is it doomed to fail ?
Is it doomed to fail ?
Lamborghini? They seem to be doing well for themselves
>Caesar's plan relies on him not only completely invading NCR and integrating its population into a new nation but also staying alive long enough to set up an heir to a proper government instead of handing over his army to its general
Basically, yes.
and fucking this it's literally
"join or die or pay us" and not many want to join or have the money to not get raided. the legion are like capo land lords.
did they really have to make them slavers? i feel like they would be so much more interesting, and the game more ambiguous, if they didnt just keep slaves
Did you miss the point where everyone in the Legion besides Caesar is a slave. They already are more interesting than just another raider gang that enslaves people, like the original Van Buren Legion was.
They also hate women for no reason. The Romans weren't even sexist. Women held many powerful religious positions in Rome, and divorce laws were rather equal for the time.
New Vegas's Legion hates women just for the purpose of making them even worse morally. It's nonsensical in lore as well. Why would the militarize legion restrict themselves for half the available possible warriors when the planet is incredibly depopulated.
Wasn‘t everyone technically Caesar‘s slave though? The Legion wasn‘t set up like ancient Rome, more like a less complex feudal system.
Why would they want to endanger their baby factories if the world is incredibly depopulated?
Like all empires before it. You need an immortal emperor if you want a government that won't die.
He fucked up by reading works of Caesar, and not the works of Marcus Aurelius, or the other Four Benelovent Emperors. If he had read some Lucian of Syria, maybe he wouldn't have been such an asshole.
this is why i love new vegas, it's the post apocalyptic view on the Roman society. but is inevitably boiled down to feudalism because power corrupts.
>is it doomed to fail ?
they couldn't even fight a few old retired Enclave senior citizens
feudalism didn't have slavery, but serfdom
lets be honest, serfdom was only like 2 notches above slavery. But serfdom had slightly more free will.
Women in the military is always a bad idea. Having men and women in Fallout be statistically equal is one thing but the foundation of the setting is that human nature doesn't change.
How many men in NCR would actually be comfortable with conscripting women, only to send them to be raped, tortured and crucified by Fiends and Legion?
>The Romans weren't even sexist.
More like because it‘s a world populated by retards who have no way of actually researching history. Let‘s face it, the average American or European of today couldn‘t actually tell you what for example the Principate actually was, how should some dirt farmer in a post-apocalypse world do do it?
the Enclave seems to field women quite well
>The Romans weren't even sexist.
ok retard
Slavery in ancient civilizations was a very conplex affair. Not every slave was sent to the fields or mines, and even those weren‘t on the level of colonial chattel slavery most of the time.
all civilizations fail eventually but
>How many men in NCR would actually be comfortable with conscripting women
Like all of them seeing how they allow women in the military already
Unless you are China and claim that everytime your empire crumbles and someone completely different takes over it‘s the mandate of Heaven and it‘s still totally the same thing bro.
The point is the women are conscripts not that women are in the military, dipshit. NCR has a draft on because their soldiers keep dying pointless deaths.
>it‘s the mandate of Heaven and it‘s still totally the same thing bro.
tell that to the communists
but caesar was an ex followers of apocalypse who scavenged old world books, he is the closest to informed about than anyone else.
Damn I want to start a new PT roleplaying as a psychotic raider like Legion whore. Is it worth it?
Yeah looks like the men don't mind since they allow it
The Qing technically lost the mandate and both the Kuomintang and the CCP tried to claim it. At least that‘s how whoever will take over the next time around will justify when it when they claim the mandate. It‘s a wuite genius excuse to keep your nation „living“ for a long time, even though it‘s total bullshit.
He clearly either didn‘t quite understand his sources or didn‘t give a shit.
Compared to the modern day, sure they were sexist. Woman couldn't vote or run for office. But compared to most other societies at the time, like Greece or Carthage or Persia, they were very progressive.
Yes as soon as Caesar dies, this is an objective fact
The discussion is mute for a time where physical labour was the norm and education was something very rare. Modern ideas of equality only „work“ in industrialized nation states of the 21st century.
He knows too much not to have a good grasp of history as it happened. He's not trying to recreate Roman civilization, only use it as a model for something new because it's so alien to post-apocalypse American tribal cultures it makes him look like a god for "inventing" it.
What. I was responding to retards who don't know history talking about how the Romans were sexist, I wasn't attacking Rome.
>the Enclave seems to field women quite well
You mean those people who lose all the time?
Of course, they're the edgy, insane choice
Let's ask Chris Avellone his opinion
>You mean those people who lose all the time?
because the writers were lazy
That‘s House. The Legion is the choice for the guy who clearly doesn‘t care what happens after his death so long as he can live in luxury.
>don't develope a route of them because you are lazy fucks
fuck off Obsidian, glad you are fucking dead and didn't get the metacritic score bonus.
Not letting women fight is totally reasonable. Breaking their limbs and using them as pack mules not so much.
How‘s the breaking of the limbs actually helping in transportation anyway?
>thinking their limbs are broken
They used crippled leg animations because it's quicker and easier than making a brand new overburdened animation for NPCs you'll only see in one place and probably pay no attention to
How the fuck is house an edgy choice?
Well even then The women shown are carrying far too much for them to reasonably carry and they look more skinny and malnourished then the regular human model.
You think they would take a tip from the actual Roman legion and have the soldiers carry their own supplies
Yep. No real infrastructure, refusal to adapt to tech due to ultramontanist fetishism, no real succession mechanism (and a dying leader), strong enemies with viable political systems, the list goes on. There is a reason the historical conqueror-empires (Alexander's, the various steppe empires, etc.) only lasted so long as their capable leaders did.
Likeliest bet is that it fragments in short order and the NCR, New Vegas, and/or the Courier/other factions (such as Big Mountain if not Courier-controlled) slowly expand into the aftermath.
He is literally an analogue to big brother. Support him and you support the dictator who has literally no way to die or be deposed. You support an authoritarian who has aserious possibility of ruling over the world for centuries.
Though yeah it isn't an edgy choice it's just a dumb one. The edgy ending is yesman with the anarchist shit
>He is literally an analogue to big brother
He's a ripoff of fucking Howard Hughes. But you'd have to read 1984 to see how he's only superficially like Big Brother and the Party.
I would just like to take a second to say FUCK MUTIES.
It's a big face on a computer screen that you never see in person. Superficial, sure. But don;t tell me that was unintentional
Ayn Rand was a retard, user. I‘m sorry you had to find out this way.
you a re mutie
"Sex differences in muscularity translate into the average man being stronger than 99.9% of women...The sex difference in upper-body muscle mass in humans is similar to the sex difference in lean body mass in gorillas, the most sexually dimorphic primate"
TLDR having female warriors is retarded
Big Brother's face was never on the screens in the book. On top of which, he only ever appears in the Lucky 38 and one time on a Securitron at Hoover Dam, which is also the complete opposite of Big Brother's omnipresence.
We're so deep into superficiality here that it makes the Legion look like a historial re-enactment.
When you have guns and porters whose specific purpose is to carry shit that divide is irrelevant
True, but that is still a nod to House being incredibly authoritarian, which is shown in the ending slides
Only in a magical fantasy realm where all combat is reduced to sitting at a firing range without the need to ever move from your comfy chair.
If I understood it correctly, that's dumb. I can see why some just want to play an evil character, but not making so that everyone is in the grey is dumb imo
If there's one thing fallout 4 did better, its that the most interesting factions are all in the grey.
>where all combat is reduced to sitting at a firing range
kinda like shooting at Legion only armed with spears
>you can't have opinions in my game!
The fuck are you talking about
Agreed, but there's no real other choice that keeps Vegas largely as it is.
Even with fire arms men are more aggressive and have higher spatial awareness/aim and more likely to take risk women do not tend to take risks due to danger to their eggs. This is one of the reasons why women tend to get in less car crashes then men. Even with firearms you want the average soldier in the best shape possible and women simply get into the same shape as men. And maintaining a high birthrate/replacement rate is way more important then letting your only means of getting more soldiers shot in the face for some bullshit equality delusion
Is there a Frank Horrigan mod for FNV or FO4?
the best ending is the father elijah ending because literally everyone gets killed and that's what needs to happen irl aswell
Is the horseshoe theory real? I've seen both retarded /pol/ nazi larpers and retarded sjw landwhales enamored with Ceasar's Legion.
Why couldn't we join the Desert rangers and does pic related even compete?
No, retard. You're wrong and you're grasping at straws.
Man I'm not saying that I support having women in the front lines in real life, but in Fallout we see again and again women doing just as good, is not better than men in combat. ANd so you would think that the hoard of the legion whose only purpose is to muster armies would have at least one legion comprised of the various quality female warriors that they enslaved in their conquests. Keeping the women warriors as oppressed slaves only serves to destabilize the legion because presumably hundreds of quality warriors are now underused and abused under the legion system. Having female warriors would also make the women of the legion less likely to revolt or flee.
There's one for NV, but it uses a mishmash of modded Super Mutant Power Armor assets from 3 and is hardly accurate. As far as I know no attempts have been made to bring him to 4, but the tabletop boardgame by modiphius made a sick figure which I hope gets recreated somehow.
>Why couldn't we join the Desert rangers
the Desert Rangers were integrated into the NCR. The only independent Rangers in Fallout are the Texas Rangers, who helped train and create the Nevada Rangers
>Guys trust me as your computer god and my judgment alone I will never be a computer god and abuse my power just trust the plan
How can someone play New Vegas and not grasp one of the most obvious things that happened? You people don't deserve these games.
based graham
You'll imagine there would be an offshoot of the Desert rangers that doesn't agree with the integration and separates like the bos situation at the east
Yes, because in 1984 the whole system functions on trust, and not brainwashing, propaganda terrorism, and pure brutality. You saw a face with a mustache on screen once during the five minutes you had the attention span to watch the film and you thought 'NHEY DATS JUST BEEP BOOP NOOP JUST LIKE MUH FALLOUTS!!!1' and then you creamed your pants because you thought that George Orwell must be such a hardcore gamer.
You don't need a faction to be a 100% copy of another one if you want to have an allegory, retard.
hard to say because half of their content was cut from the game
most of that was the positive stuff
so what we actually saw in the game was the absolute worst - judging a nation on interactions with its soldiers on a warfront would give you a pretty different idea of what it is actually like
>that doesn't agree with the integration
The Rangers made the choice to join NCR because they opposed the Legion and got their asses kicked for 25 years. The only people who would disagree would be retards too stupid to have joined the Rangers in the first place
>hey folks remember this small, but pragmatic faction that willingly joined the NCR because they understood that they couldn't take on caesar on their own? well, guess what, they had some less pragmatic retards that decided they could take on ceasar with 10 sniper rifles and an even smaller number of people, isn't that so fucking cool and awesome? now you can have the armor AND not be part of any factions!
I thought the Bethesda games were the ones for meaningless self-indulgence?
Do you also laugh to yourself at how much of a hardcore 1984 fan you are for catching the 1984 reference whenever someone appears on your TV screen? Hey, check this out, open this image in full screen, I just made another 1984 reference.
>judging a nation on interactions with its soldiers on a warfront would give you a pretty different idea of what it is actually like
Except in this case there is no nation, only an army perpetually at war and its best case is "there are some people the army hasn't murdered or enslaved and their lives aren't terrible"
I never said I was a 1984 fan, faggot. Seethe harder
Yes, that's why I side with the Legion. The NCR would trudge on forever as a corrupt mess.
How would you have improved the legion? I would’ve had them be more progressive technology wise for one
Does this bald fucking retard even know deathclaws and mutants exist? His raiding parties are always so fucking dumb and easy to kill because they fight you with goddam sticks.
I like the idea of 'the wasteland NEEDS a tyrant because it is tyrannically oppressive to survival,' but I hate that he's gonna accomplish that with throwing spears and a fucking displacer fist in his mind.
Good luck faggot, have fun with a deathclaw in your fuckboy football gear.
Honestly, they should have been Greek, drunk all the time and far less poised as 'terrifying' when literally all in-game encounters they have with NCR results in a bunch of chucklefucks in football gear getting fucking gunned down like retarded horses.
Holy shit, how did Obsidian fuck them up so good? Like come the fuck on, FO2 has a whole fucking story arc about "SPEARS ARE NO LONGER VALID WEAPONRY WHEN GUNS ARE PART OF THE EQUATION"
Why does everyone act terrified of them yet the literal only trouble the Legion will give is Lanius, who is just designed to be 'last boss' mode?
Depressing waste of potential. All they needed was some guns instead of all them coming at me with melee weapons. BITCH I HAVE A PLASMA RIFLE YOU ARE LITERALLY THOUSANDS OF YEARS BEHIND THE CURVE
that picture argues my point, not yours
its favourable content for the legion - it shows that whilst you wouldnt have a great deal of liberty, you're less likely to have fiends show up and rape your corpse to death, and can probably have a family, food and get on. Even cassie says its probably better being a caravaner there because its so safe
Stability is a big fucking deal in a post apocalyptic world
I would have made them super epic and cool, and with better weapons like miniguns and laser weapons so they don't lose fights in the wasteland, and also have them win every quest, and then the final battle too.
>she will never suck your cock for stimpacks
is it a mod at least?
I want to move to nevada and be close enough to visit death valley.
Look at this way. He was a wacky old man with brain cancer. He did it as a joke because Julius Gaius Ceasar also had brain problems.
yeah its pretty dumb honestly
them being good at melee combat would be one thing, but Rome was pretty much the technological peak of its time.
If they didn't want to use nukes and laser weapons, sure - but they should 100% use guns. The idea that they dont, and dont use proper medicine makes you question how theres even remotely a conflict.
Because his entire military is made up of slaves. Giving them firearms is a bad idea
Simply put because the NCR as a whole don’t really CARE about the legion. The NCR forces fighting the legion at the time of the game are what amount to a fringe patrol, the inner workings of the NCR probably barely know the legion are a thing until the second battle for the dam
yes, if you don't help them beat every ncr patrol they get mowed down with service rifles
running around in football pads with a spear vs assault rifles and power armor, gee I wonder what's better
fuck you asshole don't call me a fag you... you.... you NCR cuck!
Everything in this post is wrong and I'm ashamed someone as stupid as you played the game and somehow came away believing any of this nonsense.
Because women are bad soldiers, physically and psychologically, and are more important to repopulate the wastes
>first battle of hoover damn was the biggest battle the NCR Army ever fought
>they began pushing resources and men into the Mojave to secure the damn because it provides electricity, even more so after the first battle
>uuuuuhhhh nah bruh the inner working for the NCR government doesn't care about the Legion
Why do you people keep pushing your retarded fan-fiction when you barely think it through?
>the legion should be exactly the same as the NCR because MUH FEELINGS!
lmao dude, just write your fan-fiction.
It’s literally said in game they’re spread too thin faggot
who would be the best faction for a wandering ronin
>Why do you people keep pushing your retarded fan-fiction when you barely think it through?
because they didn't pay attention when playing the game
The NCR force at Hoover Dam is their most forward and undermanned force in their military. But they still managed to hold the Dam at beat the Legion the first time. Since then all they've done is reinforce the shit out of it and resupply. The NCR gov does care about Hoover Dam or else Kimble would have never visited it
And how does that prove your point that they don't care about the Legion? They're spread thin because the Mojave is huge, not only do they have to hold Hooven Damn but they also need to watch the entirety of the Colorado to make sure, guess who, Ceasar's Legion doesn't try crossing over from any other points.
So, if they don't care about Ceasar's Legion, then why are they over-stretching their forces in order to secure against invasion from Ceasar's Legion?
>The Romans weren't even sexist.
In the Roman Republic, patrician women were the property of their father or their husband under manus. When free marriage became the norm, women continued to be the property of their father, but this is technically true of men too, as pater familias had the right to order a divorce and marriage was considered an alliance between families.
>what is never happening
>Fallout: Legion
>takes place legion territory in Arizona, Colorado or New Mexico
>the current government is a republic
>alot of new builds that are similar to old roman architecture like columns mixed with old world ruins
>everyone is wearing togas and roman fashion
>melee weapon from the past
>plot is political thriller involving intrigue between senate members and factions vying for power.
>plot is political thriller involving intrigue between senate members and factions vying for power.
It's a holdover from Van Buren, when the Legion were supposed to the male oriented foil to the female oriented Daughters ofHecate. If you were wondering why the Legion comes across as clearly evil when they did such a good job of portraying the NCR as morally grey, it's because they were originally just supposed to be a raider group and were retrofitted to a completely different role.
what should it be then?
>fallout game entirely focused on Ceasar's gay sex legion
Go away with that shit. Some of the concepts in Van Buren were cool, but you retards over-thinking everything is what ruins every fan attempt at expanding the classic lore.
Yes because due to the way the legion is he'll never find a suitable heir. Only brainlet brutes like Lanius.
Nothing because making a whole Fallout game only to please the five hundred or so hardcore legion fanboys just isn't worth it. I'd think outside the box and do an RPG-like Battlefield multiplayer clone on an engine that can handle large-scale battles so people can finally get this faction war thing out of their system.
He's right though, the Legion isn't intimidating at all. If they didn't wear football armour and if half their soldiers didn't charge you with a fucking machete of all things maybe I'd take them more seriously. At least Fallout 2/3 did a better job making the Enclave terrifying
Lanius didn’t seem like that much of a brainlet when you talked to him
>get rid of your best tactician
>replace him with a retard
oh no no no
Most times I fought them in game they had SMGs and rifles, maybe you oughta stop playing in baby mode.
Lanius is smart, but he doesn't give a fuck about Caesar's Hegelian bullshit at all and just prefers to subjugate entirely like a typical military warlord
compare that to power armoured plasma rifle packing ultra-nationalists and Legion looks like a fucking joke in comparison
>properly sized Institute rifle
Pass me the link, senpai
Lanius is an infinitely better tactician than Graham ever was. Graham's big thing was leading from the front because he was an unstoppable murder machine and his greatest failure was running down a road, not dying, until someone blew up a town to stop him.
So does everyone else save for the BoS, hence why the Enclave is a pretty shit faction and shouldn't be brought out unless we're talking about grizzled old Navarro vets in slightly obscure quests. You're making a moot point because the Legion isn't supposed to be the Enclave, they aren't supposed to be Thanos and his ass-fucking aliens who are the ultimate bad guys of the game.
The fact you were able to talk him down shows his worldview is malleable at least
Lanius is the final boss for 3 out of the 4 endings, and the Legion ending is just some rush job because Obsidian clearly doesn't want you to join the Legion. Hell, Lanius is just a Legionary Frank Horrigan in the end.
>hence why the Enclave is a pretty shit faction
Because it's easy for writers to make them as total villains with zero redeeming qualities
>The Romans weren't even sexist
You could make the argument that the Fallout 3 Enclave was morally ambigious, but Bethesda didn't give enough of a fuck to let you join them properly anyways.
It's not meant to be a permenant organization. Caesar tells you that directly himself when you ask him about the purpose of the Legion and he goes over the Hegelian Dialectic.
He just wants the NCR not to devolve into the same old world shenanigans and for tribals not to devolve into raiders so he created an entire cultural movement meant to ingrain a cautionary sentiment towards new technology.
>Lanius is just a Legionary Frank Horrigan
Lanius can be persuaded. Horrigan can't.
yeah, but what the hell is he going to do about the army of brainlet tribals trained like dogs to think that anything that isn't Legion is pure degeneracy
Imagine joining Colonel Autumn in turning on the purifier and bringing back order to the Capital Wasteland.
Almost certainly
>he a good boy he din du nuffin!
imagine playing fallout 3 and actually wanting to do things in that game again with a re-designed main quest
its easy, he's just gonna convince them to be human beings again because he's real smart! ceasar's legion is so cool!
>You could make the argument that the Fallout 3 Enclave was morally ambigious
Colonel Autumn LITERALLY did nothing wrong.
>NCR fag calls Caesar's legion fascist
>get the feeling its supposed to be an insult
good taste in fascist would-be dictators at least. Mosley was ultra-based compared to brainlets like Mussolini and Hitler
And they're way more likely to get PTSD with exposure to way less traumatic violence. They are neither physically nor mentally suited for soldiering, and their presence in Western militaries is primarily a function of significantly reduced manpower.
He tells you. They're going to continue being the army, only a defensive one rather than an offensive one.
Nothing, those tribals children in generation time will commingle with that of the NCR and vice versa. After the death of Caesar they will slowly become less and less totalitarian as a result, so the values of the NCR and the values of the Legion morph into a new cultural entity.
Both the Legion and the NCR are doomed to fall apart, Caesar's entire wish to create a less self destructive society comes after his death. It's also why he is so keen on building up his mythology.
>They're going to continue being the army, only a defensive one rather than an offensive one.
sounds good on paper, would be very different in practice
They do break their legs though. They say it ingame.
Totalitarianism =/= fascism. House is more fascistic than the Legion
>needs to be explained that if he brings his army into the Mojave they'll have nobody to hold the east
>didn't seem like that much of a brainlet
>House is more fascistic than the Legion
he's an autocrat
>implying House isn't the best option
until we get an Enclave focused on reform instead of genocide House will always be the best pick out of any fallout game.
>imagine playing fallout 3 and actually wanting to do things in that game again with a re-designed main quest
This, and Fallout 4. Gut the pre-war backstory and take more time developing the factions would be a start
>and Fallout 4
Download Alternate Start, and start in Far Harbor.
I was being sarcastic. Fallout 3 and 4 are un-fixable, even more so when re-written by your fan-fiction.
Fallout 3 had potential for a 4 ending story like New Vegas
>side with Enclave purists and purge the Wastelands
>side with Enclave reformists and rebuild DC under a New America
>side with Brotherhood of Steel like Vanilla Fallout 3
>support the average Wastelanders and drive both the BoS and Enclave out and redistribute water evenly
4 is unfixable, 3 could work if Bethesda gave a fuck about worldbuilding.
Yeah but then Bethesda need to work around players having multiple endings.
Fallout 3 was alright
Wrong. Fallout 3 is shit. The writing is appalling, the dialog is painful to listen to and read. It's shit. It's shit.
... Yes, and a fascistic one at that. Fascism isn't just right wing totalitarianism, House especially espouses and ideal society based on a vision of fututism and a palingenetic myth that is essential to a fascistic ideologues
Caesar on the other hand is absolutely opposed to ambitiously expanding technology and is less focused on rebirthing a civilization more than destroying one so it can be recreated from the ashes.
This. Hes not as much of a knuckle dragging violent retard as NCR makes out with their propaganda, but he is still a bit of a brainlet. He's not fit to lead the legion.
This. Military leaders know peace is bad for business and use any political means they can to ensure they still have a job. Not in every case of course but it's a thing.
Fallout 3 felt like "a attempt was made", albeit a poorly thought out attempt. 4 was just a souless cash grab and established fallout as the adopted kid Bethesda doesn't give a fuck about compared to their babies like Elder Scrolls and Starfield.
>ur wong
good one user gotem
>for no reason
Fascism is more about right wing totalitarianism than it is about futurisim and House isn't exactly proposing a "palingenetic myth".
Fallout 3 felt like shit. Shit up to your fucking waist. That smells like shit.
I don't think it's fascism as much as technocratic dictatorship. House doesn't give a fuck about nationalism, cultural heritage or anything like that. He just wants as much material power as he can get.
Ashur did absolutely nothing wrong.
Thank you for sharing user
>not just playing a Tale of 2 Wastelands
ironically Ashur manages to be more morally ambigious than Caesar despite him never needing to give a sermon to you about Hegelian philosophy.
what the legions needed was competent rulers
you can hire a machete waving chump from any corner of the wasteland
>fallout 3 is shit, so lets grab all that shit and splatter it all over Fallout: New Vegas
Just what sort of retard thinks something like that up? Next thing you'll tell me that the mod developers shoe-horning their head-canon by forcing you to start in the Capital Wasteland because The Courier was actually born in Vault 101 was a good idea.
They didn't just hire machete waving chumps, they had a whole system of training their machete wavers so that they weren't just chumps (in the fluff at least).
Based Todd dabbing on Sawyer
Fallout 3 takes place years before New Vegas you utter retard, of course you'd start there. Jesus fucking Christ.
You faggot always say this but every former Legion member you meet in NV and the DLC tells you about rebellions from the tribes he absorbed. Caesar can't hold onto shit and him saying "I-it's not supposed to be permanent!" is just him doing damage control.
Without Caesar yes
>The Romans weren't even sexist
Let me laugh at you.
I was joking! Jesus Christ! You didn't have to go and actually say something that stupid and justify legitimate stupidity from the people who made the mod!
Well, he's nationalistic in the sense that he wants to recreate the technological glory of the old world again, and I think you can't really ignore his nostalgia for the "old days" with the way he runs New Vegas and collects snow globes to remind himself more about the old world. He is trying to bring back the old world in every way possible.
Fascism itself is kind of a hard to define term etymologically , but I'd definitely have to say that House is more fascistic than the Legion.
Not mention Caesar out right destroys Tribes he considers "too powerful" like the Twisted Hairs
every state is
He needs to be reminded that however easy the victory at Hoover Dam is, NCR isn't just another tribe he's going to crush and be done with. It has been, and will continue to be, a years long campaign that will take every the Legion has to see it through.
And he's smart enough to see that the Legion isn't prepared for it. You give him a nudge in the right direction and he's the only man in the Legion who defies the Will of Caesar and says no. Up until then, the Legion has done whatever Caesar asked for no matter how many lives it lost and he's the one who suggests that maybe they don't do the stupid thing for once.
>every former Legion member you meet in NV and the DLC tells you about rebellions from the tribes he absorbed
... I mean, then you go on to say
>I-it's not supposed to be permanent!"
In a mocking tone. Are you just that retarded?
No it's not damage control, and yes there are , in fact, tribes that are totally ideologically and even religiously devoted to Caesar. What the fuck are you on about?
>this steel is so important I will enslave people and force them to work until they die or turn into monsters
>I can't just wait a few years until we have a cure and make a functioning society
>look at all these people lining up to use my steel to rebuild society
You're reaching pretty hard there user.
I don't think you can really call it simply nostalgia for wanting to return the world to the time when it wasn't a fucked wasteland ruled by violent gangs of rapists and murders and wanting technology more advanced than tying a sharp piece of metal to a stick.
Except that doesn't and didn't happen. The Legion eradicated any tribe that wouldn't stand down after getting their shit kicked in and the Twisted Hairs were enslaved after they were tricked into thinking they were working for the Legion and wouldn't be conquered.
The Kings try shit when they've been enslaved so the Legion kills them because they're not worth the hassle, not because a bunch of greasers are too powerful
I bet those dyels cant even do 20 push ups
>You're reaching pretty hard there user.
... No, no I'm really not.
>when it wasn't a fucked wasteland ruled by violent gangs of rapists and murders and wanting technology more advanced than tying a sharp piece of metal to a stick.
The world of NV isn't like that at all m8, he doesn't just want an industrialized nation like the NCR. House explicitly wants to bring back the glory days of Old World technology and to colonize other planets. Much like the Enclave wanted to... I really don't think I'm reaching at all
>Twisted Hairs were enslaved after they were tricked into thinking they were working for the Legion and wouldn't be conquered.
And this inspires slave rebellions
Which haven't happened so I'm not sure what you're tying to get at
>yes there are , in fact, tribes that are totally ideologically and even religiously devoted to Caesar
No one denied that, you strawmanning illiterate. What we're saying is that Ceasar doesn't have hold over all the tribes he absorbed and those ended up biding their time for violent rebellion, thus his long term plan of absorption is totally retarded.
>The world of NV isn't like that at all
What the fuck are all of you piss-brains doing playing Fallout: New Vegas? Go play Fallout 4 and build your settlements.
The old world was better in pretty much every conceivable way than the post war world, it doesn't make you a fascist to want to not live in a post apocalyptic world where getting crucified by a bunch of larpers is a real concern.
None of which is implied in game. You can talk to one of the latest people to be enslaved by the Legion, and learn how Caesar killed all their spirit animals and made a mockery of their tradition of raising dogs and he sounds like a simpering, broken faggot who has accepted Daddy Kaisar's dick in his ass.
>What we're saying is that Ceasar doesn't have hold over all the tribes he absorbed and those ended up biding their time for violent rebellion
Yeah no, he kills or enslaves anyone opposed to him and you're just making up head canon right now. There is no secret plot in the legion to overthrow Caesar for the benefit of one butthurt tribe. Even if there were such a headcanon, none of that would counter Caesar's goal of the Legion being the antithesis to the NCR - which I assume you just don't understand
>House explicitly wants to bring back the glory days of Old World technology and to colonize other planets. Much like the Enclave wanted to
What kind of sane human wouldn't want that?
How is that remotely fascistic to want to return to when life was objectively better in almost every conceivable way?
Yeah, in the old world you'd only need to be concerned about the riots from the lack of resources, the rampant inflation, the government invading Canada and Mexico, the threat of Chinese invasion and New Plague epidemics.
Fuck off with your shitty fanfiction, fag
If you remove the "nuclear war cfm to happen" of the old world, then yeah of course its a better world to live in.
>there shouldn't be roleplaying in a roleplaying game
Did he sustain a massive head wound recently?
>A democratic republic based on the united states would be exactly the same as a hoard of warmongering slaver armies if they had the same views on women.
have sex
>no methods of civil diplomacy
>no self-sufficient infrastructure, just get resources from raids
>rejects technology and modern medicine
>upper echelon of Legion have no trust in anyone other than Ceasar
>rebels like Grahm and Ulysses come comeback to tear them apart
Anyone who thinks the Legion isn't doomed to fail is a moron.
They weren't sexist by the standards of the time and they weren't nearly as sexist as the legion is for literally no reason.
Diplomacy? What's that? What do you mean raping and pillaging will just lead to lesser groups banding together to stop my shit?
It sort of does, it's called a palingenetic ultranationalism, which is something coined by Roger Griffin
>British political theorist Roger Griffin has coined the term palingenetic ultranationalism as a core tenet of fascism, stressing the notion of fascism as an ideology of rebirth of a state or empire in the image of that which came before it – its ancestral political underpinnings.
Also, the old world was terrible and hardly any better than the new. You really ought to read up on more of the lore. The US annexes Canada then genocides the native population, there is en masse chemical, biologically, and radiological warfare. People are quasi enslaved and used as human lab rats. All dissent is brutally squashed.
>None of which is implied in game
It is literally said in Lonesome Road and Honest Hearts.
someone sure is butthurt
>they weren't sexist by the standards of the time
No shit, retard.
It's canon that Texas got wiped out by the nukes, sorry sweety.
>ITT people who know nothing about classical history
>when life was objectively better in almost every conceivable way?
It really wasn't, and thats just what fascism is. That's what it always was. It's why talking about the subject is so controversial. Palingenetic ultranationalism is a core part of fascistic ideologies, though such ultranationalism isn't exclusive to just fascistic ideologues.
That's all I'm saying
The DLCs aren't canon, retard, stop replying to me already.
Texas is a radblasted nothing, and what isn't is legion territory
No, the fourth ending should be helping the outcasts, and killing the enclave. The common wastelanders in DC are too few and disunited to be an actual faction
you have to understand the state House was in
he was living in a tube with all this above average intellect trapped in there with him, he can only see the results of his action on a screen, no tactile or olfactory pleasure
as practical a man can be , situation like that will turn anyone into a cunt with absurd whims
so he tried to find solace in the old world relics
>The DLCs aren't canon
This is your average legionfag, everyone.
They couldn't even vote as they banned from military service lmao, you really hit the liberal revisionism hard didn't you?
>The DLCs aren't canon
yes they are
T. Never played Fallout 3
So I just finished a House playthrough and for all people like to suck his dick, his plan doesn't make much sense.
>Give me the Chip and I'll build a railroad into NCR
>NCR will give me a lot of money to gamble, even though NCR is going to collapse soon
>I'll turn that money into spaceships somehow on a planet that has depleted most of its critical manufacturing resources
>Then I'll find a new better planet even though we couldn't possibly ever support an off-world colony or terraforming efforts
At least NCR and the Legion are about finding a way to actually live in the post-apocalypse. House is just promising technological wonders that the world can no longer support, when he can barely elevate his own city to just above your average shithole.
>anything that makes Ceasar look like the retard that he is doesn't count
Christ, give them shit like harpoon guns and crossbows if you NEED to be like that.
I just can't have this absolute fucking unit telling me he's prepared for the wasteland when he brings throwing spears and machetes to fucking deathclaws.
Jesus Christ. Forget brain cancer, he was cancer.
Ironically I'm pretty sure the only legion spawns with guns are the hit squads and they're never really mentioned and I shit on legion plenty and never really see any trouble from them.
House should just get a Synth body
>DLC's made Caesar look bad
Old World Blues made him look great desu
But I have. You probably did it too much and your faculties have dulled because of it.
In Athens women weren't even aloud outside without their husbands/fathers permission and companionship. For the standards of the time Rome was reasonably egalitarian with women being aloud to hold important religious offices and conduct business and own slaves. Rome was never as sexist as the legion and for the time they were hardly sexist at all.
>trying to ignore what's in the game as if no one else played it
I'm glad you caesarfags still make yourselves look like idiots in every New Vegas thread.
>when he brings throwing spears and machetes to fucking deathclaws.
... He doesn't. The Legion places a strict hierarchy on the usage of technology and you see the Legion with minor amounts of energy weapons during the Battle of Hoover Dam along with machine guns, grenades, and assault rifles. They also use the Anti-Material Rifle iirc. They have access to C4 as well.
he's still at it
Post your couriers.
He's right. As a massive romaboo I tried to do a Legion playthrough and even I got tired of being a ridiculously evil monster who eats babies for faction rep. The Legion was clearly designed as NPC bad guys and not an actually interesting faction that players are supposed to want to join. The other factions are great examples of moral ambiguity done right, the Legion is impossible to take seriously unless you're 14.
The only way you would think that all of the dialogue and writing of Fallout 3 was terrible is if you skim-played through the entire game, using the experience not to enjoy what the game is, but instead to reinforce your hate boner for all things Bethesda. Don't even deny it
>Gets btfo hard
>Focuses all his attention on one retard to make a nadir fallacy so he doesn't feel insecure
Dude its a fucking video game. Why do people like you take this shit so personally
I'm a /his/ fucking native. Of course I will try to speak the truth when a bunch of retarded gamers and weebs use there limited knowledge if pop history to say something that is completely untrue
>I'm a /his/ fucking native
/his/torians are arrogant retards obsessed with pop-history, just like every other board on this site, get over yourselves
Dude, stop embarrassing yourself. We only get to see the Legion military in game. We never see the wives or concubines of soldiers in a fucking fort, and Rome didn't let women in the military either.
Fucks sake man
he'll probably develop some shit like synths eventually and man his colony plan with robots that don't need as much to survive as humans, to develop it to the point it can sustain itself. Then he'll package himself and his little tower, perhaps convert it into a rocket, and fly it to the other planet to dwell on.
>I'm a /his/ native which is why I don't know the first thing about classical history beyond memes
Makes sense. No, Romans were not reasonably egalitarian when it came to female empowerment by the standards of the times.
Celtic better were better off ffs
He's wrong and you clearly didn't care enough about the lore if you think the Legion do nothing but kill. Talk to Raul sometime
>Unless you're 14
Of course your an underageb& as well.
>that you never see in person
you sure about that chief?
You're right. They kill, then rape, then tax people.
Chris Avellone wasn't the only writer for a good fucking reason
Women not being in the military isn't being sexist. Where the hell are you getting this from? But having women be literal slaves excludid from any higher position and be bought and sold as wives and sex slaves or be used for logistics for some reason. Is completely antithetical to what the Romans were.
They free people from raiders and mutants plaguing local areas, protect trade routes for different settlements, and allow said settlements freedom from interference by the Legion military as long as they pay tribute. These settlements are peaceful.
Sawyer >>>> Avellone
>you clearly didn't care enough about the lore if you think the Legion do nothing but kill
I don't care what they do outside of the in-game map according to page 417 of the Fallout bible when their in-game quest line makes me feel like I'm playing as the demons in Doom.
Many places, such as Athens or Persia, women weren't allowed in the priesthood and did not have the ability to fire for a divorce. Rome wasn't some sexist state. It was a very average civilization when it came to gender equality for its time.
their entire social system relies on constant expansion and conquest, which is not sustainable
>Women not being in the military isn't being sexist.
Limiting X group of people from doing something based on an arbitrary metric only hurts yourself.
Women in the military can participate in supply and medical fields. But the Legion has deemed all women to be nothing but professional cock sleeves and baby makes.
>Women not being in the military isn't being sexist
Yes it is lmao
>But having women be literal slaves excludid from any higher position and be bought and sold as wives and sex slaves or be used for logistics for some reason. Is completely antithetical to what the Romans were.
It's EXACTLY what they were. Celtic women had more freedom than Roman women ffs. A woman's first duty was to the house, not the literal house but the actual family unit. Producing children and such, it is also how they formed most of their own political power.
why does she look like Trent Reznor?
>I don't care about the actual geopolitics going on in the wasteland, I just can't stomache or understand why I need to do xy or z in this questline
Probably because , again, you don't bother to learn anything about the rest of the game lmao.
He did everything wrong
>They free people from raiders and mutants plaguing local areas, protect trade routes for different settlements, and allow said settlements freedom from interference by the Legion military as long as they pay tribute.
Yeah according to a forum post and a couple of lines of dialog from one NPC. Meanwhile all you actually ever see them do in the game is kill and enslave people. All their settlements are military outposts and slave camps, all of their quests are about slaughtering people, whenever you see the Legion get involved with anything in the game you can be sure they're there to kill and enslave everyone. It's just like they took a faction of generic bad guy mooks and decided to make them a full on joinable faction at the last minute.
>Rome wasn't some sexist state because other countries or empires were more sexist than them
Are you fucking serious lol. They had limited ability to own property, were often used in political or arranged marriages, and couldn't vote or join the military. Yes, that is a sexist state. They discriminate based on sex.
Not lettinf women into the army is perfectly reasonable considering that the Roman legion had to, A.) Carry all their needed equipment on hand. And B.) Had to fight melee combat for extensive periods of time in heavy armor.
It's not unreasonable or sexist to not have women soldiers when that's the fighting situation that you are dealing with. Having a women soldier in there would be completely terrible idea because women cannot carry as much weight as men.
>Roman women were literal slaves
ffs, no. Roman women were allowed to conduct private business, own property and slaves, and become high members of society by entering the priesthood. How exactly is that 'being a slave'?
>Yeah according to a forum post and a couple of lines of dialog from one NPC
*Multiple npc's who either admit it gladly or begrudgingly
>All their settlements are military outposts and slave camps
Because they rushed the game and we didn't get to see what the rest of their territory is like. It's still canon that they don't only enslave everyone. Lmao
>Legion get involved with anything in the game you can be sure they're there to kill and enslave everyone
Yes, duh, because we only get to see them in ENEMY TERRITORY. Imagine if the into time you saw the NCR was when they were in Legion territory. Fucks sake man.
>My limited perception leads me to believe that they are just stereotypical bad guys
Once again, because you're ignorant of the rest of the game and blindly want to throw out anything canon that you don't like.
I'm not saying that the Romans were completely feminist, retard. I'm saying that, for the time, they were a very average state when it came to gender equality. Even having more rights for women then many other contemporary civilizations. Is it that hard to fucking understand?
>A.) Carry all their needed equipment on hand. And B.) Had to fight melee combat for extensive periods of time in heavy armor.
So you're saying women can't do that? You realize that means you aren't an egalitarian then, right?
>Having a women soldier in there would be completely terrible idea because women cannot carry as much weight as men.
Except they can. Admittedly a small percentage , but they can.
>Women could conduct their own businesses and own property
Under the name of their father or husband as per their collective family unit...
>priesthood held a lot of power for women
Not really, no
So, you're just going to ignore all the arranged marriages, the fact that they can't vote, the fact that "their" property is under the name of the head of the family (who couldn't be a women) to say that women were free in Roman society? Really?
>I'm not saying that they were completely feminist, retard
Ahem, allow me to quote you
>Many places, such as Athens or Persia, women weren't allowed in the priesthood and did not have the ability to fire for a divorce. *******Rome wasn't some sexist state.******
Then you say
>It was a very average civilization when it came to gender equality for its time.
Which was explicitly sexist.
Goddamnit, dude.
Of course he says this in 2019, A product of the times.
When the fuck did I say I was an egalitarian?
Women can't carry nearly the same amount of shit that men can. Female navy seals have to have adjusted equipment because they just cannot carry the same amount of weight.
>Women couldn't have property outside of a mans name.
False. Augustus Caesar's mother held a large amount of wealth and even some property and she was a single, widowed women.
>Priesthood didn't hold power.
Imagine being this retarded. Priesthood made you wealthy, respected, and a much higher level of honor on the Roman dignitas. It was a way for a women to be much more powerful.
>If you have arranged marriages that makes you a non free person.
No, sure women were forced into marriages, but they still had the freedom to conduct their own business, to live their own lives. They were nothing like the slaves seen in NV's Legion
There's a thing called inferring, retard, and it's something you can use to tell that I meant to say Rome wasn't a sexist state ******For the standards of the time******
Repeatedly I have said this in 70% of my posts. Just because to our modern standards, Rome would be a sexist nation, doesn't mean it was sexist for the time back then.
>w-we're liberators, i swear!
>Augustus Caesar's mother held a large amount of wealth and even some property and she was a single, widowed women
... And not the head of her household. That would Augustus Caesar, and her property is under his name, seeing as how she wasn't legally separated from said family unit. Women who had their own right to legal action also had a male guardian assigned to them by the state. Both men and women were legally compelled into an extremely patriarchal system that placed primary value on producing children. Women, as such, were limited in their roles. Exactly as how the legion has their society set up.
Like, dude, you're splitting hairs right now.
Aka "moving the goalposts"
>Just because to our modern standards, Rome would be a sexist nation, doesn't mean it was sexist for the time back then.
Yes it fucking would, because "sexism" itself is a modern term that you are projecting onto history you total brainlet. They were as sexist then as they are considered now, because the concept of sexism is modern. Do you understand how that works? Romans themselves didn't have a concept of "sexism".
The wealth did not belong to Augustus. Gaius Octavius, was only a child at the time and all the wealth held by the family was held and managed by the mother
Nice argument, faggot. Yeah, in a lot of cases they were seen as liberators or saviors.
Under his name as the oldest male in the family, under the implication that this is what he would want.
>Aka "moving the goalposts"
You can't move the goal post when the goal post was already fucking there.
In well over half of my posts I mentioned explicitly the 'standards of the time' It's not changing the goalpost when you just didn't read my argument
>Because they rushed the game and we didn't get to see what the rest of their territory is like. It's still canon that they don't only enslave everyone.
Who the fuck cares about the "canon" if it's not in the game? I'm playing a video game here, I'm only coming into contact with the content that's actually in the game. If I play the game and the faction is shit, how is the fact that there are a bunch of developer interviews where they talk about how the faction would have been less shit if they had had more time going to change my experience? The Legion are an uninteresting and poorly written faction in the state that they're in in FNV.
xddd top kek bro!!xd
Roman women also possessed personal wealth, unattached to the family which they could spend on whatever they wanted
The player wasn't allowed to side or support the Enclave in FO2 and that's a good fucking thing
>ITT; people who pose their knowledge of pop history of how things commonly worked in the past as if they were explicitly roman law with no proof whatsoever
Enough of this. Rome was sexist, end of story. Women did not have equal footing with men by any means. Not projecting modern ideology onto classical history is something they teach you in any 101 course. Stop.
Women had about as much rights in ancient Rome as they do in the Legion, claiming that Rome wasn't really sexist because women had a mild amount more freedom compared to Athens and Persia means nothing. In the Legion, a woman's primary purpose is to have children. It exactly the same in ancient Rome.
>Who the fuck cares about the "canon" if it's not in the game?
It is. It's mentioned in the game multiple times like you've already said.
>Theyre poorly written and uninteresting
No, you just don't like them and are clearly biased like holy shit.
>xddd top kek bro!!xd
And you're mad
I agree, it's retarded nowadays the notion that a game can't have an antagonist that you can't join. Just because New Vegas did faction choice endings rather well, suddenly all of Yea Forums pretends that there is no story worth telling that doesn't ham fist a multiple choice ending into it.
Rome was much less sexist than many other nations at the time. What about ****For the standards of the time**** Do you not understand?
literally the excuse for every brutal imperialistic regime in history
>muh liberation
shut up nerd
No, it was always attached to the family. Always.
>u mad bro LOOOOL
Truly epic
Okay, Cato. Why don't you show me the fucking law that says that then?
How does House route have anything to do with Ayn Rand?
>try to make a point about the social history of antiquity
>fuck up the wording and refuse to admit that you fucked up and instead double-down by calling other people retards because they didn't read your mind and hear what you actually wanted to say
>be such an inane cock about still being right even after others understand your argument and point out your fuckup
Exactly like /his/.
What about "there was no concept for sexism in the ancient world" do you just not understand? The implication here is that if the Legion wanted to recreate Rome it wouldn't be sexist right? Well here is something you need to drill into your head:
Therefore, the limits placed on women by the Legion are pretty accurate. Christ
Romans didn't really give a shit and the Legion doesn't either. They're hailed as either liberators or conquered but they just go around and conquer then impose their own morality no matter what. They aren't spreading propoganda about them being liberators all the time, although they will sometimes engage in such tactics.
I can't even, read moar
non argument. Standards of the time also means what was considered normal from their contemporaries, so the concept of sexism not existing doesn't matter
It wasn't my fault that you decided to make a response without reading the context of the argument. From the very fucking beginning I mentioned that Rome not being sexist was for the standards of the time. As well as juxtaposed from how the Legion acts in NV
>Fucking Wikipedia
Yeah, I have you a wiki link because THAT JUST HOW ILLITERATE YOU ARE. Read any book on the matter you fucking mongoloid. This is basic Roman law, this is the system women existed under. Just fucking read something for once instead of shitpost about memes you saw on the internet.
Pfffttt hahahahahaha oh man.
>N-No you just didn't read my post right, it's not that I'm just too retarded to understand your criticism
Romans didn't intentionally try to make their women more equal to them in competition with their neighbors. Sexism as a concept didn't exist. Therefore, if you're trying to recreate Roman culture then a woman is just a person with an inherent duty to the state to produce children under their family law. So you would just recreate their family law.
I can't man, just learn to admit when you're wrong already
get b8ed, I said the whole 'women were allowed personal property' just so I could do the whole teacher-esque Wikipedia meme.
But women were often in control of finances in a more social way more outside of law. So still with my point reasonable for their time
I really don't understand why you think the 'sexism wasn't a concept' thing is an argument.
This whole thing was about how the Legion in FNV are incredibly sexist, when the Romans were just an average nation, even being more egalitarian then many other nations.
The fact that the Romans weren't in some competition to see who had the most women's rights isn't going against that. So I don't why you're on about this train of thought
Damnit, we'll have fun with the (You) I guess.
>But women were often in control of finances in a more social way more outside of law
True, that's mainly how women got any power in the empire besides all the political webs with marriages. Still, technically they operated under the family unit they belonged to and therefore still "belonged" to the head of said household despite they fact that they could make social arrangements unbeknownst to that head. Iirc if the state seperated a woman from their unit they would temporarily given a male guardian and the freedom to manage what finances they had until they were remarried.
>Reasonable for their time
Yes, but, that doesn't make it not sexist, y'know? So if you tried to recreate their society you would just adopt the same kinds of laws they had under your new culture. In that sense the Legion is pretty accurate, especially for a video game faction
If you think Romans weren't "sexist" you're just a fucking retard.
Ask me how I know you're an amerifat.
>sexism wasn't a concept' thing is an argument.
Because it is.
>This whole thing was about how the Legion in FNV are incredibly sexist, when the Romans were just an average nation, even being more egalitarian then many other nations
Just because they were more egalitarian doesn't mean they don't discriminate based on sex. If you were to adopt Roman law you would be sexist, because while Roman law was more egalitarian than say whatever the Persians were, they were still sexist. Sexism itself as a concept didn't exist in that time, they didn't praise themselves for being more egalitarian. You can't compare Rome to different nations on their sexism when sexism itself was irrelevant in that era to begin with.
The Legion views of women are what Roman views on women were. They wouldn't be anymore or less sexist, therefore.
I know Rome was sexist, I was only trying to say that it doesn't makes sense for the legion to be extremely sexist when the group they were modeled after was just a very regular nation for its time in that regard. Though I think I did get very side-tracked
>Who the fuck cares about the "canon" if it's not in the game?
I guess you can dismiss the nuclear war happening too since it's not in the game? If it's impossible for you to divorce setting from gameplay, you might be suffering from some sort of autism.
You're late to the party
Looks great other than that travesty of a face.
>Tfw you cant Spread the teachings of Daniel and Joshua throughout the Mojave Cause fuck the bear and bull
>Tfw you can't take over New Vegas and happliy named it New new Canaan
>Tfw you cant make New new canaan open to everyone and make the streets a giant trading ground
>Tfw if someone is in debt in the strip they have too options:Be ban from gambling or Do Honest manual labor in a work shop
>Tfw you cant put the caps into Freeside thus making a better living there
>Tfw you will try to win the hearts and minds of the wasteland by teaming up with the followers and rebuilding towns and tribes (Freeside Bittersprings Boulder city Jacob's town and Nipton) and by teaching to be self sufficient and once they are strong enough to take care of themselves set up a trading post
>tfw you cant sent out the army mk2 Securitrons to protect travelers throughout the wasteland
>tfw you cant make alliance and with smaller faction like the Boomers,Enclave remnants, Gun runners,Kings,and Great Khans
>Tfw you cant benefit the knowledge of tech and Fire power of Enclave and Boomers and also gain the ability of flight
>Tfw you cant convert people into your cause willingly and as for the gentiles you will help them nonetheless because they are still god's people
>Tfw that the only way to conquer the waste is Honest work,Great faith, and plain Brutality
Have Faith brothers the waste will not claim us
Never ask Chris Avellone's opinion. It gets worse and worse as he ages. He earnesty believes the NCR and all the charming progress that the West has undergone over the series should have been nuked back to oblivion because Shady Sands, Junktown and the Den is peak Fallout apparantly.
They're literally a bunch of brainless slavers without Caeser.
>t. Faggot civvie
Well most soldiers probably remember their tribe, so if Caesar died and things go to shit many soldiers would probably just fuck off back to their tribe
>he US annexes Canada then genocides the native population
Well, silver linings existed
Thinking of doing a playthrough as Fantastic. What's my SPECIAL and skills?
Good post
1 int 10 cha
Strength 5
Perception 3
Endurance 5
Charisma 10
Inelegance 2
Agility 4
Luck 10
Perks: Four eyes and wild, wild, wasteland
It objectively was 100% better than post apoc even with the glaring issues.
pic related is from the mod retard
Mocking retards is a natural pasttime.
>Only things powered at best are his legs and core
What a fuckin beast. Also, excellent sculpt.
Yes, because their system only produces oppressed communities, prone to rebel against their system as a whole.
Change Charisma to 8 and Intelligence to 4. Fantastic is a moron, but he's not inept.
Does the game actually exist or is this just another one of those things that people keep posting over and over again?
>is it doomed to fail ?
they are basically early muslims so no
thanks brother i just wish i can make New New Canaan a reality
I should replay HH, its been a while
The enclave need all the soldiers they can get, not to mention their equipment and training standards are way higher than anyone else
Man i wish i knew how to mod and yeah its a fun DLC
I must of spent 20-30 hrs modding NV circa 2012.
I want to play it again for the 5th or 6th time, but I don't have it in me to collect all those mods again.
I lost the best one in a hdd crash too, it was a huge collection of armours and skins from other ips. Got it in a feg thread, and have never found it since.
It's real but I don't think a lot of these figures have met public release yet.
The legion also has a lot less established threats to deal with though. They rolled over the tribes in their first big military campaign, so now they face little organized resistance. The NCR has expanded diplomatically and militarily, but have far more enemies including Jackals, Vipers, Khans, 80's etc
They dont equip those weapons until higher levels no matter what difficulty you're on, big man.
I'm pretty sure they never included a way to persuade Frank because it would be exactly like persuading the master from the last game.
>Frank look in this mirror here
>OMG am mutie
>Leave before i kill u
Damn that must've cost you some serious hours
I think of getting it back on the computer you know any mods that can expand the Strip like in the concept art or make all the factions stronger?
I can't think of any good strip mods other than the one that makes it all one area.
Is this something zenimax is releasing to remind people of what could have been so it stings more when they further grind the series into the dust?
>Used as lab rats
>Genocides natives, chem weapons etc
Where is this mentioned? Im genuinely curious. I knew they annexed canada and instituted marshal law, but dont remember any of this chem weapon stuff
The pre-war US government isn't The Enclave. Where weren't fucking tribals to genocide in the pre-war world. Are you okay?
Mariposa , Vault Tech, the opening sequence of Fallout 1, hell just most of the lore of Fallout 1 + 2.
Also, Fallout Bible
He spat some very different tones back then and denied sexism in the legion due to everyone being a tool to the community as a whole
Int 4< is an idiot.
>Jackals, Vipers, Khans
Yeah and they're all fucking dead in NCR territory
I'd support the NCR under the rule of Tandi with heavy regulations on landownership but not under Kimball and the beef barons
Vegas is full of gamblers, druggies, whores and tribal scum enabling all this. Wish I could just nuke the entire thing.
>Rebuild the system that caused a nuclear apocalypse
why is his eyeball so big