Why did everyone shit on the original PS3 controller?
Shit looks comfy
Why did everyone shit on the original PS3 controller?
Shit looks comfy
Plus it looks like it’d easily go in astand or hook
I saw pictures of a chinese knockoff reproduction of it. I wanted to get hold of one to see how it plays, but they're impossible to find anymore. It can't be any worse than a DS3.
I remember playing with one of these when it was on display at Best Buy. At the time I thought it was so retarded but I wouldn't mind trying it again
Change is scary. I had one of these for PS1 and it was actually comfy as fuck.
This is ehayt happens ehen sony tries tonbe original.
The only Sony controller usable with adult hands.
Dumb phone poster.
that looks fucking awful
It really screams 2004-2005 design in a negative way.
Because Yea Forums was pretty much hardcore nintendo even back then.
What the actual fuck? This is real?
Or a butthole
zoom zoom yes
ill always be pissed this was never released what the FUCK i was one of the few that liked it way back goddamn
itt: zoomers
Zoom Zoom
Because if you threw it in rage it would come back and hit you
That was the controller design for the Australian market
That boomerang always looked better than the Sixaxis to me.
DS3 is still an okay controller, though.
Are those analog sticks stuck into the controller like a PSP?
Man I like the design, any info on what its called etc?