Ci/v/ilian, this time I'll definitely take you to a safe place.
To save our mother Earth from any alien attack
>you were already there the whole tiem
Hold me in your arms Sarge. That's the only safe place I want to be.
If safe place I need do not have straight white males, then take me there
>Play Wing Diver
>Beginning missions where you escape hell with Ranger bros
>Enroll in EDF
>I just want to play every mission with Sarge and my Ranger brothers and protect them from harm
I love this game
wheres the room @
the voice acting for the AR supports are really good but the rest are super hit or miss
i dont like the fact they call them monsters rather than giant insects
where do the special ai fencers spawn on not brute force
i can never find them
Everyone complains about the song but this one honestly hurts me the most.
>Giant bees
>Flying bird like creatures
They don't have bugs it's the only way of thinking of it
alright, whats the ranger weapon that makes fighting no. 11 not a gigantic pain in the ass?
I played ranger a lot on PS4 but I don't recall what "No. 11" is. Can you give me some more details?
I just used a good AR and the MLRA for most of that.
i have no ARs that can reach it when its in egg form and trying to blow open the shield take for fucking ever.
the fucking mothership that turns into an agg
What mission are you talking about? Are we even talking about the same game?
mission 109: no.11 of the game Earth Defence Force 5, for steam.
>play as Air Raider
>call airstrike on a huge wave
>it recharges instantly
Is there anything more satisfying?
>mission 109
Well fuck user most people on steam haven't gotten that far.
yeah well i didnt have shit to do but save the earth, now what ranger weapons are going to help me kill this thing and not get blinded by pure fucking purple for a full minute before i die, unable to move and heal. JUST FUCKING HELP ME AAAAAAA
>i should try out air raider
>have a million weapons to choose from
>maybe fencer then
>same thing
i kinda miss only unlocking weapons for the class you're currently playing. shared armor is good though.
I don't remember the wing diver being this shit in 4.1. It's all hold to charge weapons that take forever and barely do any significant AoE damage. I just started playing, at level 5. Does it get better with her?
I took the steamworks fix files, the two .dll files and replaced them but now EDF 5 doesnt open? What did I do wrong?
>look it up
Oh this mission. For a ranger I'd bring a sniper rifle and a good missile launcher.
>Is there anything more satisfying?
You pirated a good game. Get fucked!
>i dont like the fact they call them monsters rather than giant insects
This also bothered me immensely for some reason
>start game
>Callsign? sure that's a decent save file name not like it'll be my online ID anyways
>play up to mission 20 on hard
>time for some fun online shenanigans
>enter room
>name is Callsign
I made too much progress to start a new save but this annoys me greatly
What is the online multiplayer like?
At least it's funny.
You can edit the save file name. Controls are in the bottom right corner
Because spiders aren't insects
eagle G1 and a fucking MLRA then
>mfw i'll be back here screaming about this stupid fucking egg.
George! George has been... EATEN
>at level 5
Short answer, yes.
But you'll still need to get used to the charge time mechanics if you want to use anything more than the typical rapier, spark vines, bows etc. You recharge your boost energy even if you're holding a full charged weapon so you need to learn to keep your distance and fly to a good firing position and repeating that sort of thing with a lot of weapons.
Play on Hard you'll get more weapons faster and have them drop at a higher base level so the stats/times will be a bit improved as you get them hopefully.
Oohhh. THAT. I think I just used my longest range sniper rifle for the ship and a shotgun for the enemies that are dropped in. Support gear for faster sprinting. Stage took fucking AGES but was pretty easy if you just focus on blowing up each and every segment of the outermost ring before moving on to the next. I imagine you could potentially do some good work with long range missile launchers and the support gear to focus fire, but I only slogged my way through that mission like twice.
first edf game
should i start on hard right from the get go?
If you want to get your ass reamed.
Steam needs to be running and logged in to an account.
Restarting Steam after applying the fix helps a lot of people with the game not launching at all after the initial application of the Steamworks fix.
An user previously had to restart several times.
Try a clean install and using the crack+unlocker first then the v2 Steamworks fix from
You pirated a good game. Have fun!
How do I unlock hardest and inferno?
Beat the game.
Yeah, I just had to open up steam, should I use my regular account or a throwaway one?
So pirates got their own "server" right?
I've been doing Hard with Ranger up to 62 so far and I've only died a handful of times, always because I go too rambo.
Well let me re-phrase. You will unlock higher level weapons, but you wont have the health for the difficulty. It's still doable though. Just probably wont be fun.
Play Normal for at least a few missions til you kind of understand what you're up against and how your movement and enemy AI and enemy AI/spawn/hording works.
But switch to Hard as soon as you feel comfortable. More and better drops, less of a cakewalk.
Now on mission 23 on Hard
2 spots open
I'm on about mission 30 and my damage as air raider is falling off so hard. The limpet guns lack the dps to keep shit off of me and everythong else takes so fucking long to reload and fire. What am I doing wrong? Even my airstrikes can barely kill the giant frog niggers
You CAN do that. Try it out and just drop to normal mode on stages that kick your ass. It's not worth it to keep banging your head against a wall - and there WILL be walls, especially being your first EDF.
Ive done both, you're lying
Looking to do mission 1 with someone and start.
You're a good man user
post yfw those aren't robots, they're ALIENS beneath the armor!
Turrets, Air Strike guns, bombs. You have damage you just have to go about it another way.
I'm lucky today, the bullets won't hit me!
Gunships, son. May need to farm weapon drops because the difference between a level 1 and max reload/cooldown is fucking massive.
Oh and robots do well too.
Can someone explain how to farm a specific weapon? I'm trying to get the FG 8 which apparently drops on mission 7 but no dice.
Turrets are on a 40-50 second cooldown though
>If you want to get your ass reamed.
>even remotely hard
Yeah well you just have to deal with that until they get upgraded. Learn to start reloading your turrets before waves are done and to fill the gap with Gunships in between.
Do I have to treat this game more like monster hunter and actually build up my character for harder levels?
>Over 100 missions.
I already completed some missions that were ether rehashes of 4.1 or genuinely could have been the final boss.
Honestly the game it'self is 4.1 NG+ in terms of skill related difficulty. I can only imagine how people would play this on the PS3,when they reach those grey aliens.
You play too many videogames.
No idea. I'm using my real account and know other people do it for other games. Look around online if you're curious if any bans happened. I didn't give a shit and use my real one.
>Sticking 3 turrets to my helicopter and strafing the battlefield
Would recommend.
Pirates can only play with Pirates, yes.
If your have a friend that bought it legit they need to have a second install of the game but use the crack and steamfix to play together and that second copy of theirs won't be able to get online normally but their original one still could, far as I know.
So will farming earlier levels give me less/worse weapon drops or can I just replay that beach level 200 times?
>Heavy tanks fire!
This kills the frog
Yes we've been doing that for literal years.
The squad dialog has reached Oblivion tier conversations.
>Ranger: Why did you sign up?
>WD: I wanted to be an idol.
You want my honest opinion? Just take it easy and get to like mission 62 I think. It has nothing but pill bugs. There's a rock you can hide behind by the water fall you can farm these guys unmolested. Good early inferno weapon farming too.
>Seeing Titans and Nyxes tearing frogs asunder without any assistance from the player
Gets me hard every time
Technically 5 might be better, but 4.1 still is my fav.
5 just lacks in charme for me. Especially the VO.
And the new song has absolutely nothing on "the EDF deploys"
play the first mission as a WD and you will understand user
Is the wild skeleton DLC for fencer worth it?
Is Robot Bomb as useless as it seems?
Man, I forgot how funny grenade launcher can be
The early ones maybe but not the mid-later ones.
These grey ayys are kicking my ass, how do you deal with them ranger bros?
How do you text talk?
If it's not locked in the room you hit Y or T. One of those.
nah i fucking love how they say MAHNSTERS
cut their legs off to stop them from moving about and then either burst down their torso or start removing all of their limbs.
Jesus christ the vehicles are ass
Also what's with the abysmal health pool on tanks and suits
Mission 12 on hard is kicking my ass, thinking to learn Air Raider now to pass it
you're definitely doing everything wrong because im just murdering everything, autocannon is just god tier
you'll unlock much better shit later on
some vehicles are complete ass and others are insanely op
you're not supposed to get hit, thats why tanks and grapes are the best because theyre the most mobile
I want to marry spritefall-sama
>been playing AR in hopes to get helicopter drops
>nothing but shitty support or mechs
I wanna do my own strafes. This isn't fair.
>tfw you get a high level tank
>audio mod thread gets buried in dozens of new threads
heli's control like ass, the only good ones are the ones with autocannons
you'll be disappointed
>All this shit you can walk inside now, like parking garages and apartment stairways
Not only do helicopters suck, but ranger can get them too
is there any way to go fast as air raider?
Its actually super useful for farming
The missions with the rollypolly bugs are super easy to farm if you just sit inside a parking garage
the vulcan is pretty good, great range and easy to strafe with
Without a vehicle? Roll. That's the tried and true method.
>plebs dont know about using helicopter for air strikes trick
Are we saying worse than 4.1? I was the 1% of people who actually could pilot helis well in that game, and thought they were fun but niche for missions. I just want to fly bros.
how to improve performance
So, are there flying bombs later on?
okay I'm doing it right then
Do you even get fast vehicles?
>call in a bike
>"Its the strongest vehicle ever, be careful!"
Get higher level tanks and grapes
>Do you even get fast vehicles?
>As a Air Raider
Grapes and Blackers are your thing.
windowed mode if you're getting 30-40fps in fullscreen
alternatively force v-sync off via nvidia control panel and full screen should be fine performance wise
Starting Mission 2. Feel free to join.
They control the same
But they now have fuel to stop you from staying in the air forever
This is how you use a Helicopter
>he doesn’t know
Ranger claymores would be nice if they started reloading once you put them all down and reload when you don't have them equipped like some Air Raider weapons.
>next mission comes up
>cave invasion
You can't do this in 5, I tried
>we found a new enemy, we will call them shield bearers
>what's that?
>it makes a barrier around itself
>so it makes a shield
This fucking dialogue.
>queen ant
>we'll call them Mother Bugs
>giant bees
>these will be known as Flying Aggressors
They don't have insects in this universe
>Shield bearers are back
>we will call this transportation ability, teleportation
Cave missions are better than the fucking industrial area missions
Fuck that map
It's nothing new, user, EDF dialogue has always been a hilarious flavour of absolutely fucking retarded.
>you can receive weapon repeats that don't upgrade a weapon's stats
Fuck, does this mean weapon grinding is now 5x worse?
>"These aliens looks like they should be afraid of water"
>"But they're not..."
>giant frogs show up
>they look just like us!
>giant ayyyys show up
>disgusting monsters!
It's only bad if you're looking for a specific upgrade. Never really bothered me otherwise.
>that kaiju fight mission in the balam
Holy shit that was fucking awesome
What did they mean by this? In what world do frogs look afraid of water?
They look just like us! Two arms, two eyes, like a human! The resemblance is.. Incredible!
What does the special equipment do for ranger? It says it increases stuff like movement speed and item pickup radius, but why would i use that over a vehicle? +100% increased pickup radius is nothing if the radius is already small as hell.
Just wait until greatest final confrontation
Are you unironically questioning EDF logic user?
joined. can't enter mid-session though btw.
i'm on mission 15 or so on Hard so i need to change my items anyway so it's fine.
for the record it's a Pirate lobby.
>receive an automatic sniper rifle who's main purpose is accurate DPS
>its an upgrade to one I've used in the past and was most helpful to me, lets check these stats
>1 star ROF
>1 star damage
>1 star capacity
>1 star reload
>1 star accuracy
You can't throw them on the helicopter blades? I know you can put them directly on the hull
True. The dark one was a nightmare.
I think it's a Signs reference?
what do the stars signify?
What the one with the frogs and Spriggans?
I loved that one as Fencer, frogs are so much fun to fight unless they're shotgun frogs
Dash acceleration/speed is good user, you might want to try that
If not for all the immigrants, I would like to live in that world.
Any pirate lobbies up?
How good a weapon's stat is. The higher the star count the better the stat. That sniper rifle is basically pure garbage because its stats are the lowest it can be.
Mission 26 Hard
1 spot open
The cave structure is giving me EDF2 flashbacks. I look forward to having to hunt down retarded straggler ants. On the plus side, they will probably be easier on Inferno like in 2.
I chuckled when the tutorial guy was impressed by your ability to walk around.
>sniper with B accuracy
why does this exist jesus christ this is the worst shit ever
How does this directly compare to 4.1
What is better, what is worse?
Probably will get it either way soon, but I was wondering.
Yes. The drone mission will likely pulverize you on the first couple attempts though.
The radius one make you project the pickup circle when not running.
Reminder to bring flame turrets for the caves. They stunlock.
Quick warning though if you play in online lobbies and are alone the game is much harder than if you play in offline mode
>we have confirmed one survivor, it's you again!
We ace combat now
>Those newscasts about the unemployment rate when aliens are exterminating humanity
Specifically the game scales to 4 player HP/Damage levels.
Why? Because fuck you get some friends mate. :^)
What are the benefits of playing ranger? It seems to have none of the positives of the other classes (mobility, aoe air strikes, firepower) with no or few positives.
worse: the song
better: everything else
Ranger is the most well rounded out of the four.
Guys...I think my wife might be an alien!
>new dispersal mortal
>alright i need some spread damage, let's go
>sprays all over the place and even shhots straight down almost hitting myself
>quit level
>accuracy: G
I remember I got into 4.1 super late and had to beat like 40 missions solo online as I waited for other players
Thank God Fencer was as busted as it was, I got hardwalled by quite a few missions though, like that cave one with the anthills and retiaruses
He was the best in 4.1 for the fact he could dish out consistent damage more than anyone else.
>the bullets are stuck
>it's your turn bro
>for the pride of edf
In fact a lot of old voice lines that were voiced are just now unvoiced for everyone, Wing Diver got to sing now but at what cost?
ranger has all of these to a smaller degree, rockets for aoe, missiles for flying units, sprint(with gear) for speed and extremely reliable constant damage (and some ridiculous weapons towards the end).
they can just deal with everything easily , whereas other classes have weaknesses
I played loads of games on PS4 where the Air Raider would switch to ranger on any tunnel mission
where is room
They're just really good in general
Shotguns pierce now so their greatest weakness in huge bug swarms is now almost null
nothing personel v
> shitty game nobody cares about
Could be worse, bro. Could be fucking 0 stars.
It really bugs me that
For the Pride of EDF
Remember EDF Pride
Time to Fumigate
don't have voice lines
But at least this time the Wing Divers can sing!
EDF never leaves men behind! Its for Real!
We care about it.
Someone tell me the arcane art of fencers
Pssh This has always been the case.
Go fast
Use spears and shotguns
new crazy lady is alright too but I preferred
You have to play carefully until you get your boost counts up. Then it turns into armored core.
Wait so if I co op with a friend everything has health as though we've got 4 people?
Should I refund it?
no only if you are alone
1 = 4
2 = 2
3 = 3
4 = 4
It was actually real neat that your armor changed into EDF gear from your weird civilian clothes a couple missions in.
Lol they got gimped ever since Gabe cucked them. I used to use it too but sadly it's not accurate anymore.
the new song sucks
No it scales depending on how many players you have
But if you're solo it scales to 4 player health values
I started on hard and most of the game was pretty chill except that very fucking first mission where you have to fight the waves of drones from the mothership. It was balls hard compared to literally everything up until like mission 30/40 when stuff became comparatively difficult.
Where are the lobbies
It's better if you skip every other line and only sing part 2/4/6/8
I can't handle hard with fencer after doing 58 or so missions on normal as air raider
Room is up, name is ITS YOUR TURN BRO
4 players, hard.
Also how the fuck do I use voice chat in this game?
It should be noted enemy DAMAGE also goes up, a lot of people think its only health.
Default bind is V.
v is push to talk, but dont use it because that is pathetic. True EDF members use only built in chat commands
It should be always on, its why so many random lobbies have communications disabled
IIRC it uses your default mic
I haven't tried fencer just yet, been playing air raider/ranger in coop. Danger grenades are just too much fun. I enjoy getting weapons for other classes though since it means if I want to I can jump in around the same level as a different class, whereas in 4.1 you basically had to fucking start the entire game over and farm specific missions.
I want to sing the EDF theme with my bros though.
When making rooms, you guys should also say what mission you're gonna start at.
Why are Cosmonauts such unadultered pure bullshit?
I'm seriously considering advancing past this mission on Normal now. I don't think even a Fencer can handle this, though I guess I could just run as fast as I possibly can away from the center. Maybe a Grape might be the best option. All those crates have to be given up if I run.
The upgrade system is a bad change. Every new weapon you get is likely to be completely unusable until several copies are found or you were really lucky on the first drop. Sometimes the upgrades appear to make weapons better, like 0.25 second charge times for Flame Revolvers, but those stats should really be there by default.
Try wing diver with the best lance you have and just one shot them one at a time and air roll to the other side of the map if you get low on energy
>Playing as Wing Diver.
>Can't reach the dropships.
>Retarded Ranger and Air Raider are too busy fucking around shooting drones in tanks.
>Have to blow up the motherfuckers tank to get his attention.
I hate this game.
What does instant room option do in lobby?
Any lobbies?
Im at 2 jumps and 2 side boosts right now, how many more can i get?
Did you tell her you love her?
First time encountering the greys the game will drop a shit ton of them on your ass until mission control tells you to retreat. It serves as a big bullshit to make you scared of them which should work, they're basically Frogs on steroids, be very afraid. They'll come in more manageable numbers after that. Also the Free bike is hilariously effective against them.
Yea ForumsDF room mission 47 on hard
you could use the in game chat and pings you know
The Slugger line of assault rifles or those semi-auto shotguns will fuck them up hard. Just gotta use cover to get close. Liquid armor can help a lot too.
seriously though, fuck mission 109
>you could use the in game chat and pings you know
They had chat mode restricted, they didn't respond to pings, and they ignored the in-game chat function.
They were literally running around like chickens with their heads chopped off.
because they are bait for dumb fucks like you
>They put in push to talk
>Can't find it in the controls
Anyone know if its possible to make the game detect DS4 controllers?
I'm getting annoyed hitting the share button to access the voice wheel.
>not wanting to support based devs with your money
>mission 100 (offline)
what a clusterfuck
I already bought the game. The DLC missions are worth the cash but they aint out yet.
>not being able to filter out started games from lobbies
what were they thinking?
>jap devs
>fully functional online with normal features
what were you expecting
The thing you have to understand about Jap devs is they don't like changing stuff out of fear of the userbase getting angry. Because Japs hate change, go look at any Japanese website shit looks old as fuck.
This mission is based as air raider, great way to farm for weapons and armor
>Get to the night mission
>Briefing explicitly asks me to refrain from causing any damages
>pick air raider and scout bomber the whole area
Eat shit, command.
2 jumps and 2 dashes in total? I have a +1 dash and a +2 jump and I've seen that webm of a Japanese player with what looked like ~5 of each
I know I'm only at like mission 12 or something, but the Fencer with the hammer and sword felt so fucking gooooooood
2/4 pirates, misson 6, hard
They do look like the french, to be honest.
In the dlc you can get up to ten dashes and eight boosts I think
You can use bombers? I specifically did not pick any bombers because I thought the mission would restrict them at times like 4.1 does.
>destroying your own industry before the ayyliens can steal it
EDF results-oriented mission tactics in action
Which is strange because you can unlock weapons that requires the DLC before you can equip them.
To please the US. You have to remember this, the US is Japan's China. Like how we hate all the shit devs do to get the Chinese market.
how to be a zoomy fencer?
How's the performance? 4.1 was a bit tought for my 2 core Pentium but after running in borderless mode it suddenly became very playable and smooth. Wonder if it can handle the 5.
Scorched earth tactics, my man.
Also when will I get some better bombers already, jeez.
>Dash boost
>Jump boost
>Adjust as necessary
Is the fire turrent dlc worth it?
on mission 46 are there any good early missions to farm for weapons and the like or is there just better saved for post game?
Is it even worth playing on normal or should I just play on hard to get better drops?
>What's the secret to your performance?
>Are you really that skilled?
>Or just very lucky?
Simply a total disregard for wanton collateral damage.
They're low level but they do a decent job of stunlocking things. Not sure if they're worth two buck though.
>change the song to an imperial japanese march song to please the American market
I don't follow
What is this weird political undertone where they call the aliens "immigrants" and talk about unemployment?
I think I read somewhere that the 4.1 song is a localized original and the 5 song is the literal translation.
Does playing on hard give better drops?
Does the voice command menu screen slow down the game for anyone else? I have a pretty good computer (i7, gtx 1080, etc) and the rest of the game runs fine.
The japanese version in 4.1 is still based on the same tune as english though
I think it goes up to like, 8 or 10 in the DLC. It's fucking amazing. You can expect to get closer to 4 or 5 by the end of hard.
A legendary hero soon will lead us to glory!
still more room in this pirate lobby
How is fencer in five? People saying he has multiple dashes and such makes me curious since I thought he seemed awesome in 4.1 but I didn't want to have to give myself RSI to not be slow as a snail.
It sounds better because it's a japanese song originally.
>he doesn't know
Alright Im tired of this
What air strikes pierce through alien ships that keep blocking my shit, just the satellites?
He doesn't have the dash cancel from 4.1, instead he gets a dash that can be used multiple times with the right support parts.
He gets multiple dashes from equipment. You get more dashes with higher level equipment, so things can be pretty slow for a while.
I thought japs hate pirates, but I met several of them in lobbies. Real japs, not weebs.
You press spacebar (or whatever your favorite button is) once a second to be fast. Not any different than firing your gun or holding W.
Mission 61 can suck a dick.
Does Fencer ever get multiple jumps, or a super jump? I'm really disliking the one jump every five seconds that still isn't good enough to climb a hill, let alone a building.
wait edf 5 is pirate friendly?
You can pirate, get DLC's but only play in Pirate's lobbies apparently.
sort of, get the steamworks fix and you can play with other pirates
Can nonpirates play with pirates and vice versa?
Is there a lot of content in this, or is it just "repeat the same twenty missions over and over, just harder difficulty?"
Fencer doesn't deserve to fly, he's already fast as fuck boi. Leave the skies to air raiders/wing divers and keep your fat but incredibly speedy ass on the ground soldier.
Have you ever played a fucking edf game?
nonpirates can download a separate instance and use the steamworks fix on it to play with pirates, but pirates can only play with people using steamworks fix
Why do you think I'm asking?
Add another 100 missions and you're correct.
Man the volvanic ball thing for WD is a lot of fun to use.
Please tell me its not just a one-time thing that stays on its level without ever getting an upgrade.
Post yfw mission 100
Would enemy specific weapon drops be a good idea for future EDF games/?
i´ve ate miojo with hot-dogs my entire life. Life is good. Pic lacks the maionaise on the lamen
i started on normal, found it way too easy, went up to hard and now i'm stuck on the cave mission with the big fuckhuge ant
>Pictures taken moments before disaster
WD in 5 is training wheels compared to 4. The charged takes a little getting used to but not a big deal if you're playing on controller.
I don't understand how people can play on normal. Feels like such a waste of time.
>I don't accept immigrants on this planet
What did that ranger mean by this?
What's a good early weapon farming mission? Early meaning 20 and earlier.
Looking for a 4th player for some hard mode! Join in, we're in the middle of a mission.
As if it's a big deal if you're using kbm.
Why is grape so based
Is this game fun? Cash is tight right now but I might save up to get it if it's worth it
I want to fuck the spritefall operator.
For me I like to take my time getting a chance to see how all the weapons progress instead of jumping to end game ones. Although may jump to hard a few times since you don't have to beat a mission on every difficulty now to get the achievement.
Wouldn't know. Been playing on XBO controller since day one without issue. I'd probably just set up macros on KBM.
>Is this game fun?
Only if you like video games
Forgot to say thanks for the lobby, lads.
yes it's fun but ONLY if you enjoy video games
There hasn't been an EDF game with less than like 90 missions on launch.
Hard weapons are a good enough starting point.
Do what works for you. Me and my autism are having enough fun on normal maxing out the shit guns.
tfw second wave
>burn in the flames of hell and DIE!
Spritefall-chan a best
wing divers get stuck in such silly places
Just like my girl stuck in wall doujins
>fall through the floor
>sit there wondering what to do
>15 seconds later end up in the air above the battlefield and drop back on the ground
Fell so far I looped back to earh.
>dancing around frogs/ayyys removing their limbs with lances
>wasps, drones and not dragons are no longer a huge problem
>never need to fly again
An evasive dash is all I ever wanted for WD in 4.1 desu. It completely changes the way the class plays.
3/4, Hard, Pirates, Mission 12.
My lobby is open again. Other 3 players left, so come join. Name is ITS YOUR TURN BRO
Which weapons should I use for Wing Diver other than the thunder bows? I feel like all the short range weapons are too dangerous or useless if you're not against pure insect mobs.
My mag is cracked!
Monster Attack and EDF2017 had rather few missions
It's just EDF2, EDF4.1 and EDF5 with a lot of missions
I find ranger fun because it forces you to be the little guy and you have to traverse the terrain. It is the best for the single player experience imo
That constant refrain definitely made missions 5-20 feel like filler.
Lances. The double lance or the force lance in particular. Stunlocks shit and you can dodge between shots. Lightning guns are meh this time around. Lasers are trash.
Homing weapons, snipers, stardust cannon and plasma cannons are also alright as a secondary depending on the situation.
Also special grenades are actually usable now, unlike 4.1.
Go with the big single hit close range Lances to nuke anything in front of you as you strafe around them. You can charge in advance so you have full energy to fly in, blast their heads off in one shot and fly away.
Most others are short but strong or long but weak, BUT a select few Lasers are extremely good, such as the "Close Laser" with 500m range and huge damage to sear shit to death quickly from a safe distance. You can just sweep the sky at random and take down countless flying drones while the beam lasts half a minute.
hard mode bro
My GF just dumped me. At least I've got the pirated version; are there any open european lobby?
>dual lysander strat is dead
how do rangers deal with deroys
Is there matchmaking in this? I want to play it but I don't have a group of friends
Who else /stardustcannon/ here
Dash canceling is mostly gone.
In it's place you have parts that increase the number of consecutive dashes and hops you can do before a short cool-down.
They can be used in conjunction to dash-hop at very high speeds across the map. This works by first dashing, then quickly using the hop-boosters to cancel the deccelleration frames for the dash. You'll long-jump at full speed, though it doesn't have the same delayed inertia of dash-cancelling.
There are public rooms you can join/host.
Sell me on this weapon.
Just join a public room. Look through the thread for some open games. I'm about to host one.
Room name is ITS YOUR TURN BRO
It is a cannon from the stars that turns everything to dust.
Powerdyne is shit
That is all
Pirated the game to try it out and decided to buy it. But when I move my save over I get an error saying it's corrupted, anyone had any success transferring a pirated save?
niche/content/fun/money/japanese pc port
What if a wing diver has to poop like really bad? Do they just fly around with their shorts down and poop? Who's gonna catch them? Also if they hate someone, do they poop on that person's car like birds? Do they get their fellow wing divers to help them out?
its long as fuck. just get it and spend the next three days slaughtering insects.
host where?
sounds fine in the elven language
kind of like how the song in 4.1 sound awful in nip
Too bad the Grape is AR exclusive.
How the fuck do I into Fencer? I slay shit with Wing Diver but I'm absolutely useless with Fencer
Yeah but ranger gets BIKE
I recognize that New Mexico sign.
Dual 25mm cannons on one slot, cqc weapon and melee on second. Snipe with cannons if you don’t have boost upgrades, use cqc set at close range or to move around
>Bike has limited fuel.
What is even the point?
It is dirt cheap to call in and it’s more likely to explode/run out of ammo before it uses all its fuel
>Who's gonna catch them?
The Wing Diver fears the Fencer
Xbox port when?
imagine the smell
Dexter autoshotty and Blasthole Spear+Dual heavy cannons
Go fast go hard
Mission 35 - hard
1 slot open
Imagine a chargeable shotgun capable of unleashing a barrage of laser particles, much like stardust. One shots a LOT of foes up close, and fully charged reduces most foes to... er...
Why does it take so long to switch weapons on fencer? It makes having anything other than a dash and jump capable weapon for each loadout a pain
>bring slow reloading weapons
>suddenly green ants
Why the fuck do you get so few vehicles early on as air raider
I hate red ants so much
Because they want you to be air raiding
Shotgun>>>>>>>>>>>>assault rifles
but the strikes you get early on are also crap
Theres some 3 layer actual bomb ones that are the best to spam
Usually use a 150mm cannon too for rapid smack
Those attack ship strikes that reload in a few seconds are fairly strong for as early as you get them
There's one AR that has 900+ rounds with a 2s reload. It has penetration too. All of this is offset by its low damage per bullet.
That's my go to weapon for mission 101 farming.
How does the room system work? I join some and I see players listed as Play, does that mean they're already in game? Because I'd like to actually play and not sit and wait forever for the mission to finish...
Weapons without AP rounds make me die on the inside
Nothing better than shredding the hyper armor dudes with a shotgun
>we call them BEES
You cannot join the game until they return to the lobby screen, either by finishing the mission or retreating
It should say in the lobby select screen how long they've been in a mission or if they're still in the lobby
3/4, pirate, hard, mission 14. Join TODAY!
As usual for nip games they don't let you filter to not-started because they'll all just meekly sit and wait for 20 minutes until the other players come back, so they don't consider it an issue.
It's not just health and damage.
Some enemies (like ants) fire more projectiles, and waves spawn with more enemies on higher difficulties. More mutants will spawn on higher difficulties as well.
For example, that one level in 4.1 where you fight the big-ass dragon summons another dragon halfway through the fight on higher difficulties.
Penetration is so fucking good, I wish every weapon had it. Over half the shit I use is underleveled but still relevant because of that [PT] 56 x 20 damage
IIRC some enemies get a speed boost on hardest/inferno too.
Tall deroys would walk across the map in a few strides.
Here's what I do:
>Boost Jump
>Boost Jump
Mission 16 is legitimately awesome, frog hunting with your EDF bros is fun as fuck.
They're talking about scaling in online lobbies, not difficulties
ZE Sniper has 20 shots, 20 fucking shots. Why?
>Three cave missions in a row
Shock Vine one-shots pretty much everything, and has several shots before it reloads, so its good for when you are getting swarmed and/or out of juice.
Ah, that makes sense. Sorry for being too lazy to read the reply chain.
>decide to host
>online missions and offline are separate, meaning that i'd have to start from mission 1 again if i hosted
Apparently the jap version does an ojousama laugh
>aliens couldn't take over Beijing because they're weak to air pollution
>bought the game yesterday
>never played an edf game before
>too nervous to join online lobbies thinking i'll drag the team down
That got a chuckle out of me as well
It's okay, we'll take you to a safe place, civilian.
Try wearing some golden armor in a chink acid lake.
party Yea Forumsan
>search for a convenient room for me
>players in mission
>they leave or kick me when they finish
>playing offline ever
omega brainlet
Who here sniper rifles? Nothing like shooting your enemy right between the eyes from across the field.
Well okay, that's a lie, there's a fuckton of things in this game equally cool.
>remember playing EDF 2017 before I went for 4.1
>remember encountering the mothership for the first time
>my fucking face when it fires its genocide gun and you can hear all your fellow EDF comrades screaming as they all get fucking vaporized
That shit has stuck with me for a while now. Are there any moments like that in EDF5?
Just channel your inner AC bro.
>join public room
>people kicks you on sight
>thought these were gonna be hard to fight like the robots in 4.1
they ain't so tough, the baestids
Any Pirates hosting? Or want me to host? I was at mission 14 or something.
Just reached the third one, 5 turrets and a splendor are managing me pretty welll through it
"Fencer got nerfed", they said.
"You can't shield cancel chain dash anymore", they said.
I've been playing online on normal up to mission 35 but i'm considering switching to Hard, will I miss any weapon tiers if I continue playing on Hard instead of normal?
Show me some Wing Diver action and assction.
I like the beginning civilian armors you got in the first 10 missions more than the ones you get after enlisting, is there no way to switch back to them?
Are you a pirate host or is the game region locked or something? I've not been able to find a single Yea Forums room.
This is literally the best third person shooter series ever. I don't understand, I normally don't give a shit about this genre but these are so fucking fun with the chaos and dozens of cool weapons.
I think I played with you for like 20 missions, unless people are named the same.
you'll be going from level 5 weapons to like level 15-20 weapons most likely
play some of the earlier missions on hard to get some decent weapons then try continuing on hard
I finally understand Fencer now. In 4.1 I never picked him so when I would attempt to try him out I had already been used to all the late game weaponry of AR and R so he was difficult to enjoy but now starting out with Fencer, he's fucking fun. There's nothing more enjoyable then to stand side by side with a fellow fencer and gun down bugs or to take out mobs of enemies as you bob and weave through the crowds with a spear
nips are nationalist and xenophobic as fuck and that's a good thing
Hard is normal mode, normal is easy mode so you are missing out on proper weapons by playing on normal
How is the optimization on PC? I wanna get it but I have a i5-3570.
i run decently on a i5-6500 and 1060 6GB
I love how armor pickups go to the other classes you’re not playing as. Weapons leveling up from repeated drops is really cool too.
Cute tank
Cute butt
I have the same, it's fine. it runs at 60 fps until you start leveling entire city blocks, but that's how god intended it to be. If you played 4.1 and it ran well there, it will run well here.
Does the PC have split screen too? I want to play with my little brother.
It has offline co-op, just like 4.1
it's somewhat lesser than the class your playing, class pickup ratio's notwithstanding.
I've been mostly playing ranger (halfway through the game on hard and I still don't have the free bike fffff) and fencers falling behind it in armor despite having a better innate armor box per hitpoint thing going on.
need to figure out the good farm missions.
Can you put the player screens on different monitors?
>forcibly turning off v-sync via nvidia control panel
>instantly doubles my fps
considering that as a port it's pretty much just "put the console game on the computer and slap some keyboard controls on that bitch" I sincerely doubt it.
I didn't play 4.1, but that's fantastic to hear.
Cool. I've never played one of these before but I've been wanting to try thanks anons.
Yeah, it’s still better than nothing though. In EDF 4.1 I played all the classes evenly except Wing Diver, and Wing Diver was severely underpowered compared to everyone else
been playing a lot with my little cousin, splitscreen is a lot of fun
it's still gonna be, they get the least armor from pickups, but you won't be completely screwed at least.
>broke as fuck
>game finally comes outta no where at full price
I'm mean it's launching 20% off at least, but, not budget priced like EDF4.1 was.
Never played an EDF game but considering picking this one up. Any tips on how to play/what to play as a first timer?
I like going fast and BIG explosions.
Same here. Not really sure what to do about it.
*but yeah
This is a fun strat but remember Depth Crawlers are made of paper and if you get touched all your turrets will be gone
Fencer is your man but you don't go fast until you get boost parts
Yea Forums room when?
>going fast
Wing Diver if you want to be fast and fly or Fencer for sanic mode
>BIG explosions
Air Rader, no contest
>pull up wiki
>giant mech suits
>dual wield normally vehicle mounted weapons
>thrusters on their backs
I'm fucking sold.
shit prolly gets your steam banned if you play it online with a pirate version
One of the things I found when playing through on PS4, was that fencers shield reflect did less damage than in 4.1.
I used to melt spiders and #MotherMonsters just by reflecting their attacks but it doesn't work nearly as well in 5.
How do you use Gatling gun? Both attack buttons activate other guns and I don't see a swap button.
Hold left shift.
Check the controls for the swap button
Fencer has different controls to the other characters
user you have four attack buttons in vehicles.
no idea what it is on keyboard because edf to me is a game to play with a controller slouched halfway down my chair, on a pad try all the shoulder buttons.
i have like sixty bucks in my steam wallet but i'm on the fence about getting this. it's like it sounds really fun, but at the same time it sounds like it takes a good while to really get into the meat of the game, well past a refund point if the initial hours don't grip me
They turned the dash cancel glitch into an actual mechanic now.
Have you played EDF before? Can always just pirate it and see if you think it's fun before you drop the dosh on it
I can't stand playing gunners with a controller. Fencer is perfectly fine, but other characters feel much better with m+kb.
eh to each their own I suppose, the only weapons that require precision usually have a zoom.
I just killed ayy jesus with one. He keeps dashing out of my shotgun range.
I still don't get how Fencers get that infinite aerial time. I have both the dash boost and the jump boost but is there a way to reset so you can boost again while still in the air?
Sadly that only works with double spine drivers, a weapon I don't care for aside from sanic mode
Never have, contemplated getting 4.1 during the summer sale but held off in wondering if 5 would come. Lo and behold.
>Chronological sequel to 5, set a decade later
>Fencers can naturally do Armored Core For Answer shit from the start like this video
>Wing Divers are fucking Zone of the Enders Jehuty tier and only get more ridiculous by endgame
>Air Raiders have their own absurd flying spaceships they can pilot
>Rangers are still just ordinary infantry, but with an extra big Lysander
I usually have some sort of gun that lets me jump in one set so I double jump with that then switch to my melee set and that lets me do a double thrust, I think you gain more distance in the air
Here is a webm I just made
Its a recreation of the webm I saw that made me want to get EDF4.1
>Giant hammers
>Artillery cannons
>Shotguns the size of a car
>Pilebunkers that shoot 60 meters out
>Sanic jets
>Laser sniper cannons
Fencer almost feels unfair to the ants once you get gud
what if EDF in VR
also that one webm I post all the time
>all these situational weapons on wing diver
>only 2 weapon slots
I really wish there were a third weapon slot just for those special grenades. With the long cooldowns, they don't seem useful enough to take over a real weapon.
oh boi wait until you see the upgraded version
>Green and purple outfit
Thanks, doc.
The one that floats around and spams homing bullets is great for swarms of bees and drones.
>being a soldier is awesome, you won't need to worry about your life after retirement
Glad to know the EDF is looking after our boys.
Are Depth Crawlers usable in 5 or are they still a nightmare to control on walls and ceilings? I remember dreading underground missions as an Air Raider long, long ago.
Frogs are for ________
>clearing inferno doesn't give you a medal for hardest
the death gratuity is kinda dissapointing though.
>All that torture
This is why the EDF is evil.
I can't get into mag blasters, the way they go flaccid in the latter half of their mag sucks to me.
I miss my idunn D custom
>picking up healing items will heal your AI buddies
>but barely any so they end up dying anyways
I'm sorry bros, I tried.
Just shoot them with the reverser you cuck
They have more health. That's about it.
You can clearly see all the pollution that's torturing the fro-green human. user was just helping him on his way.
They are a complete and total pile of shit to control as mouse and keyboard even when just walking on the ground. They tend to step unevenly and will wobble your camera like fucking crazy, and they're slow as fuck.
I don't know if my body can take it.
same here bro, I never played EDF but had considered getting 4.1 for quite a while. I never did but I pirated 5 and I'm having enough fun I'm just gonna buy it, it's a fucking blast
How can you do that?? They look just like us!
death to frogposters
they should have stayed in their country
they knew the consequences
Mag blasters are absolutely shit to use.
but i just like lasers, and the closed snipers do absolutely piss for damage, so this is the best alternative.
Not trying hard enough. In some levels it's a good tactic to just dash around healing the ai squad as priority instead of killing ants.
>idunn D custom
My man, that, larg W3 and plasma M30 are all missing and it hurts. At least the stardust cannon is quite cool but I also don't many of th new wd weapons.
I'd be fine, until the wasps. Fuck wasps
>New humanoid aliens have been confirmed
>Human aliens?
>No, humanoid aliens.
>You mean aliens that look like humans?
>One head, two eyes, two legs! Humanoid!
>getting chomped and fucked around in first person
maybe the fuckin charge and release weapons will feel better when I get better cores, as it stands I find myself pining for a weapon with a magazine I can use in flight without fucking my energy, and all the ones so far feel terrible.
would anyone want to play a total newshit to edf from mission 1
The fuck? giant insects cant fly
Those are monsters, not giant insects
I miss Ohara.
It's a bit of a change, since you feel less like an aerial combat unit and instead you're just a ranger who can hop a bit farther and looks decent in hotpants.
Got the game on pc, only about 5 chapters in. When do we stop being a civilian and enlist in the EDF?
takes forever to join games
You'll typically want one charge and release weapon because most of them hit like a bus, and then one weapon that can hold a charge to fall back on as you recover energy.
In like ten more chapters
like mission 12-14 around there
it's the latter I have trouble with, can't figure out one that doesn't hit like a weak stream of piss.
How important is having boost on both loadouts as Fencer?
Does it in English too
Awesome. Also, are all the Air raider support abilities reload based now or are there still some that use tickets? I remember in 4.1 I can get airstrikes going one after the other if I could cluster them close enough that an airstrike kills enough to fill up my requisition.
I'll play with you, user
Start up a room
spark vine/whip are good
mag blaster / destroyer blaster if you hate yourself
How am I supposed to see anything when using Jackhammers? Sure I can stunlock whatever I'm fisting, but they're rarely the only thing around.
make sure you pick hard mode
Both. Stuff like gunship cannon strikes and some cruise missiles are reload based while bombing runs and the Tempest are point based.
Awesome. Now hopefully the helicopters and bikes handle better than they did in 4.1
Just spin around while hammering
Ranger took the bikes and the railgun. Also some helis
Sorry bro
Well now that's disappointing. What options are available to me for getting around the battlefield in a timely manner?
Wait, bikes are Ranger exclusive now?
How do I choose from all the voice commands. The wheel I get from pressing ctrl only gives me the first verse of the song. Pressing T brings up a menu, but I cant actually click on it because it automatically starts typing in a chat window. I'm probably retarded and missing something super obvious here.