>Gore Magala
I'm sorry to say, fellow anons, but Monster Hunter: Iceborne and the Monster Hunter franchise will actually die out in our lifetimes if these monsters are not added in the Monster Hunter: Iceborne update expansion. We must voice our desire for these creatures to return if we want to save Monster Hunter from dying! It's the only way!
FUCK most of these except zinogre
Are switchlets still boiling over MHW?
Post your garbage wish list, if you are so brave.
No the Switchlets aren't mad about it. It's the """""""""hardcore""""""""" fans who are """""""""""""""not""""""""""""" even Nintenbros.
Say something nice to Hot Knife
Gore and Zinogre have are almost guaranteed by now.
Khezu needs to stay the fuck out however. Gigginox can come, he's way overdue for an appearance.
Someone post the screenshot of the MH shitposter fucking up and uploading the Epic Store falseflag instead.
You've gotten the fake version instead
yoooo hol up are those the mf-ing twin rath dualblades? niceee
1000ºC knife glavenus versus -1000ºC Velkhana who would win?
Valphalk of course
Shagaru Magala
the left one looks like he's made out of plastic.
Not bad. But you don't have any quirky monsters, so your list is shit and try-hard.
me on the right
2019... we are forgotten
World already has enough quirky monsters. The balloon squirrel and the vase bird.
It's a pretty colorful roster. Always liked tobi and Anjanath a lot. Bazel and Odo will definitely be remembered for a long time I guess. Rest of the wyverns and Nergigante are also pretty good. Though I am not so sure about banbaro. His role is clear though
I can see Oda and Hazaak coming back in later games through fan demand. Nerg would because flagship and maybe the Blitzkrieg Bomber Monster because of memes. Really unfortunate how Paolomu and Tobi were under-utilized. I know they aren't high-level, but it would've been nice if there was a reason to hunt them more than once.
Why is Barroth shopping at hot topic now? He used to be such a good boy.
>Release day 2017... we are forgotten... in our own homeland...
Other than being braindead and slow like most of World monsters, how will they fuck him up?
>Other than being braindead and slow like most of World monsters, how will they fuck him up?
i love this pic
Listen here fucko. Qurupeco doesn't matter. He only matters to tribabs and they don't matter. Kutku is the way and the truth and the light.
I wanna fuck those monsters
My lad won't work without underwater combat.
You'll never understand the joy, and challenge, of having to face three monsters at the same time all because your bowgunner missed a shot and hit Peco by accident. It's one of the best monster mechanics ever developed and no amount of arguing with me can convince me otherwise.
Is World a super fantastic MH game? In short, no. It's lacking true monster variety, most of the weapon designs are fairly bland, the story is quite dull and never seems to pick up, and the music isn't great compared to what we had in the past. However, World is a great stepping off point to show Capcom that MH can absolutely still succeed in the West, and that it's widely popular. I think with model improvements and more monster skeletons, story improvements, and better sound design, the next entry really will be something great.
I just want armors and weapons that don't look like stale ass.
Serious question: Do you think they're going to bring that back?
>No counter argument
As expected of someone who's first MH was World.
what armor is that lance guy in the left using? is this male anjanath armor?
Bazelgeuse is actually breddy great
Tobi is cool
Factual and Truthpilled
God fire World's designers. The only good ones are Nerg and Legiana.
>world MH thread
>non-wordl MH thread
What went wrong? Something did.
Get a real console, kid.
I don't see your point then because EVERY FUCKING THING in World requires Tobi claws or whatever the fuck else.
Listposter wasn't given the boot here yet, that's why. Remember to report and hide.
>playing world on console
Man you fetuses ARE stupid.
PC is a console, friend.
As long as you don't own a nincel console, you're okay in my book.
what armour and dual blades are those? gold rathian? seregios? some kind of blos?
Really? That's weird. I never had the need for it, but I've been running on Kulve/Drachen armor for a while now.
If Astera doesn't accept 10,000 subspecies, Astera will not survive
Wouldn't his tail explode?
If they somehow bring in Valstrax, where do you expect to fight him in the base game's zones?
Jade Barroth
So far every monster in the anniversary picture has showed up in the expansion. And this DLC is supposed to be as big as the original game and only has one new area so the rest would have to be Monsters.
All of those monsters except maybe Khezu are highly likely.
>My toy is better than your toy!!
High places, so Coral highlands.
>PC is a console
Hello Mr retardo
Every toy is equal as long as it's not a nincel toy.
World has the best designs since Tri or possibly even 2.
Fuck that shit.
elder's recess on kushala's nest
>waging console wars
>in the year 2019 of our lord
Grow the fuck up.
Odoggo and Puffer will always have a place in my heart.
Rest are chinese bootlegs.
Tobi and Paolumu are underrated. Hoping they get a subspecies in Iceborne. If anything I wish they at least showed up more to invade. There’s rarely a reason to fight them other than required hunts but they’ve got so much style it’s a shame
Do hunters sleep with their palicos
Why'd you clone my post, bro? ()
Just kidding. Glad to know the sentiment is shared by someone else though.
I like Paolumu a lot, but it should have stayed a fluffy platypus like the team originally intended.
This is perfect and captures the volitile and awful Switch fanbase on this board
do NOT
Hard Opinion
Water combat wasn’t nearly as bad as everyone makes it out to be and all the water monsters were great. It also raised Plesioth from gigantic ass fag tier to a decently fun fight
Can I the chef?
i'd like paolumu a lot more if it wasn't just a pukei pukei reskin and you could sever its tail
I think water combat maybe was as bad as people say. BUT, World's mechanics could actually have made it work if they wanted to revisit it.
Stuff like mantles, the clutch claw and the grappling hook could make traversing underwater actually fun.
>Have a board full of nintenbros
>They can have a civilized discussion about monsters in their game
>World players don't bother them because they don't care
>Thread about OTHER game gets made
That sounds hilarious.
you're crazy bro.
>Story is bad
Who plays a monster hunter game expecting a rich story? At least some effort was put into World's. It's still not interesting but you're kind of a fucking moron if this was ever an appeal of MH games for you
>The music is bad
What's wrong with it? Wildspire Waste and Rotten Vale are both top great.
probably Master Rank Rathian armor