name a more kino planefu than the Sukhoi SU-47 "Berkut"
Name a more kino planefu than the Sukhoi SU-47 "Berkut"
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forward swept wings have low divergence speed
Bad for dogfighting
Don't @ me fags.
I like the F-16.
now THAT was a bird.
>maining the latest gen jet
how fucking boring
Hey there TimeSymmetry, I didn't know you posted here.
Why can't there just be an unlock or cheat to make all the previous gen jets as good as the recent ones? Shit is unplayable on Ace mode.
The Fishbed.
Do you even BRRRRT?
There is.
It's called GIT GUD FAG
pls no bully
Patrician’s choice
It's called Firkin
How about the undisputed heavy weight champion of the world that's never been killed in Air to air
Been shot down by Saddam's AAA though
I said air to air
The F-14 is the most aesthetic fighter jet of all time.
If you're gonna post failed prototypes, at least post a good one and not FSW shit.
That's not the Hornet. Do you even Independence Day bro?
actually they are good for dog fighting, they have a much better turn radius then back swept wings. The issue is they are much more susceptible to shear force and as a result it can't do much better than mach 1.5~1.8 without damaging/ destroying themselves. If we ever come up with a material or stronger Titanium/ Aluminum Alloy they would probably be more popular.
And I said "though", meaning that, despite its air-to-air record, it's not invincible and can be taken down quite easily.
>mfw the f-14a was my default for infinity
>mfw when I get mvp against the scifi planes on B7R
LMAO dumbass reds put the fucking wings on backwards, Jesus Christ no wonder they lost the Cold War.
jets with nose inlets are the purest /fa/
blackbird, messiah of insane special engineering.
Is it okay to post drones?
I wonder who could be behind this post.
Is that the one that leaks fuel in normal circumstances and has to be refueled immediately after takeoff?
Popping in to claim my plane-fu, the Me 262 A1/U4 with 50mm cannon!
>fight toddlers(3rd world countries)
Wooooow, what an amazing machine, completely undefeated, it's the best :))))
I know it's you posting, Arsenal Bird.
Fuck off.
>HON HON HON's in your path
Step aside burgerfat
Someone post the pic. You know the one.
Just Cause 2 had some cool aircraft. I just wish there was a greater variety. When can we get the G-9 as a DLC for AC7?
Lose weight.
when will germany go back to being based af?
It saddens me how the flightstick scandal pretty much convinced Bamco and Project Aces to not bother with PC again.
Well, that's how it is.
>muh outdated ussr rivalry
Euro planes are better than both, eat shit mutt.
There is not a single Euro plane that could best an F-22 in air to air combat or an A-10 in air to ground. Your airforce is as irrelevant as your country. Stay mad, nugget
There’s more variety in 3 and 4.
They brought back props and added bombs.
4 made them not fun to use though by making ammo limited.
I'm going to guess you mean this?
Eventually, but perhaps not in our lifetime.
Wait a moment.
This isn't an Ace Combat, War Thunder flight simulator or general plane videogame thread; it's just an off-topic plane thread.
Yeah that's it.
>$150 million plane
>oxygen not included
t. has no proof only inflated opinions
Multi-role jets > single-role
For me, it's the Mitsubishi A6M "Zero"
It's too late user, /k/ is already here. Next will be the Rhodesia larpers disguising it as an ARMA thread.
F/A-18 all day
>t. has no proof only inflated opinions
Our planes have been battle tested for decades. Yours haven't. And when you do go to battle you run out of ammunition in the first day and ask us to finish the job.
Zoomers get out
>Flying coffin
>Ground nail
>Lawn dart
>Aluminium Death Tube
Get dabbed on kids
I prefer the classics
Hey can airplane fags explain why these things not symmetrical on some planes? Thanks
It's just the russians being drunk again.
For me its the CFA-44 Nosferatu
Can't believe this didn't make it into AC7 dlc.
Instead we got some faggy-as-hell laser planes, despite that being an atrociously bad SP weapon in campaign.
the one and only
I miss fun combat flight sims.
It was probably just laziness. Morgan and Falken are really similar so it's far easier to put both of them in than it would be to put two actually different planes in. Raven Raven was already in the game so it was no effort either. Lazy devs.
I wonder how long until they finally release the DLC missions.
>Half the size of the F-15
>Known for being so small that its RCS return is a quarter that of a Hornet
>Easy to maintain, not very needy at all.
>Extremely agile due to its small size
>Instead we got some faggy-as-hell laser planes
Seethe harder
Aesthetic as fuck but also killed half of the german air force
Based, dab on the krauts
You go to get in your planefu and see this
What do?
>piece of shit takes like 7 seconds to destroy a frigate
>taking a webm of it destroying platform cores as if that is impressive at all
Yeah no, it's crap. ADMM missile barrage or even dual-rails is far better.
Feel manly as MFDs are for fags.
You do know they buffed the lasers considerably in a recent update right? The lasers does 3 times the damage it previously did and has literally no cooldown
>Makes a decent MiG for your movie
No I wouldn't know since there has been no reason to revisit the game after I binged on it at launch. MP still sucks and is dead and the campaign can only be played so many times.
Did they buff the single-player laser? I remember it was absolute shit even with upgrades.
Crack open some radar coolant and go for as pin
>tfw no flying aircraft carriers.
>tfw no Ace Combat set in Strangereal's equivalent of World War II
AC8 should have one that you have to land on.
We should have never cancelled the F-20.
Looks comfy
Very cute sleek and sexy
Imagine being American and having to like their ugly ass weapons.
*intercepts your flightpath*
It's cool as fuck but what a nightmare it would be
>can't even level up planes like in aci
>forever stuck using f-22 and the su's just to be competitive in multiplayer
Fuck you namco
>kills more of its pilots than enemy aircraft
The Su-47 has two tailbooms of unequal length outboard of the exhaust nozzles. The shorter boom, on the left-hand side, houses rear-facing radar, while the longer boom houses a brake parachute.
yeah Russian planes are peak aesth-
Imagine finding commie aesthetics appealing. Their designs reeks of being poor and crafted by unskilled laborers
>best superplane forever trapped on 30fps Xbox game
Literally only because krauts shoved a high speed high altitude interceptor into a low altitude ground attack role, then neglected to train their pilots.
The fucking asymmetry destroys my autism
For me, its the Panther
This. They don't make them small and nimble like this anymore.
wtf bamco is stealing from ubisoft???
For me, it's gotta be the Stuka. Outdated even before the war began, and yet it still kept on chugging throughout the whole conflict. The early siren is iconic, too
Excellent taste
Buy Grunder™
>no parachutes
Then why did you post an F-35?
War Thunder is good for what it is, even if Gaijin seems to be staffed by monkeys half the time
my planefu is phantastic.
>The current state of British aerospace industry
>Building a Sixth-generation fighter
Would you like to purchase from Boeing or Lockheed, sir?
>forward facing wings
Warthunder is not a flight sim.
lmao 4 gunpods
>Panther Tamer
Doesn't the "tamer" part sort of imply that they had to fight the plane to make it work, and that the plane being cooperative and useful isn't its natural state?
They probably chose it because it sounds cool, the Air Force is full of dweebs who're into that kinda thing. Just look at their sword ceremonies.
For me, its the B-36
Six turning, four burning baby
I guess. Though I think my explanation fits, considering the plane's reputation for being such a piece of shit.
>not the Liberator or Betty
The pilots who fly it almost universally consider it the easiest plane they've ever flown, especially pilots who've transitioned from the Harrier to the B variant.
theres no fun in flying a fighter jet without a proper hud
Piece of shit slot-filler.
>mfw liberated the last 30% of the map by only doing bombing runs because it was insanely fun
bless JC3 jets
JC2 had more soul though
>ftw Germans don't/can't make planes anymore
They couldn't finish what they started. They deserve everything they got for that.
100% absolutely yes.
>Raven and Falken are visually indistinct clones
>Only the Raven has a new and interesting SP weapon
There was no need for both, and the Falken having no good SP means it should have been axed like the slot-filler it is.
>>>Raven and Falken are visually indistinct clones
Aside from the engine nacelles and COFFIN cockpit they look nothing alike.
>the Falken having no good SP
FAEB is killer though
>he doesn't know
Why haven't more developers made games like Ace Combat? Every other jet fighter game is a hyper-realistic sim. I can only replay AC games so many times.
You’re several decades late
There's Project Wingman, whenever that's supposed to come out.
There is at least one AC rip-off on Steam but the thing with arcade games is they get boring fast because they are so simple so why bother making more of them?
the falken is one of the original fictional aircraft for the ace combat series. its a classic, while the SPs suck for AC7 is belongs in the game. Like it or not it is iconic
>putting this on an air-superiority plane
>literally the only one of the 3 with no unique SP
What a waste.
Wow, look how different they are! I'm sure glad we got two of these dumbass FUTURE drone-planes instead of something good like the Fenrir or Nosferatu!
IL-2 and War Thunder are perfect middle ground between UFO physics and simulator autism.
Isn't it in the AC7 DLC?
Fenrir looks retarded
No, only Grunder™ planes are in it.
>they get boring fast because they are so simple so why bother making more of them?
German ww2 jets always seemed like video game planes
AC has a charm that can't be replicated without trashing it.
>ywn be a fighter pilot
>literally some of the chaddest most aryan elite badass humans in existence
>why make games that get boring after a few hours
If it doesn't offer any unique gameplay incentive, it is wasting a precious slot.
Fuck that thing.
>muh opinion on how it looks
Irrelevant, at least it would add some actual unique weapons and abilities.
fenrir doesn't look that cool, and not a lot of people have played X. the CFA-44 does belong in the game though I can't deny that. but like with fenrir not many people have played 6. the CFA-44 would be perfect though, EML, ESM, and ADMM
yes, it actually has its own special fuel that doubles as coolant and oil.
the FAEB is a unique SPW to the Falken in 7.
the Nosferatu does not bring anything unique to the table, considering 8AAM and EML are relatively common SPWs in 7's roster.
Is that Thunderbird 1
it looks cool there is your incentive, and it's a staple of the series. the plan of the DLC planes was the ADF line, raven falken and morgan. these make the most sense even though I would have preferred the cfa-44 or xfa-27
DRIVE goes after ground and air targets, 8aam/agm are trash.
also some of the highest rates of cancer but don't let me shit on that image
HAWX proved that Ace Combat is more than gameplay.
the CFA-44s ADMM is unique though, anti plane and anti ground weapon. also the CFA-44 is a carrier capable plane
>the FAEB is a unique SPW to the Falken in 7
Not my fault Project ACES were too retarded to put a FAEB on an actual ground-attack or multi-role plane
>the Nosferatu does not bring anything unique to the table
DURR HURR what is ADMM, what is dual-EML with double the fire-rate?
It looks like the RAVEN and has less interesting weapons.
cancers from what?
>>Not my fault Project ACES were too retarded to put a FAEB on an actual ground-attack or multi-role plane
don't move goalposts
The sun you dipshit.
but they're covered head-to-toe with clothes? retard.
the raven looks like the falken dude, the falken line has been a part of the series forever. the raven itself is simply an unmanned version of the falken in a sense.your passing the falken off as some cheap copy of the raven when it's the other way around
FAEB is not and has NEVER been unique to the FALKEN.
UAV is a weapon that is unique to the Raven.
Burst missile is Unique to the Morgan.
ADMM would have been amazing with the Nosferatu AND performed ground attack better than a FAEB.
The Falken has nothing unique to offer, not even it's look.
I never thought I'd find out that the cancer of Ace Combat are people that love 6. I honestly thought it was always going to be the 5 fans.
Ubisoft made Hawx but it didnt catch on
>FAEB is not and has NEVER been unique to the FALKEN.
Except in 7, where it is.
Just deal with the fact that the Nosferatu isn't gonna be in 7. Go bug Kono about adding it in 8.
what the fuck even are these ratings lol, this is some american education shit
I don't even have a preference, but if one has a better setup than the other, that is the one to keep.
I wouldn't have cared if the SPs were the other way around, I just know that we shouldn't have BOTH.
You must not have been around when 7 first launched. Some people were adamant that 6 had more soul, had better graphics and gameplay than 7.
It does have better gameplay though.
I was around at launch. I was just too busy doing multiplayer rooms with /aceg/ where most of us were lamenting the fact that AC7s multiplayer didn't have the modes from Infinity.
My uncle was one.
He retired and started receiving retirement plan at 30.
Yeah it actually does. Tell me what AC7 does better?
6 had
>branching/optional mission objectives
>wider battle-fields with a better sense of scale
>competent allies
>wingman orders
>consistent characters that didn't get abandoned or dead afew missions later
imagine retiring from fun.
Пoшeл нaхyй бляяядь
More responsive flight model, with the ability to do post stall manoeuvres.
Physically simulated clouds, weather and wind that affect your aircraft in tangible ways.
The gun isn't a "nuke everything" button.
Shamrock isn't your wingman.
Doing PSMs through the gaps in the elevator on Dark Blue while fighting the Ravens in the first phase is fun as fuck.
Pulling a kulbit and actually landing hits on an enemy is very satisfying, makes me feel like hot shit anytime I do it.
The F-16 really is a pretty cool and versatile aircraft. The design is probably one of my favorite.
My second favorite american jet, beautiful in all its design. Super long range missiles on this damn thing too.
There is actually a toilet seat in this jet, I shit you not. I always loved Russian planes how they painted them like that. Also chad thrust vectoring.
>some simulation gimmicks that come with a more advanced engine
Wow, so compelling.
>shamrock worse than any other AC wingman
Lol. They have all been corny stereotypes.
At least Shamrock could get kills on his own instead of the nobodies that this game stuck you with who had ultra-nerfed weapons that did 1/10th the damage of a player weapon.
a fuckin rafale beat your f22, eat shit fag
>like the fenrir or the Nosferatu
>not the XFA-27
Your shit taste is showing.
PA did buff allied damage, I've noticed them taking down enemies a lot more recently.
And Shamrock wasn't just "corny", he was downright obnoxious.
>branching objectives
pointless because it didn't matter which one you did. also all the objectives were just to destory shit
>wider battlefields
empty space flooded with just a shit ton of enemies that you rarely even had to destory
>competent allies
holding down D pad to instantly kill all enemies on screen isn't what I would call "competent"
>consistent characters
ah yes who could forget what's her name and what's his name, very memorable. 6 has the weakest story in the series, and the worst plane selection. 6 has like 11 planes in total.
>reddit spacing
>being contrarian for the sake of contrarianism
and a phantom beat your rafale
>tangible gameplay systems
Hey remember when 6fags tried to say contrails made 6 so much better than 4, 5, and Zero? I do.
>>some simulation gimmicks that come with a more advanced engine
>Wow, so compelling.
Yes, a more advanced flight mechanic is more compelling than "lol kill everything"
I remember them trying to make the case that 6 had better visuals than 7, solely based on missile contrails.
Move aside. Superior Sukhoi coming through.
Shamrock is a faggot that got you grounded because MUH CITY
>what do you mean I have to follow orders???? >REEEEEEEE
t. shamrock
nice looking plane. F14 though.....
Oh boy one of these fags.
>pointless because it didn't matter which one you did. also all the objectives were just to destory shit
Playing missions differently is never pointless, it's called "replay value". Each objective had it's own allied and enemy characters, map-locale and sets of unique dialog.
>empty space flooded with just a shit ton of enemies that you rarely even had to destory
Nope, often there was a sense of progession to the maps as you worked your way from one objective to another. And yeah, more AI on the field(both allied and enemies) does help simulate war better.
>competent allies
holding down D pad to instantly kill all enemies on screen isn't what I would call "competent"
Fuckoff with your simplistic monkey exaggerations, that was literally one feature of the allied AI. They still did more damage, were more numerous and in the case of your wingman, could be reliably directed to attack and destroy targets you chose.
>ah yes who could forget what's her name and what's his name, very memorable. 6 has the weakest story in the series, and the worst plane selection. 6 has like 11 planes in total.
Pretty easy to remember most of them actually since they would show-up every other mission and had tons of dialog for the player when he chose to support their objective. They even got data-viewer entries, something that this game completely lacks. AC7 had a carousel of characters that dissapeared after afew missions, were killed, or were killed off-screen.
AC7's story was trash, and no I don't think AC6 had a great story either.
Shamrock is big gay he even manages to get himself killed if he flies in front of your guns.
QAAM Pixy was BASED. Bummer PJ's F-16 can't keep up in the end game.
Wingmen in 5 were just ok. They only really did good in missions with lots of targets in one spot like Journey Home.
They don't realize that you can actually light up contrails in 7 with things like PLSLs and TLS do they?
Or how those lasers can also light up the rain on stages.
Or how you can watch the light of a missile streaking through clouds and its vibrancy changes based on thickness of the cloud itself?
Or the distortion effect on the EML, and the fact that you can see electrical discharge zapping the clouds if you fire the EML in them?
The ways the environment reacts to the weapons your use is pretty gorgeous at times.
>implying that's a bad thing.
I hope it becomes moddable at some point, so people can make their own campaigns.
The SR-71 is like an autistic middle schooler's edgy OC plane except it's real.
>bleeds fuel on the ground
>special green exhaust flames
>fastest plane ever
>basically invincible because it's so fast
>pilots wear custom pressurized suits
>thread full of salty Snoyiggers who never played one of the best ACs
I bought a PS2 for the trinity, why you all gotta be cheapass salty fags?
The dev confirmed that moddability is something he wants to achieve.
cool plane but expensive AF , russians are smart enough to not put it into production like the USA did with the F-35
*Russians can't afford to put it into production
why do many russian/soviet planes have that nice blue colouring?
True. I think an important part of the appeal is that it takes place in a fictional world.
If they're so memorable why does no one remember them? The fucking developers don't even remember them.
They wouldn't become more popular because dogfighting is a thing of the past. The future of aerial combat is stealth planes marking targets for ai-controlled legacy aircraft/drones loitering outside enemy sensor range to spam missiles toward.
That's the kind of camouflage you use with Russia's terrain.
Not him, but what is to afford? Countries can just build what ever the fuck they want like the Bradley fighting vehicle, and just go so far into debt that even if they liquidated their country and sold their population into slavery they'd still be in debt for centuries.
I just like it's frameless bubble canopy
>enter first person mode
>it's like I'm flying nothing at all, NOTHING AT ALL
>dogfighting is a thing of the past
People have said that before.
Where is the Su-47 now? It was sitting in a plane graveyard for a while and you could see it on google maps but it's since been moved. They should really put that girl in a museum before she falls apart.
Best bomber
Actually, the future of aerial combat is probably "no aerial combat", because if any of the countries that actually have air forces ever fought each other, it would just go nuclear and everyone would die.
At least the russians didn't crash it like with the 37.
It probably took a lot of time and effort to design those turrets, only for it to turn out that turrets on bombers became pointless by the time the plane came out.
Missiles have come a LONG way. Whoever fires first wins. Also a few facts:
>most aerial kills in vietnam were from missiles, and integrating a gun to the F4 and better training didn't change that.
>A-10 were so much of a liability in desert storm, that they were pulled back and replaced by F-16's
Russian planes look cool. That’s about all they’re good for.
I don't think people who's only exposure to air combat is via Ace Combat really get how advanced anti air missiles have gotten.
I like it a lot.
They're good for long range patrols.
Given the sheer size of the RF I'd say that's a laudable quality.
That's one of the arguments for the F-15EX, it would be a good defensive fighter jet for the American homeland due to its large fuel capacity and extra weapon pylons.
>doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about
Deterence is a meme. Japan wants to put F35B's onto their helicopter carriers because China is arming up. The east is boiling over.
literally OP
dont forget its radar absorption device that not only hides it from all radar signals, but can also triangulate the sources of those same signals in real time
>no more dogfighting
The 40s were the golden era.
Gunfights are gay
anyone else really like the mig-21? I've seen and heard a couple of times already irl and I cant believe it's so old
Your mother's a slot filler, faggot.
>Deterence is a meme.
MAD isn't.
You're gay
Meh. Russian planes have probably killed more people at airshows than enemy combatants.
The suits aren't very cool-looking, though.
Any recommended affordable flightsticks? I've tried mouse yoke on MFSX but it feels really janky
t. coward
The gun-only run of AC7 gave me a lot of respect for the little battler.
>he doesn't want to fly while exchanging bants with a buddy while he checks your six
do you even top gun
Patchnotes or gtfo
Are you kidding me? They look like that space suit guy from Kojima's new game studio.
That's a mod bro, doesn't count
It’s mandatory.
I wish I could give you a recommendation, but I'm feeling pretty lost myself. I love the Extreme 3D Pro when it works, but the problem is that it's very likely to break after a very short period. Earlier this year, I got fed up and bought a Thrustmaster T16000M, because I heard it was better-made. Four months later, the twist axis broke just as badly as it ever did on any of the countless 3D Pros I've gone through. All the other sticks are ridiculously expensive. I don't know what the fuck to do now.
>just a missile tube with wings not big enough for it to really fly
>radar system is cooled by alcohol
>so little lift has to reach 200mph just to take off
>landings also take place at incredibly high speed
>can't really turn but can roll fast enough to kill you
>can reach over mach 2
>could have been a fighter pilot
>spent my 20s playing video games
>ywn be a fighter pilot
>but even if you were dogfights are an extreme rarity
>too young for irl dogfights
>too old for matrix dogfights
Originally it’s camo against sky.
Nowadays camouflage is pretty much irrelevant, so probably an afterthought.
>an aerial brawl fight between skilled pilots
>press button missile do work
I hope this is bait.
>taking the skill out of warfare
It's the American way.
>>press button missile do work
>I hope this is bait.
>he actually thinks its "press button do work" in modern air combat
As expected of WW2 babbies.
Don't know what your budget is but the VKB Gladiator is amazing, best sub-100 joystick on the market. The internals are metal so it should last for ages, much better than Thrustmaster and Logitech plastic shit. Wich I would have known before I bought my t1600, I hate it.
Ionizing radiation at high-altitudes you mega-brainlet.
my grandpa was a fighter pilot for the canadian air force. he is super cool but it makes you a manlet, he lost like 3-5 inches of height because of G forces
>most recent patch notes don't mention anything of t the sort.
TLS still a SHIT.
>Eurofighter can't make a good plane to save their lives.
>France says "Le fuck it, we'll build our own plane, and it'll be better."
>They do.
what the fuck? Is that even possible? Are you shittin me son?
Explain why a plane needs 15 (fifteen) fucking miniguns.
I believe he had to eject at least once which destroys your spine and causes an inch of height loss by itself.
when I think of replay value I think of the branching missions from X, and the different ace squadrons and dialogue from zero. 6 has almost zero replay value, because the different objectives as I stated don't matter. I'm not gonna replay seluma peak just to destory helicopters instead of bombers. the "sense" of progression was just new enemies randomly appearing out of no where. just more mindless shit to have your allies instantly the way pixy was a far more effective and damaging wingman compared to shamrock, not to mention more memorable and likeable then MUH FAMILY. the wingman alone from 7 are also far more likeable and memorable, and this isn't even mentioning characters from the main story. let's compare mihaly to pasternak, pasternak has 10 lines of dialogue total and one fight where he appears out of nowhere and you fuck him up. milhaly has 3 separate fights that are all more memorable
mihaly also doesn't have a bunch of obnoxious drones hugging his nuts.
just obnoxious plot armor until shilage castle
I'm calling bullshit on this., there's no fucking way, this would ruin my dreams about becoming a fighter pilot!
Spinal compression during ejection is serious business. I heard that once a pilot goes beyond 3 ejections they pull him/her from active flight duty because their body won't be able to take more without serious injury.
user you experience 10-20x earth's gravity when you eject.
>"Modern air combat is almost entirely decided by situational awareness [from radar and other sensors] and missile technology," Bronk says. "All recent air-to-air kills between fast jets were one-sided, quick affairs."
>Most kills in the last two decades have been against enemy planes too far away to see with the human eye - which means technology often trumps pilot skill.
Even though it's the BBC the point still stands.
>>he actually thinks its "press button do work" in modern air combat
Holy f u c k it was a hyperbole you autistic retard.
*blocks your no damage run*
Stop it. This is completely ruining my daydreams about dancing with the angels. How in the fuck did I not learn this before? What in the actual goddamned fuck? Who would even choose to be a fighter pilot knowing this?
>needs 15 (fifteen) fucking miniguns.
Lol I'm not gonna bother responding to your wall of garbo opinions, but as I was skimming through the end caught my eye.
You are seriously lauding the Mihaly fights? Really? I've never seen such a paper tiger in AC games. The fucker is only scary in cutscenes and when you are doing your first run with a complete shit plane.
The first two fights he is literally just a scripted invulnerable NPC. It seriously made me think of ACAH dogfights. At least Pasternak makes you sweat with ADMMs.
It takes skill to get a lock on to other jets while avoiding getting locked on. Its a lot more technical than the "seat of your pants" flying from the piston age.
Just don't get shot down lmao
I'm so mad the super tomcat plans were scrapped. Fuck that would have been a godlike plane.
F15 cool too though.
F14's look good until the wings unfold.
The gimbal is NOT metal. If you want a metal gimbal you have to spend 3 times as much.
It's still a good joystick. Not too many buttons but very smooth and accurate.
>Not too many buttons
That's a fucking understatement. A trigger, one button, and a hat. That's it.
My fucking heart man. It would have been so cool.
>It takes skill to get a lock on to other jets while avoiding getting locked on. Its a lot more technical than the "seat of your pants" flying from the piston age.
Once again, it was a hyperbole. I do not think using missiles takes no skill, but aerial combat is much more reliant on the technological capabilities of the weapons and aircraft than actual pilot skill in comparison to the past.
How do I know that's not modded? TLS buff not mentioned anywhere in the notes despite other SP weapons getting changes.
Crazy right? Imagine the shit they are researching now in Area 51 aircraft wise.
>Adjusted the properties of some special weapons and upgrade parts
Blame Bamco for releasing extremely vague patch notes.
Regardless, I've definitely felt the improvement since I've been playing 7 every week since launch.
>they don't play low point modes
the absolute fucking state of your retardation
It has buttons and a pretty good throttle at the base.
Excuse me.
whats the status on this craft? will russia ever build a vtol fifth gen aicraft?
Its always been like that.
I bet if you threw actual peer to peer aircraft against each other (ie, Typhoon vs Rafale vs Flanker) in a modern day engagement it would ultimately depend on pilot skill instead of relying entirely on technology.
It was the same in WW2, after all the Luftwaffe racked up insane kill counts in the Eastern front because the soviets were riding around in Po-2's and iL-2's while the krauts had BF-109's and Fw-190s.
I could never use base buttons. There are never enough of them to make it worth putting my left hand on the base instead of the keyboard.
excuse me
The 57 is in active service.
Yeah but it goes into more details on the weapons and parts further down, and the TLS is absent.
All 12 of them.
>Modern cars all look the same
>Modern jets all look like F-22s
Creativity in vehicle design is a dying art, it seems.
Turns out there's not a lot of room for aesthetic differences when your focused on creating a low RCS shape that can still go fast and turn good.
but it's already called Lightning II
Hornet pilot here. It's actually fairly dull like any other job. Once your high enough even the "goes fast" part is somewhat boring because there's nothing to really gauge your speed on and things are locked down so tight that you don't get "fuck around time" with your bird for obvious reasons.
What sort of Hornet?
Not even that many.
>Its maiden flight took place on 29 January 2010 and the first production aircraft is expected to be delivered in 2019 with a second to follow in 2020.
They don't even have one.
Lightning II is its official name.
Panther is a nickname.
The F-16 is called the Fighting Falcon officially, and the Viper unofficially. The F-15E is called the Strike Eagle officially, Mudhen unofficially, etc etc.
18ef super
post proofs
>Lightning II
I hate when a sequel is nothing like the original.
what's the flighstick scandel tho
not that lightning
Not him, but if I recall correctly, the PC version of AC7 wouldn't work with any joystick other than the official overpriced one. I don't know if that ever got changed or not.
On release, AC7 only supported two flightsticks from Thrustmaster.
Now, they've added more support for all flightsticks from TM, and are considering adding support from other manufacturers.
>XB-70 is only in one ace combat and only as an enemy plane and it's not even fast as fuck
either my wife will get representation or I will turn every last starfighter into scrap metal for my scale replica xb70
>330+ posts
>Ctrl-f Mave
>0 results
Sorry user, but ejecting is no joke. During ejection there is an insane force on you spine. Many fighter pilots have suffered damage to their spine during ejecting that they have been found unfit for duty. Pulling the ejection seat handle is more often than not a career ending move, due to various reasons.
>I bet if you threw actual peer to peer aircraft against each other (ie, Typhoon vs Rafale vs Flanker) in a modern day engagement it would ultimately depend on pilot skill instead of relying entirely on technology.
It would almost certainly rely on the technical abilities of the aircraft more than the skill of the pilots. It is just the nature of much of modern warfare.
>It was the same in WW2, after all the Luftwaffe racked up insane kill counts in the Eastern front because the soviets were riding around in Po-2's and iL-2's while the krauts had BF-109's and Fw-190s.
A quote from my previous post.
>but aerial combat is much MORE reliant on the technological capabilities of the weapons and aircraft than actual pilot skill in comparison to the past.
Also I'd expect even someone who knows almost nothing about WWII to understand that the Soviets weren't exactly famous for training their military well.
The fact that computers are now doing the work to find and kill the enemy inherently means that the human operator is having their skill taken out of the equation. It is being automated like any other industry/job.
Also thicc
Su-47 > F-22
This. Everyone's dealing with broadly the same technology and goals. All the actual variation is in the experimental canceled projects :^)
Although it's also not good when it's just the exact same thing twice.
reminder to wave off if you have any doubts whatsoever
oh shit
They've already used them lol
Only if you’re an actual gulagtard.
I don't have any Yukikaze pictures on this device. A webm with sound of the RAM-AIR mode would serve better.
>On 1 March 2018, the Russian Defence Minister Sergey Shoygu confirmed that the two Su-57s indeed spent two days in Syria and successfully completed a trials program, including combat trials during which parameters of weapons work were monitored.[187][188]
my old x52 I bought used is still fine, and its probably around 10 years old
If you bother to keep reading you'll see that they've been using them all throughout 2018 and on.
Maybe they'll even figure out a way to launch them off their shitty aircraft carrier. It's literally shitty, because half of its toilets don't work.
And imagine being the Russian pilot who has to go through all that because your shitty carrier's arresting cables broke and they couldn't fix them before you ran out of fuel and were forced to punch out.
Can't see shit with "proper HUD"
Wow, they’ve been flying a plane for a whole year without it crashing into a bunch of civilians. Good job, Ivan!
Step aside.
why are you so angry about this lmao
fuckin neat, never seen video like that. Any more?
Angry about what? A massive shithole with GDP the size of Italy, flying a “stealth” fighter in another shithole? You got me.
Any thoughts about Top Gun 2 choosing the Hornet over the F-35?
What digimon is that?
For me, it's Haunebu II.
I don't think you can get one of those for less than $150.
>being this buttlbasted about politics completely out of context when the thread is about sweet jets on a vidya board
f15 and f16 suck my dick in AC7. Especially the f16, i could at least put lasers on my f15 and fly crazy fast and boom and zoom in pvp while everyone was dogfighting in circles.
>choosing the Hornet over the F-35?
a lot of the F35 is still classified
These never work nearly as well in real combat as they do in exercises, an AIM-9X couldn't even hit an Su-22 in the Gulf War so the pilot had to switch over to the tried and true Sparrow to score the kill.
Recreating the pilot/WSO interactions from the first movie would necessitate a twin seat cockpit.
You do know Yellow 13 was literally invincible in all of his encounters, until the final fight when you destroy him and his squadron in 2 minutes
Also you literally reposted that from reddit
feed the sneed
I'm partial to the F/A-18, but I also come from a Navy family.
>gulf war
yeah, pretty hard for a missile that entered service in 2003 to be used in a war that ended in '91
Also, doesnt that pic need to be updated cause 2 Pakistani F16s got shat upon by Indian Mig 21s several months ago?
Didn't stop them from using it in Die Hard 4.
> Lol I'm not gonna bother responding to your wall of garbo opinions
because you don't have a retort, just admit your wrong.
I'm praising his fights and actual presence in the story, unlike the "rival" ace from 6 who is a literal who and who's ONE fight fucking sucks. all 3 of mihalys fights have better music, better location, and better actual fights. pasternak(who's name no one remembers accept me because I have actually played 6 quite a few times) fight involves flying in circles and disappearing from radar while 80 drones fly around and do nothing.
coin/close surveillance planes are so cool
That is similar damage to Su-57's pew-pews.
>be fighter pilot
>get shot by invisible missile with no warning from guy 100000 milles away
>have to eject
>break your spine from ejection
>high speed winds tear off your legs during the parachute descent
>land in water
>it's night time and storming
>half to claw your way back home through enemy territory
>then have to explain to your commanding officer how you lost a $100 million jet
Being a pilot must be stressful.
>that last special mission in the 3DS game where you're up against FOUR TLS-armed Falkens
>when the pilot is USAF pitbull-tier stupid and the flight safety observer is out to lunch
this shit is just such a pointless waste of human lives and money when it happens. please don't bank large military [cargo] aircraft at angles beyond 60 degrees for no reason
>>get shot by invisible missile with no warning from guy 100000 milles away
pretty much every current day fighter jet has RWR
I read the first AIM-9X used in combat missed because they were calibrated to still hit a target that used conventional flares. However, the target used shitty broken Russian flares that had been sitting in a warehouse for 50 years. Since then the problem has been fixed.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I read that like 80% of the time someone gets hit by a heat seaking missile they don't even realize they were being targeted.
FUCK thats so cool. I cant believe shit that old was so advanced. It's stuff like this that makes me believe the whole Metal Gear timeline, i bet they have secret wormholes we dont know about in the 60s also.
top gun is a darling of the US navy and they want to be seen as very helpful towards the movie that basically secured their pilots for the next century
thus being able to use actual planes to film and film in lets them keep the costs down for cg and keeps the navy sweet
also the f35 in die hard was a cg model based on nothing but the publicly available images of the f35
well, i wouldn't doubt that considering the only air to air engagements recently have been against muzzies buzzing around in fighter jets older than their grandma
That guy watching seems completely unfazed by the giant fireball of death.
Man, I miss the good old days with the guys from /simg/
to be fair he had been ordered grounded, it's just that nobody seemed to want to stop him from getting in the plane and flying it
even though it's their job and all
is /simg/ still ded
Not much you can do for the blokes in the plane in that situation, and anyone near on the ground is going to need actual firefighters to help
Best to just keep your camera rolling in case you can catch something that helps the crash investigation
Yep, Top Gun 2 is/was filming on an active duty aircraft carrier group, last I heard. They even got the shell of an old Tomcat up onto the deck of a carrier just for the film.
Lol what? Yellow 13 doesn't even have a boss-fight you giga-retard.
First two "fights" are a joke. His wingmen are more of an honest fight than he is. The second one is ESPECIALLY a complete fucking joke, since game encourages you to save your forgettable wingman, and you can literally pump 40 missiles into Mr X's tail while he is chasing whatshisface and still change NOTHING.
Get some taste you shit-mouthed scrub.
>the movie that basically secured their pilots for the next century
Did it really? I thought it was more that it secured a whole bunch of non-pilots who signed up because they *thought* they'd be pilots.
Are Yellow 13 and 4 fucking?
The XF-84H was almost certainly the loudest aircraft ever built, earning the nickname "Thunderscreech" as well as the "Mighty Ear Banger".[16] On the ground "run ups", the prototypes could reportedly be heard 25 miles (40 km) away.[17] Unlike standard propellers that turn at subsonic speeds, the outer 24–30 inches (61–76 cm) of the blades on the XF-84H's propeller traveled faster than the speed of sound even at idle thrust, producing a continuous visible sonic boom that radiated laterally from the propellers for hundreds of yards. The shock wave was actually powerful enough to knock a man down; an unfortunate crew chief who was inside a nearby C-47 was severely incapacitated during a 30-minute ground run.[17] Coupled with the already considerable noise from the subsonic aspect of the propeller and the T40's dual turbine sections, the aircraft was notorious for inducing severe nausea and headaches among ground crews.[11] In one report, a Republic engineer suffered a seizure after close range exposure to the shock waves emanating from a powered-up XF-84H.[18]
The pervasive noise also severely disrupted operations in the Edwards AFB control tower by risking vibration damage to sensitive components and forcing air traffic personnel to communicate with the XF-84H's crew on the flight line by light signals. After numerous complaints, the Air Force Flight Test Center directed Republic to tow the aircraft out on Rogers Dry Lake, far from the flight line, before running up its engine.[14] The test program did not proceed further than the manufacturer's Phase I proving flights; consequently, no USAF test pilots flew the XF-84H. With the likelihood that the engine and equipment failures coupled with the inability to reach design speeds and subsequent instability experienced were insurmountable problems, the USAF cancelled the program in September 1956.[19]
Why is the tucano so beautiful bros
The navy will never complain over getting more impressionable idiots to shove into shit jobs, user. Recruiters are sometimes chosen because they can wrangle volunteers into jobs they didn't want, not just because they want a zero effort assignment or they need gotten away from someone.
Although considering how the government wants to push the F-35 for export, I'm surprised they didn't lean on the filmmakers to give it publicity.
Extremely simple design, and cost effective CAS [;platform
You're right. Since infrared missiles are tracking their target passively, they are hard to detect. However some planes such as the A-10C have advanced missile warning systems that can detect combustion smoke plumes and sound off a warning to the pilot. There are still some shortcomings, e.g. the system can only determine that a missile was fired and not its target. So you can get alot of false alarms, when e.g. you wingman shoots a missile of his own at a target. Also it is limited in range.
webm related, that AH-1 doesn't have it and the pilots had no advance warning
That's not an S400 though.
not sure who here enjoys commercial aircraft but my favorite aircraft for years has been and always will be the ATR-72, in my opinion one of the most aesthetic aviation designs ever built even if the dash8 is functionally years ahead of it
so even though the f35 could fit in the dictionary next to the meaning of sunk cost fallacy, it did help create some good new tech for other things outside of the F35.
The question is: Was it worth it?
I want to have hope, but I had my heart broken by Vector Thrust and I'm afraid to trust again.
I just fucking love turboprop aircraft I guess.
you seem to keep shitting on 7 while not defending 6, it's most likely due to the fact that you know 6 is garbage and there is truly nothing to defend. You did not bring up the pasternak fight once in your post because you know it's fucking garbage, yes mr's x's first 2 fights have flaws but it's still better then the trash from 6
forgot webm
yup, still dead afaik
That looks so fucked up. Hope he ejected somehow.
>will be the ATR-72
can't wait for Cessna's new Sky Courier and Denali to be released
I don't think you can eject from a helicopter.
>Hope he ejected somehow.
nope, Turk died in the wreck
You cant be ejected side or downwards?
Lol nice goalpost shift fag.
I've put dozens of hours into both and I still prefer 6. No point arguing with a retard about the finer points of why, I've already covered the broadstrokes.
No bossfight at all, ala the un-named Yellow 13 is still better than some scripted-"super badass" that can't be shot-down until the game turns off his invincibility. Oh and 6's "setpeice bosses" Agaion and Chandelier were much more fun than the Arsenal bird fights. Those weren't even close.
Next time be an idort and you won't be so bitter at a good game.
That looks unreal
it's real life not unreal
I hope that was a burger
it was a Turkish helicopter shot down by Kurds
you can, the b52 for example has some downward ejecting seats for the crew
it's just not seen as very appropriate in the world of 0/0 ejectors
the ka52 has explosive propeller blades that fire themselves away from the helicopter prior to ejector seats firing, but that's the only one that does it afaik
I know but it looks so strange to see it happen like that.
Some helicopters do have ejector seats. Activating the ejector seat in an attack helicopter first disconnects the main rotor from the fuselage, so that the pilot's seat can be launched upwards. In the video, the rotor does not shoot off the helicopter before it explodes, so I assume that the pilot did not eject.
Interesting, I thought I was a genius coming up with alternative ejecting methods but seems that tried and build one themselves.
thanks user
>it's just not seen as very appropriate in the world of 0/0 ejectors
Yeah, figured as much.
whats 0/0 mean?
There are very few helicopters with an ejection seat system. The Ka-52 has one for example, although its design is very unconventional. It works by first popping off the rotor blades and then the pilot.
Nope, was a turkroach, the guy shooting was a kurd. Wouldn't wish that death on anybody, though. Getting hit by a missile you had no chance of seeing, then loosing your whole tail section due to a very lucky hit, then your rotor blades break off due to the uncontrollable spin and then free falling to your death.
Zero altitude, zero speed. It means you could safely eject even if you were sitting still on the ground.
>free falling to your death.
doesnt sound much worse than having no legs and crawling around your friends and family's bodies after an air/drone strike.
>those engine muzzles activating at 0:16
The B-52 is a real exception in the world of ejection, though not surprisingly given its venerable nature. You know that there's two(or three I can't remember) crewmen that don't get ejectors? They have to wait for the rest of the crew to shoot out then they get to try and fit themselves through the hole left from the downward ejectors and hope the plane hasn't gotten too low.
At least it did, I'm not sure how it is nowadays with the much reduced crew.
0 speed, 0 angle
basically stock still and not aiming up or down, since the motion and angle of the plane will carry on to the ejector seat it used to be they'd only work if you were going fast enough/were high enough/weren't pointing the aircraft too sharply
This video from the USAF explains it all pretty clearly, after all it's for the USAF
Anyone? Or do we need to wait until its actually been in service for some time?
>no F-117H Nighthawk
has anyone here seen the blue Angels live? I saw them at an air show here in Michigan. they're awesome. also it's a tossup between the f16 and f18 for me
fuck off, retard
oh what the fuck
50 billion dollars to kill some sandal wearing teenagers? Definitely worth it.
>has anyone here seen the blue Angels live?
yes, they and the air force tunderbirds came to my schools airport
no u
>oh what the fuck
>the A-10C is such chad plane, missiles just run away from it
But fucking why?
Shooting at spectators or Russia denying that it happened afterwards?
Because Russia.
these things are cunts in black ops 4
>$10mil vehicle taken out by $500 RPG
I didn't even know this was a thing, but I will say it kind of feels like NTR due to the hornet beating out the tomcat.
The super is a twin seat aircraft. My NFO constantly drums on his instruments. Mans a savant at his role though.
>calls everything shoulder fired an rpg
Retard. That's an igla and they cost like 45k USD on the black market.
>That's an igla
could be a chinese knockoff
>I miss fun combat flight sims.
Play DCS
Oh you said 'Fun'
Play IL2.
>picture your army is so incompetent that they load their helicopters with live ammo instead of the blanks requested for the airshow
They were asked to fire at a ground target for a live fire exercise, but the pilot wasn't told exactly where it was, just that one existed.
So he found one.
I wouldn't be surprised if Russia doesn't produce blanks in the first place.
That description is so hilariously Russian in nature. Thanks user.
And they think that's acceptable military procedure. Fuck Russia so much.
It wasn't an air show, they were demonstrating combat scenarios.
Which I guess means Russians would blow themselves up before defeating an enemy.
any games (air or space) in which you can pilot like CUHRAYZEE and with fun levels that aren't all out in the wide-open? someone post that webm of the valkyrie test-pilot drawing a downy chicken in the sky plz, I forgot to save it.
Why were there people in the area where they were conducting live exercises?
Because they probably had no idea the military was doing exercises there, and the military doesn't give a fuck about their lives anyway.
According to a post above, the helicopters were told to fire at a target on the ground but were not told which target, so they shot the first thing they saw.
>Lol what? Yellow 13 doesn't even have a boss-fight you giga-retard.
Is this sarcasm
Literally the Pit and Dark Pit of AC7
No. He dies as an un-named yellow squadron member. Go ahead and find me a video of his bossfight on YT.
I'll wait.
Literally Ace Combat
It's literally a giant bird from the alien planet they grew up on. Like did you actually watch it? It's not even that fucking long.
LOL, half the people in that picture are Chinese spies.
>Play DCS
DCS isn't fun, it's a button-clicking simulator for autists
Op said planes, that's clearly a flying BRRRRRRT
chack out vanguard knights if you want something starfox-like
I'm sure there are people who find it fun, and that's cool. I just wish there was more stuff available for those of us who just want good action and a good story.
What are the best options for a hotas set?
Not that I need them, but are there any Descent mods to suit modern-day QoL stuff? textures, graphics, interface size, widescreen?
How well do the game's work on modern h/w and s/w?
You can do anime manoeuvers without pressing the DO-SOMETHING-AWESOME button like in AC AH?
I actually thought it was a dragon but I was just quoting an user in another thread. No I haven't watched it, I've watched all up to 7 and haven't been watching anything since.
Watch it, it's gorgeous AND not up its ass as many the other Macross shows.
Learn how to use post stall maneuvers.
You literally have to pull the manouvers yourself
f4 phantom
DCS is great.
>Button clicking simulator for autists.
in other words, flying an airplane.
The downside to DCS always has been the fact that it's expensive as fuck and 80% of the modules aren't worth the money, not the fact that you can click on things.
There is.
>Story in a sim
You have WW2, but you already know how that ends.
>Not that I need them, but are there any Descent mods to suit modern-day QoL stuff? textures, graphics, interface size, widescreen?
There are source ports. They should have what you're looking for. I've never really tried to upgrade the graphics or anything, so I don't really know what's out there.
>How well do the game's work on modern h/w and s/w?
They work just fine for me on Windows 7.
>There is.
I was hoping for something with modern jets, and preferably in a fictional world.
which one is it? also do you have the webm?
will do user. I don't really mind different flight physics, I just want nice campaigns. (multiplayer is out of the question because internet here is shit and nobody plays anything that isn't mainstream).
You can stall and manoeuver whenever you want? fucking beautiful!
>What are the best options for a hotas set?
Depends on what you want to do with it.
IMO best HOTAS for combat games is the T16000M set.
Best HOTAS set if you're into flight sims is the Saitek Yoke.
Best Hotas if you're into space sims is the Rhino X-56
That's kind of Ace Combat and that's it.
>no one posted the Sabre
claiming it.
You forgot that the base game itself is old and broken as shit but they can't be bothered to fix anything.
Not fictional world, but look up Falcon BMS. You can make all the fictional scenarios you want, and the game emulates how it would play out if a modern military were fighting it. Pic related.
Also dozens of free campaigns online.
The non-autist version of this is Falcon 4, which is the same thing but way more primitive. BMS is a study sim of the F-16 and requires you to know where things are in the cockpit in order to operate the aircraft.
That said, its dynamic campaign is unmatched. Nothing has come close to the detail and depth that you can make campaigns with using it.
That's a very good criticism of it.
It's also a resource hog for literally no reason.
It's Macross Plus, it's an OVA series, that I think they updated it into a movie format. OVA is better since it helps flesh things out.
Good choice