IMO, she looks perfect in FFVII remake.
Now that the dust has settled. What was the problem with Tifa?
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off Snoynigger nobody cares about ur trash games fucko
She looks too Asian
Implying that's a bad thing.
Why do people keep thinking Tifa should look like how she looks like in fanart/hentai and not what her concept art was?
me on the right
She looks fucking ugly in the right pic, there is something off in her face.
Those proportions are so nasty and horrendous, yuck.
No, she looks perfect in Dissidia NT
>concept art
You mean shit some jap scribbled decades ago?
tifa paizuri
Her tits are fine, the thigh highs are the problem
>Aerith’s beauty follows western aesthetics, while with Tifa they emphasized the cuteness of her face to follow eastern aesthetics.
she is perfect, that's the problem
Why do people think Tifa looks better with an odd face and fetish outfit with clashing aesthetics? People have different tastes is all.
They all do user, this game is made by japs
The color balance is shit.
Also Barret's undershirt ruins the high pants look, it's meant to bring attention to his pecs.
tifa is love
Barret is bara as fuck
If he was true bara we would see his bare chest.
C cup Tifa is lame.
post the 4k version
you can even see even the facial hair
>fucked up her face
>ugly undershirt
>bracer to prevent under skirt shots
>boobs are too small
The Dissidia NT model is better, that game is shit but this game will also be shit.
>What was the problem with Tifa
literally nothing
her face is fine, she's pretty
her boobs are fine, 92cm is her canon tits measurements and the remake shows it.
>The Dissidia NT model is better
>even smaller boobs and censored panties
no thanks
Fap to me instead.
This is your threadly reminder to wipe your ass
I see few people focus on this. She looks really good in this clear shot, yet everyone is focusing on shitty screengrabs from the trailer.
But you're Cloud's girl.
this is stll2lewd4me
trans women are not real women
Yea Forums doesn't know how sports bras work.
Aerith is NOT for lewd
everyone wants to prove their point with shitty low quality pics like
>crying about pantsu/tit size when the outfit is infinitely more faithful to the original
fake fan/falseflagger detected
her face looks fucked
She looks perfect in Dissidia NT. Remake looks weird.
There is not a single honest person who thinks Tifa looks "perfect" in the remake version. Acceptable, non-offensive, traditional and SAFE are the adjectives that come to mind, personally. This goes beyond the size of her tits or whatever clothes she's wearing or whether it makes sense for her to have a sports bra.
And the issue with designing your characters with that textbook mentality that seeks to offend neither side of the sexualization spectrum is that you end up with a boring, dare I say, SOULLESS result.
That might be the best strategy to make money and avoid controversy, but make no mistake that some of the original design was sacrificed along the way.
she looks like a mexican and not like the goddess hapa slut that I remember
how that you mention it she does look hispanic
the hyper realistic graphics was a retarded decision, since 90% of the time the characters look off
>that subtle facial hair
look at dat cute tank on the left
and that is not the case in here
>tfw get bullied because i prefer the sherman over german tanks
that's peach fuzz.
this is pretty big for the trans community
PLEASE wipe your ass
sadly it is, Aeriths face looks like she is some 50 year old holywood star who went through a fuckton surgery.
Which is still facial hair my dude
>getting angry Aeris is called a tranny
>trying to force this meme on Tifa
you might want to get your eyes checked
merch when i want this charm
ew nigga
you are making it look like she has a beard or something.
stop being gay
goddamn her face is perfect
Imagine his/her schlong
You wanna point out where I said that? Peach fuzz is just a light amount of facial hair, literally everyone barring those with alopecia have it. It's just part of a nice detail on character rendering.
Reminder Yuffie will also look flawless
She just doesn't want to make us feel bad, user
She's always been kind of plain-looking, her big tits were the only thing giving her any kind of attractiveness. Once she lost those during AC, she was utter weaksauce and only this weird nostalgic obsession people have with her boring, overrated ass keeps her relevant.
Incels crying about boobs
t. SEETHING corpsefag
>tfw keeps winning even from the lifestream
how does she do it
>she doesn't know
She is really cute when angry
She's like a barking shih-tzu
It was the same with aerith. Games will never look realistic because lighting on skin is hard to simulate and the lighting will vary more in interactive mediums.
Tits always win, never4get
She seems restrained in anger so far
Idk Zack is best boy. Especially when Cloud reverts to his omega male self
That's the face of a woman who won the cloudb owl
I like her remake look but nothing can compare to her NT design
Her nose weirds me out in that. Might just be me but some angles make her look weasely
She fits in within Dissidia but she doesn't fit in with the remake.
Porting her into FF7R wholesale would make her stick out like a sore thumb, and not in a good way.
very nice
What's up with the Aerith is a tranny meme? Is it because of the slight hair on her face?
She gets to be with her cool, actual SOLDIER 1st Class boyfriend in the lifestream instead of the weird, obsessive dude pretending to be one!
It happen trough the ironjaw incidence
There’s a pic where Yea Forums calls Audrey Hepburn a tranny because they think the korean plastic surgery look is normal or something.
Aeris is one ugly nigger
In one pic you can see the outline of a dick through her dress
It's Advent Children, everyone looked like an ugly nigger..
it all started with the "manjaw" meme during the state of play trailer.
Then when they got BTFO in the real trailer with all this hD aeris pics, they are just buttmad and keep spewing shit
I love that gentle look they gave her there
Yea, it’s very cherrypicked. Which is weird when we have the posters now.
If not 13yr old boy body, yes, she would be perfect.
Yeah, meme.
her head looks fat
Best opinion I've read about it
I think her outfit is better but I want her to not be a sticc and get some tiddies back
>needs a blurry pic to proof she isn't a man
>ironjaw is still there
based and tranniepilled
>tfw the glasses edit of this pic
Hairstyle adaptation. Lot of extra volume
nigga has no tits, ass or hips at 22. At this point it's perfectly fair to call "her" a man in a dress
too adorable
Aerisfags on suicide watch yet again
You think that’s a boy?
Fuck you Sony, I ain't buying this until it's at least on xbone, preferably PC though (not Epic obviously)
Tits and jawline.
She looks cute in that shot though.
>tfw would rather buy a console than buy from EGS
im just posting random aeris pics, not using the pics to prove my point.
but if you want to get BTFO so much then have it your way
On a more technical level, her character has been made busier-looking, which people don't like. This wasn't done to Cloud, Barret, Aerith or Sephiroth, so why was it done to Tifa?
There is certainly logic to Tifa wearing a sports bra. The way she fights, she's always flipping around all over the place, and SE - for the character's own dignity - wasn't going to have her massive tits flopping around. But that didn't mean she had to look different - not really - and the other changes seem unnecessary and change the way her character catches your eye, so why? Tetsuya Nomura told us why: HR told him so.
That's why people are angry. She was changed, which seems unnecessary, and then they found out it was HR who made them do it. Why does a video game developer have a fucking ethics department? Well, really, "why does anyone have an ethics department," but that's a discussion for another time. And you might like Tifa's stockings, but you now know they didn't do it to make her sexier to you, and obviously they didn't do it to retain her iconic image because it destroys that, and they didn't do it for creative reasons, they did it because some catlady in a pantsuit made a serious face and said, "Cover it up." This is basically SE saying, "We're letting SJWs determine how our game is made."
what a friendly looking young man
this, post more best girl
I like her boots. They make her cute.
>having no female body features
what's even the point?
>Why does a video game developer have a fucking ethics department?
Not even the first time nomura's covered up his own girls
cool story
I guess that's all there is to like at this point, I don't blame you
what's the magic word~~?
girls with modest ass when they lean forward they look like that, little user.
but i like her everything though
this but unironically
She’s leaning in. Also new content?
random pics that ff7 remake twitter posted during the article reveals.
If Nomura had said something like, "I just wanted Tifa to have a more sleek look," or, "We had to make a couple changes for Tifa's own sake, since she's such a mobile character in this compared to the original, but as for the stockings... I've really come to like stockings. Please forgive me for being so weak. I'm only a man," literally zero people would've cared and these threads would just be about peach fuzz and Don Corneo.
Why didn't they just use this model? It's perfect.
>first thing that get named are her shoes when her full body is posted
this is how aeris should look otherwise she's not a woman
eyes and nose doesn't look asian at all
she looks like a chinese boy now, absolutely based
what if i told you that i have been posting earlier in this thread
I meant him, he always posts the same shit. It’s very obvious
and yet you always respond
New content?
No one in ff is a woman then, ever prove me wrong
Because Aeris is best girl
alt-incels being addicted to forced outrage was the only problem
>those pics of gaijin in the upper right corner
Why give a fuck about tit size when SFM and hentai artists will bloat them up regardless, like they bloat up every fucking woman in r34.
What degenerate can't enjoy a nice B-cup, perky tit anyway?
In the thread anyway, might as well.
because video game characters need to be realistic lul
>literally admitting you do the thing that you accuse other people of
not that user but you're retarded
Aerith is Cloud's canon love interest
Nomura’s indicated he wants a beautiful/cute dichotomy between them
these hurt the most 2bh
you're blind matey
Who is the audience for this remake? I'm an oldfag who played the hell out of the original when it was released. I did everything except beat Ruby and Emerald. I have no desire to touch this remake or the original ever again. So is it nostalgic boomers, or zoomers who never played the original?
>no tddies, no hips and ass
I don’t post the same shit, aside from asking him for new content. Which is fair. Otherwise one can’t indicate it’s the same stuff over and over.
>"I just wanted Tifa to have a more sleek look,"
He said he wanted to give her a more athletic and sporty look, which is why they focused on her abs and used gloves that were simliar to bikers/martial artists.
Did you only focus on one quote from his interview?
>canon love interest
She's pretty but not as pretty as Aeris, just like it should be. Like it or not, canonically aeris is more attractive than tifa.
whatever makes you feel better about your neuroses
Not you, apparently.
Tifa is so sweet and cute, she is great
Yea I agree it’s delusional to say she doesn’t look Asian. Though I don’t think she looks much like anri either.
Aeris looks like a man tho
their love lives on dude it's like jack and rose in titanic
but why does nobody care for Aerith than? It's all about Tifa
Okay lads, gooks with or without the eye surgery, decide now!
Well he obviously likes Tifa too but is not ever totally over flower girl. Which is fine. Everyone gets a happy ending but not necessarily the expected one
It’s a burden.
Yeah, she’s perfect when she shaves the beard off.
dont (you) me
A high poly render based on the original concept art would be the best option, and zero voice acting during the main game, only on important cutscenes.
>comparing shitty holywood cancer to a jap game where they explicitly said they don't want that shit
Tifa is super popular for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with faces, since that’s a relatively newly realized aspect and rarely the most important anyway. I just don’t know where you're going with that.
Tifa has tits and a more caring personality. Also, due to her looks and insecurity, people think tifa as a more reachable person if she was real, so naturally people tend to lean towards her.
In AC they must have changed their mind since it was all about the motivation and connection between the two.
>Cloud is only allowed to be with muh self insert!!
dumb whale
well what else would you compare it to, it's the first thing that went in my mind
I do since 1997.
Yes, because one invalidates the other.
Not sure I’d say she’s more caring but she gets an opportunity to stay by her man, which people always adore (Hillary Clinton’s popularity shot up during Bill’s scandals for this reason iirc)
Tifa once again confirmed for best girl
>people think tifa as a more reachable person
well there's a lot to reach for am i right fellas
maybe, MAYBE "prettier" but clearly not more "attractive" as that encapsulates much more
Yuffie should have been the main girl
Then don't complain about it when he did give explanations about her look that doesn't just involve "le ethics dep. told him to change it"
Oh and also she's a fucking woman monk. Not many women monks out there.
White mage staff woman? thousands of women. In that terms, aeris is more cliche.
to me Tifa is the most beautiful ff girl I ever, if her remake version shifts more towards her nt design than she would be absolutely perfect
>woman monk
m8 she's a fuckin bartender
Aerith has no tits and ass. The ironjaw doesn't help either
I’m the opposite. I kinda roll my eyes at action girls.
me too but to action girls that are always strong-looking and strong personality.
Tifa is strong during fights but she's very sweet and soft spoken normally. Tifa is more unique.
Also, she still has a very feminine personality that makes her stand out from all the other girls who are capable fighter but also dykes
perfect mix between cute and hot
Which is why she's in the lifestream with Zack now lol
No I mean I find the powerful physical fighting stuff to be dumb. The abrasive personality than usually comes with it is just extra badness.
It’s basically, “I don’t know how planet spawned kaiju might work but I know tomboys ain’t actually shit” if that makes sense.
I like her obviously but my preferences are against it.
she will be the death of me
Yea they obviously both moved on but it’s not the same as forgetting. It’s a subtle nuance that eludes any discussion I find.
If Tiffa is so cool, why does Cloud love Aerith and not her?
you sound like some retard who sniffs his own farts
larger than life characters and personalities are usually more popular tho
Cloud gets together with the big titted bar slut, the other chick ends up as a corpse
There is never enough Tifa
And you just sound like some mad retard
he ain't wrong though.
She looks asian despite being caucasian in the original material and having a germanic surname
Call it yellowstaining
what a fag
literally every character looks chinky
>loses the Cloudbowl against a fucking corpse
Tifa is pathetic
even the original analogy allows for this since I think Rose had a granddaughter. But I could just be misremembering.
She doesn’t lose, she just carries a chip on her shoulder. Partly because Cloud’s kind of a dipshit.
“aeris brought this kid to me”
“To US asshole”
She’s not wrong
more like Spicfa
>when Tifa says she doesn't think that Aeris brought the oc kid to him Cloud literally goes "you are absolutely right bro, what a retarded idea"
Cloud is and will always be a Tifafag
Friendly reminder that ZR is a shit fetish
The point is that his first instinct rightly pissed her off. Not sure how that flew over your head.
Chicken legs.
Cloud loves Aerith
>rightly pissed her off
When did that happen?
You can't love a corpse, user
>expanded universe crap
you can love anything, user
I just described it, she does feel jealousy toward aerith mostly brought on by cloud’s moping retardation in AC.
If we go by the OG it’s similar but less awful. Cloud still wants closure with Aeris and Tifa invites herself along, which is cute.
>What was the problem
the problem is you not knowing the meaning of perfection and how it relates to big boobies.
Fucking hell the difference between Aerith's face and Tifa's face is monumental in the remake. If they just made Tifa not asian looking and made her look anime like in dissidia aerith might actually have some competition.
Sounds more like you make shit up, my nigga
You literally described the rest of the scene, or were you making that up?
>Make Tifa look like tranny version of Aeris
no thanks
But he obviously gets together with Tifa
Tifa was always envious.
Cloud x Aerith can only make any sense if they remove the following scenes from the remake:
1) Cloud's confession in the Lifestream
2) Cloud and Tifa sleeping together under the Highwind
3) Aerith's death
Sure. But both is always a viable option.
pretty sure you were talking to someone else, I once read the novels but I don't remember Tifa getting upset at Cloud. the last scene was pretty cute from what I remember
>a character's death means the death of a personal connection
>Tifa is hot but also insecure
that makes her even better
They’re not meant to be together but that’s usually not what people are talking about
Way to a Smile. Denzel’s ff wiki article describes it all. He’s almost like if cloud and aerith had a kid, brownish hair and blue eyes. Uses rods. Obviously he’s not but there are legit similarities.
He gets together with Tifa, and they seem pretty happy and content with each other so who cares?
A corpse is not a person
it's true. the character's personalities were always inverted from their appearances
only one gril for me
>Way to a Smile. Denzel’s ff wiki article describes it all. He’s almost like if cloud and aerith had a kid, brownish hair and blue eyes. Uses rods. Obviously he’s not but there are legit similarities.
pure autism
>they seem pretty happy and content with each other
I never got that impression from the ending or AC, but I hope things worked out.
You're not a person.
It’s certainly possible I misremembered but I don’t think so. Either way the point is that Cloud’s moping over Aerith irritated Tifa and made her feel slightly jealous, expanded on in books and supplemental stuff like reunion files
In most FF games and many JRPGs in general there are three girls: the cute one, the beautiful one and the sexy one.
Tifa is all of those rolled up into one.
What is with this tranny meme? Women with strong jaws are objectively beautiful. I don't know why you all want an ugly mouth breathing slack jawed gook waifu, so you can have ugly mouth breathing slack jawed incel happa children.
Pic related is what your non-""'tranny'"" women look like from the side.
>Way to a Smile wiki
just post the line you are referring to retard
But I'm not strong enough to lose you again
Oh, not happy and so basic
most asian women have strong jaws
and it's not attractive
>spouting shit without even knowing if you remember it correctly
quality posting on Yea Forums once again
Somewhat's fair. Most secondary viewers would assume Tifa to be the free spirit and Aeris to be more reserved.
>Tifa makes straightforward statements
t. tranny fucker
>Cloud's confession in the Lifestream
>Cloud and Tifa sleeping together under the Highwind
nice fanfic
Wow tifa is pathetic
Tifafags.... you do realize cloud literally no-way-fags Tifa through the whole game right? And you do realize tifa thought he was a loser as a kid and wouldn't hang out with him right?
>still in denial
you guys not get past disc one or what
Yeah...he just walked her gently home...
>straightforward statements
>"I wish I was better at this"
pick one
tifa never flirts with cloud openly unlike aeris
>end of disc 3
>tifa finally thinks she can have cloud to herself as she grabs onto him after sephiroth
>cloud: no.... I must reunite with Aerith...
>tifa: y-yeah... let's go see her
>she gets snippy at Cloud for always making it about aerith
Yes she kind of is.
How did I misremember it? Obviously Tifa does not say “asshole” but I didn’t think that needed to be explained as license
Tifa is ignored by Cloud multiple times while Cloud is canonically all over Aeris from the moment they meet.
Tifa puffs her bust out when you first meet her as the player. And in that convo Cloud really does no-way-fag
t. coprpsefag
I still don't get how Tifafags can be obsessed with some dumb whore who wouldn't be caught dead with Cloud as a kid and cucked him with minichads back then.
waifuwars will never end, does it
>still no source
>tumblr whales have arrived
here we go again
Tifacucks won't stop trying to start shit every thread.
>dumb corpsefag doesn't know there is a filter
i think i've always been an aerisfag but i understand tifafags
She doesn't mince words, she plainly states that Aeris would be able to do the thing she wants to but can't. She never says anything about hating Aeris or wishing she were her. Any presumption on her feelings at the time is just that, a presumption.
>expecting fatties from tumblr to understand how Yea Forums(nel) works
Cloud x Aerith is canon
sorry Tifafags and Zackfags
don't be a candyass you roody-poo
No... no!
“Tifa’s complicated feelings continue even in AC, two years after Aerith had departed the world. This was due to the fact that Cloud, succumbing to the notion that Aerith’s death was his fault and condemning himself, construed that Denzel was “the child which Aerith brought here” and took care of him. In addition, Cloud had also gone away to the church that Aerith had been in. The thing which she is unable to hide in her irritation towards Cloud is the fact that he isn’t merely dragging the past around, but because that reason might perhaps be related to Aerith.”
Ultimania 10th
is tifa v aerith the asuka v rei of Yea Forums
>tifa = asuka (the canon winner)
>aerith = rei (the doll who dies)
sort of
>Aerisfags still SEETHING over Tifa winning the Cloudbowl
oh my
If the claim is that Denzel ONLY happened to cross paths with them specifically was because of Aeris, then she's right about it being a silly assumption, much like presuming that the ONLY reason she would call it silly is because she's jealous of Aeris.
friendly reminder that you're a faggot
FFVIIR is going to remove this shitty tower defense bullshit and it will be an objectively superior game for it.
>asuka v rei
i dont browse Yea Forums, is this still really a topic
I like Zack more
She’s more than treating it as silly. She’s annoyed, especially with the time Cloud spends at the Church.
What’s weird about this debate is I’ve said tifa is justified in this, Cloud is being a mopey retard. Aerith tells him to get over it even, nicely.
>claims some random bullshit about the novels
>can you back that line up nigga?
>literally dilates
>just show me the line from the novel bro
>post some random shit
>still no source
>implying tifa has any discernible personality compared to Aerith
Loving every laugh
>Ultimania is random now
The absolute STATE of Tifaniggers
the worst part was the backtracking if you didnt want to miss one of the battles. luckily the game itself was easy to cheese
just post the line you are talking about
Give me a pdf, I already paraphrased the line at the start of this.
I’m not gonna bother to find a pdf. So I just posted something I knew expressed the same idea.
Cloud was feeling guilty over Aeris and Zacks death, Tifa is insecure because she doesn't know the full picture but both get over it till Cloud gets AIDS.
That doesn't mean she's jealous of Aeris though, that just mean she's upset that Aeris' memory continues to be a negative influence on him. How would you feel if a family member/loved one constantly moped about someone dying and made delusional claims about them bringing a kid into their life?
>still no source
what a joke
There’s more to it than that from the same ultimania but the only point I was making is that Cloud’s mopey idiocy rightly annoyed Tifa so we’re in agreement.
dont even know why they would care. tifa IS insecure and jealousy is normal. that ultimania quote even says that clouds feeling is guilt so its not necessarily some love thing.
It says she’s likely annoyed specifically about it being about Aerith. Think about it...
And if you can’t, here’s the previous paragraph.
“A close friend as well as rival?
The complicated emotions she feels towards Aerith.
Both of them share feelings for Cloudz Tifa was close to Aerith, who can also be called a love rival. With that point in mind, they were also good friends. Nevertheless, it is not hard to imagine that she carries complex feelings as a woman toward Aerith, who had built up a special bond with Cloud that was different from Tifa’s.“
I’ve also said she’s right to be irritated at this situation, that cloud is making it worse, and that aerith tells cloud to stop making it worse.
They’re so damn defensive about this stuff every time.
Because the ONLY reason someone would be upset that someone they know is being depressed and avoiding their friends and family is because they're jealous? They couldn't possibly be upset with the idea that they don't understand why someone is blaming themselves for some shit that wasn't their fault?
That can be a problem growing up together as kids Cloud and Tifa. I just think Cloud friend zoned Tifa awhile back.
Well that quote was from Tifas page. She didn't know that Cloud also felt guilty towards Zacks death. In her mind he is beating himself up for what happen to Aeris
I'm fine with that as long as you agree that it's not impossible for Tifa to be upset at Cloud without being jealous of Aerith. Jealousy isn't the only reason a person would be upset with someone constantly running away from the people they know.
Cloud obviously felt in love with Tifa since he was a kid, user. It anything this helps them to get closer to each other
No nigger, it’s more complicated than that but the fact it’s aerith does make her feel a little inadequate too. Which is normal for women and makes her seem human imo
They weren’t friends but I like that possibility
Fair point, but again I’m just talking about from her perspective anyway. And I am also saying Cloud’s failure to explain himself is a huge contributing factor
i think it not necessarily being jealousy in this specific case is valid too. i just personally dont understand why tifa fans would care even if it is.
fuck off
Yea I think we agree. Idk, maybe I’m just weird but the idea that Tifa, rightly or wrongly, feels insecure and somewhat jealous (even when she knows she shouldn’t) makes me like her more. Makes her feel more human.
Well I confess as not-a-tifafan I likely have a different pov on this
Cloud relationship with Tifa I say is equal to that of Harry Potter and Hermoine. Sure they loved each other but more of a platonic love
>i think it not necessarily being jealousy in this specific case is valid too. i just personally don't understand why tifa fans would care even if it is.
debating and shitatlking each other is fun desu
>aerith does make her feel a little inadequate
In what way? Admitting you're different from someone isn't the same as feeling inadequate.
>Harry Potter reference
>wrong analogy
>actually unironical post
jesus christ
>fucking each other
>platonic love
They grew up in the same town. They weren't friends, nor were they close.
No they definitely like each other beyond that, it’s somewhat complicated by the fact he liked Aerith too. But everyone moves on.
I feel like you’re being a little stubborn here. It’s in the context of being past rivals, and her man maybe having divided attention, she even compares herself to Aerith in the original game and it’s a little painful for her to do so based in how her model wriggles around.
Again I like this. Very human.
What are you people on about, where did you get fucking?
>Believing in Cloud’s promise, Tifa’s waiting to see Cloud become a SOLDIER like Sephiroth. Tifa dresses herself in a pretty and sexy look. Does she do that to spirit up herself in preparing for a touching reunion?
How can anybody denial that Tifa wants the D?
>what's the highwind scene
Why call it a remake if it's just going to be 100% the exact same? You should have bitched and moaned for an HD port.
That is the affection system that YOU choose to go much like the dating scene at the gold saucer.
>she even compares herself to Aerith in the original game
Once again, comparing yourself to someone does not equate feeling inadequate to them, it just means you're recognizing differences between them and yourself. If Tifa is honestly supposed to have these feelings of inadequacy then surely there's more to it than one line of her contrasting her and Aeris' personalities.
asians get memed on cause they have soft jaws and facial features. I'm not really into the angular look white women have.
Tifa’s not a robot just making blithe observations. It’s in the context of her tring and failing to share her feelings. Obviously this is not a situation she likes
get out of here secondary
one of each scene has to have actually happened. and in this case its the aerith date and the """high""" affection highwind scene. theyre repeatedly acknowledged
Again I'm reading it. Where does it say the fell in love? Did they kiss at that moment. Where on that paper says they fell in love?
Yea, iirc the aerith date was first acknowledged in dismantled (and some dev interviews) and the HAHW scene in one of the many ultimanias
The situation she doesn't like is having to question Cloud's memories, not how she feels when comparing herself to Aeris. The end of the date scene is her trying to confront Cloud about his recollections without making him go crazy.
intentionally being obtuse is a recurring theme in these threads
>literally Tifas most famous quote comes from the high affection version
>the other version is just shorter one and end abruptly
>the high version gets mention many times her "words arent...." was even her iconic quote at the end from her NT reveal trailer
the benis went into the bagina, user
I really like that they gave her red eyes prominence, plus I have a fetish for stockings so I don't mind the change as much personally.
If it comes to PC she'll be modded, and I would fork out the money to build a powerful enough rig just to see Tifa's jugs bounce
I already have.
What? No she tries to confess to him. Rewatching to be safe. If I’m wrong then so be it but the stuff about AC would still stand, assuming you care (I don't blame you if you ignore compilation stuff, just be consistent)
We can all agree Aerith is beautiful
Yea that’s what kinda gets me about the dates and highwind scene. The alternatives to Aerith and HAHW suck too badly (or are too silly) for me to consider them just as valid
Uh, yes? Original RE Jill doesn't have the under tit strap, her outfit is a much brighter shade of blue doesn't have a holster on the right leg, has baggier pants, etc. etc.
I can see your argument but I won't concede mine. Now we just get in the nuisance of words. and leave it at that.
He is a very good looking young man, indeed
Rewatched. I remembered it correctly. The elipses even have the right number of spaces for “love you.”
She says being old friends is hard because “timing is everything”, meaning she fears she’s missed her window. Then tries to stammer out “I .... ....”
It’s a love confession that didn't happen
>posts some idol
>dude this is what asians really look like lmao
Ok weeb
>i think it not necessarily being jealousy in this specific case is valid too. i just personally dont understand why tifa fans would care even if it is.
Because the assumption is being made that Tifa is entirely or mostly jealous of Aeris even in death when the issue she has with Cloud is that he just disappears and mopes all day feeling guilty about Aeris, which isn't healthy at all. The idea that Tifa cares less about Cloud's well being and more that he's thinking about Aeris comes off as extremely biased character assassination and has no real evidence to support it other than assumptions.
Tifa is a bully
imagine actually thinking this is a man
how disconnected to reality can you be
I am the guy who said that, and while I could see you coming to that conclusion because of how I phrased it initially, I also said he has legitimate reasons to be worried/annoyed at Cloud’s handling of it rather than pure jealousy.
The ultimania quotes also make that clear regardless.
uhh BROS?
Doesn’t look like a man.
>NOW that the dust has settled, let me ask the thing that has been talked about 24/7 the last weeks
Are you mentally challenged?
i'm eating here faggot, spoiler that shit
oh no trannybros...our cherry picked pics arent working...
>just realized Cloud is in his undies
lmao at these mental gymnastics
4 gameplay looking shots that look cute. But it’s all just cg cutscene models tricking us I hear.
Speaking of which why does this look so different?
>cherry picked
>profile shot of her face in broad daylight
I guess sunlight isn't her friend
tranny granny
Actually it would be at night in that scene, that light is artificial
she doesnt, its just angles.
ugly as sin
>mental gymnastics
Its still a change in the design, making it not a 100% reproduction.
Plus resident evil isn't exactly the best franchise to bring up about accuracy to the originals given the changes they did to the 'classic' costumes in the resident evil 2 remake.
She’s so beautiful
Adorable. Would save from weird black phantom we know nothing about
I'll admit I remembered it wrong, I definitely though there was a line that made it more clear she was trying to ask him about the past. Still, you're making the assumption that she was trying to confess when she could easily be trying to pry into the issue of his memories. I mean look at this guy , he's completely convinced that the number of ellipses beyond a shadow of a doubt represent her trying to say "love you". That's absurd delusion if you ask me.
nice tranny jaw
dumb secondary
>add thing that barely impacts character design
>add a bunch of new things that revamp half the character's existing design and cause the original fanbase to revolt
like I said, go away secondary/falseflagger
those are the watchmen of fate, something like that.
Maybe they are old cetra spirits pushing and stalking aeris to do her job as cetra to save the planet or something like that.
Maybe there will be a storyline where aeris denies her ancient bloodline and doesnt want to be a cetra, and the end of the game we will see her accepting her fateas cetra and joining cloud, considering the original didnt make a good job explaining why suddenly aeris wants to travel with cloud
It’s a date, the setting is romantic, that’s the point of it all. It’s not just conjecture, it’s the most likely thing.
>Tfw Aerith is your type but she's only into Cloud because he's a Zack clone and LARPs as him and Tifa is actually head over heels for him so she's still the objectively best choice and isn't used goods so even on a personal level she's objectively better.
Can I get Tifa's personality in an unused Aerith body?
That’s not what Aeris is about. She actually seemed bothered by the similarities when she talks about them. But either way says Cloud is different and all that.
Play the game
That’s what I expect too. Even in the original game she wants to hide from or feels overwhelmed by her identity. It’s one of the few things CC didn’t mess ip
dumb headcanon fag
>The ultimania quotes also make that clear regardless
All it made clear is that Tifa is upset that Aerith's memory is being a negative influence on him. Can you say there's no way that Tifa could be upset that the memory of someone she thought of as a friend is making someone else moody and depressed?
It has to do something with Sephiroth tho
You’re being stubborn. Why frame it as related to their rivalry? Why say the fact it’s about Aerith seems to make it sting especially?
nothing is confirmed.
Pretty asinine shades of grey you're adding to a very black and white thing there bub. Besides, given their 'faithful' designs for the classic costumes in the re2 remake, I really don't think that's the franchise hill you want to die on.
>It’s not just conjecture
Actually it is because she never outright states her intentions, you can only presume what it is she was trying to say.
>it’s the most likely thing
Fair enough, but I honestly don't see Tifa as someone who would confess like that. Even though it's obvious she likes Cloud she holds the actual words close to her, even when it's just the two of them under the Highwind. Maybe she thought about it, but to me that felt like the wrong place to confess, even if it was basically a date.
Well she didn’t confess so you’re right on that
Because he's dwelling on undeserved guilt. When someone spends all their time blaming themselves for something they weren't at fault for it gets tiresome for the people close to them.
Also the reason it’s not just conjecture is (romantic) cues are given to inform us. It’s an educated guess
Why do the passages frame it in relation to her rivalry with Aerith if that’s all it is? What are they trying to communicate?
Also you didn't answer my question if it's impossible for her to be upset that Aerith's memory being dragged around like a rotting corpse being the reason why it bothers her so much.
>Bringing in RE2R
Stay on topic zoomer, we're talking about a remake that almost no one had a problem with rather than those that decided to change things and upset big sections of the established fanbase.
>It’s a guess
Yes, thanks for agreeing with me.
The only reason people are having a problem with the ff7 remake is because they don't wanna fap to how Tifa looks. Jill's REmake has alterations from the original, and TIfa has alterations too. Every retarded justification on why x is okay and y isn't is just that, retardation.
Because while they were supposedly romantic rivals they also supposedly got along really well beyond that. That's where the conflict lies, they were rivals as well as good friends.
While your explanation has nothing for it
the face looks disgusting. her nose is way to low toward her lips and the nose looks weird and too big. her lips look unappealing as fuck too.
I like Aerith, so I don't know why they made tifa so fucking ugly
>this is what her face should have looked like
Why would that be a conflict? Why would it make Tifa’s feelings toward Aerith complicated? Oh yes because she feels somewhat jealous of her friend’s relationship to Cloud. And his moping about her is unhealthy and resurfaces these feelings
No one complained about Jill's design in REmake because it was basically the same design from the original game with extremely minor changes. Tifa's FF7 remake design is relatively large departure from the original and is wildly different when compared to the changes that other characters we've seen so far have received.
This shit is tired and played out so try to refute the points in this image instead of bringing up this debate for the 256th time.
>the context and plot of the entire first 2/3rds of the game is Tifa having different memories than Cloud and her trying to figure those out/reconcile them without sending Cloud over the edge
I'm not the one trying to claim what I think is the only possible thing Tifa was trying to say during the date, BTW.
>suspender wearing skirt having big tit girl
>vs suspender wearing skirt having big tit girl, but with thigh highs and a sports bra
Wow. Such a large departure. So wildly different. Fuck off.
She looks absolutely fine, its the outfit change that's the problem.
In that scene though. What about that scene makes that likely? That plotline actually diesn’t begin in earnest until disc 2anyway. It’s just set up
Cloud wants to kill Sephiroth consistently through the game. Doesn’t mean I assume every ambiguous scene is colored by that
Because even though they were "rivals" she still really like Aeris. Do you honestly think she's more jealous of a girl who resides on another plane of existence rather than upset that Cloud is using the memory of a dear friend as a reason to run away from everyone and be unhealthily depressed?
Read the image and refute the points. We all know you can't, though.
>Such a large departure. So wildly different. Fuck off.
If it wasn't then why are there still threads of people complaining about the outfit even a month later?
The whole game up until being in Cloud's mind is a setup for the big reveal. Do you understand what foreshadowing is?
You’re shifting the debate away from “does jealoisy exist” to “is it more important than X”
What is it about Aeris that makes people seethe to this day?
How was this foreshadowing? Aerith’s date foreshadowed it, how does tifa’s? Nothing she says indicates it.
She dies and can’t win the cloudbowl so her fans don’t like that. She was an intrepid rival for tifa who sticks with cloud from then on so they hate that.
That’s it
The graphic is just verbosely trying and failing to justify its "I can't fap to this shit" with inane drivel. Bitching about how "big tit suspender wearing skirt having girl" has now been "lost in the process" even though that's still what Tifa's new design is.
Because we're living in the outrage generation, where everyone can and will bitch and moan about anything they can. You know this is true.
She is perfect.
FanartTifa is the best Tifa
It's one and the same though. The idea that Tifa holds jealousy over Aeris being more important than the Aeris' memory being a crutch for Cloud's depression and delusional state means that Cloud is less important to Tifa than being better than "that dumb dead bitch", which seems completely out of character for her. Do you really think Tifa is sitting there going "Jesus fuck why is Cloud still thinking about that corpse" rather than worrying what will result of him continuing to wallow in sorrow over someone who clearly wants him to move on in his life?
>Tifa will never Jew Jitsu your asshole
if you are into trannies
Just stop. Nobody implied that.
Once again, it's an assumption on my part, but I'm also not the guy claiming absolute certainty of what Tifa was trying to say. One of the things foreshadowing does is cause the reader/person experiencing the media to go back and review the places that confirm a twist happening. Admittedly it's a bit of a stretch since I remembered it wrong, but Tifa's reticence during that scene is similar to the parts of the game where she tries to ask Cloud about his memories during the Nibelheim incident, where she starts off by engaging Cloud but quickly backing off. Again, not claiming this is what happened there, but I feel there's enough to make a presumption.
No one cares. “Eastern aesthetics” don’t exist. Chinks constantly try to look white and fail while whites never try to look asian. She also looks completely white.
>I can't debate the points presented so I'll just infer incelism
lmao what the fuck
Yes. Yours is a stretch. Mine is a guess.
>Because we're living in the outrage generation, where everyone can and will bitch and moan about anything they can
So no one can ever have a pertinent complaint about anything ever again? You could always address the points in that infographic instead of handwaving it away. But we both know you can't, as you have already displayed.
>tiny white shirt? check
>tiny skirt? check
>big tits? check
>"lost in the process"
As I said, a long winded tirade about how they can't fap to it.
>remake Tifa
>pertinent complaint
See on how asinine your precious infographic is.
see and . The implication is that her insecurity and jealousy is the primary motivator in her being upset.
i love all tifas
>mine is a guess
>I still can't prove without a shadow of a doubt that it's true
>yours is a stretch
>one that is established on a recurring trend present in the plot
>let's ignore every single change that's been made and generalize 3 things and pretend they're absolutely the same
>also I'll bring up tits even though the discussion is about the outfit
zoomer secondaries and falseflaggers go home
Bitch the changes didn't remove the shit that's part of her defining look despite how that image complains about it. They're very clearly still there you retard.
Mine is based off a valid recollection of the scene in question. Yours was not and only has a theme which is best explored far later on, and was foreshadowed clearly in an entirely different date. So the lack of clear foreshadowing here would be weird, unless you were wrong
Yea Forumstards are butthurt because her tits aren't bigger than her head
Yea, and I said this was later clarified to be less singleminded in its presentation. In fact the second one even hints that Cloud’s handling of it is the real issue
>still focusing on the one part that stayed the same while ignoring everything else
We get it man, you can't refute the points in the infographic
The infographic makes no points though.
Are you seriously trying to tell me that Aerith looks ugly there? user...
not that user, but I also think Aerith looks kinda off
>Mine is based off a valid recollection of the scene in question
>Yours was not
Didn't have to be because the whole point of that scene was to be as vague as possible, hence why you can't confirm that Tifa was undeniably trying to confess
>and only has a theme which is best explored far later on
You clearly don't understand foreshadowing if you don't think Tifa acting weird every time the past comes up wasn't supposed to make you go "Huh?" and think about what was going on, nevermind Cloud's "voices" that start happening not even 15 minutes into the game.
>So the lack of clear foreshadowing here would be weird
Foreshadowing isn't supposed to explain the big twist to you, it's there to hint at it and have something to fall back on to help explain it when it does happen.
also, the problem to me is that her head looks pretty huge, while her body is insanely slender. The combi is just not a good one
>Yea, and I said this was later clarified to be less singleminded in its presentation
Thanks for proving me right
None that you can refute, at least.
No it really has no points at all. Even the comparison between the remake Tifa and their superman redesign is a stupid one, because his redesign removes the trunks from Superman, despite remake Tifa only ever having shit added on to her design. It's a nonsensical comparison from a nonsensical idiot upset that his fapping session has been so ruefully interrupted.
They shouldn't have taken her shoulder pads away since they gave her look more balance
Her Advent Children design looks more Asian. I think VIIR Tifa looks latina.
>skinny legs
>no ass
Not seeing it m8.
looks asian
>not Asian looking
>made her look anime
>the comparison between the remake Tifa and their superman redesign is a stupid one
I actually agree with you on this point
>remake Tifa only ever having shit added on to her design
that's for agreeing that the additions are terrible :^)
>It's a nonsensical comparison from a nonsensical idiot upset that his fapping session has been so ruefully interrupted.
I love how you keep proving me right by handwaving away having to refute the most pertinent points of the info graphic by screaming incelism
It's the only reason to bitch and moan so badly about a character's design. Tifa's design doesn't affect her gameplay, it's not relevant to the story, it doesn't do anything at all.
It didn’t foreshadow at all. You would demonstrate it if it did
>no ass
Things have changed nigga
Source? That's some weird Tifa
tummy spotted
Why not make every character a generic featureless humanoid then? You're really grasping at straws here, it's hilarious.
very disgusting
meant for
I don't need to demonstrate it because it's an element of a bigger piece of the puzzle, i.e. Tifa's awkward behavior any time she tries to bring up or encounters dealing with the Nibelheim incident with Cloud. In any case, why are you so fixated on something I've already conceded is effectively headcanon for me? Is you being unable to unquestionably prove that Tifa was trying to confess during the date bothering you that much?
I want to rest my head on Tifa's tummy.
Tifa's design doesn't affect her gameplay, it's not relevant to the story, it doesn't do anything at all.
except get you buttmad
/only good post in this shit thread
made me actually laugh
for me, it's her thighs/lap
Tifa will always be best
Already covered, see my man
You got the boots wrong by the way.
Ff7R doesn't have affection system. Some of those things have to happen. Judging from Ultimania. Dating with Aerith and highwind scene are canon
This graphic really does get at what a lot of fans are aware of but might not be able to concisely define: the look of a character is part of the character's characterization. Visual elements are just as meaningful as personality traits and patterns of behaviour as they are meant to elicit certain reactions from us and inform our perception of the character. If Mario lost his moustache it would be one little change sure, but it would have a huge affect on how we view him.
FFR has a affection system Nomura kinda confirmed it, I still agree tho that Highwind scene and Aeris date are canon
>implying I took this seriously
No it doesn't retard
Her glove isnt red any more, it was the defining eye catching feature.
I always noticed that glove, it was like hey, this is what matters, my fist.
1) Tifa is GOAT vidya girl
2) Behead those who insult her
3) Allah wills it
>faggot deleted his post cuz he was full of shit
The low version ends with "ummm, oaky..." or something, play the game
stupid Aerisfag
>Autism, The Post
I get that they made the tits smaller to appeal to American pedos but did they really need to make her ugly as well?
>Shorter legs
>says the one screeching about how remake Tifa is "ruined"
just when I thought we might get out of this thread without someone unable to refute the infographic crying autism and running away
She actually literally says that line when Cloud says they should sleep. You can tell she chickens out
>this projection
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you were a newfag. Welcome to Yea Forums. Enjoy your summer stay.
Another Tifa thread at bump limit, see you guys next time!
>can't deny they were projecting
>y-you're a n-n-newfag
Naw man. Anyone that's been on Yea Forums since the reveal at e3 has seen the threads bitching about her design. If people were fine with it these sorts of threads wouldn't be here. That's just logic newfriend.
based and /ss/pilled
>Ryza has more fanart than FF7R Tifa.
Thicc > Sticc
>screeching about previous tifa threads
>after claiming someone else was screeching about them
Holy shit, Advent Children is trash
Show me the quote
her AC outfit can look alright
How can such a small number of polygons be so sexy?
Japs are real artists
False dichotomy. I think she should look like she does in the game. Compared to that the concept art is outdated and the fanart is off model.
>not having the memory retention of a gnat is screeching now
Yeah ok summerfriendo.
u r trash
Nah... she's the sexy one