Why are there so many level 20-30 quests? I'm literally level 40 still on level 27 main quests.
Why are there so many level 20-30 quests? I'm literally level 40 still on level 27 main quests
Other urls found in this thread:
DDO Dungeon
FF14 Dungeon
>that fucking puzzle at the end of that DDO dungeon
made me mad at the time for some reason.
I would play DDO if the devs weren't faggot kikes who refused to have european servers.
almost as kike as forcing you to sub to not enjoy levelling
cool projecting
3 blizz employees convincing someone to play ffxiv...wtf
I think it's balanced around the assumption players will do nothing but the msq for some fucking reason.
>2.5 gcd
>having to play through Realm Reborn
>weebshit and trannies
>slow combat, shitty servers
>crappy overworld
>WoW Classic and 9.0 will drain subs hard
lmaoing at your shitty game
You're on a preferred server, aka the game shits exp at you to keep you in.
They give you massive exp boosts to catch up. Before youd sometime have to grind levels to continue
>MMO addicts play MMOs.
>Some people play other people's games instead of being incestuous.
Fuck, YoshiP was a WoWboy. That's why XIV exists the way it does.
No negativity in the dojo
The absolute fucking state of Activision blizzard.
Since you posted the first dungeon in FF14 I am going to have to assume your post is the usual disingenious retarded cherrypicking bait that passes for "arguments" on Yea Forums.
I don't even have to watch the videos. Kill yourself.
Only do the main story and quests with a + (those unlock shit)
All the others aren't worth doing
Should have picked up more classes/jobs. You can easily have a level 50 in each role by the time you finish base ARR.
>Do so much damage on an unconventional dps that the Dancer partners up with you.
Nice feeling.
>Dancer partners with tank despite you doing twice the damage
What the fuck bro
you can do quests above your job level? didnt know that
gonna buy a lvl boost lads, thing is.. DRG or BLM? i like melee more but at the same i want to be top dps, wat do
If a Dancer partners with a Tank/Healer I just assume they queued together and resent all other players.
What class outputs the most DPS in AOE spam?
I need something to cut down the amount of time I'm spent dealing with Alisae's bullshit while grinding her Trust.
Unlock SAM
>Classic and 9.0
>Draining anything but more money from Daddy Activision
Lmao imagine being this retarded to believe Classic will accomplish anything but show how bad vanilla was and 8.2 is going to show the dev's still have no idea what the fuck their doing with their game. WoW is dying a slow and painful death
Pick SAM then you ape.
AOE? Gotta be BLM and SMN right?
Dungeons and dragons is a franchise heavily entrenched in dungeon delving, final fantasy is not
Also how the hell does it take this guy 40 minutes to clear sastasha
Doesn't DDO block you off at a certain level by making several dungeons pay to play? Was never really a fan of DDO's art direction either.
Silence, knave.
Prolly stupid couple or just plain stupid.
Just because you work for a company doesnt mean you have to suck that companies cock and buy all their products exclusively
I just noticed that on DNC you have to manually start your auto attack on trash because your main aoes don't have a target. I've been doing whole pulls without AA damage
The best way to level in ARR is to pick up a good chunk of the other jobs as soon as you get them (which is early), do your Hunting log/etc to get them all around the same level after an hour or two, and then alternate as you start to overlevel in one. It's so pitifully easy to reach ~15 or so that as long as you're using your primary DPS for MSQ, getting tank or healer to catch up is quick as hell.
excuse me sir but dont you have some azerite to farm?
>Buying a level boost when leveling is easier than ever.
Don't be stupid.
Classic will fail, blizzard killed it with their absurd belief that overpopulation in the first few days would hurt subscriber counts.
already at 80, can't deal with leveling another job
i dont know what that is
Kill yourself, don't support cash shop cancer.
>have to manually level Trusts in dungeons
>they don't use any aoes
watch them start selling Trust level boosts on the mogstation
Listen I don't care about your poor financial choices but if you want
>Top DPS
That's what SAM is for, to be the BLM of Melee.
Which job do I play for this kind of feel?
>believing blizzard lies
They are using the nu-WoW client and they are too dumb/incompetent to change it. The "is for your own good, we'll remove it later" is just a excuse that drones and redditors gobbled.
Let me buy a level boost for Botanist already. It's the only craft/gath job below 70 now.
Nin, Dancer, AST
It's quite common, I know there's this GW2 writer or whatever who keeps posting pictures of their lesbian adventures in FF14. MMOs steal features from each other all the time, so it's not out of the ordinary that they would play different games to understand the features.
We can do what we want now.
What's the issue with playing solo? All my life I've never known anyone who played subscription MMO's.
When is Trick?
dancer. its quite literally the slutty cuck job
What's wrong with FemRoe?
I just started playing the game 2 weeks ago and my friend keeps telling me to take off that leaf, why does he hate the leaf so much? I don't want to get rid of it because it irritates him so much
Reminder that Lazy Peon willingly payed to skip HW and payed to boost an SCH to 60 in preparation for Shadowbringers then stated that the quest/leveling design was made to force you to buy skip potions.
You're there for TA.
>3 blizzard employees convincing someone to play XIV
Ahahaha the absolute state of Blizz-
>Convincing Jewson Schreier to play XIV
No thanks Blizzard employees, don't want him
i mostly play solo too. because of the nature of FFXIV and how MSQ's are the majority of content and have to be done solo it really does feel like a single player game with multiplayer elements.
We already have Brianna Wu. Schreier wouldn't be much different.
I've got 2.5k hours and still barely ever use PF.
You don't but actively advertising your competitor is not good for your business. I expect these people to be fired in a few weeks for this
When I feel like it, cuck.
As much as BLM is there to spam Foul, be grateful we share the buff with you.
>playing NIN
Oh god please help m- MUDRAMUDRAMUDRA
I thought lazypeon just straight up hated the game.
Why not play another game in the same genre to see a different approach?
I read a great article years ago from a WoW raid designer talking about XIV raids and how each company handled boss fights.
The only people pushing WoW vs XIV are the deranged fans of each game. The developers have openly admitted multiple times to enjoy the others game.
It's a meme because the presets aren't pretty and most players are fucking awful at customization. Also futafags.
yeah so many at 50 and they don't give good xp
I think it's the gladiator that's being pointed out. It's a weird post.
I've never used Party Finder at all.
they just work there and that is their private twitter and what they play at home does not impact their business at all because they cant be forced to play shitty blizzard games at home
>back when job actions trailer was revealed
>see some people reeeing over no new big explosions for BLM
>see people complaining that the new spells look underwhelming
>fast-forward to release
>that absolute orgasmic bliss of triplecasting a well-timed triple-foul, followed by another three or even four flares while thundercloud procs keep raining down on huge pulls
>that BANG of a xenoglossy
>the FWOOSH of despair
>can keep flinging spells even as bosses keep throwing aoes under my feet
I never had any doubts. BLM is the most FUN job!
He does, hates the combat, hates the classes, hates the story, hates the quests. But everyone kept telling him it'd get better at endgame so skipped portions to rush to it and then was still not satisfied.
>triplecasting foul
Waste of a triplecast.
Well it's designed to make you level between parts of the MSQ, but you don't have to buy a boost for that, you just kind of need the patience to do. It's tedious, but it's an MMO.
who even is lazypeon and why do people care?
>private twitter
>advertises your employment
>people can publicly see you saying you are playing on your competitor
A private twitter is actually private with no discernible info. So long as their profile is viewable and is publicly saying they are a an employee at blizzard then they are treated as a representative of their company. It's how it works in today's day an age.
To be honest, I blame the people who kept egging him on telling him it gets better even though this clearly isn't the game for him.
That doesn't mean that I don't also think he's a retard.
Based. I've leveled BLM to 51, tried out SAM for a second but honestly it's just not as fun.
He does, he's just a contrary faggot who made that clickbait video the day before Shadowbringers came out for easy clicks, and then got so btfo by dislikes and comments that he deleted the video claiming he was receiving death threats. Unfortunately, no one actually sent him death threats
Not to mention that ARR dialogue. I beg new ppl coming, turn on Japanese VA for ARR.
If anything, them not changing much made me confident that itd still be great if not better when released. Unlike AST...
Some eceleb that isn't worth caring about.
Does MMO reviews, usually they're kind of shit and uninformed and he's ADD ridden and doesn't try to understand the mechanics. Also really hates P2W but played Black Desert and invested some cash into it to keep up for PvP before then saying few months later that the game sucked. But he ruffled a lot of feathers with a FF14 video and the FF14 community caught on and had a hissy fit at his usual shit opinions.
The story and lore are pretty bad at times, and the cut-scene cinematography is really trash.
>running holminster switch all day leveling GNB
>get a DRG in one them
>the run goes by much faster than any of the previous ones
Is DRG really that good now
Private as in its not their company twitter, they are not obligated to solely post about WoW, they can 100% for sure post that they play FF over WoW with no repercussions because being fired for that specifically can be cause for wrongful termination lawsuits
>The FF14 community had a hissy fit
Seems to happen a lot.
What's supposed to be fun about WHM when it's even more mindless than SCH?
A MMO reviewer who made a bad XIV video, deleted it due backlash and massive downvotes, but blamed "death threats" from the XIV community for it.
DRG is unironically the best overall DPS
BLM will still beat it in raw numbers on low-movement fights, but it manages to surpass everything else AND still bring two potent utility spells
God I hope classic takes players away, that way I won't have to deal with login queues for at least as long as it stays relatively active
The lore of the world is pretty interesting but the story is a case of high highs and really fucking low lows. And I also agree that the cinematography is dry but I feel that they've been improving a lot lately.
>they don't know
DRG is the meleechad class now weeb babs
Besides WoW and FFXIV troll each other on twitter on occasion.
To those who stuck with White Mage this long. Are you happy as I am?
Anyone got the image of Blizz forbidding talks about XIB in-house and on forums?
DRG is strong but SAM is still above it.
Playing from The Empire's perspective would be way more interesting.
Instead you're just helping a bunch of kids and weird midget lolis.
Any caster
SMN still has magic resistance debuffs iirc so you'll be able to make her ST damage more relevant as well
>DRG is the meleechad class now
Have fun until balancing patch hits Spearboy
those are optional and not worth it. Only Vale and Gianthold is worth getting.
Astrologgicker, unless they buff the ever living shit out of them next week/ with savage patch
Just got through keeper of the lake, please tell me i'm close to HW
The only imperial NPCs I give a damn about are either dead or defected from the Empire entirely. The rest are incompetent retards.
So long as you state on your profile you are an employee of a company you represent them at all times. if their profiles didn't list their employment you would have a point
I am pretty sure actively advertising for your competitor is grounds enough for termination. Fuck it's america and you can be fired for anything other than race, sex and/or sexual orientation.
if I worked for Wal-Mart and tell people to shop at a different store chain I would be fired on the spot.
>tranny comic for tranny game
>double bhavachakra, assassinate combi and TCJ in TA window
>still worst melee dps
Wait until you get to 60, it'll be really good.
Imagine being this dumb while also being a corporate bootlicker.
You're in the final stretch. Keep up the good work.
>keeps changing races
seems accurate.
Femroe and any elezen are basically meme choices because the NPCs with that race/gender combo will always be more attractive than player presets, but I don't think that's the point of the image
>I am pretty sure actively advertising for your competitor is grounds enough for termination
It would be, if that was what they were doing, but all they're doing is getting someone to play FFXiV with them, thats not advertising, and absolutely would be grounds for wrongful termination if they ever got fired
as for the walmart thing, it would be more like talking to a friend in the store and telling them how dope this other shop was and how they should check it out, which again, is not a fire able offence
Atleast they are always blonde with blue eyes
> Play FFXIV again.
> Changed classes.
> Removed half of my abilities.
> Combat is literally just 4 abilities so brain-dead trannies don't kill themselves for being failures.
Utterly pathetic.
Yeah you are. Keeper of the lake is a good dungeon though, and the things before and after were well worth the time imo.
One day I plan to marry Krile
So I'm playing through HW and was everything that happened with Uldah just pointless? The sultana isn't dead, the Syndicate is still in power, and it just seems like they backtracked making the sacrifices that were made pointless. Unless I'm missing something.
>> Combat is literally just 4 abilities
I see you too play arms warrior
HW is literally like six quests away, unless Steps are after that part, then it's like 12
keeper of the lake I think thats when you get disconnected? God been awhile,
lvl 63 summoner here. do i just put excog on the tank in dungeons and spam dps?
Brian got keked out of a Ramuh party because he couldn't handle people telling him to "grab the balls"
post some cool drg glamours. Im stuck with AF3
Yeah, actually. I think keeper was the last dungeon they added in 2.5 before HW. There's a long series of cutscenes just before HW, you'll know when you get there. It even warns you to make some time and get comfy.
queues could be fixed if the max layers / server was above 2k
/r/MMORPG is so salty over this game for some reason
Give me the crystal ball as an AST weapon glamour.
Nigga YoshiP straight says he be day 1 purchase Diablo 4 or even want to help develop it.
top fucking kek
Lol, what PS2 game is this?
yeah i think blizzard can ruin d4 on their own
Y'shtola is blind
Minfilia died/got spirited away
Raubahn lost an arm
They didn't backtrack on everything.
get forced out of your meat puppet and then watch helplessly as he kills the emperor?
>le passive-aggressive healer meme
Why are healers like this?
>wowcucks are still this salty that their game is failing while ffxiv just keeps growing
No I know, but it makes those sacrifices seem pointless.
how will WoW ever recover?
I had that happened in Titinia EX. to no one's surprised it wasn't cleared.
Typical tranny playerbase of this game
what do I level next?
I wan to protecc her smug face
I keep bullying them.
But he's right you retard. If you have an account publically declaring where you work, you are whether you want to or not, representing them. That usually doesn't mean you are forced to shill for that company at all times but it can be part of the contract depending on your job. Usually this manifests in them requiring you to just be nice to customers and not something silly like forcing you to not tweet about any game that isn't Blizzard but you've gotta be some sort of mongoloid to not understand how this works.
They didn't expect the game to survive ARR, so, they just kinda said "Alright fuck it" and backtracked a bit.
That garbage fire got 8.0? I guess people were still enamored with Legion.
WHM or AST so my queuetimes get better.
Sorry, I only dance with Chads, so no little dps cucks
>slow combat
SHB combat is insanely fucking fast and if you account for ogcds, which many classes are shitting out constantly now - the combat is considerably faster than wow and not "spam filler and use procs"
>pretending to be a different user
Listen I refuse to believe TWO people are this dumb.
>make brown bunny
>wish I made them white instead
Why did I listen to you all?
my gf cleared both extreme without that fairy skill, the best one for healing. hard game you have there.
I keep seeing WHM in dungeons and I'm really tempted to start it. But I have a level 43 AST and I want my Garo titles before 5.1 so I should probably just grind that to 60 first.
whats your go to method for grinding out levels with SHB?
Yes, that's the part and Mid follows you and judges you.
Wait, that's actually what FFXIV looks like?
Holy shit, no wonder nobody posts screenshots in these threads. xD
a lot of the things that happened in Uldah didnt get backtracked, but you have to remember that the main reason those things happened naratively is because they needed a reason for why the WoL would journey to a new strange land as an outcast hunted by their own people.
The Sultana ACTUALLY dying would have caused a lot more problems than you could possibly imagine. It was good enough that everyone thought you killed her
Your role is fixing up other people's mistakes and still get blamed for others fucking up.
I hate all of the white bunny faces.
That's right. HW is secretly shit, at least until. you start makinjg the trek to Hraesvelgr.
>telling someone to level ast
I wouldn't wish that on any man
He's a BDO and Bless shill
Ilberd no longer being under the sultanate's control is the direct plot point that's relevant to you, the rest of it is mostly "lol Shtola fucked up and crippled Thancred/effectively killed Minfilia" but you can't really blame her for it
>caring what reddit says
you don't belong here
>Hm, a BiS BLM, SAM and WHM in my party? >Better respect the content then.
Thanks. I hope she had fun
Healing can make one cranky desu. You become extra aware of everyone's mistakes and might end up judging people harshly for it. I find learning to use rescue actually helps in countering this, until you rescue someone out of a mechanic only for them to run back in in time to get one-shot.
As for the comic itself, WHM actually does work by expending lilies on healing skills in order to get their blood lily for a big dick damage skill.
It's Blizzard. Their games cannot score below 8/10 or else they pull their website advertising which IGN and other places need to survive.
Do you still have to level every single crafter? Or can I just level one? Out of content until the raid drops, and I've never tried crafting.
Isn't he the retard who bough story skip and then cried about not understanding the story?
Healer mains outside of MMOs: "I am the alpha and the omega. All live and die by my hand. Grovel for your insolence and you may receive mercy."
Healers in-duty: "P-please use a cooldown... I can't keep up...!"
Literally a job for bottoms.
Does RDM have the same feel as BLM?
I dont play WoW for the same reason though. It's slow and boring just like xiv.
When will casuals just accept they're casuals?
Main scenario + leveling * alliance make one whole level a day. After that I que for dungeons normally while doing fates.
Now if you want to get a class from 70 - 71 tho castrum abania is actually the best dungeon to spam until 71
I'm at the point where I'm learning the identity of some bastard or something, but I'm close to fighting the Heavensward. It's hard to follow when I can't even really remember names.
Make it three, then.
You want your twitter to be private, then don't say where you work. Especially if it's some big company.
Just hit 80 on RDM.
I really enjoy the flow of the class and while I wish there was a bit more to do I think it's fine as is.
I never complain if the tank goes slowly.
lmfao no
rdm and sam are the unironic and intentional brainlet jobs
this is what the game looks like. it doesn't have the best graphics, thats for sure. But it has its charm in the way that nothing else really looks like it, its own aesthetic if you will.
If you knew about the development of FFXIV and why 1.0 was so shitty and what they had to do to turn it around to get ARR up and running you would know why its not the easiest thing to just upgrade all the graphics.
I don't even play FFXIV, but the absolute state of WoW these days is disgusting to me.
I don't care what they say, I just find it funny watching them be mad that FFXIV is successful and they try to cherrypick faults with the game super hard like Yea Forums does.
Nobody posts screenshots because thats some /vg/ shit. Also something something redditspacing and babbys first troll
I can tell you safely that several of the art team are such huge ff14 fans that they even liked 1.0.
I lost brain cells for playing RDM
Not even close
Isn't Yoshi still playing WoW too? All companies are looking for ideas to nick form the competition.
>3-part FFXIV documentary on youtube
>that part where Yoshi-p explains why he cried on stage on ARR release
I have to admit, I teared up. Such passion - how does one not love the fella?
I almost slit my wrist playing NIN...OMFG that job. Kill it with fire!
RDM has garbage AOE so no.
To use the prior anons example
>Work at Walmart
>Tweet a coworker saying Target has a sale on apples right now
>People think this should be a fire-able offense because you are obviously shilling the competition
It's hilarious how much random people care more about these corporate identifies and "competition" between companies more than the actual employees of said companies.
Realistic art-styles never age well. This is why I think FFXVI will be another MMO.
Is it really passion or just a facade? Metzen cried onstage when he announced Overwatch and that game is soulless as hell.
>lol they spent time making the game fun to play instead of getting shiny graphics, what a buncha morans
Oh no no no
Not gonna shill XIV to you, cause to each their own, but the best thing anyone who's sick of the state of WoW can do is just quit. Ive played XIV consistently for 4 years but even if it was 10 years I'd still drop their ass if they let me down so much. Maybe then they'd try and get their shit together, ya know?
Is Dancer the best class to make Roulettes faster?
bottom left-hand corner
Does it really matter?
If you like XIV you probably think Yoshi is pouring his heart and soul into the game and it reflects in what you are enjoying about it.
If you dislike XIV you probably think it's just a gimmick to try and curry favor for the developers and that they are all lazy bastards for not making the game how you wish it could be.
How many GCDs can you cram in Hypercharge? Is it max 5? When I do the AoE I'm just miliseconds away from getting off a sixth one.
the original size was too big to upload so i resized it in paint.
Last time he played WoW was back in 2012 to get ideas. He hasn't played since then. But he still has interest in Blizzard in general since he attends Blizzcon and said he wants to do a collab with Blizzard if they were willing to partner up.
>constantly outdamage our BLM as MNK
>our DNC still wants to partner with the BLM because BLM does the most damage
Why would you do this?
OMFG the idea of Yoshi one day leaving...I don't even want to think about it.
>Wowcucks think they can insult graphics of all things
Grasping at straws aren't you
>its another delusional mnk
if the stars align and you've got a perfect connection it's theoretically possible to get 6, it will never happen though
Yoshi may be a hack but I think he genuinely tries.
What do you think is going to happen for the 10th anniversary?
Art design is probably the only real good thing WoW has going for it. FFXIV doesn't look bad either, but WoW looks great for a 15 year old game.
Yikes at that character.
You are the one who had the sparkly charr in gw2 general?
So I’m learning NIN right now. Are you basically forced to clip into your next GCD trying to Triple Mudra+Ninjutsu?
Enjoy your speedy roulettes.
After XIV's success they'll undoubtedly make another MMO. I just shudder to think what might happen if they pull another 1.0. Either way, at the earliest it would be XVII since we have at least 4-6 more years left of expac cycles.
i love XIV and DD and the XIV dungeons dont get much better in terms of complexity. only the bosses and spectacle do
Your aoe nuke rotation melts trash mobs, coupled with your highest single-target DPS. Unless if the tank is single-pulling for whatever reason, dungeons shouldn't be longer than 15 minutes with a competent BLM.
I've pretty much said bye-bye to ever getting 6 during single target since I have to get off at least one of each Ricochet and Gauss Round.
Good lord they need to do something about Hypercharge clipping, it's ridiculous.
I've played WoW since very late vanilla/just before TBC launched. On and off for 14 years - mostly on.
I fucking dropped this shit so fast a month into BfA. The state the game is in is insulting. I fucking hate nu-WoW and paying a sub for this pile of shit is the last thing I'm going to do. I've started playing FFXIV somewhere around november. I have some gripes with the PS3 graphics, server tickrate, "sliding" animations and too flashy combat (thankfully I can limit other character's effects), but still it feels a thousand times better than WoW. I love the game and I wish SE the very best with it.
I just want to point out to all the brainlet retards here than summoner has the best aoe
whats the best way to level 1-50, should i just spam daily and highest dungeon? playing tank btw.
Finally made it to Heavensward christ that gap was a pain
Who /neverfantasia'd/ here?
I feel sorry for low skilled shitters who can't commit to their character race and designs from the start.
I finally found my waifu and its Forgiven Whimsy !
Yeah I wish the dungeons were more interesting to explore but I have no idea how it'd be possible to improve on that without drastically changing the gameplay.
Roulette + Highest Dungeon
If you get bored of that POTD
>More brainlet than DRG
japanese devs shill other games ALL THE TIME. its easy to do when you know you're shilling quality which cant be said for 90% of western games
Want to start playing but not sure if it's worth the money investment. Not sure if I'd be better off just buying some single player games instead. What do, Yea Forums?
post some salt then
Imagine getting turned into a sin eater and you end up being a fucking cube.
They could try ripping off either Megadungeons or Mythic+ from WoW.
Creating dungeons that have wings to explore or creating savage/ultimate dungeons to give things a twist on their traditional formula.
he works 4 jobs around the game and company. producer, director, head of business division 5, and board of director. that's something you do because you have passion and no life, not because of greed.
I got one for free* and I ended up just changing the way my lalafel looks.
free trial
not at all i posted an early dungeon. want me to post a better one? please feel free to do the same for your CORRIDOR BASED MMO
Either he isn't a hack and has genuinely decent ideas, or he is the luckiest hack to have ever existed. Looking at his interviews, I think he genuinely understands what the market is looking for in MMOs and intends to keep XIV afloat no matter what. But given that, on top of how fantastic 2/3 of the expacs were, I'd say he at least has some idea what he's doing.
Would they base the anniversary off of 1.0 launch or 2.0 launch?
There's a free trial up to level 35.
Free trial then thank the gods you don't have to waste money to try this abortion of an mmo
lets not forget about how retarded the playerbase is. branching dungeons would just introduce too many problems
Still have all of my freebie fantasias. I kind of want to use them just to be rid of them, but there's nothing about my character that I want to change.
i had the pink haired cat since 1.0
i think she earned a rest for the remainder of 5.x
Just hop in the threads that have a positive FFXIV headline. Comments are nothing but salt.
have you seen my nigga yet
>dungeon popped
>tank: "hey dance with me"
>Dancer partners with BLM
>tank has left the dungeon
> Those ground textures.
OH no no no.
I'd be down to be a giant magic Rubix cube, ngl
Id cry too if I released such a giant piece of shit.
link ?
Why not just have two anniversaries?
>changed from catgirl to femroe coming from 1.0 to ARR
>used free fanta to change hair once like a week before they implemented the barber guy
Metzen cried because it was the last game he wrote before he retired.
I have two characters. A potato and a cat. I'd never get rid of them. They are fanta'd from my original when I didn't know what I wanted, but they've been here for years and are here to stay.
>people can't play on a different skill level
I'm not a perfect player by any means, but our BLM is just bad. Hell, even the SMN we have pulls ahead of him at times. It makes literally no sense to dance a BLM just because he's the best dps on paper when the actual player is horrible. That has nothing to do with being delusional.
Issues with XIV:
>Literally every dungeon is a hallway with ironclad linearity
>Literally every boss is just a dude in a circular arena
>Everything related to PvP is shit
>Open world zones are tiny, empty, have nothing going on, and are separated by loading screens
>Zero player choice in character building (stat choice, skill choice, talents, gear choice, etc.)
>Gear is universally boring (No gear sets, no unique effects, etc.)
>Classes are completely amateurish in their design (combos that only exist to be done in perfect sequence, two separate abilities like Demon SSlice > demon Slaughter that could be done with a single proc, etc.)
>Boring questing with awful instancing, unlike TESO/GW2/etc with unique instanced zones only for questing
>Over-complicated crafting which is ultimately just as meaningless as WoW's because it only exists to make catch-up gear and consumables
>Running Qitana Revel
>Chameleon minion drops
>Never seen it before
>MNK starts freaking out
>He really wants it
>Roll anyway because I also want it
>My face
Everyone knows nu-WoW isn't worth playing. The people playing it now are addicts.
noob here
are the ironworks armors worth it?
playing SMN
So after seeing all the backlash Lazy Peon got on his FF vid, and people pointing out why the game was great, I decided to give it a try. I made my character, which was probably the most fun I had during my short time. Now I understood a few things going into this: the combat early levels is slow and boring, the story is fantastic but you have to like reading (I do, my room has a mini library in it of fantasy novels), and that the game really picks up in the heavenward expansion at level 50.
I start the game, and I'm led in the wagon to the forest town which is littered with like 15 quests or something. MY GOD THE BOREDOM. Every single one is a fetch quest with less inspired dialogue than stuff I wrote in middle school. It realistically didn't take that long to do the 10ish fetch quests but it felt like an eternity. I then go to do the few combat quests outside the town to go kill squirrels and shrooms. To be honest, I don't know if I hated them more. I knew the GC was supposed to be slow, but I wasn't prepared for this. It felt like time had slowed around me, as I waited an eternity to 3 hit the basic mobs. I very shortly uninstalled.
Yes I understand the story gets good later on around level 50 in heavens ward, but after the 45 minute slog I went through, I was only level 3 knowing it would be a long road to reach heavens ward. At that point, nothing resembling a "story" had yet emerged, and while it was sure to come soon, I couldn't care. I also know the combat improves later on, but how many hours of boredom should I go through to get to those higher levels. I'd invested nothing but time, and all I have left to ask is one question. Why would invest all this time to get to the "good parts" when I could just play a singleplayer game, or read a book? As for mmo aspects, that seems an eternity away in shadowbringers to do things like raids with players. From what I understand, the game might as well be singleplayer till that point.
Once and it literally was only to change my smile
>imagine watching that final ShB cutscene with a freshly fantasia'd character
Glad I didn't fall for the Viera meme
noob as in you are still doing the story? if so dont bother trying to buy it all. the story will give you all the gear you need. if its an alt sure it will last you til around 57 if u just have tomes laying around
It will carry you through the entirety of ARR and partway through Heavensward if you augment it.
I ain't reading all that shit.
>Over-complicated crafting which is ultimately just as meaningless as WoW's because it only exists to make catch-up gear and consumables
Crafting in this game is really just a relic from 1.0
In 1.0, the game was entirely a player-driven economy. Stuff didn't drop from quests, or any of that shit. It had to be crafted.
People complained, and faggots whined about how hard it was for them to solo everything. So, they caved and made crafting completely useless.
>ADD zoomers can't make it past the tutorial
If only this game didn't have skip potions, it would be perfect
If it's useless why am I making mad stacks on the market?
It takes a while for it to get going. I honestly think you should play a different game because it doesn't sound like you'd enjoy this one very much.
just wait til savage drops and crafters are making millions from raiders buying all the gear food and pots
is this your first time playing a MMO? I can't recall 1 MMO that's doesn't have a boring fetch quest inducing start.
A tad useless, but shits fun. Plus, you can only get the gear from the story once so every other gear type has to be bought, made, or dropped from a dungeon. It also makes glamour, housing shit, and a shitton of money that you can then use to do... stuff?
>make a bunch of money that is only useful to buy shit that you can already craft for yourself
FFXIV is fun once you finally get past the slog of the first 100 hours but the fanbase is almost a cult at this point.
nice copypasta
I just bought the game.
Which server should I choose? I play on EU
Also what race? I want to be a cute girl
Stopped reading there. I think you may have ADHD, I'm sure there's a COD for you there somewhere to play.
Hard to judge by Ex Primals since they are both easy and boring. Overall I'm mostly disappointed. The Afflatus spells address the downtime problem while moving, but as GCDs they kinda suck when you can solve all/most of your problems with your and your co-healer's oGCDs. So I usually end up spamming 3x Solace during movement to build up blood lily, not because I need the (free) heals. I like Temperance but still, it's just a slightly better Divine Veil.
midlander, miqote, au ra, bunny
it's a post copied from reddit.
>>the FWOOSH of despair
Well, it can also be used to buy mats when you're lazy or if you're like me you spend 50 mil or so just giving shit out to people. Or buy a bunch of weirdos houses.
Well don't expect me to know this shit. I don't go to plebbit.
>tfw using despair on Yoko Taros raid
True kino
Well, I don't go to reddit because I'm not a retard or a child, so I wouldn't know
Give me all your Emet Selch pictures.
How's bard?
Just switched to it desu
>Literally every boss is just a dude in a circular arena
You haven't played even the first dungeon
I fantasia'd because my original character was a carbon copy of Godbert. I had never seen Godbert before creating my character and nobody believes me.
more like
healers in-duty: "tank is a fucking idiot use one of your 10 personal cds you stupid fucking scumfuck degenerate."
or is this just me? tanks get a regen and maybe an ogcd if they die while i spam holy its their own fault.
>points at the huge list of jobs available.
That's why.
I don't know how it's possible to die if a WHM is actually using holy. The stun makes it so you hardly even take damage.
>Literally every dungeon is a hallway with ironclad linearity
Relatively fair point, but pretty much all AAA mmos are this way now
>Literally every boss is just a dude in a circular arena
Why does this matter
>Everything related to PvP is shit
>Open world zones are tiny, empty, have nothing going on, and are separated by loading screens
>Zero player choice in character building (stat choice, skill choice, talents, gear choice, etc.)
Absolutely agree
>Gear is universally boring (No gear sets, no unique effects, etc.)
Absolutely agree
>Classes are completely amateurish in their design (combos that only exist to be done in perfect sequence, two separate abilities like Demon SSlice > demon Slaughter that could be done with a single proc, etc.)
get past level 10 champ
>Boring questing with awful instancing, unlike TESO/GW2/etc with unique instanced zones only for questing
I haven played those
>Over-complicated crafting which is ultimately just as meaningless as WoW's because it only exists to make catch-up gear and consumables
only fun physical dps ranged job, enjoy
Picked a Hyur midlander and although i'm not a fan of how same face-e i look its still better then being a mentally deranged faggot/tranny. If hrothgar and au ra existed when I first started however I probably would have been one of those.
I'm about to start this game, which data center should I choose for NA?
Slightly less autistic MCH.
Same, except mine was a Y'shtola clone
Oh I forgot the last one.
Crafted gear is often bis/bis for a while, brainlet
I don't know who's more retarded - you or the one you're replying to.
Zodiark is nice but low pop. You can visit other servers easily but will have things like housing plots open for purchase.
Anything that isn't mine.
>thinking you have a choice
do not pick crystal.
>Which server should I choose?
Pick your poison.
Aether and Primal are full so have fun in Crystal
you can only pick primal or crystal right now. pick primal.
Aether is full of retards that think they're hardcore raiders
Primal is /vg/, retardera, and Brazilians
Crystal is ERPers and retards who know they're not hardcore raiders
I know this guy is trying to bait and all, but, in the end, i agree to the point he's trying to make, since the biggest problem about XIV is that it's not an good MMORPG experience and the only worthwhile content doing is the endgame (savage and maybe ultimate if you find a group of autistic enough people to do it) content. Might as well be an lobby game at this point desu.
Aether is nice. If you can get into midgardsormr, Id teach you the ropes.
But not today, I'm tired as fuck and gotta work when I wake up
God leveling in this game is the fucking worst
I still remember the fucking retards whining in these threads about afflatus misery and how more healing GCDs would be useless lmao. Eternally BTFO.
Alisaie and Ryne are cute and I want to lewd them and love them. Emet is best boy, Shadowbringers was great.
Crystal catboy was bestboy too. I wouldn't lewd Ryne just because she's too pure for now and because of Dadcred, but Alisaie is fair game.
Based zodiarkbro
She'd probably accept WoL's advances, well, both of them, really.
I would imagine games are less fun to at when you have to develop them at work
I don't know what it is about this game. I've tried really hard to get into it but everytime it bores me to death.
For some reason it just doesn't click with me. Maybe it's the combat? Theres also no class diversity. Every player runs the same meta builds and can use the same skills. classes doesn't matter a lot in FFXIV.
The leveling experience feels so slow and boring. It's almost like a single player game and not a MMO. Even WoW did it much better.
It's weird cause on paper this game has all that I want. Achievements, great for my completionist needs, acceptable gear treadmill, focus on dungeons and raids, freedom to explore and do other things etc... But I just can't get into it for some reason.
yoshida and soken told people to go play diablo
I moved to Cerberus because of the people I raid with, but I really do miss Zodiark. Had the best of times on there.
You sound like the worst kind of mmohopper. I wouldn't recommend this game to you.
Please tell me the 60-70 WHM quest is connected to Amdapor. I can't take being a cuck to two elemental cucks anymore.
I've been leveling it to 60 the past couple days and the amount of fun you can have with it largely depends on how smart your party is. If the tank does baby pulls or other dps doesn't spread damage you kind of end up wanting to kill yourself.
Is this game worth trying if I've never played a Final Fantasy game? The only MMOs I've played past the first few levels were Western ones.
Is SCH better than AST? I hear everyone say how bad AST is and how good WHM is but I don't really hear much about SCH.
Yoshida has been seen and openly admits to conversing with Blizzard employees because he's more concerned about making a good game than being above anyone.
How will they top this?
Sure, the most you'd miss are a few references.
Just be prepared for a slow fucking beginning.
Enjoy your babysitting
Good Story - this one is obviously subjective however I find it acceptable for an MMORPG
Raid Bosses - they are pretty cool/unique (usually) and offer a really nice challenge
Battle System - in most cases melee jobs are 2x 3 button rotations (+or - a button here or there) one rotation being used before the other because it buffs your attack or debuffs target, with a few OGCDs sprinkled in the mix. No customization at all, and you are HEAVILY punished for playing outside of the rotation.
Pre-Raid content - it is mind-numbingly easy, this one is obvious and i think every would agree unless you are inept or suffer from brain damage.
Trusts - Did we really need these? isnt this an MMORPG? why the fuck not just make the whole game singleplayer?
Quests - Outdated Quest design, same old thing we experienced back in 2004 (WoW release date) Dont say they cant improve, yes they fucking can.
No punishment for failure - Teleported back to start of dungeon / Can teleport instantly back to where you were in world / Repairing is extremely cheap and really its more of a nuisance traveling to a mender then something you even have to consider financially.
Customization - or lackthereof... Likely a result of them trying to "balance" the game. You cant customize your character at all except for cosmetically, every job plays the same no matter who is playing it, the only difference is their "Skill" moving the character out of range of AoE abilities. Im not asking for a POE sphere grid people... just some kind of meaningful customization that lets me feel like i'm modifying MY CHARACTER and not just playing another PLD or BLM.
Floaty Animations - Example: Your character slides across the ground while an animation is executed making it look really odd and "floaty", it feels REALLY bad to me for some reason.
The world feels empty and lifeless/fake - Lack of mob density and threat, floaty and unrealistic animations i feel are the culprit.
It's baby sitting.
The story is self contained, there are a lot of references, easter eggs, and fan service for FF games of the past, but you can definitely enjoy it on it's own.
How does this make you feel?
yes. if they dont buff ast the prepare to have sch whm in every group
There will never be an MMO that maintains high end graphics. The turn around for content would be disgusting and people would quit rather than cling on to the extra graphics. Content is what keeps MMO's churning not top tier graphics. Black Desert for example looks like shit now, it was "shit tier" when it was released just because the time to release was too long that graphics quality rapidly out paced it.
Is there a way I can preview job af gear without having them in game or does someone have to link it in chat?
>try to do a world transfer to light data center
>doesn't work for 2 hours
>get an email by SE that it failed due to retainer selling an item on the market board and that i should write ticket when the issue is resolved for a manual transfer
>do this
>wait 2 hours
>try to log in
>"account doesn't exist"
>open browser
>navigate to mogstation
>input my account info
>"account is currently deactivated"
w-what's happening?
AST is literally unplayable, SCH is playable but really really boring and kind of clunky right now.
FFXIV IS A SAFER WOW! Especially after the fiasco that was 1.0 and pulling shit together to push out 2.0. This is NOT a bad thing, however.
I can recommend friends to play FFXIV, especially if they're the super normie types to not play games much, if at all. The game is much easier on the eyes and ears, although it's not toaster friendly. Fucking clothing and armor designs don't look like shitty skinned-on textures. Story isn't dog shit outside of mainstory 2.0 which wants to make people quit.
End-game content is crap, although this was done on purpose so people just resub during every patch, or just play off an on rather then something like a 2nd job.
Jobs are some of the most simplified versions of classes and mmorpg gameplay there is. If you played one of the tanks, you can easily take up one of the other tanks wise with a very small learning curve. Once again, this isn't necessarily a bad thing because its very pick-up and play for super normies, especially if they use a controller.
Best improvements (IMO) they could make to the game , balance be damned to hell: Lower GCD to 1 or 1.5, make it more like WoW and less "tactical" (LOL), it is just residue from 1.0, this isn't unique its just annoying and not fun. This isn't FFXI where you auto-attack every 3-5 seconds so just stop trying to defend this choice square....
Remove the combo shit, or make it less prevalent and more specialized let people use their cool skills as they see fit dammit!
Add WAY MORE customization to abilities, let people customize their style of play
Reduce / remove the stupid floor notifications for enemy abilites, this alone would make people pay attention more to the mob and not to the neon orange cone or circle on the floor, i know that SHB seems to have toned down on that however i think they should take it a step further and remove most of that shit from even lower dungeon bosses, I know that straight up removal would make some fights neigh impossible, so probably not a good idea to completely remove them.
>He doesn't want to be miss nanny caretaker
Yeah you aren't a tranny.
why ffxiv players can't take criticism?
because the criticism is often wrong. case and point, lazypeon video and his retarded followers agreeing with him.
>No Voeburtite fending items drops.
>Keep getting every single acc and belt before the gloves which is the only piece I miss.
So fucking tired of this boring ass dungeon.
Didn't jap Twitter get some gravure XIV pics taken down?
>post YFW you're not an ASTcuck
>best boy
That's not Chazz
>better than Emet-Selch
He's good but only a retarded memester would put him above the greatest Final Fantasy villain of all time.
They can do this, but it won't stop me from sending them ToS-friendly /tells shaming them and laughing at their pathetic asses for being so incompetent that they need to broadcast a pleading datacenter-wide message to get ERP
This has always been the case. Players can ERP in private and exchange anything in-game as long as its in-game commodities. It's no longer safe once you start posting your ERP text in public chat or you start offering it for real money.
RDM is BLM for WHM and WAR players
>Over-complicated crafting
It's very easy though.
You also need it for early prog or else your gear is shit.
Feels like the right answer because it's a waste of time to go after ERPers who just keep to themselves.
Because it's not about stuff that actually sucks like Diadem, Eureka and the whole Titan arc.
Whose idea was it to make dungeon weapon drops not match your party jobs like every other piece of gear? It gets tedious after a while.
Nabriales and Steps of Faith so it's more like twenty quests. Nabriales takes advantage of the lack of the blessing of light after Midgardsormr stripped you of it and that's the 2.4 story.
because some people may want gear for alt jobs but aren't playing that alt job at that moment.
>play a cat in 1.0
>play it for a month then quit because fuck 1.0
>come back around 2.3
>make same cat because lost account
>change from cat to highlander in 2.4 due to entering an 8 man with 8 female cats
Since then i did buy a 5 pack because there was a christmas sale but my journey to a roe and lala lasted about a week each.
It's free for a while so I guess there's no harm in starting. Slow leveling kinda sucks though, I never play DPS in this type of game
Because you can be any job on one character in this game so all loot is potentially interesting to any player.
Who cares, good for them
The beginning of the ARR story and 2.0 are very slow to start. They do learn from these mistake and the storytelling does get progressively better. Stick with it.
Classes are also lobotomized and boring below 70, I'd say even at 70. Be patient if you do start.
to be fair the first xiv dungeon is a lot better than most of the ones after
I finally finished the mainstory and holy shit I didn't expect these levels of ludo. I'm glad everyone was right and my already high expectations were surpassed.
Also, is the WoL/D now a confirmed Ascian or what?
they got laid off from their job
the tranny references in gw2 caused by them still haven't been removed
More or less. The running fan theory seems to be that we're the 14th.
I need a requirement code
Yes. Everyone with the echo is part of a fragmented Ascian. Furthermore the WoL may be the 14th council member who stepped down and spearheaded the faction who created Hydaelyn.
Why'd they get laid off?
>Reddit copypasta
That's nice sweetie
I hear that. Dark Knight is shit before 60 and doesn't even get its best ability until 70. Blackest Night literally changes the way DRK is played. Playing that dangerous game of taking damage to get your dark arts buff. I hate getting low level dungeons when I'm tomestone farming on my DRK.
Everyone is an Ascian. You just happen to be one among the Fourteen big dick Ascians.
I don't want Zenos back as the villain, he is orders of magnitude worse than Emet Selch and his whole hunter and prey thing is so fucking chuuni and annoying.
>trying to do big pulls, its been pretty clear
>do a big pull
>tell the AST its okay if he cant handle my pulls i wont do them
>''sorry you're okay i was just focusing to much on the damage''
BITCH what? if im trying to gather all the mobs so we can plow through this shitty low lv dungeon faster why are you trying to DPS instead of healing me?
so... this.... is.. the difficulty of tanking... retarded healers
ncsoft had a poor year so they had to downsize their companies. arenanet got hit so they laid off the expendable sjws instead of their senior members.
Zenos can probably work better under a better writer. She already wrote Emet as a way better master planner than whoever was writing Elidibus all this time. Fucking Elidibus has been a joke since his inception.
I really hope he doesn't end up as the fucking final boss.
because they literally will do that, the amount of players that do MSQ and immediately quit after is stupid high, people just wanted another single player final fantasy and treat xiv as if it is one.
It is very hard to make convincing bait these days. The best thing to do is to pluck from the source. If I pretend to be room temperature IQ, I'm sure I'll fuck up somewhere and make it obvious its bait. But if I post a retard's sincere thoughts then its impossible to tell that its bait because its technically not.
It's like that for every class, missing a major mechanic until late in the leveling process.
So the Garleans want the calamities to make everyone a whole being again. How would that even work between shards? If person A and person B had kid C on the First but person A fucked person D on the Third instead and had kid E, do kid E and C have the same soul? What if person A dies a virgin on the Second?
I don't ERP but I think that's cool. Consenting players should be able to say whatever degenerate shit they want in private messages.
AST is fucking OP in PvP
>Final boss is Zenos
>Elidibus swoops in to finish us off since we're both injured and nearing our limit
>We team up with Zenos to dunk on Elidibus
>greatest Final Fantasy villain of all time
>"I want to destroy everyone to bring my ancient people back cuz they were better :("
Literally generic JRPG villain #34567
>finally finished the msq last night
>all those little call backs, like Ryne freaking out and you can tell her a smile better suits a hero
>when the guitar starts playing as Ardbert finally decides to get involved
>fucking everything about Hades
Why was it so good
I honestly don't understand the whole Warrior of Darkness thing. Yes you bring back the night sky and all but the WoL just keeps sucking up light and never once becomes actually "dark" or something. You're still very much Hydaelyns fuccboi and it makes me think they really just wanted that Shadowbringers title to work and use it for marketing reasons.
>try SMN
>"huh this doesn't look so bad"
>it is
Could they really not have combined egi assault 1, 2, and enkindle into one button?
you are supposed to warm the group up for such pulls in pugs. pull a bit more and see how they handle it, not just straight 4-5 packs of monsters
You're fulfilling a prophecy from the First. That's where the title Warrior of Darkness comes from.
Not every soul is part of an Ascian. Once the rejoining fully happens, only Ascians (and other civilizations of the original world) will return but the lifestream would theoretically remain the same, meaning those souls could eventually become part of the new world themselves. Emet's plan is incalcuably long in the making, which of course is why he doesn't think it's murder when he kills people.
its not fucking fair ninbros
when are they going to remove trick attack and let nin reach their true potential
yea, except FFXIV still has all its primary content in dungeons, so thats no excuse.
He'll be more like a plot device or a force of nature. Don't look to him as a compelling villain, but as something that will create interesting scenarios for other characters.
>strip away all nuance and detail from a character
>hurr durr generic
You're not as smart as you think you are.
It's figurative you fucking retard
imagine putting actual, good arguments against xiv in a meme meant to shit on people that don't like xiv
I predict by next year this game will be on Xbox because Microsoft scrambles to change their crossplay rules after seeing that Shadowbringers is a massive success and they want a piece of that pie.
blm has shit tier aoe in dungeons
its incredibly high potency, but it has ramp up time and flare takes forever to cast without triple/swiftcast. It's probably the best in ideal situations, but you're never going to get that.
best aoe in dungeon is DRG if your tank isnt a moron and you don't miss mobs because of positioning.
MCH also has crazy good AOE, but flamethrower is a bit wonky.
Wouldn't merging all shards cause so much death on the source there wouldn't be much left to offer to Zodiark?
But he is. It's been done so many times before.
>story skipper
>to this riddle, all souls are tied
Wrong fuccboi. All souls are reincarnated from the Ancients. They never refrered to themselves as Ascians and that seems to be a name that the surviving council members made up for themselves. But its pretty clear from what Emet-Selch says that all souls were sundered into 14 and those souls are reborn over and over again on the various shards.
This nigga just spamming cure on the dps
>this game will be on Xbox
Doubtful, they had their chance and are even now clinging to the idea of self quarantine for an xbox version, that bridge may have been totally burned
NEVER EVER xbonefag
I just met her today in the game, did they seriously make a copy of one of the main characters in V and slap her in the game?
There is no """"farm"""" party in current Chaos PF that can clear Titania EX. Tell me how bad everything in Light or US.
Doesn't matter, souls are part of a cycle of death and rebirth.
Welcome to FFXIV
>blm has shit tier aoe in dungeons
>best aoe in dungeon is DRG
BLM shits on DRG and you know it.
next gen xbox comes out next year, new console new rules. it's like how og xbox was against ps2 crossplay but 360 allowed it for ffxi with ps2.
Yeah it's dumb.
Both have good AoE.
>ywn chill with Ardbert in your room after a long day of adventuring
Greatest line of the expansion.
The sad thing is that a lot of the homogenization might have never occurred if they had slightly longer to make ARR. There were a lot of systems in ARR that were either not implemented, or not implemented in anything other than fluff because it was obvious how rushed they were to get the product out on time. There was a bit of stat customization in ARR, but it wasn't in depth, and then later taken out. There was also elemental synergies planned, but they were never implemented, and then taken out. Original Coil had the most interesting boss arenas (the first coil boss had multiple levels of elevation for example), but they never expanded on it and went with a homogenized approach afterwards to circular boss rooms always.
Class complexity has been intentionally dumbed down because people couldn't handle classes like Heavenwards DRG and Stormblood SAM (95% of players didn't play SAM right so they removed stabbing).
Is it impossible to down Titania EX for the first time in DF ?
if pso2 happened on xbox, anything is possible.
God damn. I could forgive the shitty card changes but AST fucking heals like garbage now too. Running a 4man on SCH or WHM and keeping a tank up on big pulls is infinitely easier. What the fuck were they thinking? Who is going to play this job aside from masochists?
>did they seriously make a copy of [thing] from [other FF game] and slap it in the game?
That's XIV in a nutshell, yes.
user it takes literally one gcd to ramp because you have permanant UI3, and even if you didn't you have coldcast flare into freeze now.
it's an unintended (or possibly intended) side effect of making the MSQ mandatory and extremely long, 3 expansions in, buying a boost never felt so enticing, you're unironically going to spend more time doing the MSQ than you are doing anything at endgame, it's no wonder people immediately think they made it so long and tedious on purpose when they see skip potions in the shop.
DF? If you're on a JP datacenter it's possible. Anywhere else you're better off in PF.
Yeah like how wow copied the relic quest.
There's nothing passive aggressive about that last panel.
None of the other panels have anything remotely resembling aggression.
Didn't they plan on trimming the fat or was that just a rumor?
PSO2 happened because Microsoft is providing the servers. MS wanted its own servers for FFXIV and requires Gold for MMOs so Square told them to fuck off.
this is a pretty common saying in some parts of england, "doing your nut in" means doing your head in, going mental.
yeah but /r/MMORPG is never happy
inconsistent, erp violates teh tos and even yoshi himself said so when that rock paper shotgun faggot blabbed to him about that stupid kotaku article from years ago about erp whorehouses
Is PLD still mind numbingly boring at lv80? I love the skills like Clemency, but 2.0-4.0 I've just hated the play style. Should I give it another chance?
>eureka completely dead
Sorry if you never got your Stormblood relics guys, and the ozma mount is now the most exclusive mount in the game
they're still a bunch of cucks btw lol
>He thinks that originality is the most important measure of quality and not execution
You probably think Shakespeare was remembered for his originality, don't you?
EX trial farm has been a sad joke on Chaos. Farm groups with grey parsing DPS and people who can't even avoid the most basic mechanic and I've gotten so fed up.
>Crystal is ERPers and retards who know they're not hardcore raiders
The statistics dont lie they suck shit more than any other datacenter.
PvP mounts will always be the most exclusive.
Yoshida said that they are willing to make an Xbox port at any moment as long as Microsoft changes two of their crossplay rules. So the bridges aren't burned yet, the ball is in Microsoft's court and it's up to them to take the shot.
>Primal is vg, /retardera, and Brazilians
No matter how much you try to force this meme on primal, it is blatantly untrue you faggot aethercuck.
BLM's dps is lacking.
Interesting, thanks for replying.
when's the FF2 content thats my favorite game
It's not going to happen. If it was possible it would have been done ages ago.
hunt trains are comfy bros
He only said that to get to press off his ass. It's what we call "PR talk", newfag.
>he made an ugly character starting out
Oh no no
It's not possible unless Microsoft changes their rules, that's the point. Are you incapable of understanding basic English, my man?
grey parsing > failing mechanics
t. grey parser
Not that user above, so even the 440+ restricted PF's are failing? Guess I'm glad I haven't missed out from being unable to join them. People seem completely unable to handle the second part of the add phase on Chaos for whatever reason even tho there's literally nothing difficult about it.
Are the servers unfucked yet?
>/xivg/ FC is on Ultros, as is retardera's
>user desperately ignores reality by calling it a meme
If you're trying to farm extremes at this point, you've missed the boat. Everyone worth their salt got their shit and is maxing out their crafters/gatherers.
Stay with the holy lance or is there a better looking one that goes with this?
I'm saying it will never happen.
being a wageslave is suffering
About to start player here, what's wrong with Crystal?
i've been memed on. tank Q's arent that fast, is this because everyone is playing GNB?
I heard the FC on Ultros was Yea Forums.
is this meant to make me want to play? because it doesn't
The Pagos one might look good
Yes, Healers have faster queues now.
What armor set is that
Its sexy as fuck
>We want silver coffers!
Okay but speedrunning will get you more coffer faster instead of inefficiently going through every fucking floor, especially due to prolonged grinding.
Why are people so stupid?
I thought the XIVG FCs were on balmung and mateus. Is this Aethercuck propaganda or did they really hop ship within the past couple expansions?
You get Firion's outfit for yourself and your chocobo, the battle theme is in there, and wasn't there a couple quests with the Wild Rose Rebellion? I remember using wild rose as a passcode for something. They also called back to it in Shadowbringers as a joke response.
he was a EQfag. not like there's a difference
More or less the same, except now Holy Spirit becomes instant-cast (fucking finally) and has an AoE equivalent + finisher, you get a gap closer, and a fellcleave-esque skill which just essentially replaces one regular rotation of Royal Authority combo.
proves that they are fucking drones who just like the game because it was made in japan
Lack of a new healer ontop of showing the entire world how they actually can't balance healers had made there being less healers around. It's stabilized a little bit now two weeks after EA but I still get healer in need bonus in most roulettes. Great for my materia stocks.
Unironically me during Amaurot and everything after.
The garo set for dragoon in the golden saucer
>people present their opinions as absolute fact
>we respond by telling them that they are not facts, and the things they say that aren't opinions are often wrong
>"why can't you guys take criticism?"
This was from a recent interview. Before then crossplay wasn't a thing between PS4 and Xbox One but now it is. Only thing stopping it is 2 rules that only affect MMOs and not FPS/Racing games. This could easily change like how Xbox constantly changes their own rules for their online services like XBL.
>tfw the mhiggers got gassed only in the future
>Mfw all these people asking if they should play or faggots bitching the game sucks but they want to play
>That or people whining they got filtered
One of the pvp Garo sets.
You can pvp to get the actual set, or you can buy copies at the Gold Saucer but they aren't dyeable.
Night parties are good.
>*fail all mechanics*
>"dps is bad"
>"*leaves party*
This is Chaos experience.
PotD / HoH have proven to me once and for all that the majority of the community really is retarded. Not being able to learn mechanics and shit in trials is one thing but the lack of lthe ability to thinkg logically in those dungeons is mindblowing.
>undyable goldsaucer version
It's from pvp
Eh, they might have 2, or maybe the Ultros one is Yea Forums, either way, I'm on Ultros so I run into these people a lot
But everyone got gassed. So that means everyone is a mhigger?
me getting dun scaith in a roulette
It's a mainline FF title first and a MMORPG second, as stated by the creator himself. Allowing you to experience dungeons with the NPCs point of view was a good idea.
bros what the fuck is scholar? healing is an absolute joke on this job literally everything is ogcd.
Copy the post and paste it into google. The results may shock you.
>game launch was a failure and literally got shutdown shortly after only to get restarted randomly later
>not taking off all your gear to get into the ARR ones everytime
you couldve stopped it user
>he doesn't strip down his ilvl to be between 50-89 when queuing for alliance roulette
You only bring the 24man suffering upon yourself.
>erp for gil
Some ppl are so lonely
>wanting to dye them
>wanting to play pvp
how new r u?
A cool new tank being added, on top of healers being whiny babies, means that there is a bit of a healer shortage, but it'll even out as the DPS cucks succumb to their "tankxiety" and go back to whatever braindead job they played before
Crystal was a recently added data center that combined the most overpopulated server with the most underpopulated servers. And the people on the overpopulated server only play to RP
This was me after Innocence.
I'm not even mad that the Crystal Exarch unsurprisingly turned out to be G'raha after all. It was pretty cheesy but they did make him likeable and I genuinely cared for him in the end
FFXIVfags can't take criticism it's true
>bros what the fuck is scholar?
A once-"advanced" healing class that they kneecapped more and more each expansion to the point that in Shadowbringers it's on par with WHM/AST for ease-of-play.
It used to be challenging with a diverse DPS kit and a manually controlled fairy.
t. sch main since ARR
>settling for undyeable gear when dyeable versions exist
Is that why I ALWAYS get crystal tower stuff? Because the majority of players strips down?
Yes. They made a wow-clone. Safe, at least in the eyes of mmorpg makers in the past decade.
Do you think Cid, Biggs and Wedge are """copies""" too dumbass?
>queue for alliance roulette figuring since I've only done the Crystal tower ones
>get Rabanastre, forgetting I had unlocked but never done it
oh no.
Safer as in they don't make any significant changes to the formula that might potentially fuck everything up.
>"G'raha Tia? No, we didn't find anyone in the Crystal Tower"
Ha ha fuck you too, buddy.
>b-but muh dps
You were a shitty arcanist with heal ogcds, now you're a shittier arcanist with more heal ogcds.
Go play something else if you don't like the job.
It will happen. Microsoft is so desperate for Japanese games on their platform that they funded PSO2's localization and are putting it on Xbox after everyone said the game will never come out in the west. Plus if Kingdom Hearts 3 and Final Fantasy 11 happened on Xbox, I don't see why FFXIV won't happen in the future.
huh? you have to manually control your fairy now all of its abilities are just ogcds
Criticism isnt my problem there are legitimate complaints to the game such as MSQ locking you out of everything but it isnt changing anytime soon so get over it and just do it or fuck off and dont play.
Miss your cards, ASTkek?
>It used to be challenging
Was never true. It did take more than 1 brain cell to understand how it works and why it's the most OP healer in the game and always has been which is still true. The DPS kit was never complex to begin with and while it does suck it's just as shit as AST now if all you care about is how your DPS kit works, it's still a scholar and still just as stupidly absurd.
It's a saying for "going nuts". Try to not look at it with the eyes of a 13 year old.
The sets I got are already great looking and I wouldn’t dye them at all.
>diverse dps kit
wow another dot and a mindless ground aoe, truly amazing. schfags are the worst
No, I'm too busy outdpsing the fuck out of you.
have you tried healing savage content with randoms? shit fucks with you after doing it hours and hours a day
This is fucked up user.
Doing it right now.
What's wrong with Entry?
Garleans are the biggest mhigger of all
Meant for
This I don't get it. If you're that desperate for epussy just go to the erp areas or flist
Dont forget Ultros is a streamer server because of Pat, so it's full of eceleb sycophants as well
I may have been one of the people in his old FC