Well, what about Shepard?
Well, what about Shepard?
Other urls found in this thread:
Isn't it weird how much they tried to not show Earth in the trilogy?
Made the final showdown in London more impressive
Ehh, that didn't look that interesting to me.
Most of the level looked like stuff that already exists nowadays, except some buildings had futuristic furniture.
That entire level felt rushed as fuck.
>November 20th, 2007
Where were you, Yea Forums? What were you doing?
I liked Admiral Samuel Hayden.
i was 6yo and watching my brother play it
Studying to be a machinist. Didn't work out. I'm not made for handy work.
A reminder that the objectively BEST background picks are
>Well, what about Shepard? He grew up in the colonies.
>He knows how tough life can be out there. His parents were killed when slavers attacked Mindoir
>He saw his whole unit die on Akuze. He could have some serious emotional scars.
>Every soldier has scars. Shepards a survivor.
>Is that the kind of person we want protecting the Galaxy?
>That's the only kind of person who can protect the Galaxy.
You had me up until >sole survivor
Colonist War Hero is the patrician choice.
>all loved ones dead
>only survivor of a mission gone wrong
That's the last kind of potential nerve-wreck you'd make a representative of humanity.
PTSD-Shepard is the best and I'll fucking fight you on this
This seems the best place to ask.
Would it be cannibalism for say a human to eat a turain or an Elcor to eat like a volus? Since its sentient on sentient?
Or is it like a misnomer since people eat elephants and apes with there being no special term for it?
This is a genuine question because I'm a retard but typing it out makes it seem like a fetish thing
probably killing people in wildy and studying
Cannibalism is, by definition, eating something of the same species.
Dogs eating a cat aren't cannibals, but dogs eat other dogs are cannibals.
Hannar children are sold on every street corner in Japan
Fools, colonist ruthless is the patrician choice, a Shepard who lost everything to slavers going above and beyond for vengeance makes the most sense
waiting for the PC port
Playing TF2 most likely.
How is fully-patched Andromeda? Bearing in mind I actually liked Inquisition for the most part and mainly just want to know if it's reasonably stable/not too buggy
Earthborn, but... no record of his family.
Textures look really good. Looks modded
Playing Halo 3 probably
Nah, the upbringing isn't important but only Ruthless makes sense. Spectres are secret agents with immunity from the law, given a vague mandate to protect galactic stability. They are supposed to accomplish their mission no matter what. So Ruthless is the best fit.
ME1 is Biowares best game.
Only Commander Shepard can defeat furfags
That's promo art
Cannibalism is consumption of the same species. So no, it wouldn't be cannibalism. I'm sure it would be intensely avoided as most people do not want to eat something they could also have a conversation with.
The real question is, if a bunch of species were shipwrecked on a planet with no food except the corpses of the dead. Who should eat who? Is it more wrong for a turian to eat a quarian or for a turian to eat another turian?
It's too melodramatic. Earthborn Ruthless is best. It shows that Shepard is tough but cynical, however his decision to escape the life of crime by joining the Alliance means he wanted to improve and grow as a person. He has an arc over his life, embracing the discipline and higher calling of the military life. Ruthless shows that he'll do whatever is necessary to get the job done, for the greater good, even when doing so is morally difficult. Strength of character.
ME2 is by far their best game.
And KOTOR is up there as well. In terms of Metacritic score (fan score as well) and GOTY awards these are the two games that are up for best Bioware game ever.
>b.. but...Mass Effect
Has no credentials to back up your claim.
Thanks a lot asshole, now I need to jack off.
Apparently his textures look as good ingame too. Never realized that before
>ME2 is by far their best game.
Depending on how you want to measure that, sure. I can agree. Though I personally prefer ME1, even with its clunky mechanics.
ME2's strengths are in presentation and characters. It is visually appealing, the combat has been replaced with a smooth and satisfying cover-shooter. The characters are all great and memorable with interesting stories. ME2 falters in its story-telling during the Main Quest and the world building doesn't do as much as it could.
However the game is more accessible than ME1 while not entirely tossing out its Sci-Fi roots (as ME3 will do).
ME2 has a lot of the same failings that ME3 had. I didn't notice it when I played it the first time, but going back it really harms my experience. It also completely loses out on the sense of exploration and adventure that ME1 had with the Mako planetary exploration. And personally I much preferred the gameplay of 1 (spamming abilities and running and gunning) over the gameplay of 2 (cover based shooting) but I recognize that I am a minority in that opinion. I find myself with the itch to replay Mass Effect 1 much more than 2.
As for KOTOR, it is also a great game of theirs but ME felt like a very natural evolution and I consider it the superior game.
If you're looking for good textures, there's MEUITM for ME1, and ALOT for ME2 and ME3.
ME1 has a more coherent over all design and consistent universe. ME2 tends to fracture the more you play it for a few reasons.
It has too many plot-holes
The twists in the main plot fail to the land
The main plot accomplishes very little in regards to the over all plot of the trilogy
It's world building doesn't make much sense what with how it portrays the Council, Alliance, Terminus, and Cerberus
Often planet descriptions and depicted environments contradict in the N7 missions
Loyalty missions tend to feel incomplete because often only Shepard and the star companion will actually talk
Visual design is at first appealing, but the more you look at it the more you realize how gratutious Miranda's ass shots are, how silly high heels in combat are, and that nobody but Garrus and Tali have body-covering space suits/armor
Shepard's death and the destruction of the Normandy is shocking at first, but then it has no real pay-off and no real point
ME2 is all style with no substance.
What's everyone's preferred class?
If it doesn't get access to Fitness or Barrier, don't even bother responding.
Vanguard and Infiltrator are the best classes in ME1. Vanguard gives you some biotics while also leaving you with decent defenses in Medium Armor and Barrier, as well as granting you decent firepower with the Pistol and Shotgun.
Infiltrator has great survivability with Medium armor and Immunity, has all you need with the pistol and sniper rifle, and its tech abilities let you handle all that stuff your self and thus bring along Wrex/Ashley for their firepower and survivability.
Here's a hint
>not being a space jedi
There are no headshots in ME1.
>not being a space marine
>Not keeping yourself pure for the best girl in the series
Tali deserves better than used goods
Did make the moon level in the first one feel pretty special
Probably playing Pokemon.
Tali is a basic bitch, a hedonist, and will become a slut as soon as she's freed from her suit. She's also a dirty racemixer.
ME3 totally ruined her. Tali is trash. She's a basic bitch, the kind of girl you meet at Applebees.
It makes me so upset that we'll never get another (good/decent) mass effect game.
It made sense that Earth wouldn't appear much or at all in the trilogy. After all it is about humanity expanding into space, not dwelling on Earth. I don't think the trilogy should ever taken you to Earth's surface at all. That mission on the Moon in ME1 is as close as you ever should have gotten.
>Believing in god and quoting poetry
Liara thanks
Still a terrible game writing wise with gameplay that I wouldn't call worth replaying
>ME2 is by far their best game.
Definitely not. ME2 by far has the worst combat in the series.
>moving from cover to cover is painful due to the lack of movement options from ME3
>only movement options are walking or running, no rolling yet
>running is really fucking slow for whatever reason compared to ME1 and ME3, and shepard runs out of breath extremely quickly
>that stupid obstructive red overlay that blocks your screen when you start taking damage
>get staggered by rockets while in cover, shot to death during long animation
>get staggered by grenades while in cover, get shot to death during long animation
>get staggered by flamethrowers while in cover, get stunlocked in a long staggering animation
>get staggered by melee attacks, can get stunlocked by husks the moment they get into range
>shared cooldowns make power combinations boring and second to just shooting the enemy to death
>the dumb hacking minigames get old and are a slog compared to ME1s minigames or, better yet, the removal of retarded hacking minigames in ME3
>no actual inventory system means you dont even really need to hack anything unless you want credits or useless upgrades that require you to do even more tedious minigames
>higher difficulties just turn enemies into bullet sponges, enemies already take too long to kill at normal difficulty
>complete lack of enemy variety outside a handful of missions, mostly just mercs and mechs
My favorite missions in the game were Thane and Samara's loyalty missions, because neither of those involves combat whatsoever.
It's funny, because after ME3 they are all stuck on Earth.
The last year before my life spiraled out of control
Worse than or equal to Inquisition in story.
Better gameplay. Gameplay is actually decently fun, but everything surrounding it is bad.
The actual best route is:
>war hero
>paragon in the first game
>renegade in the second
I don't know what it is, but asari are the only fictional aliens/fantasy race I actually dig. Usually I don't really see the appeal, but asari are perfection.
Fallout: Mass Effect would be cool. All these races stranded on a blasted planet that has been ravaged by a year of Reaper occupation, then pummeled by missed mass accelerator rounds during the battle, then hit with a vast storm of falling debris, coupled with metric fuck tons of eezo raining down and poisoning the environment.
All terrestrial governments collapse and the fleet breaks apart as well due to their losses and being stranded. The eezo poisoning causes mutations in the few native organisms that survive. Firestorms burn all cities to the ground.
Turians seizing the quarian liveships and forcing the quarians to serve as a client race. They capture land on the surface in an attempt to continue growing food to feed themselves.
Krogan and vorcha survivors rove the land in violent tribes, raping and pillaging. Other races do the same but the krogan and vorcha breed faster.
Chaos, desperation, war. A few try to hold things together long enough to make rebuilding possible.
Quarians are infinitely better.
are they part of galactic council? i didn't think so.
A post-Reaper war game with the entire galaxy in shambles would be interesting.
With all the races being in a Cold War-type conflict, tensions ramping up, the rest of the galaxy falling apart and having to save it all.
I imagine lots of planets and clusters would become defacto independent. A galaxy of petty kingdoms.
Thats what makes Ash best girl though
Imagine starting a family with an asari
Quarians have hair and not fucked up head tentacles. Wider hips too.
People who screw asari are useful idiots helping them take over the galaxy.
Spacer/War Hero is the best.
Let me break down for you what is going on in the political backdrop for each background.
>War Hero
This Shepard is a celebrity so the Alliance pushes them for Spectre status for the political image it grants humanity. They don't necessarily think Shepard is true Spectre material, but War Hero is good optics. The Council plays along to appease humanity, probably hoping in secret that Shepard will choke in the role and disgrace humanity, which wins the Council greater political leverage.
>Sole Survivor
The Alliance has no real faith in Shepard and neither does the Council. The Sole Survivor is selected because there is apparently just nobody better. It's a move of desperation to take advantage of the Council's offer to name a new human Spectre candidate since a human joining shows the Alliance is growing in strength. They desperately hope Shepard won't fuck up and the Council expects that they will.
The Alliance carefully chooses their best soldier who best fits the Spectre mold and the Council does as well, recognizing that a Ruthless Shepard is a good fit. Both are probably confident that Shepard will succeed and each hopes to win his ultimate loyalty.
Its basically Inquisition in space. The combat is fine. Exploration is okay. Everything else kind of sucks.
So. You are willing to do the necessary, right?
Kill Rachni Queen, Kill Wrex, Kill Balak, Sacrifice the Council, appoint Udina
playing Star Wars Battlefront 2 most likely
>appoint Udina
Dial it down a bit
Udina gives the best Renegade speech and in ME2 he sends a stealth frigate filled with N7 marines to blow up a batarian super weapon.
lololol Liara is cheating on you
TJ Laser Shepherd?
Too bad he goes full retard in 3
ME3 IS full retard
Fuckin sign me up chief
I still love Mass Effect 1-3, but holy hell did they throw so much away. Everyone loses a dimension to their character and gray becomes black in a lot of cases.
Playing BF and shitposting on YTMND
A day of reckoning is coming for people like you
Asari are incompetent they aren't taking over anything
What are ya gonna do? Make some compelling arguments then devolve into wanton violence in the end?
Yeah they are. Every Asari birth is one less birth for another race. They are also very long-lived and so can carry out plans over many generations of any other race. They are already the most populous race in the galaxy.
Udina in 1 was an actual character though.
Yes, he was an opportunist and abrasive asshole, but he also genuinely did what he thought was best for humanity. He defends Shepard to the best of his ability in the intro, for example, even when he could probably have thrown them to the wolves for brownie points. He also has a good speech at the end
It's not his fault he didn't read the script later on, or that following games would make him generic slimeball #8675.
*hits red sand*
Is marrying Asari the ultimate cuckoldry?
This one cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than marrying Asari. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, supporting and preparing a girl for all your life solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man the second you die. All the hard work you put into your beautiful wife - getting money, making her go to the gym, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, marrying her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Married the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who wasn’t even born when she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you taught her. Your own daughters, which themselves the near ultimate cuckoldry and all you’re ever going to get, aren’t even made from your DNA.
As a man who has Married an Asari you are LITERALLY dedicating the rest of of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
ohoho got you cornered you rube, this was literally about screwing the Asari. Yeah, I'm thinking that's a wrap
>He defends Shepard to the best of his ability in the intro, for example, even when he could probably have thrown them to the wolves for brownie points.
If you visit the the Embassy between missions he fills you in on the Council's overall opinion of your decisions, which are generally negative, and how he has attempted to rebut their criticism of you.
>Council is pissed you got the ruins on Therum destroyed
I recall Udina says you did the only thing you could do and it wasn't your fault.
>You kill the Rachni queen
Council thinks you are genocidal monster but Udina agrees with your decision and thinks you did what was best for the galaxy.
>You SAVE the Rachni queen
The Council is furious you have set them loose on the galaxy again but Udina insists it was that or genocide of their species (though he privately confesses he is not comfortable with your choice
I don't recall the Council's opinion of Feros but Udina is very frustrated if you didn't save the Colony since he feels humanity cannot afford such losses in the Traverse.
The Council thinks you are unhinged and have lost your mind. They are seriously questioning your sanity and talking openly about revoking your Spectre status. Udina defends your actions on Virmire as necessary given the situation and the mission, though he's not convinced about Sovereign.
I'm paraphrasing but basically, behind the scenes Udina is doing his job, which is to defend you, in good faith.
>gets hit for child support for the rest of his life, and your lack of DNA in the child means there's jack shit you can do to prove otherwise
Pay up, *wheeze* Earth Clan!
>Save the Queen or Kill the Queen, regardless of what you do the Council judges you
What a bunch of bastards
>being a shooterfag
>rating an rpg off the combat
>being this much of an EA smooth brain
>Fallout: Mass Effect
>post apocalyptic survival in an Earth ravaged by extragalactic war
God this whole fucking idea, this post, I love it I NEED IT AAAAAAAAAA
Aren’t the batarians the most populous?
I find that pretty realistic, actually. The rachni queen's very existence is a huge problem precisely because there is no simple and easy way to return to the status quo. If you kill her then you commit genocide, which has all sorts of nasty implications if it gets into the public. If you release her then who knows what will happen. You could cause a war in the distant future.
Even just leaving her imprisoned means handing her over to the corporations. Even if the Council took charge of her directly do you think they'd be happy? They give Spectres such power because Spectres are supposed to handle these things themselves.
No matter what it makes sense that the Council would be disgruntled.
No, they are a minor race. The asari are by far the most populous. I'm not sure what the next biggest is, probably the turians or salarians.
Definitely not post-MF2
Not literally cannibalism but I think it’s a moral dilemma directly adjacent to that. I’m sure some author or philosopher has coined a term for it already
Playing everything from the Orange Box. Playing BF2142, and probably AOE 3.
I always thought Udina got shafted in 3. Just not as much as Liara or Ashley.
Tali has got to be the only consistent character from 1-3. Dr. Chocolates too I guess
FUCK slavers and FUCK Batarians
I'm still mad
FUCK futa and FUCK their giant blue cocks
Yes, yes, YES
>Just not as much as Liara
I'm still disappointed in how she was handled. Went from a cute archaeologist who knew how to handle herself to supreme keeper of all knowledge, total badass, mary sue. Although to be fair Shiala was always best Asari anyway.
the Colonist War Hero does not have a SINGLE shred of remorse for annihilating the Batarian home system
Tali's character progression is sensible and believable. Though I feel she does get shafted in 3 mainly because she was forced into 2 despite not really having any reason to be in that game. Tali should have had a staring role in ME3 considering it depicts the resolution of the geth/quarian conflict which she introduced us to in ME1. It's a shame that her role in ME3 is entirely optional.
>tfw you'll never ravage her tight green pussy
You never annihilate the batarian home system. Arrival takes place around a smallish batarian colony.
Tali's character made complete sense before they fired the lead writer and completely changed the plot of ME2 and, with it, the rest of the series.
Best part of that? all the colonists are mind linked so while you're fucking her raw, all the other people of that colony are being fucked raw as well.
Luv me Liara simple as is and no matter what. But Shiala, Benezia and Tela Vasir are great too.
>all the colonists are mind linked so while you're fucking her raw, all the other people of that colony are being fucked raw as well.
Fucking hot.
Colonist / War Hero is the best profile because it sets you up to go full Joan of Arc
Fuck. You.
>We will never get the sequel we deserve
>We will never get another speech from an amazing unknown Cthulhu creature like Sovereign again
>We will never see Drew Karpyshyn write the story as he wants from the beginning to end
>You will never hear Vigil again for the first time
>Mac Walters is still alive
It's over
Character has always made sense, but she has no reason to be in ME2. She has no connection to the main plot. She's just there as fan service. I'd rather have her cameo in ME2 but then have a big role in ME3.
Like I said, she made complete sense before they changed the main plot of that game and the series.
>but she has no reason to be in ME2
In the first few momements after Shepard wakes up he says he wants his old crew back but they're unavailable. Tali is one of the people he wanted back and acts as a point of stability on a mission anything but.
>male Shepard
Delete the whole thread, pls.
>keeping Human culture alive among intrusion by filthy aliens
I know, right? Bio-enhanced futa femshep is fierce and canon!
Paragon > Renegade
No, you are following me here. I am saying she has no reason to be in ME2 besides fan service.
I'm obviously talking to fanboys here who don't know how story writing works. Tali's was put into ME2 because fans wanted her. She has no connection to the main plot and no real motivation for the mission. She shouldn't be there. They should have saved her for ME3 so that they could written the entire quarian/geth plot with her at the center.
Shepard asks about his old crew because they are familiar to him. He can't even recruit Tali until the second half of the game and he only gets Garrus via accident. Neither character needs to be there and Shepard seems to be fine without them.
Stop sucking Mac Walter's cock.
If you respect the characters and want them to be well written then write an alternate ME2 plot that actually involves them. Both characters and sensible motivation and reason to be part of the team in ME1, but in ME2 they are just there as fan service. Neither character has anything to do with the Collectors.
Renegon > Renegade > Paragade > Paragon
Paragon is for people who can't recognize when they're being propagandized.
I already gave you the reason why she's there, if you can't handle it then it's your damage not mine. Fucking write your own ME2 plot how fucking neckbeard are you right now? kek.
>Mixing alignments
Hope you don’t want to charm or intimidate anyone
Use save editor to max them out and roleplay freely.
so why can you hear the rachni shit on the moon again?
>your virgin run is your canon run
Disgusting. The first two games are designed for and reward replay.
Why did you kill wrex? You monster...
>I already gave you the reason why she's there
No you didn't. I'm talking about from a WRITING perspective. Characters are created for a story to serve a purpose in that story. A primary character, that is one close to the protagonist, should be written in such a away as to be connected to the main plot. There should be some reason why the story must have them. You don't even have to recruit Tali in ME2. She's OPTIONAL.
Do you not understand this? Tali was a good character in ME1 and I suppose she is still that same character in ME2, but where-as ME1 establishes that she has personal motivations to go after Saren and the geth, in ME2 she is given no motivation at all. We know she trusts Shepard, but that's a character trait, not a motivation.
I stress. Again, she is OPTIONAL in ME2. This has a detrimental effect on ME3 because it means she is optional in that too, which does a disservice to her character since ME3 also completes the quarian/geth storyline.
Tali's character would be better served by giving her a staring role in ME3, but that couldn't be done because she could die in ME2. In ME2, which she has nothing to do with.
Don't give me that shit about her being there to "stabilize Shepard". That is never established in the dialog or in the story. She was put into the game to appeal to her fans. I understand wanting her in ME2, and I do too, but only if she actually has a good role in the story of ME2. As it stands she does not. She has an interesting and compelling side story, but that's it.
I wish ME2 had been written in such a way as to give her a prominent role again and save her for ME3. However as ME2 is currently written she is superfluous and it wastes her.
Let me ask you this. Are you totally happy with her role in ME2 and ME3? If so, then fine. Obviously you are easy to please. I'm glad it worked for you. However it could have been done a lot better if the writers were more thoughtful about it.
easter egg?
Oh, why did I take out a trigger-happy mercenary putting gun in my face because he didn't like our plan about taking out a crazy space frog factory?
He only does that because your an asshole.. Also you will never have one of the best broship you will ever have fag...
>implying I'm reading your autistic rant
Udina in 3 was tragic.
It looked like they were ready to treat him as a real character again, showing the burden of leadership weighing down on him and having the abrasive veneer stripped away when talking to you, the only person he can be open with.
Then he backstabs you because idiots who started with 2 think he's a bad guy and wanted to see him get his comeuppance.
The notion that you're trolling actually makes me feel better. So thank you for that.
I think most of the players even from the ME1 days wanted him to "get his comeuppance". Any character abrasive to Shepard, anyone who doesn't kiss Shepard's ass, is somebody most players thought was a jerk who should get their shit pushed in. It's just how most people think.
>Went from a cute archaeologist who knew how to handle herself to supreme keeper of all knowledge, total badass, mary sue.
The really funny part is how she gets NTRd by Kerrillian in the info department. The fact that she is LITERALLY the only character who cannot die, and as such doesn't need a placeholder, makes this even more hilarious.
I'm not trolling, Tali has a fully justified reason of being on that mission, I'm just not going to read a wall of text that amounts to "nuh-uh" as you rage behind your monitor it's just not worth my time, especially not when the series itself is dead.
Killing Wrex sets up the best possible ending for the Krogan story line.
>kill Wrex
>let Eve die
>convince Mordin not to cure the Krogans
>lie to Wreav that you cured them
>have Krogans fight and die to save the universe
>they go home and realise they're still infertile and now have their numbers decimated
>Krogans will never be a threat again.
Relying on Wrex and Eve to turn that warmongering race from their natural instinct while their population exponentially increases is a ridiculous gamble to make.
Earth is mostly irrelevant to galactic politics and issues. It was the last gasp of realistic worldbuilding before they went overboard with the human wankery.
I took a gamble taking him on board at all, and then he thanks me by pointing a gun in my face. I tried a little bit to reason with him, but didn't wait long to get Ash to kill him