending that design choice in a supposed mainline serious game.
>literally replying to me for the sake of replying, he isn't trying to say something this time
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 fanbase, everyone. Peak mental maturity.
He's trying to dismiss your point instead of accepting that Xenoblade 2's art is tryhard as fuck. There's nothing inherently bad about that, but to pretend it has good outfit/character design compared to something like DMC is silly.
Overall, I liked the cast more in 1. I know a lot a lot of people complain about Shulk's story arc, but I think the problem is more of how abruptly his revenge arc was closed. Characters have better chemistry, like Shulk and Reyn, and despite some odd motivations here and there, villains like Metal Face and Zanza are pretty enjoyable too.
2 improved on a lot of things, like the world design and battle system, but is really flawed everywhere else, particularly in pacing and the main cast. Most of it seems to be related to Rex, his interactions with other party members are pretty shitty, it's usually the main girls wanting his dick because the plot demands them to do so and everyone else being kind of there. His motivation is not particularly interesting or that well explored either, and I'm still not onboard with the character design itself. If the developers really wanted a goofy character with a heart of gold then Addam did things a lot better.
>No you the post
This is sad user, being in the closet is bad.
There's bikinis in every Xenoblade, asshole, that's not what's wrong with 2.
This. That user has a serious massive hate boner for XB2. He also has a boner for something else, if you catch my drift.
Don't twist my words, boy.
XB2 deserves the hate for its visuals, just not because girls are in hot outfits.
>some anons make actual decent posts
>everyone decides to just talk about dumb shit and get angry at each other instead
Welcome to almost every single argument on Yea Forums ever. People are more invested in winning arguments than talking about things. If anons see a post they can't "trump," they ignore it.
Maybe every xenoblade is bad then?
Also stop pretending I hate bikinis, its just a way to summarize the problem with Xenoblade 2.
>red whore bitch has the personality of a shy cute girl
>dresses like a bimbo whore
This is the problem.
The problem is every design choice in Xenoblade 2 was made for lonely fucks like you to masturbate.
Xenoblade 1 wasn't like this. Shulk's girlfriend wasn't a fucking whore like Pyra or Mythra are.
I didn't twist your words, user. You dislike XB2 with valid and fair points, which I can respect. The other user has just been talking about bikinis and tits.
I misread and thought you were saying there wasn't anything to criticize, that's totally my bad. Sorry user.
Anyone care to explain what makes Shulk a good character?
He's the only reason I can't get into XB1.
He's only really a good lead for the first half anyway, and mostly because he's a simple but nuanced young man with clear conviction, motivations, chemistry with others, and drama, all of which avoids most of the stereotypical JRPG traps.
>Anyone care to explain what makes Shulk a good character?
He hates robots.
That's relatable. When was the last time you had a protagonist filled with inner rage?
It's all good, user
There's nothing wrong with a game's aesthetic being sexual in nature. The problem is when the execution is deeply flawed. Just because you don't like the pandering doesn't mean it is inherently without value.
Story: 1
Gameplay: 2
For me the problem with 2’s character designs is the proportions. If the proportions of the characters were tweaked to work better alongside each other, it would have been ace.
>There's nothing wrong with a game's aesthetic being sexual in nature
If we are talking about fighting games? Sure.
Not 90+ hours JRPGs that expects you to take the story seriously.
Disgaea is very sexual in nature, they even talk about breasts all the time. But the story or the game was never made to be taken seriously so those scenes come up as "funny"
Xenoblade is a serious game for serious gamers, competing against the likes of Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. You can't take the game seriously or its "character deaths" when every scene in the game so far has been cringe garbage, and the design of all characters are lazy bikini shit because they need to pander to sex-less losers like you. Pandering inherently devalues a game's worth.
Peach has some bikinis, I mean it's also stupid that she rocks a princess dress everywhere, but she looks good so it doesn't matter, which is kind the same as XB2, looks good so no problem.
>Peach has some bikinis
Stopped reading there, I said mainline games.
Don't try to latch up to any mistake I make, you will only end up looking like a fool. Every word I type is carefully typed to trick shitposters like you.
>Xenoblade is a serious game for serious gamers
> competing against the likes of Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest.
>serious game
>Dragon Quest
It brings me joy to see that, after nearly 2 years, people still shitpost about the game. Xenoblade went from a nothing franchise to one of the best.
Adam Howden's voice.
>He thinks Dragons Quest is being ironically generic
They are soulful games.
Odyssey is a mainline game, what now?
>It's a post game outfit it doesn't matter
Americans don't know what the fuck DQ is. Hell, most of them still don't realize Toriyama is Japanese Sergio Aragones.
This girl should have more vanilla doujins.
>dubbed garbage
Kill yourselv
>after nearly 2 years
Found your problem. Shulk is a way better character dubbed.
Kill yourself, American.
Well Americans also think Dragon Ball is Berserk serious instead of a fun battle manga.
Toriyama is a literal satirist, the games have had cheeky meta humor since the very start, and its running jokes include motorboating women, making fun of your lack of choice, and really bad dad humor.
But he was voiced by a Bong, for Bongs.
If you could replace any one dub VA, who would it be? I unironically love Rex's VA, it's so bad its good in a goofy sort of way, but Pyra/Mythra's VA is just bad in a non-entertaining way. Everyone else is decent for the most part.
I wouldn't replace anyone, I'd just bring back the directors from XB1.
Bongs are proto-americans.
I would replace all of them with giberrish sounds like in Okami or Katamari games.
Dubs are cancer.
I agree but they’d still need The copy pasted voice clips with no context, flow or pacing really piss me off.
I'd scrap the dub entirely. It was garbage.
Xenoblade 2 by far. Xenoblade 1 has to be the most overrated jrpg EVER.
Most people didn't even know Xenoblade 1 existed before 2 or maybe even X.
2 of course
Sales don't have much to do with whether it's overrated or not.
A mix, I like the overall story of 1 and it's soundtrack but the characters from 2 and the gameplay
I played and finished 1 the year it came out. Shulk was my most wanted for Sm4sh and everyone said he wouldn't get in and he did. And I don't mind weeb stuff, I really like Tales games like Symphonia and Abyss.
But god damn, Xenoblade 2 is way too far off the deep end for me. It's so tropey and animu I can hardly recognize it as being part of the same series. I got to the second major town and lost interest. What were they thinking?
I’m still mad about BotW’s boring ass world taking MonolithSoft’s staff away from Alrest.
BotW is a far better game than zenoshit
Alrest is infinit
1 had better plot, 2 had better characters
2, though 1 is still excellent and has a place in my heart. Would love an HD remake of 1 on switch
Why do I always see people praising 1's story? It has a unique setting and good voice acting, but it squanders those by having an incredibly generic, run of the mill JRPG story that fails to use it's characters effectively because they become irrelevant halfway through the game.
>X on Switch never
Do I give in and get a Wii U or continue to wait?
Just emulate it on PC.
Xenoblade 1 is more consistent throughout and a better overall game
Xenoblade 2's last 3 or so chapters are pure kino that top anything in XB1
Compared to 2, the tone is more urgent, there is much more action, characters look better, have better VA and the cutscenes are consistently better quality. The story itself as you said is nothing special apart from the whole Zanza inhabiting Shulk plot point.
Shame about the asspull ending which ruins it all
I've never played 2 but i can't see how it could possibly ever beat a masterpiece kino like 1
>Xenoblade 1 remake in Xenoblade 2 artstyle
Nothing like this thread proves pic related
X > 1 > 2
But they’re all hella good
It doesn’t, but you should play it anyway
>Get not one, not two, but THREE plot developments spoiled by random porn on a booru
The absolute worst thing about having great lategame character designs. Danganronpa got ruined by the same shit.
2 had a more interesting setting but otherwise 1 was superior. I thought the start of 2 was pretty poor but it eventually got better about half-way in and overall it was decent.
If by Xenoblade 2 artstyle you mean Saito's crap, then hell no.
If Tanaka, maybe. But I'd still like to see Monolith take a stab at converting the original artwork for the first Xenoblade into models that don't look like trash.
The cover art of XB1 does look like 2’s artstyle as far as environment and equipment go.